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Fact Sheets

Document Title and Description Date
Alberta Adult Health Benefit
The Alberta Adult Health Benefit (AAHB) provides premium-free Alberta Health Care Insurance, dental care, optical, prescription drug, essential diabetic supplies and emergency ambulance services to individuals and their dependants.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Child Health Benefit
The ACHB is a premium-free health benefit plan that provides basic dental, optical, emergency ambulance, essential diabetic supplies and prescription drug coverage for children living in families with low incomes.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Labour Force Statistics
Labour Force Statistics (LFS) on employment and unemployment rates for all provinces are posted monthly. The information is obtained from Statistics Canada’s monthly Labour Force Survey.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS)
A website provided through a provincial partnership of Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Alberta Education and Alberta Advanced Education for everyone interested in exploring career, learning and employment choices.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Service Centres and Canada-Alberta Service Centres
Alberta Service Centres are places where Albertans go to get hands-on employment, career, and training information and assistance.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Works
The goal of Alberta Works is to help unemployed people find and keep jobs, help low-income Albertans cover their basic costs of living, and help employers meet their need for skilled workers.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Works...for farmers
Through Alberta Works, your local Alberta Human Resources and Employment office can help farm families through brief periods of financial difficulty and with long-term planning for the future.
01/08/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Alberta Works Income Support Contact Centre
The Alberta Works Contact Centre provides current, complete and consistent information on Alberta Works programs to Albertans.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Bargaining Update
Bargaining Update is a monthly summary of key collective bargaining activities in Alberta and out-of-province.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Canada-Alberta Job Order Bank Service (JOBS)
JOBS is a job bank service for employers and job seekers. This service is provided under the Canada-Alberta Labour Market Development Agreement.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Career Development Services
This service is available to people interested in making employment transitions, such as from school to work, or from unemployment to employment.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Career Information
Programs and services that give Albertans the information and tools they need to make well-informed career, education, and employment decisions.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Career Information Hotline
The Career Information Hotline provides Albertans a telephone and online consulting and referral service related to occupational, education and training options, job search skills and career transitions.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Careers in Motion
Careers in Motion is a 25-foot motor home converted into a mobile Labour Market Information Centre (LMIC).
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Certificate of Recognition
A Certificate of Recognition (COR) is given to employers who have developed health and safety programs that meet established standards.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Child Care Expenses Full-Time, Non-EI Learners
If you receive funding as a learner under the Income Support Program, you may be eligible to receive child care benefits.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Child Support Services
Child Support Services helps single parents and parents of blended families negotiate child support agreements with the other parent of their children, or obtain court orders for support.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Citizens' Appeal Panels & The Appeals Secretariat
A comprehensive and efficient appeals process that allows people to appeal financial benefit decisions made by program areas in several provincial government departments.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Continuous Supplementary Benefits Full-Time, Non-EI Learners Automatic Benefits
You or a family member may be eligible for additional money under the Income Support Program for certain needs other than your core benefits (see Financial Benefits Summary sheet) and tuition and books.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Continuous Supplementary Benefits Full-Time, Non-EI Learners – Benefits you must ask for
You or a family member may be eligible for additional money under the Income Support program for certain needs other than your core benefits (see Financial Benefits Summary Sheet) and tuition and books.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Disability Related Employment Supports (DRES)
This program provides assistance to Albertans in addressing the barriers to education and employment created by their disability.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Emergency Assistance for Albertans Facing Utility Disconnection
Alberta Human Resources and Employment helps low-income Albertans who have received a disconnection notice from their gas or power company and have no other way of paying their overdue utility bills.
03/01/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Employment Standards Contact Centre
The Employment Standards Contact Centre is a one-stop information shop about employees’ and employers’ rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Financial Eligibility Full-Time, Non-EI Learners
Your household financial resources affect whether you may be eligible to receive Income Support benefits and how much money you will get.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
First Nations Training to Employment Program
This program provides First Nations people who are unemployed or underemployed with the skills needed for sustained employment in occupations with long-term employment prospects.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Health Benefits Full-Time, Non-EI Learners
If you are in full-time training funded through Alberta Works, you, your spouse/partner, and any 18 and 19-year old dependants attending high school will receive coverage for health benefits, unless you receive coverage through the Government of Canada.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Income Support
The Income Support program helps people who do not have the resources to meet basic needs like food, clothing and shelter.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Income Support for Eligible Apprentices in Technical Training 2006/2007
This fact sheet summarizes the income support that may be provided to apprentices in technical training through the Canada/Alberta Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA).
01/08/06  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Income Support for Eligible Employment Insurance (EI) Learners 2006/2007
This fact sheet summarizes the income support that may be provided to eligible Employment Insurance (EI) learners through the Canada/Alberta Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA).
01/08/06  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Job Placement Services
This program connects unemployed Albertans who are ready to work but need help in locating and obtaining jobs with employers needing to fill jobs.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Labour Market Information Centres (LMICs)
LMICs are multi-media resource centres with an extensive range of career-related information to help Albertans make career, learning and work decisions.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Labour Market Profiles
A series of profiles on target groups provides detailed information about their involvement in the Alberta labour force.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Labour Settlement Tools
This fact sheet outlnies mechanisms to assist in resolution of collective bargaining disputes.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Leading in Learning and Skilled Workforce
The purpose of this initiative is to ensure Alberta has the best learning system in Canada.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Lost-Time Claim Rate
A lost-time claim (LTC) is a claim for an occupational injury or disease, which disables the worker beyond the day of injury.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Mediation Services
Mediation Services assists labour and management to resolve collective bargaining disputes.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Mentorship Program
The Mentorship program helps employers with excellent safety records mentor employers who want to improve their safety standards.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
National Child Benefit Supplement
The National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS) is a monthly benefit for low-income families with children.
01/07/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Non-Continuous Supplementary Benefits Full-Time, Non-EI Learners – Additional Benefits
You may be issued supplementary benefits when you submit an Application for Income Support for Learners Non-EI or a Change in Circumstances for Learners Non-EI form.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Non-Continuous Supplementary Benefits Full-Time, Non-EI Learners – Benefits you must ask for
You or a family member may be eligible for additional money under the Income Support Program for certain needs other than your core benefits and tuition and books.
02/05/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Professions and Occupations
Professions and Occupations works in partnership with Professional Regulatory Organizations (PRO’s), affected stakeholders and other government departments to develop and implement standards to regulate non-health related professions in the public interest.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Quebec/Alberta Student Employment Exchange
This program provides summer employment opportunities within Québec and Alberta provincial government departments to participating university students.
01/11/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Self Employment Program
This program provides clients with formal instruction inbusiness plan development, one-to-one business counselling, coaching, guidance and follow-up during business plan implementation.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Skills Investment Strategy
The Skills Investment Strategy is a plan to ensure Albertans have the skills and supports they need to succeed in the labour market.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Student Funding Contact Centre
The Student Funding Contact Centre (SFCC) responds to telephone and e-mail inquiries concerning student funding for government sponsored student loan and grant programs as well as Alberta Works income support for learners.
24/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP)
The Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) is a program through which community partners create meaningful employment opportunities for Albertans during the spring and summer months.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Training for Work
This program provides full and part-time occupationally focused training opportunities to enable clients to get a job, substantially improve their employment situation or adapt to changing labour conditions and skill requirements in order to sustain employment.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workers' Compensation Board Claims for Employment and Training Services Clients - Reporting Procedures
Reporting procedures for WCB claims for employment and training services clients.
01/07/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workers' Compensation Board Claims for Employment and Training Services Clients - Questions & Answers
Questions and answers about WCB claims for employment and training services clients.
01/07/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workforce Partnerships
Workforce partnerships ensure working Albertans continue to enhance their skills in order to contribute to Alberta’s economic growth or to respond to skills shortages through industry and community partnerships.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Work Foundations
Work Foundations provides full-time and part-time basic skills training and academic upgrading to enable clients to pursue further job-related training and/or to find a job and substantially improve their situation.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workplace Health & Safety and Employment Standards Compliance
Workplace Health and Safety Compliance (WH&S) explains legislated standards and uses a variety of strategies to achieve sustained compliance.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workplace Health & Safety Contact Centre
The Workplace Health and Safety Contact Centre is a one-stop information shop about employees’ and employers’ safety obligations in the workplace.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workplace Partnerships
Workplace Partnerships is a team of Partnership Consultants, Facilitators and Education Coordinators who deliver two programs to Albertans: Workplace Health and Safety Partnerships and Workplace Effectiveness.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workplace Training – Client Information
Workplace Training is a tailor made, client-focused program that supports the training needs of eligible clients and uses work site based training opportunities to teach specific skills for occupations that are in demand.
01/07/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Workplace Training – Employer Information
Workplace Training is a tailor made, client-focused program that supports the training needs of eligible clients and uses work site based training opportunities to teach specific skills for occupations that are in demand.
01/07/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Work Safe Alberta
Work Safe Alberta is a joint industry, safety association, labour, WCB and government campaign to reduce injuries and fatalities on Alberta worksites.
01/03/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Youth Connections
Youth Connections is designed to prepare young people for learning and work by providing them with career and employment assistance.
Created: 2005-11-16
Modified: 2006-09-01
Reviewed: 2006-06-30