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2001 Census Profiles
  • August 3, 2007: Small area detail added below.
  • September 28, 2005: All files updated.
  • November 16, 2005: Official 2005 election results added to PED profiles.

We have put these profiles into 18-page Adobe Acrobat PDF PDF files for each area. Please note that you must install the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read these files. For further information, please read these notes.

There is a map available for each Regional District. If you do not experience acceptable quality in the map, please try one of the alternate formats available on our mapping and geography page.


Canada and the Provinces
Canada [more] British Columbia
Alberta [more] Saskatchewan [more] Manitoba [more]
Ontario [more] Quebec [more] New Brunswick [more]
Nova Scotia [more] Prince Edward Island [more] Newfoundland [more]

Special Regions
Vancouver Island

Development Regions Alternate view: pick district by using a map
Vancouver Island/Coast Mainland/Southwest Thompson/Okanagan Kootenay
Cariboo North Coast Nechako Northeast

Regional Districts: Alternate view: pick district by using a map
[map]   [profile]  Alberni-Clayoquot [map]   [profile]  Kitimat-Stikine
[map]   [profile]  Bulkley-Nechako [map]   [profile]  Kootenay Boundary
[map]   [profile]  Capital [map]   [profile]  Mount Waddington
[map]   [profile]  Cariboo [map]   [profile]  Nanaimo
[map]   [profile]  Central Coast [map]   [profile]  North Okanagan
[map]   [profile]  Central Kootenay [map]   [profile]  Northern Rockies
[map]   [profile]  Central Okanagan [map]   [profile]  Okanagan-Similkameen
[map]   [profile]  Columbia-Shuswap [map]   [profile]  Peace River
[map]   [profile]  Comox-Strathcona [map]   [profile]  Powell River
[map]   [profile]  Cowichan Valley [map]   [profile]  Skeena-Queen Charlotte
[map]   [profile]  East Kootenay [map]   [profile]  Squamish-Lillooet
[map]   [profile]  Fraser Valley [map]   [profile]  Stikine
[map]   [profile]  Fraser-Fort George [map]   [profile]  Sunshine Coast
[map]   [profile]  Greater Vancouver [map]   [profile]  Thompson-Nicola


Small Area Detail

Click here for 1,411 profiles of small areas within B.C.

Provincial Electoral Districts

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