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Welcome to the Canadian Model Forest Network

During the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, Canada demonstrated international leadership in environmental stewardship by launching one of the world’s largest experiments in sustainable forest management.  The Canadian Model Forest Network continues to bring together organizations with diverse views on how forests should be managed.  With core funding and leadership from Natural Resources Canada’s Canadian Forest Service, this diversity of opinion and spirit of collaboration has advanced the knowledge and practice of sustainable forest management.  Model Forests include among their partners forest industry, environmental groups, woodlot owners, academics, Aboriginal communities, parks, government agencies, recreational groups, trappers and anyone who has an interest in sustainable forest management.  Together, these partnerships address the challenge of balancing the extensive range of demands placed on forests today with the needs of future generations.

CUSO Volunteer Prepares for Trip to Central America

On July 9th, 2007, a CUSO cooperant and a CUSO employee visited the International Model Forest Network Secretariat (IMFNS), Canadian Model Forest Network Secretariat (CMFNS), and the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) as part of preparations for a placement abroad with Model Forests. Read more

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August 30, 2007 - CUSO Volunteer Prepares for Trip to Central America

On July 9th, 2007, a CUSO cooperant and a CUSO employee visited the International Model Forest Network Secretariat (IMFNS), Canadian Model Forest Network Secretariat (CMFNS), and the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) as part of preparations for a placement abroad with Model Forests. This session was the first of its kind and was created in order to provide cooperants with information on the IMFN and CMFN as well as contacts they can use during their term abroad. The meeting was attended by Kristie Kelly a CUSO employee, and Bob Sutton, cooperant....

August 22, 2007 - Lake Abitibi Model Forest 2006-2007 Annual Report

A report on activities undertaken by the Lake Abitibi Model Forest and its partners during 2006-2007. Available in English only.

August 14, 2007 - Strengthening Circumboreal Links: Swedish and Russian Model Forest Delegations Visit Canada

As part of a Circumboreal Initiative linking model forests throughout the boreal forest region, a series of exchanges and study tours has been supported by the International Model Forest Network Secretariat. Through cooperation with the Canadian Model Forest Network, delegations of Swedish and Russian model forest initiatives were able to visit model forests in Canada....

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