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Fisheries and Aquaculture - 2001
January, February, March, April, May, June
, August, September, October, November, December


March 7
Minister responds to FRCC report on 3Ps cod stocks

March 21
Ministerial Statement - Successful fish price negotiations

March 22
Additional funding announced will serve to strengthen industry

March 23
2000 Seafood Industry Year in Review document released
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to attend Boston Seafood Show, Boston, March 26 - 28

March 30
Minister responds to proposed takeover of FPI Board of Directors


April 2
Minister covers several key issues in meeting with federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

April 12
Minister comments on protests regarding the allocation of shrimp


May 1
Ministerial Statement - Fisheries Products International, New board of directors

May 2
Ministerial Statement - Meeting with new board of Fishery Products International

May 7
Ministerial Statement - Recent media reports on the allocation of 3L shrimp to Prince Edward Island

May 8
Minister calls upon Ottawa to allocate new shrimp quotas to the province

May 23
Minister responds to shrimp allocations for 2001 season

May 24
Fisheries Diversification Projects approved - Version française

May 28
NOTE TO EDITORS: News conference Subject: regarding processing sector, May 29, St. John's

May 29
New licences for processing of shellfish waste announced


June 19
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to attend conference in Faroe Islands, June 21-23

June 21
Minister comments on challenges facing the shrimp industry

June 29
Minister comments on announcement of Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC)
Minister has productive meeting in the Faroe Islands


July 3
Minister comments on Atlantic Recreational Fishing Licence Program

July 6
Minister meets with industry to determine impact of closure of shrimp fishery

July 20
Ministers and industry have successful meeting regarding shrimp fishery


August 20
NOTE TO EDITORS: Ministers to meet with shrimp fishers, August 20, Confederation Building.

August 22
Minister responds to official opposition's proposal to the Competition Bureau regarding collusion in the fishing industry

August 23
Minister meets with industry and union representatives regarding the reopening of shrimp fishery

August 31
Minister comments on current negotiations on shrimp prices


September 6
NOTE TO EDITORS: Conference regarding issues within fishing industry
Minister responds to FPI's proposed acquisition of Clearwater Fine Foods
Minister announces establishment of "Special Panel on Corporate Concentration in the Fishing Industry"

September 7
Government concludes discussions with industry and union on shrimp fishery impasse

September 27
Minister comments on the reopening of the shrimp fishery


October 18
NOTE TO EDITORS: Coast of Bays Aquaculture Forum, October 19-20, Bay D'Espoir

October 19
Minister makes representation to the Independent Panel on Access Criteria (IPAC)

October 26
Minister has successful meeting with Minister Dhaliwal


November 16
Minister pleased with the sale of the Twillingate fish plant

November 19
Ministerial Statement - Update on recent sale of Twillingate fish plant

November 29
Minister releases report from Special Panel on Corporate Concentration in Fishing Industry

November 30
Fisheries Diversification Program projects approved


December 10
Minister announces panel members for Structural Study of the Inshore Shrimp Fishery

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