Links - Education


Canadian Women's Studies Association
The Canadian Women's Studies Association, founded in 1982, is a bilingual, pan-Canadian, feminist association. Its members are Women's Studies faculty and students, as well as policy researchers and community activists. The goals of the CWSA are to build a Women's Studies network across Canada, and to promote Women's Studies as an interdisciplinary field within the academic community. A Guide to Canadian Women in History
Historian Merna Forster developed this web site to foster a greater knowledge and appreciation of the amazing women in Canadian history, and to encourage a greater profile for Women's History Month in Canada.
This Canadian web site gives you immediate access to a database of thousands of scholarships, bursaries, fellowships, grants and other financial awards. At the web site you will be invited to fill out a form including such things as areas of interest, field of study, ethnic background (for specific awards and scholarships). The information is processed, and you receive a list of scholarships, bursaries and other financial awards for which you might be eligible.

Venus Envy Bursary Fund
The Venus Envy Bursary Fund aims to support women in need who wish to further their education. The Venus Envy Bursary is available to any woman who has been accepted into any program in Nova Scotia which issues a degree, certificate or diploma. Application forms are available at women's centres, community colleges, universities and social service agencies around Nova Scotia, or online at the Venus Envy web site (click above)
