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Access to Priced Statistical Releases

Some releases from BC Stats are only accessible by subscription or per issue purchase. Releases are available either on paper or electronically, online. For paper subscriptions, see the pricing information in the table below.

To subscribe to the secure area of our website for access to releases online, please select the appropriate subscription form:

The paper versions, sent by 'snail mail,' may be purchased by individual release; however, Internet access is an 'all or nothing' proposition--pay the fee and you have access to all of our regular subscription items. Most clients converting from paper subscriptions will get more information than in the past, and, at the same time, achieve considerable savings by opting for Internet access. Please note that many libraries in B.C. offer their clients access to our subscription site without charge.

To subscribe to our releases on paper, or to order books or diskettes, please select the appropriate subscription form:

Online access to priced statistical releases is free for provincial government users, while those not in the provincial government are required to pay an annual fee to gain entry: $200 plus GST. This is a savings of almost 60% over the paper and mail based equivalents.

If you wish to purchase only one issue of a release online, that can be done through the BC Stats web store.

Samples of the reports are available (in PDF format) by clicking on the names listed below.

Base Price
GSTTotal Price

Business Indicators 12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Consumer Price Index 12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Current Statistics 12$50.00$3.00$53.00yes
Earnings & Employment Trends12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Exports (BC Origin) 12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Labour Force Statistics 12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Tourism Sector Monitor 12$60.00$3.60$63.60yes
Immigration Highlights 4$30.00$1.80$31.80yes
Migration Highlights 4$30.00$1.80$31.80yes
Quarterly Regional Statistics4$100.00$6.00$106.00yes
Small Business Quarterly *4$30.00$1.80$31.80yes

Full Subscription [paper] $470.00$28.20$498.20 
Full Subscription [web] a savings of $286.20 over the paper edition! $212.00
*Note that the online version of the Small Business Quarterly is available to non-subscribers for free.

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