20-Year Resource Plan Review - Exhibits List

Please note that for each large pdf (over 1 MB), the size of the document is indicated.

A Series - Yukon Utilities Board
B Series - Yukon Energy (Applicant)
C Series - Intervenors
D Series - Observers
E Series - Letters of Comment

A Series

A1: Directive from Minister to review YEC 20-Year Resource Plan, dated June 5, 2006
A2: Board Order 2006-5 and appendix re: regulatory schedule, dated June 19, 2006
A3: Preliminary IRs and cover letter from YUB, dated July 7, 2006
A4: Letter to stakeholders from YUB re: public workshop, dated July 7, 2006
A5: Letter to First Nations from YUB inviting participation, dated July 18, 2006
A6: Letter to Pat McMahon from YUB denying intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
A7: Public workshop agenda, dated July 25, 2006
A8: Letter to Minister from YUB requesting extension, dated July 26, 2006
A9: Proposed regulatory schedule, dated July 26, 2006
A10: Draft Issues List, dated July 26, 2006
A11: Revised Procedural Order, Board Order 2006-6, dated July 31, 2006
A12: YUB Pre-hearing Conference Agenda, August 10, 2006
A13: Letter to First Nations from YUB reL revised procedural order, dated August 11, 2006
A14: Letter from Minister to YUB re: extension and Part 3 of PUA, dated August 29, 2006
A15: YUB Hearing cost process outlined, dated August 30, 2006
A16: Board Order 2006-7 and appendices re: revised procedural schedule and intervenor status, dated September 8, 2006
A17: Letter to UCG from YUB re: September 15, 2006 submission to YUB, dated September 15, 2006
A18: Board Order 2006-8 and appendices re: issues list, Part 3, YESAB issues, dated September 21, 2006
A19: IRs to YEC, dated September 26, 2006 (4.07 MB)
A20: Letter from YUB to all parties re: disclosure of information, dated October 2, 2006
A21: Board Order 2006-10
A22: YUB letter re exhibits on YEC web site Nov. 8, 2006
A23: Exhibit list, dated November 8, 2006 (2 MB)

B Series

B1: YEC 20-Year Resource Plan: 2006-2025, dated January 2006 (2.20 MB)
B2: YEC 20-Year Resource Plan Overview, dated June 2006 (1.40 MB)
B3: YEC 20-Year Resource Plan Supplemental Materials, dated May 2006
B4: Letter from YEC to YUB re: regulatory schedule concerns, dated July 4, 2006
B5: Letter from YEC re: extension, dated July 11, 2006 (3.14 MB)
B6: Response to YUB preliminary IRs (and attachment), dated July 21, 2006 (2.99 MB)
B7: Presentation from Technical Workshop, July 25, 2006
B8: Letter from YEC re: issues list, dated August 23, 2006
B9: Letter from YEC re: PHC issues, dated September 8, 2006
B10: Reply from YEC re: PHC issues, dated September 19, 2006
B11: Reply from YEC re: Board disclosure (A20), dated October 6, 2006
B12: Responses to IRs from YEC, dated October 13, 2006
B12a: Part 1 of responses to UCG's IRs from YEC, dated October 13, 2006 (5.26 MB)
B12b: Part 2 of responses to UCG's IRs from YEC, dated October 13, 2006 (4.94 MB)
B12c: Responses to YUB's IRs from YEC, dated October 13, 2006 (3.34 MB)
Appendix for response to YUB's IR number 2-4, dated October 13, 2006
Appendix for response to YUB's IR number 2-8, dated October 13, 2006
Appendix for response to YUB's IR number 2-14, dated October 13, 2006
B12d: Responses to YCS' IRs from YEC, dated October 13, 2006 (1.04 MB)
Appendix for response to YCS' IR number 2-A3, dated October 13, 2006
B13: YEC submission to YESAB re Carmacks Stewart-Minto Spur Transmission Project
B14: YEC letter to UCG re further disclosure Nov 1, 2006
B15: YEC letter to YUB re disclosure to UCG request Nov 6, 2006
B16: Reply from YEC to Board Order 2006-10 re information disclosure, dated November 9, 2006
B16a: Attachment A of Reply from YEC to Board Order 2006-10, dated November 9, 2006
B16b: Attachment B of Reply from YEC to Board Order 2006-10, dated November 9, 2006
B17: YEC Contracting Policy, submitted during oral hearing (3 MB)
B18: YEC undertaking no. 1 re WAF wholesale load actuals more recent than those available in the Resource Plan filing, submitted during oral hearing
B19: YEC undertaking no. 2 re YECL purchased forecasts provided to YEC for the past three years, submitted during oral hearing
B20: YEC undertaking no. 3 re 2005 peak demand and 2006 year-to-date peak demand on WAF grid, submitted during oral hearing
B21: YEC undertaking re information on system/line losses, submitted during oral hearing
B22: YEC undertaking re summary of Carmacks-Stewart Update Project economics, submitted during oral hearing
B23: YEC undertaking re WAF generation stacking order (Nov. 2006), submitted during oral hearing
B24: YEC undertaking no. 12 re rate impacts of the near-term individual projects on residental customer bills, submitted during oral hearing
B25: YEC submission, dated April 11, 2006, re Jan. 29, 2006 outage response and reliability plans, submitted during oral hearing (4 MB)

C Series

C1: Yukon Electrical Company Limited (YECL)
C2: City of Whitehorse
C3: Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
C4: Yukon Conservation Society (YCS)
C5: Peter Percival
C6: Marsh Lake Local Advisory Committee

C1-1: Application from YECL for intervenor status, dated July 18, 2006
C1-2: Response from YECL re: draft issues list, dated August 23, 2006
C1-3: Retainer letter from YECL re: legal services, dated August 30, 2006
C1-4: Response from YECL re: PHC issues, dated September 15, 2006
C1-5: Withdrawal letter from YECL, dated September 25, 2006
C2-1: Application from the City of Whitehorse for intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
C3-1: Application from UCG for intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
C3-2: UCG suggested issues list, dated July 24, 2006
C3-3: Response from UCG re: draft issues list and intervenor status, dated August 23, 200 6 (3.53 MB)
C3-4:Letter from UCG to Board re: stakeholder costs and interim funds, dated September 1, 2006 (6.10 MB)
C3-5: Response from UCG re: PHC issues, dated September 15, 2006 (3.92 MB)
C3-6: IRs from UCG to YEC, dated September 26, 2006
C3-7: Retainer letter from UCG, dated September 26, 2006
C3-8: Retainer letter from PIAC on behalf of UCG, dated September 27, 2006
C3-9: Reply from PIAC re: Board disclosure (A20), dated October 4, 2006
C3-10: Request for YEC to Respond to UCG Submission by Nov. 1, dated October 30, 2006
C3-11: Letter from PIAC re UCG request for further disclosure from YEC, dated Nov 3, 2006
C3-12: Submission from PIAC entitled BCUC Resource Planning Guidelines, dated December 2003 (3 MB)
C3-13: Submission from PIAC, Auditor General's Report on Mayo-Dawson City Transmission System Project, dated February 2005 (4 MB)
C4-1: Application from YCS re: intervenor status, dated July 20, 2006
C4-2: Letter from YCS re: draft issues list and intervenor status, dated August 22, 2006 (1.48 MB)
C4-3: IRs from YCS to YEC, dated September 26, 2006 (4.43 MB)
C4-4: Reply from YCS re: Board disclosure (A20), dated October 4, 2006
C4-5: Letter from YCS re YUB website, dated November 3, 2006
C5-1: Application from Peter Percival for intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
C6-1: Application from Ian Pumphrey (Marsh Lake LAC) re: intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
C6-2: Application from Marsh Lake LAC re: intervenor status and draft issues list, dated August 17, 2006
C6-3: Retainer letter from Marsh Lake LAC, dated September 25, 2006

D Series

List of Observers:
D1: John Maissan
D2: Gary McRobb
D3: Samson Hartland
D4: Val Mather, Yukon Department of Energy, Mines and Resources

D1-1: Submission from John Maissan presented at the public evening session November 15, 2006
D2-1: Application from Gary McRobb for intervenor status, dated July 21, 2006
D3-1: Email from Samson Hartland re: observer status, dated July 25, 2006
D4-1: Email from Val Mather re: observer status, dated July 20, 2006

E Series

E1: Letter from Pat McMahon requesting intervenor status, dated July 19, 2006