Library Services

Online Reference Form

Need help finding information? Ask your question on this form, fill out the requested contact information and send it. A library staff member will respond to your query.

The library is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except holidays. If you need assistance immediately, call the library at (902) 424-5828. Continue down the page to complete the form. Click on "Submit" to submit the question. Should you have difficulty with form, you may also submit questions by e-mail

Please provide information about yourself so that we may respond to your question.

For best service, we must have either your e-mail address or your phone number.

Information for reply

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Postal Code
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Email Fax Mail Other: 

Request for Information

Please enter your reference request:

The information you provide will only be disclosed to authorized personnel to answer your questions and address your comments. To obtain access to or correct personal information you have submitted, use this form to send your request.