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Premier's Technology Council

In August 2001, Premier Gordon Campbell announced the formation of the Premier's Technology Council, which is comprised of 23 members from the private sector and academia. The mandate of the council is to provide advice to the Premier on all technology-related issues facing British Columbia and its citizens.

To date, the council has published ten reports making a total of 191 recommendations to government. The council continues to publish its reports on a semi-annual basis, with the aim of making the province a global magnet for high-tech investment, growth and job creation.

Today, British Columbia is the most connected province in Canada. At the end of 2006, access to affordable, high-speed broadband service was available to more than 90 per cent of British Columbians. The province has strong Information Technology, Life Sciences, Alternative Energy, New Media and Wireless sectors and is home to the world's leading fuel cell cluster.

The Premier's Technology Council believes that with strong cooperation between the provincial government and private enterprise, British Columbia will be one the world's top 10 technology centres.