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Strengthening Canada's Charitable Sector: Regulatory Reform
HTML | PDF (1000 KB)

  • Strengthening Canada's Charitable Sector: Regulatory Reform by chapter (PDF format)
  • Press Release: Ministers Caplan and Manley welcome voluntary sector report on regulatory processes

Joint Regulatory Table Final Report
PDF (178 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 155 KB) | Unformatted text (34 KB)

Reform of the Canada Corporations Act and Directors' Liability: Final Report
PDF (294 KB) | DOC (MS Word - 60 KB) | Unformatted text (12 KB)

Interim Report of the Joint Regulatory Table: Improving the Regulatory Environment for the Charitable Sector
PDF (352 KB)

  • Improving the Regulatory Environment for the Charitable Sector by chapter (PDF format)

  • Table of Contents, Introduction, and Preface (37 KB)
    Chapter 1: Accessibility & Transparency (34 KB)
    Chapter 2: Appeals (62 KB)
    Chapter 3: Intermediate Sanctions (84 KB)
    Chapter 4: Institutional Reform (146 KB)
    Appendix (15 KB)

  • Highlights
    Provides an overview of the full report lists consultation questions (In this version of the report, you will find questions to ponder and the opportunity to provide feedback. The Table, in making recommendations to Ministers, will use this feedback environment for the charitable sector.)
    PDF (59 KB)

  • Background papers
    • General
      • Location of Registered Charities in Canada
        PDF (74 KB)
      Institutional Reform
      • Regulatory Control over Universities, Schools & Hospitals
        PDF (145 KB)
      Accessibility and Transparency
      • Applicants that are not Registered
        PDF (130 KB)
      • Administrative Tribunals and Their Composition
        PDF (127 KB)
      • Determination of "charitable status" - Court vs. Tribunal
        PDF (90 KB)
      • The Power of Administrative Tribunals to Grant Injunctive Relief
        PDF (135 KB)
      • Oral versus Paper Hearing
        PDF (99 KB)
      • Tax Court versus Federal Court
        PDF (101 KB)
      • Fees and Costs in the Tax Court and Federal Court of Canada
        PDF (85 KB)
      Intermediate Sanctions
      • Frequency of Various Types of Non-Compliance by Registered Charities
        PDF (125 KB)
      • Who Should Impose Intermediate Sanctions
        PDF (156 KB)
      • Procedural Fairness and the Compliance Program
        PDF (116 KB)
      • Financial Penalties on Directors, Officers, and Employees
        PDF (130 KB)

A Study of the Liabilities Facing Directors and Officers of Non-profit Corporations in Canada

Vicarious Liability in the Non-profit Sector

Corporate and Insolvency Law Policy Information Page

Report To Participants Winter 2002 Consultations on Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens' Voices
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (18 KB)

Advocacy - The Sound of Citizens Voices
by Laurie Rektor
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (36 KB)

Regulation of Advocacy in the Voluntary Sector: Current Challenges and Some Responses
By Betsy A. Harvie
This research paper was commissioned by the voluntary-sector-only Working Group on Advocacy. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada or the voluntary sector.
HTML | PDF (162 KB)

"Charitable Activity" under the Canadian Income Tax Act: Definition, Process and Problems
By Frances Boyle, for the Voluntary Sector Roundtable



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Regulatory Reform | Revised T3010 | Review of Corporations Act | Primer for Directors | Reports | Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08