Women in Leadership


Women in Politics - Canada

Election 2006 The Library and Archives Canada has acquired web sites related to the Federal Election held on January 23rd, 2006. In many cases, sites have been captured multiple times in order to show the evolution of the political debate throughout the election campaign. It is possible that some functionality within each archived site may not work correctly.

Canadian Women Voters' Congress The Canadian Women Voters' Congress is a non partisan organization dedicated to encouraging Canadian women to develop strong, active voices at all levels of government. the Congress runs a campaign school for Canadian women each year in Vancouver.

Canada Election Net This site is produced by Womenspace on behalf of the Coalition for Women's Equality (CWE)- a nonpartisan coalition of several Canadian women's organizations
See the Still in Shock paper on this site for a summary of a number of major issues of particular concern to women during the current federal election.

Equal Voice

A Canadian organization dedicated to increasing women's participation in Canadian political life.

We want to help create a climate in which more women will be elected to help govern Canada. To that end, we’ve formed an action group dedicated to raising publicly the issue of under-representation of our gender in our national Parliament and legislatures

Federal Election 2004: A Guide to the Issues
The Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women has published this useful guide on a number of important issues, from child care to women's unpaid work, with suggested questions that you can ask your candidates right at the door.

Municipal and Band Council representation of women in Nova Scotia
Some recent numbers on representation of women at the municipal and band council level

Women's Votes Count
This site is sponsored by the BC Coalition of Women's Centres, and includes information on registering to vote, questions to ask your candidate, and links to a number of web sites from various issue-oriented groups.

Research Centre on Women and Politics,
University of Ottawa

The "Interesting Links" page on this site has a wealth of international information on women in politics

Still Counting
This site is maintained by Dr. Jane Arscott and Dr. Linda Trimble, and has statistics on women in Canadian legislatures and Parliament, plus background and biographical information on numerous Canadian women politicians. Tables and statistics on women's firsts in politics in Canada.

Young Women Vote 2004
This site was started by a group of young women who want more young Canadian women to become actively involved in the political process, starting with an online pledge to vote in the next Federal election.

Canadian and Nova Scotia Political Party sites

Some links to information on women from Canada's federal Parliament web site

Elections Canada
Comprehensive information on Canadian Federal election process, including publications such as the Election Handbook for Candidates, among many others.

Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities

Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Women's Political Participation in Canada - History

Celebrating Women's Achievements -
National Library of Canada

This site has information on a number of firsts for women in Canadian politics:

Women Candidates in Canadian Federal Elections, 1921 to date
Statistics and names of all women candidates in Canada's federal general elections since 1921. Who ran, who won, and who was defeated.

Historical chart of women elected to the Nova Scotia Legislature

Women in Politics - International

Women and political participation in Scotland
This link is to "Engender", an information, research and networking organization for women in Scotland. Engender reports that the 2003 elections in the United Kingdom resulted in new records for women's representation in both Scottish and Welsh parliaments. 39% of elected representatives in Scotland's Parliament are now women, while in Wales a world record appears to have been set, with 50% representation of women in the Welsh parliament.

Women's Campaign School, Yale University
The Women's Campaign School is co-sponsored by the Yale Law School and the Yale Women's and Gender Studies Program. It is a non-partisan political campaign training school for women who wish to access or to climb further up the political ladder.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association -Women in the CPA
The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) is a network that provides the opportunity for its Members to share experiences, discuss topics of interest and seek solutions to the special problems faced by the female minority in Parliaments.

From this page, you can access reports, statistics on women in parliaments throughout the Commonwealth, and other useful information.

Web site of the Women and Equality Unit of the Government of the United Kingdom
Women's Representation in Politics - The Government are committed to working towards gender equality throughout society, including in political life. Women are currently under-represented in the majority of the UK’s elected bodies and we wish to see this change.

Center for American Women and Politics
A unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, CAWP is a leading authority in its field and a respected bridge between the academic and political worlds.
CAWP has taken on the multiple roles of catalyst and resource, provider of data and analyses, interpreter and guide. CAWP raises and responds to emerging issues, working daily with women leaders as well as journalists, scholars, students, women's groups, governmental agencies, civic organizations, and political parties.