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Memorandum of Understanding

Biodiversity of old growth white pine

Principal Collaborators: CFS, OMNR
Project Leader(s): Ian Thompson
Address: Great Lakes Forestry Centre
1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie ON P6A 2E5
Phone: (705) 541-5644


To determine indicators for old growth pine ecosystems; to determine the regional contribution of old pine ecosystems to total biodiversity; to determine the uniqueness of animal community structure in old pine growth to develop predictive models for selective harvest old growth characteristics; to develop objectives for selective harvest at the landscape level; to assess the keystone role of woodpeckers in old pine ecosystems.


Key Deliverables:
Journal articles- Bat communities in old pine and other forests; diversity of ants in old pine and other forestry; selection of roost sites by bats at forest and landscape scales; long-term study on winter resident birds and the importance of pine forest to these birds populations in time and space; keystone role of woodpeckers in old pine forests and effects on wood-boring insect species.

Expected Benefits:

Sources of Funding:
Biodiversity and Forest Health Network

Other Collaborators:
A. Perera, J. Baker, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Domtar, Inc.

Nature of Other Collaborators' Involvement:
In-kind assistance. OMNR contributed $200,000 to this study for components that have now been completed. We use OMNR lodging, database, and equipment purchased through the original contribution.

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