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Business Indicators January 2008

Trends in BC's Tourism Sector
Tourism plays an important role in the BC economy, with nearly $5.5 billion—about 4%—of the province's gross domestic product (GDP) originating in the tourism sector in 2006. More...
Graphs, Tables January 2008 Previous Issues
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2001 Census Profiles —new content
Our most detailed overview of demographic and housing characteristics for approximately 1,400 areas in B.C. Charts, tables, percentages, and selected data presented on the basis of local experience, help you come to an immediate sense of an area. These detailed profiles are available here: More...

Summary profiles (12 pages each) for all these same areas are available in our free site.

Profiles 2001 Census Free Summaries

Consumer Price Index December 2007

British Columbia's annual average all-items CPI was 1.8% higher in 2007 compared to 2006. More...
Graphs, Tables December 2007 Previous Issues
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Current Statistics January 2008

Exports of BC products increased 3.9% (seasonally adjusted) in November. More...
Tables January 2008 Previous Issues
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Earnings and Employment Trends January 2008

Charts only
(no article this month) More...
Tables January 2008 Previous Issues
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Environmental Statistics 2008-1 (Released January 2008)

It Ain't Easy Being Green: Why Biofuels May Not Be the Answer
The spiralling price of oil has encouraged the pursuit of alternative fuel sources and biofuels made from plant materials, including corn, sugar cane, rapeseed and so on, have become more popular not only as a way to break the dependence on oil, but also as a supposedly environmentally-friendly alternative to using fossil fuels. More...
Previous Issues

Exports November 2007

Over 100 Years of Canadian Exports
Since Confederation, the volume and destination of Canadian merchandise exports have been influenced by a combination of geopolitical and economic events, ranging from two world wars to Canada's international trade agreements. More...
Tables November 2007 Previous Issues
Annual Tables (PDF)
Note: Revised November 2007

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Immigration Highlights Third Quarter 2007

Immigrant Population of British Columbia
Due to high immigration inflows to the province over the last two decades, the foreign-born population in B.C. has continued to increase to reach 1,119,215 persons in 2006. More...
Highlights Only Complete Release
Maps, Tables 2007 Q3 Previous Issues
Annual Historical Data Immigration Glossary
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Labour Force Statistics December 2007

The province's unemployment rate remained relatively stable during 2007, fluctuating between 3.9% and 4.4% during the year. More...
Tables January 2008 Previous Issues
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Migration Highlights Third Quarter 2007

Mobility and Migration: Census 2006
The results from the 2006 Census show that over 1.8 million people residing in British Columbia on May 16, 2006 lived at a different address five years previously, in 2001. More...
Highlights Only Complete Release
Previous Issues
 Migration Flow Maps & Tables (PDF):
 Quarterly Population Component Tables (PDF):
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Quarterly Regional Statistics Third Quarter 2007

Current monthly and quarterly economic data to provide an up-to-date measurement of local activity compared to that of the province. Includes text, charts and tables. More...
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Small Business Quarterly Second Quarter 2007
(Now available for FREE)

Multiple Job Holders in B.C.
Out of Canada's total workforce of approximately 16.5 million people, a substantial 857 thousand have another job in addition to their main one—they moonlight. More...
Graphs, Tables 2007 Q2 Previous Issues

Tourism Sector Monitor January 2008

Why Have US Entries to the North Gone South?
The number of Americans entering BC has been steadily declining since the turn of the century. In 2006, approximately 5.4 million US entries were recorded, a 23.2% decline relative to 2000 levels (7.0 million). More...
Tables Jan 2008 Previous Issues
Historical Series
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Last Issued:
Earnings & Employment TrendsFeb 08
Tourism Sector Monitor Feb 08
Immigration Highlights Feb 08
Labour Force Statistics Feb 08
Business Indicators Feb 05
Current Statistics Jan 31
Consumer Price Index Jan 25
Exports Jan 14
Environmental Statistics Jan 09
Migration Highlights Dec 19
Quarterly Regional Statistics Nov 26
Small Business Quarterly Oct 09
Release schedule
All releases (and previous articles from those releases) are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If you are unfamiliar with this helper application for your browser, please click here. Access to the statistical bulletin area of the web site is provided for one year from the date the account is activated. The actual number of issues may vary from that reported above, depending on the timing of the release dates. We will not make refunds, full or partial. BC Stats reserves the right to modify the contents of individual titles, as well as to drop and add new titles, in our continuing efforts to better serve clients. Licencing terms forbid the resale or redistribution of these documents outside your organization.
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