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Canada - Ontario Cooperation in Forestry
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Memorandum of Understanding

Forest health assessment

Principal Collaborators: CFS, OMNR
Project Leader(s): Anthony Hopkin
Address: Great Lakes Forestry Centre
1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie ON P6A 2E5
Phone: (705) 541-5612


To assess reliability of forest health data through training staff and cross checking plots; to develop a cooperative program of data sharing to acquire forest health information from provincial plots; to develop a database of OMNR and MOE forest health plot locations and data in Ontario; to assess ash and maple decline in Ontario; to assist in ARNEWS transect study; to produce and Ontario forest health report and contribute to the CFS national report and related assessments; co-author book chapter on role of insects and diseases of forest change; assist in ozone monitoring in Ontario.

Across Ontario

Key Deliverables:
Journal Article- A survey to evaluate crown condition survey of maple trees in Ontario, 1987-1995. Reports- Ontario Forest Health; Pest disturbance regimes in Ontario's forest. Database of forest health information in Ontario from CFS and OMNR sources. Listings and relevant data related to forest health monitoring in Ontario. Plot locations, contacts and data set summaries.

Expected Benefits:

Sources of Funding:
Biodiversity and Forest Health Network.

Other Collaborators:
Harri Liljalehto, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment Canada

Nature of Other Collaborators' Involvement:
Funding for term position to develop forest health database, $12,000 contribution to fund term position for development of Ontario forest health database.

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