Alberta Geological Survey

Energy Resources

Alberta is Canada's energy storehouse. Since gas and oil were first discovered in commercial quantities early in the last century, Alberta has been the ongoing focus of energy exploration and development in Canada. Although Alberta’s conventional oil and gas reserves are in a harvest mode, there remains tremendous growth opportunities in Alberta’s bitumen and unconventional energy resources.


Mineral Resources

The Alberta Geological Survey provides geological mapping at a scale of 1:250 000 or larger, geochemical surveys and thematic studies in selected areas of Alberta, Canada. Maps, reports and databases are available to industry, government and the public for mineral resource management and economic development.

The Alberta Geological Survey, as part of the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, provides geoscience information and expertise to government, industry and the public to support the exploration, development and conservation of our resources for all Albertans.

Last modified: September 21, 2006

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