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2005 Queen's Counsel Selection Process
Every two years, Alberta lawyers may be recognized for their outstanding contributions to the legal profession or in public life by being appointed as Queen's Counsel.

Aboriginal Justice Programs and Initiatives
Information on initiatives and programs currently underway in Alberta through partnerships between the Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security, Alberta Justice and Aboriginal communities, groups and organizations, as well as other topics of interest regarding Aboriginal justice.

Alberta Children & Youth Initiative (ACYI)
ACYI is a collaborative partnership of government ministries working together on issues affecting children and youth. Its vision ensures that Alberta’s children and youth are well cared for, safe, successful at learning, and healthy.

Alberta Family Law Reform Project
Albertans have told us they want family law made simpler and more accessible. In response, Alberta Justice undertook the Family Law Reform Project, a review of all provincial family laws to see how they can be updated, consolidated and made more understandable for Albertans.

Alberta Organized Crime Strategy
The Alberta Government has responded to concerns about the infiltration of organized crime in our province. In conjunction with law enforcement a provincial strategy for organized and serious crime was developed.

Alberta Police and Peace Officer Training Centre
Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security (SOLGPS) is moving ahead with a single-site facility to deliver basic training and professional development for police and peace officers including Sheriffs, special constables, correctional officers, private investigators and security guards in Alberta.

Alberta Policing Standards
The new policing standards have been drafted.

Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises
The Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises brought together stakeholders, including: government, municipalities, police agencies, industry and municipal associations and liquor licensees to discuss the issue of liquor-related violence. This final report is based on the discussions and outcomes of the two roundtables.

Alberta Summit on Justice
Report Card September 2000 provides a status report on the strategies undertaken by the government in response to the eight main themes and 25 core recommendations put forward by Alberta Summit on Justice delegates in their final report.

On December 2, 2002, Alberta introduced the first province-wide AMBER Alert program in Canada. AMBER Alert is a voluntary, cooperative program between law-enforcement agencies and local broadcasters to send an emergency warning to the public when a child has been abducted and it is believed that the child's life is in grave danger.

Government MLA Review of the Private Investigator and Security Guards Legislation
The Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security has requested a review of the Private Investigator and Security Guard legislation. The report and recommendations will be released soon.

Government MLA Review of the Special Constable Program
The Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security requested a review of the Special Constable Program. The report and recommendations were released on December 7, 2005.

Legal Representation for Children and Youth – Child and Youth Advocate
On April 1, 2006 the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate will be responsible for appointing lawyers for children and youth for all matters under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act and the Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Act.

Legislative Review of the Dependent Adults Act and the Personal Directives Act
A government review of the Dependent Adults Act.

MLA Review of the Aboriginal Court Worker Program
The Aboriginal Court Worker Program delivers province-wide services to Aboriginal people who are involved in the justice system. The MLA Review Committee, established by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, has completed their review of the program and provided recommendations to the Minister. The Government has responded to the recommendations.

MLA Review of Correctional Services
The report of the MLA Correctional Services Review Committee was released March 30, 2004, recommending a number of adjustments to reflect changes in the corrections landscape and the committee found that, overall, correctional services in this province are cost effective and well managed.

Policing Alberta MLA Review
The Report of the MLA Policing Review Committee was released on July 10, 2002. Public and stakeholders were asked to review the report and respond by October 15, 2002. Alberta Solicitor General is developing a long-range policing plan based on the MLA Report and from stakeholder and public submissions to the report.

Provincial Offences Procedures Act (POPA) review
The government is reviewing the Provincial Offences Procedures Act (POPA). The chair of the review steering committee has asked stakeholders to provide their views regarding POPA and its procedures.

Report of the Working Committee on Court Annexed Mediation in Civil Matters
The Minister of Justice, the Honourable Dave Hancock, Q.C., authorized a consultation process to consider and make recommendations on the implementation of court annexed mediation in civil cases.

Review of the Police Service Regulations
Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security is revamping the province’s Police Service Regulations and was looking for input from Albertans. Deadline for submissions was January 31, 2006.

Reviewing the Conflicts of Interest Act
An all-party Committee of the Legislative Assembly is reviewing the Conflicts of Interest Act (COI). The public consultation process is now complete and the Committee will begin reviewing the responses and issues raised at its next meeting, scheduled for September 19th.

Single Trial Court
Alberta Justice is gathering input from key stakeholders on how to improve the justice system, including a proposal to create a single trial court.

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Government of Alberta