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Newly Appointed Recipients of the Royal Victorian Order

Twelve newly appointed recipients of the Royal Victorian Order received their insignia from Her Majesty The Queen during her Royal Tour in Canada, which took place from June 28 to July 6, 2010.

Founded in 1896 by Queen Victoria, the Royal Victorian Order recognizes services rendered to the Sovereign or to the Royal family.

List of newly appointed recipients

Commander of the Royal Victorian Order

  • Sheila-Marie Cook, C.V.O.
  • Dwight MacAulay, C.V.O. (This is a promotion within the Order)

Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order

  • Raymond Novak, L.V.O.

Members of the Royal Victorian Order

  • Bernie Corrigan, M.V.O.
  • Sylvie Gervais, M.V.O.
  • Terry Guillon, M.V.O.
  • Caroline Marchildon, M.V.O.
  • Christopher McCreery, M.V.O.
  • Isabelle McLeod, M.V.O.
  • LtCdr Scott Nelson, M.V.O.
  • Madeleine Rinfret-Moore, M.V.O.
  • Florence Sassine, M.V.O.

Date modified: August 1, 2013