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Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) - Electricity Distributors (RP-2004-0203)

On May 31, 2004, the Minister wrote to electricity distributors pursuant to section 79.6 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998 to allow them to proceed to the Ontario Energy Board (the Board) with applications to establish deferral accounts within which to track expenditures on conservation and demand management initiatives.

Pursuant to the Minister’s letter, the Board has allowed distributors to recover funds from ratepayers to be invested in conservation and demand management initiatives.  Overall, distributors received approval to invest $163 million in conservation and demand management initiatives over a three year period.



Note: With the passage of the Electricity Restructuring Act, 2004 on Dec 9-04, the Independent Electricity Market Operator (IMO) is re-named the Independent Electricity System Operator, or IESO, effective January 1, 2005.





Issue / Document

Dec 11-06

The Board has issued a letter outlining the process it intends to use in relation to the development of a regulatory framework for conservation and demand management activities by electricity distributors. The letter also addresses the issue of cost awards. Interested parties are invited to indicate their interest in participating in this project by December 22, 2006.

Nov 21-06

The Board has posted submissions received in response to a request for comment on a proposal from the Electricity Distributors Association, regarding a revenue stabilization mechanism for electricity distributors.

Nov 2-06

The Board received a proposal from the Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) regarding a revenue stabilization mechanism for local electricity distributors (LDCs). The Board invited parties to comment on the proposal by November 17, 2006.

Oct 2-06

Pursuant to the Board’s decision in RP-2005-0020/EB-2005-0523 the Board has revised the TRC Guide.

Jul 12-06

Further to the Board's request for comment on the annual CDM reports, the following submissions were received.

May 12-06

The Board has initiated a public review of the annual CDM reports. The letter posted here details the process.

Dec 21-05

The Board has released the Guideline for Annual Reporting of CDM Initiatives.

Nov 18-05

Further to the Board's request for comment on the Draft Guideline for Annual Reporting of CDM Initiatives, the following submissions were received.

Oct 13-05

In support of cost effective conservation and demand management for the electricity sector, the Board has developed the Draft Guideline for Annual Reporting of CDM Initiatives. At this time, the Board is inviting comment from interested parties on the draft guideline.

Sep 8-05

In support of cost effective conservation and demand management for the electricity sector, the Board has developed the Total Resource Cost Guide (the Guide). Please click on the following links:

Jul 25-05

Further to the Board’s request for comment on the Draft Guide for Total Resource Cost Analysis, the following submissions were received.

Jul 6-05

In support of cost effective conservation and demand management for the electricity sector, the Board has developed the Guide to Total Resource Cost Analysis. At this time, the Board is inviting comment from interested parties on the document.

Jun 17-05

In accordance with the Board’s Decision of February 18, 2005, Hydro One Networks Inc. has filed the “Avoided Cost Analysis for the Evaluation of CDM Measures”:

May 3-05

On April 29, 2005 the Board issued the Guidelines for Electricity Distributors Wishing to Apply for SSM Incentive for 2005 Implementation of CDM Plans.

Apr 8-05

The Board has released a Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) web-based reporting tool to facilitate electricity distributors' quarterly filings. The first CDM filing for the period January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005 is due April 30, 2005.

Feb 22-05

On February 18, 2005, the OEB, by way of an oral decision, approved the CDM Plans of Hydro One Networks Inc. (HONI) and Hydro One Networks Brampton Inc. (Brampton). The oral hearing was held in Toronto on February 17 and 18, 2005. To view the transcripts of the hearing please click here. The CDM budget approved is $39.5 million in the case of HONI and $3.2 million in the case of Brampton. The approval was subject to the following 4 conditions:

  • HONI to re-file alternative programs for $7.1 million allocated in the original plan to SMART meters for 2006 spending. This re-filing is due June 30, 2005.
  • HONI to provide avoided cost estimates for distribution, transmission and generation by May 30, 2005.
  • HONI and Brampton to file Quarterly Reports starting June 30, 2005.
  • HONI and Brampton to file Annual Report by March 31, 2006. The Annual report should include a Cost/Benefit analysis.

To view the transcript of the Oral Decision:

Dec 23-04

On December 6, 2004, the Ontario Energy Board heard a motion brought by Pollution Probe. This motion requested that the Board establish a lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM) and incentive mechanism or shared savings mechanism (SSM) with respect to expenditures on conservation and demand management (CDM) by local electricity distribution companies (LDCs) in 2005. The motion was supported by various LDCs, the Coalition of Large Distributors (CLD) and the Electricity Distributors Association (EDA), as well as various other parties, including the Green Energy Coalition and the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance.

To read the transcript of the decision, click here.

The decision of the Board was to adopt a voluntary LRAM for lost revenues incurred by LDCs as a result of CDM initiatives in 2005. The formula for LRAM will be determined by the 2006 Electricity Distribution Rate Panel (RP-2004-0188).

The decision of the Board also adopted an incentive mechanism or SSM for the LDC. The application of a SSM will only apply to funds spent on customer based initiatives. Board staff prepared the “Draft Guidelines for Electricity Distributors Wishing to Apply for SSM Incentive for 2005 Implementation of CDM Plans”.

To read the Draft Guidelines, click here.

These Draft Guidelines consist of a general outline of the process and will be refined and/or updated by the Board in the future. At this time the Board is inviting comments on the Draft Guidelines. Please submit any comments on the Draft Guidelines by email to the Board Secretary at boardsec@oeb.gov.on.ca with the title “RP-2004-0203 Comments on the SSM Draft Guidelines” before January 31, 2005.

Dec 10-04

Today the Ontario Energy Board issued its Decision approving applications from six of the province’s largest local electricity distribution companies for their third installment (“tranche”) of incremental Market Adjusted Revenue Requirement (MARR) related to conservation and demand management (CDM) initiatives.

The application amounts total more than $70 million: $8.2 million for Enersource, $5.2 million for Hamilton, $9.3 million for Hydro Ottawa, $6.4 million for PowerStream, $39.8 million for Toronto Hydro and $3.5 million for Veridian. Collectively the six utilities, known as the Coalition of Large Distributors (CLD), provide services to over 1.5 million customers or 40% of all Ontario electricity customers.

The Board reviewed 10 key issues raised by intervenors or applicants, which included cost/benefit analysis, LDCs’ rate base, MARR, incremental expenses, operating vs. capital expenses, program modifications, smart meters, program balance, low-income consumers and LED traffic lights. The Board decision also required the applicants to implement reporting & monitoring mechanisms.

In addition, the OEB approved applications from Milton Hydro and Brantford Power for their third tranche of incremental MARR related to CDM initiatives. The budget for these initiatives total more than $760,000 for Milton and $1.3 million for Brantford.

In the cases of Milton and Brantford, the Board reviewed issues that included cost/benefit analysis, rate base, tax effect, incremental expense, operating vs. capital expenses, program modifications, smart meters, LED traffic lights and program balance.

While all plans have been approved, the Board requires that Brantford re-examine calculations related to its distribution system upgrade project.

In making its Decision, the Board recommended that all above utilities voluntarily investigate possible initiatives to assist low-income consumers.

The Board requires utilities to report on their CDM programs quarterly and annually, providing results to the Board. In addition, the Board will conduct annual hearings to fully review CDM initiatives.

To read the transcript of the Decision click here.

Nov 4-04

On October 28, 2004, the Board issued Procedural Order No. 2 setting the process and date for a Motions Day to be convened on Monday, December 6, 2004 at the Board's offices.

The motions proceeding will address the following issues: a) Should the Board develop mechanism to provide revenue protection and/or incentive for the purpose of 2005 rates? b) Does the Board have jurisdiction to adjust rates to address revenue protection or incentives or is approval of the Minister required? c) How would the amount of a revenue protection or incentive mechanism be determined? d) How would the mechanisms for 2005 relate to the mechanism for 2006, and the following years?

Nov 1-04

The Board has amended the Accounting Procedures Handbook and the Uniform System of Accounts to establish account 1565, Conservation and Demand Management Expenditures and Recoveries.

Oct 10-04

On October 5, 2004, the Board issued a procedural order to electricity distributors regarding distributor conservation and demand management activities and deferral accounts, and the procedure to be used for approval of expenditures related to these activities.

Aug 30-04

The Board today issued an information bulletin to electricity distributors on distributor conservation and demand management activities and on the process for distributors to apply for deferral accounts.


2005 Annual Reports can be found along with the Decisions and Orders for each LDC: Click here.

Quarterly Reports

Quarter 3 2006 (as of December 1, 2006)
Quarter 2 2006 (as of August 22, 2006)
Quarter 1 2006 (as of August 22, 2006)
Quarter 4 2005 (as at March 2, 2006)
Quarter 3 2005 (as at December 19, 2005)
Quarter 2 2005 (as at July 31, 2005)
Quarter 1 2005 (as at March 31, 2005 - revised on September 21, 2005)

The information in the table was generated by utilities and has not been edited by the Board.

For information on the program initiatives reported by a utility, please contact the utility directly.

• Frequently Asked Questions

Selected Approved CDM Plans

Brantford Power CDM Plan

Enersource Hydro Mississauga CDM Plan

Hamilton Hydro Inc. CDM Plan

Hydro Ottawa Ltd. CDM Plan

Milton Hydro CDM Plan
Milton Hydro Letter

PowerStream Inc. CDM Plan
PowerStream Errata-revised table

Toronto Hydro-Electric System Ltd. CDM Plan

Veridian Connections Inc. CDM Plan

Decision Schedules

Brantford Power Schedule A

CLD Schedule A
CLD Schedule B
CLD Schedule C

Milton Hydro Schedule A



For information on distributor application for approval of Conservation and Demand Management Plans, contact Market Operations hotline at (416) 440-7604. The OEB's toll free line is 1-888-632-6273.

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This page last updated December 11, 2006 by webmaster@oeb.gov.on.ca.
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