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Accreditation Resolutions

Accreditation Resolution
Résolution d’accréditation
Resolución sobre Acreditación


Notes re languages of resolutions: The resolutions, as currently drafted, are available in English, French, German and Spanish. Any changes made subsequent to the posting on September 12 will be available only in English and French. Following the conference, we will ensure that any approved resolution is translated into German and Spanish as well.

Resolution on the urgent need for global standards for safeguarding passenger data
Resolution on Development of International Standards
Resolution on International Co-operation
Français :
Résolution sur l'urgence d'établir des normes mondiales visant la protection des données des passagers
Résolution sur l'élaboration de normes internationales
Résolution sur la coopération internationale
Resolution über den dringenden Bedarf an globalen Standards zum Schutz von Passagierdaten
Resolution über die Entwicklung internationaler Standards
Resolution über internationale Zusammenarbeit
Resolución sobre la necesidad urgente de normas internacionales para proteger los datos de pasajeros
Resolución relativa a la elaboración de normas internacionales
Resolución sobre cooperación internacional

Resolutions from Parallel Conferences

Declaration of Civil Society Organizations on the Role of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners

Date modified: 2007-10-18   Important Notices