Links - Health Issues


Health Issues

Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
The Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women's Health is one of five national Centres supported by Health Canada's Women's Health Bureau. The Centres have a mandate to conduct research, and provide analysis, advice and information to government and health organizations with the primary objective of improving the health status of Canadian women.

Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia
BCANS is a survivor driven group formed in December, 1994. Breast Cancer Action Nova Scotia voices the unique concerns and needs of people living with breast cancer. The Resources and Information section at this site has over 100 links on all aspects of breast cancer.

The Breast Cancer Prevention Coalition
An Ontario-based women's organization launched in 1996. Membership is a mix of breast cancer survivors, friends, and supporters from across the province who believe that human health is being harmed by toxic substances- including known and suspected carcinogens - in our homes, workplaces and the environment-at-large. The site includes downloadable documents on carcinogens, and links to other cancer prevention resources.

Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS)
CAAWS is a national not-for-profit organization founded in 1981. CAAWS works in partnership with Sport Canada and with Canada's sport and active living communities to achieve gender equity in the sport community. CAAWS operates with a strong base of volunteers and a small team of effective and efficient staff. CAAWS is in business to encourage girls and women to get out of the bleachers, off the sidelines, and onto the fields and rinks, into the pools, locker rooms and board rooms of Canada.

Canadian Health Network( women's health information)
This section has resources that address women's barriers to good health, like poverty, racism and sexism. You'll also find information that promotes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of all women. Topics include:

  • Body image and self-esteem
  • Culturally-relevant healthcare
  • Gynecological and pelvic health
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Violence against women

Canadian Health Network( Sexuality / Reproductive Health)
Do you have questions about your sexual and reproductive health? In this section, you can find information about how to prevent sexually transmitted infections, birth control information and protecting your fertility.
Find answers to questions such as:

  • When should I start talking to my children about sexuality?
  • How do I know if I'm ready to have sex?
  • I think I might be pregnant, what now?
  • How do I talk about my sexual orientation?
  • What resources are available to educators?

Canadian Women's Health Network
The CHWN is a vital link between information sources and information seekers for women's health information you can trust. In addition to their web site, CHWN has a toll-free information line at 1-888-818-9172. Bilingual staff will answer your health questions, or refer you to services and organizations in your community. On CHWN's bilingual web site, you will find information on illness, prevention, caregiving, disabilities, sexuality, women's activism and more.

ARCC-CDAD(Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, la Coalition pour le droit à l'avortement au Canada)

The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada is the only nation-wide political pro-choice group devoted to ensuring abortion rights and access for women. Formed in October 2005 to carry out political and educational work to support reproductive rights and health.

Caregiver Network
This is a Canadian based site giving advice and support to home caregivers. As the Baby Boomers age, they will find themselves taking on new roles in caregiving, for elderly parents or other relatives, for friends, for their own spouses or siblings. This site has information, tips and links to other caregiving resources.

Chebucto Community Net: Health page
While not limited to women's health issues, the Chebucto Community Net's health page has a number of links to organizations serving women's health needs and interests.

Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (The Romanow Commission)
The Commission on Health Care was formed "in order to inquire into and undertake dialogue with Canadians on the future of Canada's public healthcare system."

Eating Disorders Action Group
Based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, EDAG is a community based, charitable organization dedicated to promoting healthy body image and self esteem and to supporting individuals who experience disordered eating.

Health Canada : the Women's Health Bureau
Connect from here to the Federal government's women's health strategy, as well as to the various Centres of Excellence for Women's Health across the country.

Caregivers Association of Nova Scotia
The Caregivers Association of Nova Scotia was founded in 1998. Caregivers Nova Scotia works with caregivers, communities, organizations and agencies, governments, and the corporate sector to establish programs and supports for caregivers in Nova Scotia.

Also see Health Canada's
"Just for You - Women"
index page, with links to many useful pages on the Health Canada web site.

A Healthy Balanceis a new 5-year collaborative research project by the ACEWH and the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women, and funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Canadian Health Network(HIV/AIDS)
HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. AIDS is the advanced stage of the disease caused by HIV. HIV can be prevented.
|In this section you will find resources on:

  • How to prevent HIV by practicing safer sex
  • How to live with HIV
  • How HIV is transmitted
  • HIV testing

La Leche League Canada
La Leche League Canada's mission is to encourage, promote, and provide mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to the health of children, families, and society. There are 13 Groups throughout Atlantic Canada as well as over 200 Groups meeting throughout Canada. La Leche League Canada is an affiliate of La Leche League International, the world's most widely recognized resource for breastfeeding.

Midwifery Coalition of Nova Scotia
The Midwifery Coalition believes that midwifery provides the highest standard of care for mothers, babies and families; that it is an important part of maternity care and is a choice that should be available to families in Nova Scotia. The Coalition is working to have midwifery accepted as part of Nova Scotia's health system and to have midwifery care covered by MSI.

National Eating Disorders Information Centre
Toronto-based national non-profit organization which provides information and resources on eating disorders and weight preoccupation.
Note that as of October 1, 2001 NEDIC has a toll free telephone number : 1-866-NEDIC-20 ( 1-866-633-4220), for information and referral to resources for people with eating disorders, and the people who care about them.

NSNET : The Community Organization Network
Represents community organizations in Nova Scotia that help people with health and ability challenges. See this site for a searchable province-wide directory of organizations dealing with a very wide range of health and ability issues.

Halifax Sexual Health Centre
We offer a wide variety of sexual health care information and services. Clinical services are free. We are youth friendly. We do not require parental consent. Everything is totally confidential. Our office is wheelchair accessible. All are welcome; we have something for everyone no matter what your age, gender or sexual orientation.

Canadian Federation for Sexual Health
This site provides information and advocacy on:
healthy sexuality, family planning, reproductive health care, birth control, unintended pregnancy, infertility, sexually transmitted infections, HIV & AIDS, menopause, sexual orientation, date rape & sexual violence and other related issues.

Women's Health Matters
A Canadian site brought to you by women's health experts from the Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre, and the Centre for Research in Women's Health.

Click on the following link to see the toolkit created to assist the many women to navigate the often confusing maze of health information on the Web.
