Questions and answers
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Questions and answers

Frequently asked questions
Immigrating or staying in Québec to work
Immigrating to Québec for business
Staying in Québec to study
Practical advice before your departure
Practical advice upon your arrival
Job search assistance
Integration services

Frequently asked questions

1. What do I need to do to immigrate permanently?
The Permanent workers section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to carry out your immigration plan.


2. What do I need to do to study in Québec?
The International students section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to come study in Québec.

Important! You must be admitted to a Québec educational institution before applying for authorization to study in Québec (Québec certificate of acceptance for studies, study permit, entry visa).

The Education section also provides important information about Québec’s school system.


3. How can I obtain a scholarship?
The Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC) does not grant scholarships.

For information on scholarships and useful links, go to International students – Financial assistance.


4. What do I need to do to work temporarily in Québec?
The Temporary workers section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to come work temporarily in Québec.


5. What do I need to do to sponsor a member of my family?
The Sponsors and sponsored persons section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to sponsor a member of your family.

Note that you must first start the sponsorship process with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

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Immigrating or staying in Québec to work

1. Why do I have to complete different procedures with the Government of Québec and the Government of Canada?
For the answer to this question, go to Permanent workers – The difference between the selection and admission of workers.


2. What steps do I need to follow to immigrate to Québec to work?
The Permanent workers section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to immigrate.


3. Who do I have to contact to submit an application to immigrate to Québec if I am already in Québec?
If you are already in Québec as a temporary worker, go to Temporary workers – Becoming a permanent resident.

If you are already in Québec as a student, go to International students – Choosing to stay in Québec permanently.

In all other cases, the immigration application must be sent to the office serving your usual country of residence. The section Permanent workers provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to successfully immigrate.


4. What forms do I need to complete to submit an immigration application and where can I obtain them?
You should first evaluate online your chances of being selected by Québec.

If the answer is positive, you then submit an application for a Québec selection certificate.

For all the steps you will need to follow to immigrate, go to Permanent workers.


5. What occupations are in demand in Québec?
Go to Permanent workers – List of occupations in demand. Note that this list, which is used to evaluate your candidacy, does not guarantee that you will find a job in your field once you arrive in Québec.

It is also important to find out if the profession or trade you plan to practise in Québec is regulated. To find out more, go to Employment – Finding out about regulated professions or trades.


6. What educational background is preferred for immigrating to Québec?
See the list of preferred educational backgrounds in the Permanent workers section. Note that this list, which is used to evaluate your candidacy, does not guarantee that you will find a job in your field of training once you arrive in Québec.

It is also important to find you if the profession or trade you plan to practise in Québec is regulated. To find out more, go to Employment – Finding out about regulated professions or trades.


7. What are the prerequisites for immigrating to Québec as a worker?
The Permanent workers section provides information on the prerequisites for immigrating to Québec as well as a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to to carry out your immigration plan.


8. What are the timeframes and costs related to immigrating?
The Permanent workers section provides information on the fees and processing times for an application for a Québec selection certificate.

This section also provides a list of all of the costs involved in immigrating.


9. Can I obtain information on the Québec job market?
The Employment section provides firsthand information on employment in Québec and a series of useful links to visit.


10. Can I find out what my chances are of qualifying to immigrate to Québec?
Evaluation online your chances of being selected by Québec.

In addition, go to the Permanent workers section for a typical procedure that presents information as well as the steps you must follow to successfully immigrate.


11. Can I obtain information on how to search for a job in Québec?
Go to Employment – Looking for and finding a job for basic information on job search techniques and useful links to visit.


12. Can I obtain information on professional orders?
Go to Employment – Finding out about regulated professions or trades for detailed information on professions regulated by professional orders and useful links to visit.


13. Can I obtain information on regulated trades within the construction industry and outside the construction industry?
Go to Employment – Finding out about regulated professions or trades for detailed information on trades regulated by a regulatory body and useful links to visit.


14. Is it possible to evaluate my studies completed abroad before immigrating?
The section Education – Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec explains if the Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec conducted by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles applies in your case and when to request the evaluation.

This section also provides guides for comparing various education systems with the Québec education system.


15. What conditions must be met to work temporarily in Québec?
Go to Temporary workers – Obtaining the authorizations to work temporarily in Québec for information on the conditions for working temporarily in Québec. Note that your future employer must complete most of the steps.

16. I received a job offer from Québec for a contract of a few months. What procedures must I follow?
The section Temporary workers provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to work temporarily in Québec. You will find that it is your future employer’s responsibility to initiate most of the steps.


17. What form do I have to complete to apply to stay in Québec and where can I obtain it?
Go to Temporary workers – Obtaining the authorizations to work temporarily in Québec for the steps you must follow to obtain authorization from Québec and the Canadian government to come work temporarily in Québec. You will find that it is your future employer’s responsibility to initiate most of the steps.

Read the entire Temporary workers section. It provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow.


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Immigrating to Québec for business

1. Why do I have to follow different steps with the Government of Québec and the Government of Canada?
For the answer to this question, go to Businesspeople – Distinguishing between the selection and the admission of businesspeople.


2. I have business and management experience. What procedure must I follow to immigrate?
The Businesspeople section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow carry out your immigration plan.


3. What are the prerequisites for immigrating as a businessperson?
Go to Businesspeople – 3 immigration programs for businesspeople for the prerequisites for submitting an application as an entrepreneur, self-employed worker or investor.

The Businesspeople section provides a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to carry out your immigration plan.


4. What are the costs and timeframes for immigrating?
The Businesspeople section provides information on the costs and processing times for an application for a Québec selection certificate.


5. Who do I need to contact to submit an immigration application if I am already in Québec?
The immigration application must be sent to the office serving your usual country of residence. The Businesspeople section provides a typical procedure with all of the steps you must follow to carry out your immigration plan.


6. What forms do I need to complete to submit an immigration application and where can I obtain them?
If you are submitting an application as a self-employed worker (immigration programs for businesspeople), you must first evaluate online your chances of being selected by Québec. If the answer is positive, you can then submit an application for a Québec selection certificate.

To find out about all of the steps you must follow to successfully immigrate, go to Businesspeople.


7. Can I obtain assistance to open a business in Québec?
Go to Businesspeople – Developing your business project and Businesspeople – Going into business to obtain information on business plans and business start-up as well as useful links.


8. Can I obtain documentation on starting a business in Québec, taxation, etc.?
Go to Businesspeople – Finding out about Québec and the business environment for basic information on these subjects and useful links to visit.


9. Can I get information on the Québec economy?
Go to Businesspeople – Finding out about Québec and the business environment for basic information on the Québec economy and useful links to visit.


10. Why is an exploratory trip to Québec recommended before immigrating?
The Businesspeople –Making an exploratory trip to Québec section provides reasons for travelling to Québec to learn about its business environment and explains how to prepare for it.

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Staying in Québec to study

1. What do I need to do to study in Québec?
Go to International students for a typical procedure that explains all of the steps you must follow to come study in Québec.

Important! You must be admitted into a Québec educational institution before submitting applications for authorization to study in Québec (Québec certificate of acceptance for studies, study permit and entry visa).

The Education section also provides important information on the Québec school system.


2. Who do I have to contact to submit an application to stay in Québec?
Go to International students – Obtaining the necessary authorizations to study in Québec for an explanation of the steps you must follow to obtain authorizations from Québec and the Canadian government to come study in Québec.

Read the entire International students section. It provides a typical procedure with all of the steps you must follow.


3. What form do I have to complete to submit an application to stay in Québec and where can I obtain it?
Go to International students – Obtaining the necessary authorizations to study in Québec for an explanation of the steps you must follow to obtain authorizations from Québec and the Canadian government to come study in Québec.

Read the entire International students section. It provides a typical procedure with all of the steps you must follow.


4. I will soon be completing my studies in Québec and I have found a job in Québec.
Go to International students – Holding temporary employment after you graduate for an explanation of the conditions for being permitted to work in Québec once you have completed your studies.


5. Can foreign students obtain loans and bursaries?
The Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC) does not provide scholarships. For more information on this subject and for useful links, go to International students – Financial assistance.


6. How much does it cost to obtain a Certificat d'acceptation du Québec (CAQ – Québec Acceptance Certificate)?
Go to International students – Required fees.


7. I studied abroad and would like to know if my studies will be recognized in Québec. What do I need to do?
Go to Education – Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec.


8. I hold various diplomas awarded outside Québec. How do I find out their equivalency in Québec?
The Education – Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec explains if the Comparative Evaluation for Studies Done Outside Québec conducted by the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, applies in your case and how to request one.

This section also provides guides for comparing various education systems with the Québec education system.


9. Can I obtain information on the Québec education system and educational institutions?
The Education section provides important information on the Québec school system and useful links to visit.

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Practical advice before your departure

1. What is important for me to know before my departure for Québec?
We recommend that you properly prepare before your departure to help ease your integration into Québec society. Review all of the information for your procedure:

  • if you are immigrating as a permanent worker: see Step 4
  • if you are immigrating in the businesspeople category: see Step 5
  • if you are staying in Québec as a temporary worker: see Step 3
  • if you are staying in Québec as an international student: see Step 4
  • if you are being sponsored by a Québec resident: see Step 3
  • if you are a refugee who was selected abroad: see Step 2.

It is also important to consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before and after your arrival in Québec.

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Practical advice upon your arrival

1. What do I have to do as soon as I arrive in Québec?

If you are arriving at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport, proceed directly to the Immigration-Québec office. Review all of the information in your procedure:

  • if you are immigrating as a permanent worker: see Step 5
  • if you are immigrating in the businesspeople category: see Step 6
  • if you are staying in Québec as a temporary worker: see Step 4
  • if you are staying in Québec as an international student: see Step 5
  • if you are being sponsored by a Québec resident: see Step 4
  • if you are a refugee who was selected abroad: see Step 3.

It is also important to consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before and after your arrival in Québec.


2. What are the first steps I should follow as soon as I arrive in Québec?

Some steps must be taken in the first days following your arrival. Review all of the information in your procedure:

  • if you are immigrating as a permanent worker: see Step 6
  • if you are immigrating in the businesspeople category: see Step 7
  • if you are staying in Québec as a temporary worker: see Step 4
  • if you are staying in Québec as an international student: see Step 5
  • if you are being sponsored by a Québec resident: see Step 5
  • if you are a refugee who was selected abroad: see Step 4.

It is also important to consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before and after your arrival in Québec.


3. I would like to obtain information on public services (telephone, electricity, etc.), housing, public transit, main businesses, etc.

For this information, go to Housing and Daily life.

To learn more

If you have arrived in Québec, you can meet an MICC officer and participate in a free information session.

It is also important to consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before and after your arrival in Québec.

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Job search assistance

1. What job search services are offered?

Many services are offered to ease your job search. See Employment.

Half of Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration is devoted to employment and the job market. Be sure to add it to your list of Favourites!

You can also meet an MICC officer and participate in a free information session.

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Integration services

1. Once I arrive in Québec, how can I obtain information on daily life, the integration of newcomers and Québec culture?

We recommend that you read the entire section Why choose Québec and consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before your departure in order to properly prepare for your arrival and facilitate your integration.

Once you have arrived in Québec, you can also meet an MICC officer and participate in a free information session.


2. Once I arrive in Québec, how can I obtain information on the job market and how to look for a job?

We recommend that you read the Employment section and consult Learning about Québec: Guide for my successful integration before your departure in order to properly prepare for your arrival and facilitate your entry into the job market.

If you plan to practise a regulated profession or trade in Québec, we recommend that you find out about the requirements as soon as possible.

Once you are in Québec, you can also meet an MICC officer and participate in a free information session. You will be referred to relevant resources to help you in your job search.

If you have not found the answer to your questions, please use the e-mail form to contact us.

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Last modification : 2006-09-03
Portail du gouvernement du Québec