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Montreal Pre-conferences

Data Protection Commissioners' Francophonie conference

This conference will focus on discussions related to the cooperation between francophone data protection commissioners and a project to create an independent association of francophone authorities responsible for data protection.

September 24th, 2007
Le Centre Sheraton Montréal

For more information please contact Fakhri Gharbi at
(418) 528-7741

Civil Society Privacy Workshop: Privacy Rights in a World Under Surveillance

This one-day workshop aims to increase awareness, develop a broader understanding and a common analysis of privacy-related issues among individuals, civil society organizations, the media, and Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, all the while strengthening the capacity for action.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Le Centre Sheraton Montreal

Toronto Pre-conference

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Health Privacy Day
The Privacy Prognosis in an Era of New Health Information Technology

Monday, September 24th, 2007
The MaRS Centre
Toronto, ON, Canada
or call 1-866-814-8317 for details

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, invites you to attend a workshop devoted to privacy issues in the context of emerging health information technology. Attendees will be provided with a unique opportunity to listen to and interact with leading international experts on both health privacy and new technologies. The session will take place on September 24, 2007, in Toronto, prior to the International Data Protection Commissioners' Meeting in Montreal.

Although the health sector is an information-intensive industry, it is slow in adopting new technologies to help manage health information. But all indicators point to a rapid and pervasive penetration of technology over the coming years - privacy must remain front and centre in order for these technologies to succeed.

The efficient and effective delivery of health care depends on the availability of personal health information. In some cases, the availability of information may mean the difference between life and death. Emerging technology can help ensure that critical information is available to health care providers, at any location, at any time.

Whether you are implementing cradle-to-grave electronic health records, RFID tags to track wandering patients, health information networks to communicate information, or genetic testing, privacy safeguards must be built into their design and implementation.

Discussion Themes:

1. Privacy-Enhancing Health Information Technology
New privacy enhancing technologies are being developed that could minimize the amount of identifiable health information that is collected, used and disclosed for the primary purpose of delivering health care, as well as for secondary purposes such as research and planning. What are these new technologies and how can they be put to use in the health sector?

2. Electronic Health Records
Cradle-to-grave EHRs have the potential to revolutionize the ways in which health care is delivered. What are the privacy issues relating to EHRs and what safeguards can be built into their design and implementation to ensure that they are not used and disclosed inappropriately?

3. Genetic Testing
Advances in genetic testing are expanding the potential to predict illnesses and individual characteristics. Family members, spouses, insurers, employers and government, and governments all have an interest in our genetic information. What are the privacy implications for genetic testing and what safeguards are needed to ensure genetic privacy?

4. RFID Tags in the Health Sector
RFID tags have a broad range of potential applications in the health sector, from tracking wandering patients to preventing the counterfeiting of prescription drugs. What are these applications and what are their associated benefits and threats?

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IAPP Training Workshops for Canadian Privacy Certification

The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) is pleased to offer on-site training workshops for the Certified Information Privacy Professional/Canada (CIPP/C) credentialing program. Both English and French courses will be available.



Date modified: 2007-08-17   Important Notices