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The following lists contain links to all electronic publications that are currently available on the DSP server.

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(1.526 MB)

Aboriginal affairs
Aboriginal entrepreneurs in Canada: progress & prospects (PDF version)

Aboriginal labour force characteristics from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Aboriginal organized crime in Canada: developing a typology for understanding and strategizing responses (PDF version)

Action plan north of 60 degrees (PDF version)

Alberta region, 1999-2000 year in review (PDF version)

Audit of band and individual trust accounts (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2002 (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2000 (PDF version)

Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

Emergency Preparedness and First Nation Communities in Manitoba (PDF version)

First Nations Nation Child Benefit progress report 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Gathering strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan: a progress report (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada, annual report, 1999-2000 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

The landcape - public opinion on aboriginal and northern issues (PDF version)

Modern management practices assessment (PDF version)

Progress report - update on aboriginal initiatives (PDF version)

Sacred lives: Canadian aboriginal children & youth speak out about sexual exploitation (PDF version)

Update: developments of interest to Aboriginal people (PDF version)

Update: developments of interest to Aboriginal people (PDF version)

Aboriginal businesses
Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

Economic development programs guide, 2005 (PDF version)

Economic opportunities for First Nations in BC (PDF version)

Evaluation framework for the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PDF version)

Evaluation summary report: CESO Aboriginal Services (CAS) (PDF version)

First Nations (Marshall) 40' to 45' fishing vessels routine inspection and maintenance, including winterization and Spring re-commissioning (PDF version)

Implementation status report of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada annual report 2003-2004 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

On the move - First Nations and Inuit entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Ontario Region business plan, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Ontario Region business plan, April 2000 to March 2001 (PDF version)

Procurement strategy for aboriginal business: performance report for 2001 (PDF version)

Procurement strategy for Aboriginal business - performance report 2003 (PDF version)

Supporting small business innovation: review of the Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business for Aboriginal entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Aboriginal culture
A community guide to protecting indigenous knowledge (PDF version)

Eating well with Canada's food guide - First Nations, Inuit and Metis (PDF version)

The learning circle: classroom activities on First Nations in Canada: ages 4 to 7 (PDF version)

Reaching out: a guide to communicating with aboriginal seniors (PDF version)

Towards a new beginning: a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures (PDF version)

Towards a new beginning - a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures: executive summary (PDF version)

Aboriginal government
Amiqqaaluta - Let us share : mapping the road toward a government for Nunavik: report of the Nunavik Commission (PDF version) (PDF version)

Carcross-Tagish First Nation Self-Government Agreement among the Carcross-Tagish First Nation and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon (PDF version)

Carcross-Tagish First Nation Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan (PDF version)

Kluane First Nation Final Agreement among the government of Canada and Kluane First Nation and the government of the Yukon (PDF version)

Kluane First Nation Final Agreement Implementation Plan (PDF version)

The Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement among Kluane First Nation and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Government of the Yukon (PDF version)

Kluane First Nation Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan (PDF version)

NWT plain talk on land and self-government
April 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
April 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
August 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
August 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
December 2001 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2005 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
February 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
March 2001 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
March 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
November 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
October 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Spring 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Spring 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Summer 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2005 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2006 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)

2004-2005 year in review, Alberta Region (PDF version)

Aboriginal lands
Agreement with respect to Kanesatake governance of the interim land base between the Mohawks of Kanesatake . . . and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada (PDF version)

Anishinabek Nation governance: framework agreement with respect to governance, November 26, 1998, between the Anishinabek Nation... and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (PDF version)

2002-2003 Annual report Yukon Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Blueberry River First Nation, Doig River First Nation Highway Right of Way IR 172 Inquiry (PDF version)

Comprehensive land claim agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council (PDF version)

Cowessess First Nation 1907 Surrender Phase II Inquiry (PDF version)

Devolution - NWT lands and resources devolution: an update for the people of the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Esketemc First Nation Inquiry: IR 15, 17, and 18 Claim (PDF version)

Evaluation of DIAND's lands management program (PDF version)

Forestry Business Planning Guide (PDF version)

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: annual report of the Implementation Committee, April 1, 1999-March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: annual report of the Implementation Committee, April 1, 2001-March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

The implementation of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement - annual report 1999-2000 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Implementation plan for the Nisga'a final agreement (PDF version)

Inuvialuit Final Agreement Coordinating Committee - annual report, 1999-2000: annual report, 1999-2000 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Inuvialuit Final Agreement Implementation Coordinating Committee - annual report 2001-2002 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

James Smith Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry (PDF version)

Vol. 7, No. 1. Landmark (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2. Landmark (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3. Landmark (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4. Landmark (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1. Landmark (PDF version)

Nisga'a Final Agreement 2003/2004 - annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Nisga'a Final Agreement Act: issue papers (PDF version)

Nisga'a implementation annual report, 2001-2002 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

NWT plain talk on land and self-government
April 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
April 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
August 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
August 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
December 2001 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Fall 2005 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
February 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
March 2001 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
March 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
November 2002 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
October 2000 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Spring 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Spring 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Summer 2004 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2003 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2005 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)
Winter 2006 NWT plain talk on land and self-government (PDF version)

Opaskwayak Cree Nation Street and Lanes Inquiry (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7,: Federal participation in the British Columbia treaty process - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (PDF version)

Resolving aboriginal claims: a practical guide to Canadian experiences (PDF version)

Speaking truth to power: a treaty forum (PDF version)

Taku River Tlingit First Nation Wenah specific claim inquiry (PDF version)

Williams Lake Indian Band village site inquiry (PDF version)

Aboriginal languages
From generation to generation - survival and maintenance of Canada's aboriginal languages within families, communities and cities (PDF version)

Towards a new beginning: a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures (PDF version)

Towards a new beginning - a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures: executive summary (PDF version)

Aboriginal peoples
2001-2002 Year in review: Alberta Region (PDF version)

Aboriginal communities and non-renewable resource development: state of the debate (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Aboriginal economic development in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Aboriginal justice strategy: formative evaluation, summary, recommendations and management response (PDF version)

Aboriginal labour force characteristics from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Aboriginal Languages Initiative (ALI) evaluation: final report (PDF version)

Aboriginal co-operatives in Canada: case studies (PDF version)

Aboriginal people in Manitoba (PDF version)

Aboriginal peoples living off-reserve in Western Canada: estimates from the Labour force survey : April 2004 - March 2005 (HTML version)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001: concepts and methods guide (HTML version)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - initial findings: well-being of the non-reserve Aboriginal population (HTML version)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 : initial release: supporting tables (HTML version)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 initial release: supporting tables 2 (HTML version)

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - provincial and territorial reports: off reserve aboriginal population (HTML version)

Aboriginal single mothers in Canada, 1996: a statistical profile (PDF version)

Aboriginal women: a profile from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Aboriginal women in Canada: strategic research directions for policy development (PDF version)

Aboriginal women: an issues backgrounder (PDF version)

Aboriginal women : a profile from the 2001 Census (PDF version)

Aboriginal Women's Program, Family Violence Initiative: evaluation study - final report (PDF version)

Aboriginal women's roundtable on gender equality: roundtable report (PDF version)

Advancing the human rights of indigenous peoples: a critical challenge for the international community : voices from a forum at the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 13 April 2005 (PDF version)

After marriage breakdown: information on the on-reserve matrimonial home (PDF version)

Anishnaabe government agreement-in-principle (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

At-sea mentoring: a step-by-step guide for understanding and participating in the At-Sea Mentoring Initiative (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Alberta region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Manitoba Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit - regional supplement, Quebec region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Saskatchewan Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Yukon Region (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2002 (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2001 (PDF version)

Biidaaban: the Mnjikaning community healing model (PDF version)

Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry, Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Chippewas of Mnjikaning (Rama) First Nation, Coldwater-Narrows Reservation Surrender Claim (PDF version)

Choices and consequences: offenders as a resource for crime prevention (PDF version)

Collecting data on Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system: methods and challenges (HTML version)

The Community Well-Being (CWB) Index: disparity in well-being between First Nations and other Canadian communities over time (PDF version)

Comparison of socio-economic conditions, 1996 and 2001 - Registered Indians, Registered Indians living on reserve and the total population of Canada (PDF version)

The CPNP guidebook: a CPNP worker’s guide to running a great community program (PDF version)

Cumberland and House Cree Nation, IR 100A Inquiry (PDF version)

Determining scale of forest management planning for First Nations forests (PDF version)

Diabetes among aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) people in Canada: the evidence (PDF version)

DIAND cost reference manual (PDF version)

Eating well with Canada's food guide - First Nations, Inuit and Metis (PDF version)

Esketemc First Nation Inquiry: IR 15, 17, and 18 Claim (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Family Violence Initiative - Multiculturalism Program: final report (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the air travellers security charge, the First Nations Good[s] and Services Tax, Income Tax and other related measures (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Excise Tax Act, the Income Tax Act, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act, the Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act, and related Acts (PDF version)

Factors contributing to unstated paternity (PDF version)

First Nation affiliation among registered Indians residing in select urban areas (PDF version)

First Nations in Alberta (PDF version)

First Nations in Alberta (PDF version)

First Nations in Alberta (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care Program: evaluation guide (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care Program (FNIHCCP). Study 1, Implementation "Foundations for success": summary report : action plan (PDF version)

First Nations and organized crime (PDF version)

First Nations community well-being in Canada: the Community Well-Being Index (CWB), 2001 (PDF version)

The First Nations Community Well-Being Index (CWB): a conceptual review (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program - annual report, 2002-03 /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit control - annual report, 1999-2000 /Health Canada (PDF version)

First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act: a collection of policy research reports (PDF version)

A guide to understanding Bill C-7, the First Nations Government Act (PDF version)

Health Transition Fund Project NA108: First Nations and Inuit Home Care: final report (PDF version)

Historic places and aboriginal people: a discussion document (PDF version)

Honouring Aboriginal veterans (PDF version)

Human security and aboriginal women in Canada (PDF version)

Implications of First Nations demography: final report (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada 2004-2005 annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada 2005-2006 annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Indian registration: unrecognized and unstated paternity (PDF version)

Indian registration, membership and population change in First Nations communities (PDF version)

Indigenous peoples and fiscal relationships - the international experience (PDF version)

Indigenous peoples and rights within Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

[Indigenous women of the Americas] (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

An introduction to Canada's firearms law for the Aboriginal peoples of Canada: questions and answers about the Firearms Act, regulations and support material (PDF version)

James Smith Cree Nation, Chakastaypasin IR 98 Inquiry (PDF version)

James Smith Cree Nation, Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry Report on issue 9, amalgamation (PDF version)

Mapping the healing journey: the final report of a First Nation research project on healing in Canadian Aboriginal communities (PDF version)

Measuring First Nations well-being (PDF version)

Measuring the well-being of aboriginal people: an application of the United Nations' Human Development index to Registered Indians in Canada, 1981-2001 (PDF version)

Mission to Colombia to investigate the situation of indigenous peoples, May 27 - June 3, 2001: report (PDF version)

Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Inquiry, Toronto Purchase Claim (PDF version)

National Aboriginal Day, June 21: share in the celebration (PDF version)

Native soldiers, foreign battlefields (PDF version)

Native spirituality guide (PDF version)

Nisga'a implementation annual report, 2000-2001 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Non-insured health benefits program - annual report 2003/2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

North American Indian, Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work (PDF version)

Northern Native Broadcast Access Program (NNBAP) & Northern Distribution Program (NDF) evaluation: final report (PDF version)

Northern Workshop on Access to Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge and Benefit-Sharing: Whitehorse, Yukon, March 15 to 17, 2005 (PDF version)

Not strangers in these parts: urban Aboriginal peoples (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence 2003 (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence, 2004 (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence, 2005 (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence, 1998 (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence 2001 (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence 2002 (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 5: Drinking water in First Nations communities (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Kahkewistahaw First Nation 1907 surrender claim (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Moosomin First Nation 1909 reserve land surrender (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation flooding negociations (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Thunderchild First Nation 1908 surrender claim (PDF version)

Report from the roundtable: Canada, Indigenous Peoples and the Hemisphere (PDF version)

A resource guide on family issues for aboriginal communities (PDF version)

Results-based management and accountability framework (PDF version)

Scholarships, bursaries and awards for aboriginal students (PDF version)

A selected and annotated bibliography regarding Bill C-31, Indian registration and band membership, aboriginal identity, women and gender issues (PDF version)

A sketch account of aboriginal peoples in the Canadian military (PDF version)

Socio-economic indicators in Indian reserves and comparable communities, 1971-1991 (PDF version)

Technical information document
TID-AM-01 Maintenance management systems (PDF version)
TID-FP-01 Fire protection (PDF version)
TID-MS-01 Community water systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-02 Community wastewater systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-03 Community solid waste (PDF version)
TID-PM-01 First Nations and aboriginal communities project management manual (PDF version)
TID-ST-01 Storage tanks management systems (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in First Nations communities, 1999 (PDF version)

Update: developments of interest to Aboriginal people (PDF version)

Update: developments of interest to Aboriginal people (PDF version)

Violence in aboriginal communities (PDF version)

Will you be ready? (PDF version)

Words first: an evolving terminology relating to Aboriginal peoples in Canada (PDF version)

2003/2004 year in review - Alberta Region (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business for Aboriginal entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Aboriginal policing
RCMP First Nations Community Policing Service (PDF version)

Aboriginal programs
2001-2002 Year in review: Alberta Region (PDF version)

Aboriginal Business Canada (PDF version)

Aboriginal Business Canada & you (PDF version)

Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve (AHSOR) program annual report 2000-2001 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve Program - summary of the evaluation (PDF version)

Aboriginal co-operatives in Canada: case studies (PDF version)

Aboriginal women and jobs: challenges and issues for employability programs in Quebec (PDF version)

Aboriginal Women's Program: evaluation findings and recommendations (PDF version)

Assisted Living Program - national manual (PDF version)

Audit of band and individual trust accounts (PDF version)

Audit of the capital projects and operating and maintenance funding management regimes (PDF version)

Control self-assessment of funding arrangements: summary of regional findings (PDF version)

Economic development programs guide, 2005 (PDF version)

Evaluation of Urban Multipurpose Aboriginal Youth Centres Initiative (PDF version)

Family violence prevention program - national manual (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1997 (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1998 (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1999 (PDF version)

First Nation self-evaluation of community programs: a guidebook on performance measurement (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care Program (FNIHCCP). Study 1, Implementation, "Foundations for success": summary report : executive summary and key findings (PDF version)

First Nations Child and Family Services - national program manual (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program success stories (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit home and community care -- planning resource kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

First Nations National Child Benefit: progress report for year ending March 31, 2004 (PDF version)

Gathering strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan: a progress report (PDF version)

Interim evaluation of the DIAND Youth Strategy (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation fiscal financing agreement (PDF version)

Prince Albert Grand Council: a success story (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 10,: Award and management of a health benefits contract - Public Works and Government Services Canada and Health Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - education program and post-secondary student support (PDF version)

Rural Canadians' guide to programs and services (PDF version)

Statement of intent, Aboriginal Business Canada (PDF version)

Urban aboriginal women in British Columbia and the impacts of the matrimonial real property regime (PDF version)

You wanted to know: federal programs and services for registered Indians (PDF version)

Words first: an evolving terminology relating to Aboriginal peoples in Canada (PDF version)

Aboriginal reserves
After marriage breakdown: information on the on-reserve matrimonial home (PDF version)

Comparison of social conditions, 1991 and 1996: registered Indians, registered Indians living on Reserve and the total population of Canada (PDF version)

Discussion paper: matrimonial real property on reserve (PDF version)

The division of matrimonial real property on American Indian reservations (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Additions to Reserves (ATR) policy (PDF version)

Housing initiative demonstration projects (PDF version)

Land management manual: land management made easy, Vol. 1 (PDF version)

Program evaluation of the Environmental Issues Inventory and Remediation Plan (EIIRP) (PDF version)

Review of the social assistance methodology for compliance: report (PDF version)

Towards resolving the division of on-reserve matrimonial real property following relationship breakdown: a review of tribunal, ombuds and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (PDF version)

Understanding the regulatory environment for on-reserve lending: frequently asked questions (PDF version)

Aboriginal rights
Agreement with respect to Kanesatake governance of the interim land base between the Mohawks of Kanesatake . . . and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada (PDF version)

Alberta region, 1999-2000 year in review (PDF version)

Anishinabek Nation governance: framework agreement with respect to governance, November 26, 1998, between the Anishinabek Nation... and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (PDF version)

Anishnaabe government agreement-in-principle (PDF version)

Audit of the Tribal Council Funding (PDF version)

A brave new world - where biotechnology and human rights intersect (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Comprehensive land claim and self-government agreement-in-principle among the Dogrib First Nation as represented by the Dogrib Treaty 11 Council and the government of the Northwest Territories and the government of Canada (PDF version)

DIAND's consultation practices: departmental overview (PDF version)

Evaluation of the 1991/2 - 1996/7 Miawpukek Mi'kamawey Mawi'omi Band Funding Agreement (PDF version)

Evaluation of DIAND's Tribal Council policy (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit control - annual report, 1999-2000 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Five year review of the umbrella final agreement implementation plan and Yukon First Nation final agreement implementation plans for the first four Yukon First Nations (PDF version)

Indian Affairs And Northern Development Ontario Region - business plan April 1999 - March 2000: building partnerships for the 21st century (PDF version)

Indigenous peoples and rights within Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

Information on spousal rights to the family home on reserves (PDF version)

Interim evaluation of the experiences to date with financial transfer arrangements (PDF version)

Land management manual: land management made easy, Vol. 1 (PDF version)

Manitoba Framework Agreement Initiative review (PDF version)

Nisga'a Final Agreement Act: issue papers (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation harvest agreement (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation taxation agreement (PDF version)

Re-assessing the population impacts of Bill C-31 (PDF version)

Aboriginal youth
Acting on what we know: preventing youth suicide in First Nations (PDF version)

Evaluation of Urban Multipurpose Aboriginal Youth Centres Initiative (PDF version)

Improving the health of Canadians: promoting healthy weights (PDF version)

Improving the health of young Canadians (PDF version)

A one-day snapshot of aboriginal youth in custody across Canada (PDF version)

A one-day snapshot of aboriginal youth in custody across Canada. Phase II (PDF version)

Our children - keepers of the sacred knowledge: final report of the Minister's National Working Group on Education (PDF version)

A portrait of Aboriginal children living in non-reserve areas: results from the 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey (HTML version)

Summary - improving the health of young Canadians (PDF version)

On her own: young women and homelessness in Canada (PDF version)

Accès à l'information
Access to Information Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 1999-2000 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2000-2001 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2001-2002 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2002 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act
No. 23, 2000 Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act (PDF version)
No. 25, August 2002. Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Your privacy responsibilities: Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for businesses and organizations (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

Response to the report of the Access to Information Review Task Force: special report to Parliament (PDF version)

Access to education
Aspirations of Canadian youth for higher education: final report (PDF version)

The digital divide in Canadian schools: factors affecting student access to and use of information technology (HTML version)

Education, employment and income of adults with and without disabilities - tables (HTML version)

Innovation and educational change: a study of the impact of the SchoolNet GrassRoots Program on members of SchoolNet's network of innovative schools (PDF version)

Access to information
Access to Information Act annual report, 1999-2000 /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

Access to Information Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Access to Information Act, Annual Report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Access to Information Act annual report, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Access to Information and Privacy Acts annual report 2005-06 /Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Annotated Access to Information Act (current as of September 30, 1999) (PDF version)

Annual report, CRTC, Access to information and privacy, 2004-2005 /Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2004-2005 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report Information Commissioner, 2005-2006 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 1999-2000 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2000-2001 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2001-2002 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

2005-2006 Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act - a report tabled by the President of the Treasury Board 2003-2004 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2002 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, 1 April 2004 - 31 March 2005 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

1999-2000 Annual report to Parliament - Access to Information Act and Privacy Act /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

The digital divide in Canada (HTML version)

Geospatical Data Policy Study: Executive Summary (PDF version)

Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act
No. 23, 2000 Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act (PDF version)
No. 25, August 2002. Info source bulletin: Access to Information Act, Privacy Act (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

The Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners - the merger and related issues: report of the Special Advisor to the Minister of Justice (PDF version)

Overview: access to and use of information communication technology (HTML version)

Your privacy responsibilities: Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for businesses and organizations (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

Response to the report of the Access to Information Review Task Force: special report to Parliament (PDF version)

Succession Planning for Corporate Knowledge Transfer: A Guide for Managers and Human Resource Specialists (PDF version)

Accessibilité (pour personne handicapée)
Ensuring access: the duty to accommodate (PDF version)

Building on values: the future of health care in Canada: final report (PDF version)

Connectedness series
No. 1 Plugging in: the increase of household Internet use continues into 1999 (PDF version)
No. 10 High-speed on the information highway (HTML version)
No. 11 Connectivity and learning in Canada's schools (HTML version)
No. 12 Literacy and digital technologies (HTML version)
No. 13 The Internet: is it changing the way Canadians spend their time? (HTML version)
No. 14 Our lives in digital times (PDF version)
No. 2 Internet by cable (HTML version)
No. 3 Internet shopping in Canada (HTML version)
No. 4 Internet use among older Canadians (HTML version)
No. 5 Electronic commerce and technology use (HTML version)
No. 6 Embracing e-business : does size matter? (HTML version)
No. 7 Unveiling the digital divide (HTML version)
No. 8 The state of telecommunications services (HTML version)
No. 9 A profile of employment in computer and telecommunications industries (HTML version)

Accessible transport
Air travel accessibility regulations - summary (PDF version)

AMPS and you: Administrative monetary penalties program (PDF version)

Code of practice - removing communication barriers for travellers with disabilities (PDF version)

Accident prevention
The safe living guide: a guide to home safety for seniors (PDF version)

Systematic review of the relationship between childhood injury and socio-economic status (PDF version)

Accident de la route
Canadian motor vehicle traffic collision statistics, 1999 (PDF version)

Canadian motor vehicle traffic collision statistics, 2000 (PDF version)

Accident de travail
If you have an accident: what to do and how to do it (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament 2004-2005 /Transportation Safety Board of Canada (PDF version)

Negotiating labour market development agreements (PDF version)

Accord fédéral-provincial
Federal administration of provincial taxes: new directions (PDF version)

Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

The national strategy: moving forward: the 2001 federal-provincial-territorial progress report on tobacco control (PDF version)

Negotiating labour market development agreements (PDF version)

Accord fédéral-territorial
Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

The national strategy: moving forward: the 2001 federal-provincial-territorial progress report on tobacco control (PDF version)

Accountable government: a guide for ministers (PDF version)

Accountable government: a guide for ministers and secretaries of state (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 11,: Protection of public assets - Office of the Correctional Investigator (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 4: Safety of drinking water - federal responsibilities (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - recommendations (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - research studies: volume 3 - Linkages : responsibilities and accountabilities (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - research studies: volume 1 - Parliament, Ministers and Deputy Ministers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - research studies: volume 2 - The Public Service and transparency (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Sustained commitment - annual report on the government of Canada's advertising activities, 2005-2006 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Audit of accounts receivable Yukon Region (PDF version)

SUD Audit of the PWGSC Development for the FIS (PDF version)

Gendering immigration/integration: policy research workshop proceedings and a selective review of policy research literature 1987-1996 (PDF version)

Shopping on the Internet: get informed: tips for on-line consumers (PDF version)

Acid rain
Canadian acid deposition science assessment 2004 (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Primary iron and steel
Vol. 54, No. 1, January, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 10, October, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 2, February, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 3, March, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 4, April, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 6, June, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 7, July, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 8, August, 1999 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 1, January, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 10, October, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 11, November, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 12, December, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 2, February, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 3, March, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 5, May, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 6, June, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 7, July, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 9, September, 2000 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 1, January, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 10, October, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 11, November, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 12, December, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 2, February, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 3, March, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 4, April, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 5, May, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 6, June, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 7, July, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 8, August, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 9, September, 2001 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 1, January, 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 10, October 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 11, November 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 12, December 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 2, February, 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 3, March, 2002. Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 4, April, 2002. Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 6, June, 2002. Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 7, July, 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 8, August, 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 57, No. 9, September 2002 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 1, January, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 10, October, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 11, November, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 12, December, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 2, February, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 3, March, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 4, April, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 5, May, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 6, June, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 7, July, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 8, August, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 58, No. 9, September, 2003 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 1, January, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 10, October 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 11, November 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 12, December 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 2, February, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 3, March, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 4, April, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 5, May, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 6, June, 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 7, July 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 8, August 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 59, No. 9, September 2004 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)
Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2005 Primary iron and steel (HTML version)

Primary steel in Canada: Industry Snapshot (PDF version)

Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing
Vol. 22, No. 11, November, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, January, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 10, October, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 12, December, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, February, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 3, March, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, April, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 5, May, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, July, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, August, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, September, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, October, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, November, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, December, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, March, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, June, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, July, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, August, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, September, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 10, October, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 11, November, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 12, December, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, March, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, April, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 8, August, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 9, September, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 1, January, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 10, October, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 12, December, 2002 Production and Shipments of Steel Pipe and Tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 2, February, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 3, March, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 4, April, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 5, May, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 6, June, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 7, July, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 8, August, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 9, September, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, January, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 10, October, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, February, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, March, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 4, April, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 5, May, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 6, June, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 7, July, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 8, August, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 9, September, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 11, November 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 12, December 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 10, October 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 11, November 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 7, July 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 8, August 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 9, September 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 1, January 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 2, February 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 3, March 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 4, April 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 5, May 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2005 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)

Adaptive aids (for persons with disabilities)
Women with disabilities: accessing trade (PDF version)

Administration publique
Conference on modernizing governance of May 3rd, 2000: summary report (PDF version)

How to create superior briefings (PDF version)

A framework for science and technology advice: principles and guidelines for the effective use of science and technology advice in government decision making (PDF version)

Glossary of management values and ethics (PDF version)

Human Resources Canada's sustainable development strategy II (PDF version)

Internal services: ensuring the realization of key government policy directions while respecting public service values (PDF version)

The learning journey: a guide to achieving excellence (PDF version)

Modernizing governance: a preliminary exploration (PDF version)

Organizing for deliberate innovation: a toolkit for teams (PDF version)

Public Service management reform: progress, setbacks and challenges (PDF version)

Results for Canadians: a management framework for the Government of Canada (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Using horizontal tools to work across boundaries: lessons learned and signposts for success (PDF version)

Veterans Affairs sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Administrative services
Governing responsibly: a guide for ministers and ministers of state (PDF version)

Smart regulation: a regulatory strategy for Canada - executive summary (PDF version)

Smart regulation: report on actions and plans, March 2005 (PDF version)

Smart regulation for Canada: a regulatory strategy for Canada (PDF version)

Administrative writing
Guide for the preparation of 2004-2005 Departmental Performance Reports (PDF version)

Eligibility of expenses (PDF version)

Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health: an overview (PDF version)

Making the decision to care: guys and sexual assault (PDF version)

Best practices: treatment and rehabilitation of youth with substance use problems (PDF version)

An examination of the association between histories of maltreatment and adolescent risk behaviours (PDF version)

Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health (PDF version)

Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health: an overview (PDF version)

Making the decision to care: guys and sexual assault (PDF version)

The street lifestyle study (PDF version)

The street lifestyle study (PDF version)

Adoption internationale
International adoption and the immigration process (PDF version)

Adult correctional services in Canada, 2002-2003 (HTML version)

Adult correctional services in Canada, 2003/04 (HTML version)

Adverse effects
Adverse reaction reporting by health professionals and consumers (PDF version)

Canadian adverse reaction newsletter
Vol. 12, No. 1, January, 2002 Canadian adverse drug reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 12, No. 2, April, 2002. Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 12, No. 3, July, 2002. Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)

Canadian adverse reaction newsletter
Vol. 12, No. 4, October, 2002 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 1, January, 2003 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 2, April 2003 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 3, July, 2003 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 13, no. 4, October 2003 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 14, no. 1, January 2004 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 14, no. 2, April 2004 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 14, no. 3, July 2004 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 14, no. 4, October 2004 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 3, July 2005 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 4, October 2005 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2006 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 16, No. 2, April 2006 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 16, No. 3, July 2006 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 16, No. 4, October 2006 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2007 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)
Vol. 17, No. 2, April 2007 Canadian adverse reaction newsletter (PDF version)

Drugs of current interest (DOCI) list (PDF version)

Reporting side effects from your medicine: what you need to know (PDF version)

Annual report on the government of Canada's advertising 2003-2004: a year of renewal /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Annual report on the government of Canada's advertising activities, 2004-2005 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

A status report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1,: Advertising and public opinion research (PDF version)

Sustained commitment - annual report on the government of Canada's advertising activities, 2005-2006 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

2002 U.K. advertising evaluation study (PDF version)

Advisory committees
Progress in pollution prevention 2000-2001: sixth annual report of the Pollution Prevention Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Advisory services
Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services [Ontario]: improving access to business management services (PDF version)

CIDA's action plan on child protection: promoting the rights of children who need special protection measures (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Peer helper initiatives for out-of-the mainstream youth: a report and compendium (PDF version)

Aerial photography
RADARSAT annual review, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Aviation occupational health and safety: right to refuse dangerous work while on board aircraft while in operation (PDF version)

Air carrier traffic at Canadian airports, 2003 (HTML version)

Aerospace industry
Canadian aerospace and defence technology framework (PDF version)

Canadian aerospace and defence technology framework (PDF version)

Affaires autochtones
Aboriginal labour force characteristics from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Alberta region, 1999-2000 year in review (PDF version)

Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

First Nations Nation Child Benefit progress report 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Gathering strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan: a progress report (PDF version)

Affaires étrangères
Agenda 2003: a sustainable development strategy for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Government response to the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade: crossing the Atlantic: expanding the economic relationship between Canada and Europe (PDF version)

Canada's aging population (PDF version)

Challenges of an aging Canadian society: 1999 and beyond (PDF version)

End-of-life care for seniors (PDF version) (PDF version)

2002 General Social Survey, cycle 16: aging and social support - tables (HTML version)

Toward healthy-aging communities: a population health approach (PDF version)

Healthy aging: prevention of unintentional injuries among seniors (PDF version)

Institute of Aging - biennial report, 2003-2005 (PDF version)

A life-course approach to social policy analysis: a proposed framework (PDF version)

Population aging: an overview of the past thirty years - review of the literature (PDF version)

Population aging and life-course flexibility: the pivotal role of increased choice in the retirement decision (PDF version)

Principles of the National Framework on Aging: a policy guide (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2002 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2003 and 2004 (HTML version)

It's time for research on aging: strategic and action plan (PDF version)

Views on life-course flexibility and Canada’s aging population (PDF version)

Civil Society Roundtable on Guatemalan Peace Accords and options for Canada: roundtable report (PDF version)

Control self-assessment of funding arrangements: summary of regional findings (PDF version)

First Nations in Alberta (PDF version)

James Smith Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Inquiry (PDF version)

Negotiating labour market development agreements (PDF version)

Nisga'a implementation annual report, 2000-2001 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7,: Federal participation in the British Columbia treaty process - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (PDF version)

Taking the accord forward: the first report to Canadians on implementing an accord between the government of Canada and the voluntary sector (PDF version)

Trade and transportation: the impact of the 1995 Transborder Air Services Accord (HTML version)

Agri-food industry
Advanced technology in the Canadian food processing industry (HTML version)

Agri-Food policy in Canada (PDF version)

Agriculture in harmony with nature: strategy for environmentally sustainable agriculture and agri-food development in Canada (PDF version)

September - October, 2001 Agrivision (PDF version)

Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 13, No. 11 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 12 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 18 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 20 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 21 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 1 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 10 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 11 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 12 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 13 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 18 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 19 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 2 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 21 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 22 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 3 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 4 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 5 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 6 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 7 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 8 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 9 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 1 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 10. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 11. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 12. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 13 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 2 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 3 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 4. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 5. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 6. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 7. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 8 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 9 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 13, No. 19 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 19, No. 1, January 20, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 10, July 14, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 11, August 4, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 12, August 11, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 13, September 1, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 14, October 23, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 15, October 27, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 16, November 10, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 17, November 30, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 18, December 8, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 19, December 15, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 3, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 3, February 17, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 4, February 24, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 5, March 24, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 6, March 31, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 7, May 12, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 8, June 2, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 9, June 22, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, January 12, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, February 9, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, February 23, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, March 23, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Biodiversity in agriculture: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's action plan (PDF version)

Canada 2005 - Poultry and egg industry (data 2004) (PDF version)

Canada's poultry and egg industry 2004 (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2000 data) (PDF version)

The economics of cleaning grain on the prairies: final report (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2000 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2001 (HTML version)

Hidden actors, muted voices: the employment of rural women in Saskatchewan forestry and agri-food industries (PDF version)

Improving the regulation of genetically modified foods and other novel foods in Canada: interim report to the government of Canada Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Improving the regulation of genetically modified foods and other novel foods in Canada: report to the government of Canada Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Inventory and methodology for assessing the impacts of environmental regulations in the agriculture sector (PDF version)

Levelling the international playing field for Canadians: aeaching a milestone in the WTO agriculture negotiations (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

2004 National Renewal Survey: business management practices of agricultural producers (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - A discussion paper : the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry (PDF version)

North America's location of choice for confectionery manufacturers (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1995 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1996 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1997 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1998 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1999 data) (PDF version)

Organization and operations of the Canadian Grain Commission (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

Profile of production trends and environmental issues in Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector (PDF version)

Quarterly agri-food trade highlights
1st quarter, 2000 Quarterly agri-food trade highlights (PDF version)

Quarterly agri-food trade highlights
3rd quarter, 1999 Quarterly agri-food trade highlights (PDF version)
4th quarter, 1999 Quarterly agri-food trade highlights (PDF version)

The relevance and potential impact of Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms for the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector (PDF version)

Research highlights
Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2001 Research highlights (PDF version)

Review of producer composition of the Western Grain Standards Committee: Committee report (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian chicken industry (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian egg industry (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian ostrich, emu and rhea industries (PDF version)

Spotlight on research, 1999-2001: companion to the annual directory of research 1999-2001 (PDF version)

A study of the canadian wheat board's role in grain transportation (PDF version)

Unequal harvest: farmers' voices on international trade and the right to food (PDF version)

Vertical linkages in agri-food supply chains in Canada and the United States (PDF version)

Agri-food products
September - October, 2001 Agrivision (PDF version)

Be aware and declare (PDF version)

A guide to conducting systematic reviews in agri-food public health (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

National farm products council: 2003 year in review (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic background : changing trends in the agri-food chain (PDF version)

Prairie agricultural landscapes: a land resource review (PDF version)

Products of biotechnology regulated by Health Canada (PDF version)

Research highlights
Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2001 Research highlights (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian ostrich, emu and rhea industries (PDF version)

Unpasteurized fruit juices and cider: know what you are drinking (PDF version)

Unpasteurized fruit juices and cider: know what you are drinking (PDF version)

Agricultural aid programs
Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Program (ACAAF) (PDF version)

Agriculture Policy Framework: federal-provincial-territorial programs (PDF version)

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program brochure (PDF version)

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program handbook (PDF version)

August 2003 Contact (PDF version)
December 2003 Contact (PDF version)
December 2003 Contact (PDF version)
Fall/Winter 2002, [Special edition] Contact (PDF version)
February 2001 Contact (PDF version)
February 2001, [Special edition] Contact (PDF version)
February 2002 Contact (PDF version)
June 2002 Contact (PDF version)
May 2001 Contact (PDF version)
November 2001 Contact (PDF version)

Farm Credit Canada - annual report 2005-06: the road to success /Farm Credit Canada (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance data book (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Net Income Stabilization Account - Corporation / co-operative forms and guide 2002 stabilization year (PDF version)

Net Income Stabilization Account - Special individual forms and guide 2002 stabilization year (PDF version)

NISA program handbook:: a policy and adminstrative guide for NISA participants, 2002 stabilization year (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4: Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (PDF version)

Risk management and Safety Net Program survey (PDF version)

Rural Canadians' guide to programs and services (PDF version)

Safety net review (PDF version)

Agricultural economics
Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : economic wellbeing of farm households (PDF version)

Agricultural policy
Agri-Food policy in Canada (PDF version)

Agriculture in harmony with nature: II, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Agriculture Policy Framework: federal-provincial-territorial programs (PDF version)

Guiding principles for the development of the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy (PDF version)

Levelling the international playing field for Canadians: aeaching a milestone in the WTO agriculture negotiations (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - A discussion paper : the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic background : changing structure of primary agriculture (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic background : changing trends in the agri-food chain (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic background : policy directions in other countries (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : benefits and challenges of global markets (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : Canadian business risk management programs (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : economic wellbeing of farm households (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : macro-economic situation and outlook (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : OECD findings on policy performance and design (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Economic backgrounder : opportunities for Canadian farmers: innovation and the bioeconomy (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Environment under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy development : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Food safety, food quality and resource protection in Canada's food chain under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Innovation and science under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Market development and trade under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Renewal: capturing opportunities through skills and knowledge : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Sampling systems manual (PDF version)

Agricultural sector
Agriculture in harmony with nature: II, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1999 data) (PDF version)

Options report: reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian agriculture (PDF version)

Agricultural technology
Potato gene resources newsletter, Potato Research Centre
Number 10, December 2003 Potato gene resources newsletter (PDF version)
Number 11, December 2004 Potato gene resources newsletter (PDF version)
Number 12, December 2005 Potato gene resources newsletter, Potato Research Centre (PDF version)
Number 13, 2006 Potato gene resources newsletter, Potato Research Center (PDF version)
Number 8, December 2001 Potato gene resources newsletter (PDF version)
Number 9, December 2002 Potato gene resources newsletter (PDF version)

Research summary, volume 27, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Sampling systems manual (PDF version)

Use of mechanical cultivators for market vegetable crops (PDF version)

Agricultural workers
Farm operator data : initial release: 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Statistics on income of farm families, 2004 (PDF version)

Vol. 1, March 2003 Agri-info (PDF version)
Vol. 2, August 2003 Agri-info (PDF version)
Vol. 3 (Spring 2004) Agri-info (PDF version)

Agricultural Ecumene Census Division Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture: reference guide (HTML version)

Agricultural Ecumene Census Division Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

September - October, 2001 Agrivision (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-03: forward momentum /Farm Credit Canada (PDF version)

Census Agricultural Regions Boundary File, 2001 Census of Agriculture: reference guide (HTML version)

Census Agricultural Regions Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Cereals and oilseeds review
Vol. 23, No. 10, October, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 11, November, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 12, December, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, July, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, August, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, September, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, October, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, November, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, December, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, March, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 4, April, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2001. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, June, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, July, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, August, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, September, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, March, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, April, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2000 data) (PDF version)

Economic overview of farm incomes
Vol. 1, No. 9 Potato farms (PDF version)

Environmental sustainability of Canadian agriculture: report of the Agri-Environmental Indicator Project (PDF version)

Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: report of the Agri Environmental Indicator Project: a summary (PDF version)

Environmental sustainability of Canadian agriculture: agri-environmental indicator report series - report #2 (PDF version)

Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2002 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (PDF version)

The health of our water: toward sustainable agriculture in Canada (PDF version)

Making progress in global agricultural trade: a further update on the WTO agriculture negotiations (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1995 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1996 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1997 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1998 data) (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

An overview of the Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (PDF version)

Profile of Canadian agricultural co-operatives (1998-2002) (PDF version)

Research highlights
Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 2, Summer 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2000 Research highlights (PDF version)
Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2001 Research highlights (PDF version)

Spotlight on research, 2001-2002: companion to the annual directory of research 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Sustainable agriculture: our path forward: sustainable development strategy (PDF version)

Agriculture statistics
Agriculture-population linkage data : 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Economic overview of farm incomes
Vol. 1, No. 9 Potato farms (PDF version)

Farm data : initial release: 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Farm financial indicators (PDF version)

Farm operator data : initial release: 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

People, products and services
People, products and services, Agriculture Division, 2005 (HTML version)
People, products and services, Agriculture Division, 2004 (HTML version)
People, products and services, Agriculture Division, 2003 (HTML version)
People, products and services, Agriculture Division, 2006 (HTML version)
People, products and services, Agriculture Division, 2007 (PDF version)

Aid programs
Your application form to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

CIDA's social development priorities: a framework for action (PDF version)

Directory of services and programs for abused men in Canada (PDF version)

Guide to Canadian Heritage financial support programs (PDF version)

Your guide to the Industrial Cooperation Program (PDF version)

Your guide to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

The National Child Benefit: progress report, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on client impact and satisfaction of Nova Scotia CBCD's (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 1998 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Aide financière
Disaster financial assistance: manual to assist in the interpretation of federal guidelines (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

The National Hockey League in Canada, October 1999 (PDF version)

Aide humanitaire
The 2nd Annual Graduate Student Seminar: the role of NGO's and civil society in conflict and humanitarian efforts: compendium of papers (PDF version)

Aide juridique
Sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Aide à l'étranger
Reaffirming the commitment: 2000-2001 report on the Canadian Landmine Fund (PDF version)

Aide au logement
Transition houses and shelters for abused women in Canada (PDF version)

AIDS (disease)
AIDS in Canada: annual report on AIDS in Canada (PDF version)

Canada's report on HIV/AIDS 2003: looking forward : focussing the response (PDF version)

Canada's report on HIV/AIDS 2004 - strategic approaches - renewing the response (PDF version)

Canadian strategy on HIV/AIDS: direction-setting follow up meeting, April 14-16, 2002, Montreal, Quebec - record of proceedings (PDF version)

CIDA takes action against HIV/AIDS around the world (PDF version)

CIDA's HIV/AIDS action plan (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS and HCV in prisons: a select annotated bibliography (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 1999 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2001 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2003 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to June 30, 2003 (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS EPI updates (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS EPI updates (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS Epi updates, May 2005 (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS and health determinants: lessons for coordinating policy and action: a discussion paper for the Ministerial Council on AIDS (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada - surveillance report to December 31, 2005 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada - surveillance report to June 30, 2004 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada - surveillance report to June 30, 2006 (PDF version)

HIV-1 strain and primary drug resistance in Canada - surveillance report to June 30, 2002 (PDF version)

Lessons learned - reframing the response - Canada's report on HIV/AIDS 2002 (PDF version)

Management of Kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection (PDF version)

The right to survive sexual violence, women and HIV/AIDS (PDF version)

The role of surrogate markers of HIV infection (PDF version)

To share and to learn: the case for Canadians to act globally against HIV/AIDS (PDF version)

Strengthened leadership, taking action - Canada's report on HIV/AIDS 2005 (PDF version)

Air conditioning
Air conditioning your home (PDF version)

Economizers for packaged air-conditioning units (PDF version)

EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2005 (PDF version)

Indoor air quality in office buildings: a technical guide (PDF version)

Air pollution
Canada's Clean Air Act (PDF version)

Canada-United States transboundary particulate matter science assessment: a report by the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Committee, Sub-Committee 2: Scientific Cooperation (PDF version)

Canada's greenhouse gas inventory: 1997 emissions and removals with trends (PDF version)

Federal house in order: annual report on emissions reductions from federal operations -October 2004 (PDF version)

Federal house in order: annual report on emissions reductions from federal operations (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution and active transportation (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution and heart and lung disease (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution and seniors (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution, climate change and your health (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - indoor air pollution and your health (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - outdoor air pollution and your health : what's the cost? (PDF version)

Health-based guidance values for substances on the Second Priority Substances List (PDF version)

Idling is harming our health and environment (PDF version)

Issues related to benzene in eastern Montreal (PDF version)

National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Network, air quality in Canada: 2001 summary and 1990-2001 trend analysis (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: summary science assessment document (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: science assessment document (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for particulate matter: part I: science assessment document (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for particulate matter. Part 1, Science assessment document: executive summary (PDF version)

Providing cleaner air to Canadians (PDF version)

The relevance and potential impact of Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms for the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2001 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Use of pine needles for the identification of sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans sources to air in the Jonquière area (PDF version)

Air quality
Canada's Clean Air Act (PDF version)

Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement: progress report 2004 (PDF version)

Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement: progress report 2006 (PDF version)

Canada-United States emissions cap and trading feasibility study (PDF version)

Canada-United States transboundary particulate matter science assessment: a report by the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Committee, Sub-Committee 2: Scientific Cooperation (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Air quality indicator
2005 Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Air quality indicator (PDF version)

Fungal contamination in public buildings: a guide to recognition and management (PDF version)

Government of Canada five-year progress report: Canada-wide standards for particulate matter and ozone (PDF version)

Indoor air quality in office buildings: a technical guide (PDF version)

National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Network, air quality in Canada: 2001 summary and 1990-2001 trend analysis (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for carbon monoxide: desirable, acceptable & tolerable levels: executive summary (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: summary science assessment document (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: science assessment document (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for particulate matter: part I: science assessment document (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for particulate matter. Part 1, Science assessment document: executive summary (PDF version)

Proposed residential indoor air quality guidelines for formaldehyde (PDF version)

Providing cleaner air to Canadians (PDF version)

Radon: a guide for Canadian homeowners (PDF version)

Residential indoor air quality guideline - formaldehyde (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 1 (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 2 (PDF version)

Sampling Program for Residential Wood Combustion: winter of 1998-99 study report (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - are we making progress to improve air quality? (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Air safety
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2003 /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Air Travellers Security Charge and to Income Tax (PDF version)

Flight plan - managing risks in aviation security: review of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act : report of the Advisory Panel (PDF version)

Flight safety for the Canadian Forces (PDF version)

National Civil Aviation Safety Committee, Sub-Committee on Runway Incursions final report, September 14, 2000 (PDF version)

Safety management systems for small aviation operations: a practical guide to implementation (PDF version)

Sharing the skies: an aviation industry guide to the management of wildlife hazards (PDF version)

Air transport
Air carrier traffic at Canadian airports, 2003 (HTML version)

Air passenger origin and destination, domestic report, 1999 (HTML version)

Air Travel Complaints Commissioner report: July 2000 to December 2001 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January 2002 to June 2002 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January to June 2003 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's Report: July 2000 to June 2001 (PDF version)

Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations
Vol. 1, No. 2, February 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)
Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 1, January 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)

AMPS and you: Administrative monetary penalties program (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Transportation Agency (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament, 2001-2002 /Transportation Safety Board of Canada (PDF version)

Canada's Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2003 /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2004 /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - 2006 annual report: measuring for results /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

The Canadian Transportation Agency, annual report, 1999: moving with the times /Canadian Transportation Agency (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Air Travellers Security Charge and to Income Tax (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Income Tax Act, the Air Travellers Security Charge Act and the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

North American transportation in figures (HTML version)

Protecting our borders and skies: information from the government of Canada for travellers (PDF version)

The report of the Air Travel Complaints Commissioner (PDF version)

Sharing the skies: an aviation industry guide to the management of wildlife hazards (PDF version)

Trade and transportation: the impact of the 1995 Transborder Air Services Accord (HTML version)

Air transport industry
The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January to June 2003 (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2005: anticipating the unexpected /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the air travellers security charge, the First Nations Good[s] and Services Tax, Income Tax and other related measures (PDF version)

Aviation occupational health and safety: right to refuse dangerous work while on board aircraft while in operation (PDF version)

Air passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report, 2003 (HTML version)

Air passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report, 2004 (HTML version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January to June 2003 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report, July to December 2003 (PDF version)

Air Travel Complaints report, January to June 2004 (PDF version)

Airline restructuring in Canada: third interim report (PDF version)

Airline restructuring in Canada: final report (PDF version)

Hong Kong - Seattle visitor's guide for the biometrics field trial, October 2006 - April 2007 (PDF version)

How much did the airline industry recover since September 11, 2001? (HTML version)

North American transportation in figures (HTML version)

Quick reference - biometrics field trial for Hong Kong - Seattle (PDF version)

Requirements for the safe use of baggage X-ray inspection systems: Safety Code 29 (PDF version)

A study to determine the cost of issuing airline tickets (PDF version)

Trade and transportation: the impact of the 1995 Transborder Air Services Accord (HTML version)

Air carrier traffic at Canadian airports, 2003 (HTML version)

Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations
Vol. 1, No. 2, February 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)
Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 1, January 2007 Aircraft movement statistics - NAV CANADA towers and flight service stations (PDF version)

Airport closures in natural and human-induced disasters: business vulnerability and planning (PDF version)

Airports Capital Assistance Program: information to program applicants (PDF version)

Noise from civilian aircraft in the vicinity of airports - implications for human health: I: noise, stress and cardiovascular disease (PDF version)

Alcohol consumption
Awareness of the effects of alcohol use during pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome: results of a national survey (PDF version)

Best practices, treatment and rehabilitation for women with substance use problems (PDF version)

Best practices: treatment and rehabilitation of youth with substance use problems (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drugs survey 1994: a discussion of the findings (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drug survey: preview 1995 (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drugs survey: a discussion of the findings (PDF version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, 2004 (HTML version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 (HTML version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 2005 (HTML version)

Dealing with DWI offenders in Canada: an inventory of procedures and programs: final report, July 1994 (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: a review and synthesis of the literature (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: A review and synthesis of the literature (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: a review and synthesis of the literature: Highlights (PDF version)

Health Canada FAS/FAE Initiative information and feedback sessions: national synthesis report (PDF version)

Horizons three: young Canadians' alcohol and other drug Use: increasing our understanding (PDF version)

Impaired driving (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: a summary of the learnings (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: A summary of the learnings (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to introduce an Act respecting the taxation of spirits, wine and tobacco and to implement increases in tobacco taxes and changes to the treatment of ships' stores (PDF version)

Alcohol education
National Thematic Workshop on FASD: summary report (PDF version)

Preventing substance use problems among young people: a compendium of best practices (PDF version)

Best practices, concurrent mental health and substance use disorders (PDF version)

Best practices: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Best practices: substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation (PDF version)

Best practices - treatment and rehabilitation for driving while impaired offenders (PDF version)

Best practices - treatment and rehabilitation for seniors with substance use problems (PDF version)

Best practices: treatment and rehabilitation of youth with substance use problems (PDF version)

Horizons 1994: alcohol and other drug use in Canada (PDF version)

Horizons two: Canadian women's alcohol and other drug use: increasing our understanding (PDF version)

Immigrant women and substance abuse: current issues, programs, and recommendations (PDF version)

National Program Inventory, concurrent mental health and substance use disorders (PDF version)

Profile: substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation in Canada (PDF version)

Rural women & substance abuse: issues and implications for programming (PDF version)

Situational analysis - fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Situational analysis: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Summary report of the Workshop on Best Practices for Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2000 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2001 (HTML version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Canada's food guide to healthy eating (Colour Poster only): for people four years and over (PDF version)

Nurtition facts - to help you make informed food choices [Inuktitut] (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling: perceptions and preferences of Canadians (PDF version)

U.S. generic health claims in Canada: stakeholder consultation summary report, July 7 - 8, 1999 (PDF version)

Alimentation du nouveau-né
Revised recommendations for breastfed infants (PDF version)

Eggs - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Milk - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Peanuts - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Seafood (fish, crustaceans and shellfish) - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Sesame seeds - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Soy - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Sulphites - one of the nine most common food products causing severe adverse reactions (PDF version)

Tree nuts - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

Wheat - one of the nine most common food allergens (PDF version)

The 1997 Canada Pension Plan changes: implications for women and men (PDF version)

Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation: 3rd report: December 2000 (PDF version)

The guide to the post index (HTML version)

The National Child Benefit: progress report, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Issues and challenges in communicating with less literate Canadians (PDF version)

Alternative energy
Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell sector profile 2005 (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the energy efficiency Act, 1997-1999 (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2004-05: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2005-06: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Stand-alone windenergy systems: a buyer's guide (PDF version)

Alternative medicine
Evidence for homeopathic medicines (PDF version)

Perspectives on natural health products - population groups and issue areas (PDF version)

Site licensing - a step by step guide (PDF version)

Notice of Ways and Means Motion to introduce an Act to amend the Income Tax Act, including amendments in relation to foreign investment entities and non-resident trusts, and to provide for the bijural expression of the provisions of that Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act, and the Unemployment Insurance Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, to implement measures that are consequential on changes to the Canada--U.S. Tax Convention (1980) and to amend the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, the Old Age Security Act, the War Veterans Allowance Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, to implement measures that are consequential on changes to the Canada--U.S. Tax Convention (1980) and to amend the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, the Old Age Security Act, the War Veterans Allowance Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, the income tax application rules and certain acts related to the Income Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 28, 2000 (PDF version)

Amendments to the Excise Tax Act: explanatory notes (PDF version)

Draft amendments to the Income Tax regulations relating to retirement savings: proposed regulations and explanatory notes (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes relating to income tax (PDF version)

Notice of Ways and Means Motion to introduce an Act to amend the Income Tax Act, including amendments in relation to foreign investment entities and non-resident trusts, and to provide for the bijural expression of the provisions of that Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act, and the Unemployment Insurance Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, to implement measures that are consequential on changes to the Canada--U.S. Tax Convention (1980) and to amend the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, the Old Age Security Act, the War Veterans Allowance Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, to implement measures that are consequential on changes to the Canada--U.S. Tax Convention (1980) and to amend the Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act, the Old Age Security Act, the War Veterans Allowance Act and certain Acts related to the Income Tax Act

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Income Tax Act, the income tax application rules and certain acts related to the Income Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 28, 2000 (PDF version)

Revised explanatory notes relating to income tax (PDF version)

Revised explanatory notes relating to income tax (PDF version)

Analyse économique
Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2001 data) (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2003 preliminary estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2004 estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Analyse financière
Canada Pension Plan: seventeenth actuarial report as at 31 December 1997 (PDF version)

Analyse de marché
Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 13, No. 19 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Economic overview of farm incomes
Vol. 1, No. 9 Potato farms (PDF version)

Housing information monthly
April 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
April, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
August, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
February, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
January, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
July, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
June, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
March, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
May, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
October, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
September, 2002 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing information monthly (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[Februay 2007] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing information monthly (HTML version)
[March 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing information monthly (PDF version)

Market research handbook (HTML version)

Market research handbook (HTML version)

Market research handboook (HTML version)

Quarterly agri-food trade highlights
1st quarter, 2000 Quarterly agri-food trade highlights (PDF version)

The technology commercialization toolbox (PDF version)

A guide to gender equality analysis (PDF version)

An integrated approach to gender-based analysis: information kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Revisiting feminist research methodologies: a working paper (PDF version)

Ancien combattant
Veterans Affairs sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Animal aquatique
Marine species identification guide for the St.Lawrence (PDF version)

Animal diseases
Enhanced animal health protection from BSE: requirements for fertilizers and supplements (PDF version)

How to prevent and detect disease in backyard flocks and pet birds (PDF version)

NAAHP - National Aquatic Animal Health Program (PDF version)

Proceedings of the bison diseases technical workshop: October 28th & 29th, 2005, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (PDF version)

Animal health
NAAHP - National Aquatic Animal Health Program (PDF version)

Animal nutrition
Livestock feed requirements study, 1999-2000 (HTML version)

Livestock feed requirements study: Canada and provinces 1999, 2000 and 2001 (HTML version)

Animal research
Research strategy for hog manure management in Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Workshop on the Feasibility of a Chronic Neurotoxicity Study of Aluminum Administered in the Drinking Water of Animals (PDF version)

Tips for Preventing Infections from Pets and Petting Zoos (PDF version)

Annual reports
2001 annual report: forward-looking statements /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve (AHSOR) program annual report 2000-2001 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Air Travel Complaints report, January to June 2004 (PDF version)

Already making a difference, CIHR annual report 05-06 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Annual CNSC staff report for 2004 on the safety performance of the Canadian nuclear power industry /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Annual CNSC staff report for 2003 on the safety performance of the Canadian nuclear power industry /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Annual financial report of the government of Canada: fiscal year 2004-2005 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2002 /Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (PDF version)

2002 annual report: refining value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Annual report, 2002: Canada's bridge to global trade and investment /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-2003 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-2003: Opening New Doors of Innovation /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report, 2002-2003: realizing the future /National Capital Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2003 /Canadian Transportation Agency (PDF version)

Annual report 2003 /Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report, 2002-2003: transforming health research for all Canadians /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003 /Canadian Human Rights Commission (PDF version)

2004 annual report /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

2002-2003 annual report /Canadian Food Inspection Agency (PDF version)

Annual report 2002 /Canada Post Ombudsman (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003-2004 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Dairy Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-04: right to information and trade secrets protection: a balancing act /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003-2004 /National Defence (PDF version)

2003-2004 annual report: OSFI 2003-2004 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-2004 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-2004 /National Defence (PDF version)

2004 annual report /Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003-2004: our mission, your capital /National Capital Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 03-04 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version)

2005 Annual report /Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004 /Canadian Human Rights Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004-2005 /Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004-2005 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version) (PDF version)

2003 annual report: making change /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2004 annual report: appreciating value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Annual report 2005 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003 /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-03: forward momentum /Farm Credit Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004-2005 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Annual report 2004-2005 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2003 /Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee (PDF version)

Annual report, 04-05 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version)

Annual report 2004 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 1995-1996 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 1997-1998 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 1998-1999 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Museum of Civilization (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2001-2002 /Senate (PDF version)

Annual report 2001-2002: intellectual property, innovation on a global scale /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-2003 - Adjudication & Conflict Management Office (ACMO), Passport Office /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Annual report 2001-2002, administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Employment Equity Act, 2005 /Human Resources and Social Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report for 2004-2005 /Canadian Institute for Health Information (PDF version)

Annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report for fiscal year ending 31 March 1999 /Northern Pipeline Agency (PDF version)

Annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2003-2004 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2004-2005 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report Information Commissioner, 2005-2006 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2003 to 31 March 2004 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report 2002-2003 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-2004 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

1998-99 annual report - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

1997-98 annual report - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

1996-97 annual report - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Annual report of the Canada Pension Plan, 2001-2002: 2001-2002 /Human Resources Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commission Tribunal 2003-2004 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commission Tribunal 2004-2005 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2003: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2005 on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Correctional Investigator, 2002-2003 /Correctional Investigator Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Correctional Investigator, 2003-2004 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Correctional Investigator, 2004-2005 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Annual report on official languages, 2000-2001 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act - a report tabled by the President of the Treasury Board 2003-2004 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report on official languages, 2001-02 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report on official languages, 2002-03 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Annual report on official languages, 2003-04: annual report to parliament /Privy Council (PDF version)

Annual report on the operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, 2003-2004 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Annual report on the operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act 2005-2006 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Annual report on organized crime in Canada, 2003 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

2005 Annual report on organized crime in Canada /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Annual report on the use of electronic surveillance 2003: as required under section 195 of the Criminal Code /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2003 - 31 March 2004 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament, 2003-2004 /Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2004 to Parliament /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament 2004-2005 /Transportation Safety Board of Canada (PDF version)

1999-2000 Annual report to Parliament - Access to Information Act and Privacy Act /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Annual review 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - 2005 annual report /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited - annual report 2003-2004: power through partnership /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Background for Parks Canada's performance report (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2004 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2005 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada - annual report 2006 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2002 (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2001 (PDF version)

Bedford Institute of Oceanography - 2001 in review (PDF version)

Building connections: annual report 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Business Development Bank of Canada - annual report, April 2005-March 2006 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Canada Business Service Centres annual report 2003-2004 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canada Health Act annual report, 2003-2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Canada Health Act annual report, 2004-2005 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - 2003 annual report : it all begins with an address /Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (PDF version)

Canada Music Fund - music for everyone, annual report 2003-2004 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Canada's performance report 2004: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada Small Business Financing Act - annual report, 2005-2006 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2003 /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2004 /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - annual report 2005: anticipating the unexpected /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority - 2006 annual report: measuring for results /Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (PDF version)

Canadian Commercial Corporation annual report 0304 /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

The Canadian Council for Donation and Transplantation - annual report 2003 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Council for Donation and Transplantation - annual report 2006 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2004 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2005 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Canadian Heritage - printed matters : Book Publishing Policy and Programs, annual report 2002-2003 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System - annual report 2004-2005 /Parks Canada (PDF version)

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System - annual report, 2005-2006 /Parks Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation 2003-2004 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Institute for Health Information - annual report 2005-2006 /Canadian Institute for Health Information (PDF version)

Canadian Institute for Health Information annual report for 2003-2004 /Canadian Institute for Health Information (PDF version)

Canadian Instituts of Health Research, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research - annual report 2005-2006 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Canadian Intellectual Property Office, annual report 2002-2003: in pursuit of service excellence /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Intellectual Property Office - annual report 2004-05: strengthening client services /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Judicial Council, annual report, 2001-02 /Canadian Judicial Council (PDF version)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission employment equity annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission employment equity annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Canadian Polar Commission - annual report 2005-2006 /Canadian Polar Commission (PDF version)

Canadian Police Research Centre, annual report 2003-2004 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Police Research Centre - annual report 2004-2005 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Tourism Commission - 2003 annual report: collective efforts, common goals /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Transportation Agency - annual report 2004 /Canadian Transportation Agency (PDF version)

Cars on the brain - Canada's automotive industry, 2003 (PDF version)

CBC/Radio-Canada, annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

CBC/Radio-Canada annual report 2002-2003 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

Charting the course - annual report 2004-2005 /Standards Council of Canada (PDF version)

CIHR achievements in research (July 2001 - July 2002) (PDF version)

CIHR, FIVE - birth, growth, strength, value, impact, annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, annual report: April 2002-March 2003 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health annual report: April 2003-March 2004 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

CIHR - Rx&D; progress report (2000/2001): giving life to research (PDF version)

CNSC annual report 2003-2004: results for Canadians /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Commissioner of Firearms - 2004 report (PDF version)

Communications Security Establishment Commissioner - annual report, 2005-2006 /National Defence (PDF version)

Contaminated Sites Program - annual report, 2003/2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview, 2006 (PDF version)

Criminal Intelligence Service Canada - 2006 annual report on organized crime in Canada /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2005: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Defence Construction (1951) Limited - 2003-2004 annual report /Defence Construction (1951) Limited (PDF version)

Defence Construction [1951] Limited - 2005-2006 annual report /Defence Construction (1951) Limited (PDF version)

Department of Justice - report on plans and priorities 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, annual report, 2002-2003 /Office of the Auditor General of Canada (PDF version)

Energy ideas at work - Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation, 2002/2003 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Environment Canada's Protected Areas Network - annual report 2005-2006 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

Explosives Regulatory Division - report to stakeholders, 2002 (PDF version)

Explosives Regulatory Division - 2003 report to stakeholders (PDF version)

Export Development Canada - annual report
2004 Export Development Canada - annual report /Export Development Canada (PDF version)
2005 Export Development Canada - annual report 2005 /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Federal Healthcare Partnership - annual report 2004-2005 /Veterans Affairs (PDF version)

Federal house in order: annual report on emissions reductions from federal operations (PDF version)

2004 FINTRAC annual report /Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program - annual report, 2002-03 /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program annual report, 2004-2005 /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada annual report, April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004: annual report to Parliament on the administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Fisheries and Oceans of Canada - 2005-06 Science annual report /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Forensic Laboratory Services annual achievement report, 2002-2003 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2002 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2000 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2001 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2003 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2004 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, 2005 annual report /Great Lakes Pilotage Authority (PDF version)

Highlights - Public Service Commission 2005-2006 annual report /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

The implementation of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement - annual report 1999-2000 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada - report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Improving service, contributing value - 2006 annual report /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

2004 in review (PDF version)

Indian Claims Commission - annual report 2004-2005 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

Indian Claims Commission, annual report, 2005-2006 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada 2004-2005 annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada 2005-2006 annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Indian Oil and Gas Canada, annual report 2002-2003 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Institute of Infection and Immunity - annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, Annual Report 2001-2002 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes - annual report, 2004-2005 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Inuvialuit Final Agreement Implementation Coordinating Committee - annual report 2001-2002 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Investing in Canadians with great ideas: year in review 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Laboratory surveillance data for enteric pathogens in Canada - 2001 annual summary (PDF version)

Leading the way home — Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 2004 annual report /Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (PDF version)

Lobbyists' Code of Conduct - annual report 2005-2006 /Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (PDF version)

Lobbyists Registration Act annual report 2004-2005 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Lobbyists Registration Act - annual report 2005-2006 /Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (PDF version)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, annual report 2004-2005 /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office - annual report 2001-2002 /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office - annual report 2000-2001 /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office - annual report 1999-2000 /Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (PDF version)

Making choices - annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 2003-2004 /National Defence (PDF version)

Making a difference in rural Canada - annual report 2002-2003 /Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - annual report 2002: meeting the challenge of change /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - annual report 2001: outlook with vision /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - 2003 annual report: moving forward with commitment /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada - annual report 2004: mapping the future /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada - 2005 annual report: building confidence /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Moving forward : 2003-04 annual report /Canadian Judicial Council (PDF version)

National Council of Welfare - welfare incomes 2005 (PDF version)

National farm products council: 2003 year in review (PDF version)

Ninth annual report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada /Privy Council (PDF version)

Non-insured health benefits program annual report 2002-2003 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Non-insured health benefits program - annual report 2003/2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Nonferrous metals outlook, December 2002 (PDF version)

Nonferrous metals outlook, December 2005 (PDF version)

Northern Oil and Gas annual report, 2003 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Northern Oil and Gas annual report, 2002 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Northern Oil and Gas annual report, 2000 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Northern Oil and Gas annual report, 2001 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Numbers and issues - Periodical Publishing Policy and Programs annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Official Languages, annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version) (PDF version)

Official languages, annual report, 2004-2005 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version) (PDF version)

Official languages annual report, 1999-2000 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada - 1999 and 2000 report (PDF version)

OSFI annual report 2005-2006: striking a balance /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

Passport Office - annual report, 2002-2003 - enhanced security /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Passport Office - annual report, 2001-2002 - heightened vigilance /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Passport Office - annual report, 2003-2004 - toward a new reality /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Passport Office - special operating agency 1990-2000 - milestones reached... and miles to go - the road taken - annual report 1999-2000 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 1998/1999 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 1999/2000 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 2000/2001 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Pest Management Regulatory Agency - annual report 2004-2005 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Pest Management Regulatory Agency - progress report 2003 (PDF version)

PMPRB Annual report 2004 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

PMPRB annual report 2005 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

Port State Control annual report 2005 /Transport Canada (PDF version)

Printed matters : Book Publishing Policy and Programs, annual report 2003-2004 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Printed matters - Book Publishing Policy and Programs annual report, 2004-05 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2001-2002 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2002-2003 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2003-2004 /International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2004-2005 /International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Progress in pollution prevention, 2001-2002: Seventh annual report of the Pollution Prevention Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Public opinion research in the government of Canada: annual report, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Public opinion research in the government of Canada - annual report 2005-2006 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Public service commission 2003-2004 annual report /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

Public Service Commission 2005-2006 annual report /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada - Annual report on official languages, 2004-05: annual report to Parliament /Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Public Service Integrity Officer 2003-2004 annual report to Parliament /Public Service Integrity Office (PDF version)

Public Service Integrity Officer 2004-2005 annual report to Parliament /Public Service Integrity Office (PDF version)

Public Service Integrity Officer annual report to Parliament, 2005-2006 /Public Service Integrity Office (PDF version)

Public Service Staffing Tribunal annual report 05/06: our first year in review /Public Service Staffing Tribunal (PDF version)

Regulatory review of pharmaceuticals, biologics, and medical devices: 2005 annual summary of performance (PDF version)

2003-2004 RENEW annual report /Environment Canada (PDF version)

2003 Report - Commissioner of Firearms (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2004-05: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2005-06: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Report on the Public Service Pension Plan for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Road safety vision 2010 - 2002 annual report: making Canada's roads the safest in the world /Transport Canada (PDF version)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee - annual report 2005-2006 /Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee (PDF version)

Rural and Remote Broadband Access Program, second-year report, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

The Senate of Canada annual report 2003-2004 /Senate (PDF version)

Service Canada annual report 2002-2003: a year in transition /Human Resources Development Canada (PDF version)

SIRC annual report 2004-2005: an operational review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service /Security Intelligence Review Committee (PDF version)

SIRC annual report 2005-2006: an operational review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service /Security Intelligence Review Committee (PDF version)

SIRC report 2003-2004: an operational review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (PDF version)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - annual report, 2003-2004 /Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (PDF version)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - annual report 2005-2006: the power of one /Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

The state of energy efficiency in Canada, report 2006 (PDF version)

Team Canada Inc - annual report, 2003 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Tenth anniversary annual report 2003-2004 /Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal (PDF version)

Transport Canada - environmental performance report 2003/2004 (PDF version)

Transportation in Canada, 2004: annual report (PDF version)

Transportation in Canada, 2004: annual report - addendum (PDF version)

Transportation in Canada, 2005: annual report - addendum (PDF version)

Transportation Safety Board of Canada - annual report to Parliament, 2005-2006 /Transportation Safety Board of Canada (PDF version)

Value for Canadians - annual report 2003-2004 /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

VIA Rail Canada: a new era: annual report 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version)

2003/2004 year in review - Alberta Region (PDF version)

The year in review, 2005-2006 - "C" Division (PDF version)

Yukon Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements - annual report 2000-2001 /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Yukon Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements - 2001-2002 annual report /Indian and Northern Affairs (PDF version)

Apartment buildings
Hollyburn Properties - highrise energy efficiency (PDF version)

Appealing a decision to a review tribunal under the Canada Pension Plan (PDF version)

Appealing to a Review Tribunal: general information (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: fifteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Practice guide for the hearing of appeals (PDF version)

Audit of acting EX appointments: a report by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PDF version)

The learning journey: a guide to achieving excellence (PDF version)

Learning@large: an e-learning guide for managers (PDF version)

Approval processes
Athlete Assistance Program policies and procedures (PDF version)

Guidance for industry: management of drug submissions (PDF version)

The aquaculture industry and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

Aquaculture statistics
Aquaculture statistics, 2004 (HTML version)
Aquaculture statistics, 2003 (HTML version)
Aquaculture statistics, 2002 (HTML version)
Aquaculture statistics, 2001 (HTML version)
Aquaculture statistics, 2005 (HTML version)

Assessment report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency activities related to the safety of aquaculture products (PDF version)

Canadian aquaculture industry 2003-2004 - key figures (PDF version)

Fast facts: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Integrated pest management of sea lice in salmon aquaculture: overview (PDF version)

Use of emamectin benzoate in the Canadian finfish aquaculture industry: a review of environmental fate and effects (PDF version)

Aquatic animals
Marine mammal research - an overview (PDF version)

Marine species identification guide for the St.Lawrence (PDF version)

NAAHP - National Aquatic Animal Health Program (PDF version)

National plan of action for the conservation and management of sharks (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of Great Lakes amphibians? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - Why are non-native aquatic species a problem in the Great Lakes and how are they getting here? (PDF version)

Aquatic birds
National plan of action for reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries (PDF version)

Québec's waterbird conservation plan (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of Great Lakes birds? (PDF version)

Aquatic ecosystems
Aquatic community health of the Great Lakes (PDF version)

Aquatic habitat and wetlands of the Great Lakes (PDF version)

Canada's National Programme of Action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities (NPA) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Canada's oceans strategy (PDF version)

The land by the lakes: nearshore terrestrial ecosystems (PDF version)

Nearshore waters of the Great Lakes (PDF version)

Nutrients: trends and system response (PDF version)

Ocean zoning: can it work in the Northwest Atlantic?: workshop proceedings (PDF version)

Policy and operational framework for integrated management of estuarine, coastal and marine environments in Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Eminent Panel on Seal Management (PDF version)

The Species at Risk Act and critical habitat for aquatic species (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes, 1997 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes, 1999 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 1995: report highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 1997: report highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - are we making progress to improve air quality? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we drink the water? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we eat the fish? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we swim at the beach? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the current pressures impacting Lake Erie? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the current pressures impacting Lake Huron? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the current pressures impacting Lake Michigan? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the current pressures impacting Lake Ontario? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the major pressures impacting the St. Clair-Detroit River ecosystem? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the major pressures impacting the St. Lawrence River? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the major stressors impacting Lake Superior? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of the Great Lakes food web? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of Great Lakes top predator fish? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - Why are non-native aquatic species a problem in the Great Lakes and how are they getting here? (PDF version)

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2002: conference proceedings (PDF version)

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2004: conference proceedings (PDF version)

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 2000: conference proceedings (PDF version)

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 1998: conference proceedings (PDF version)

State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference '96: conference proceedings : SOLEC '96 - the year of the nearshore (PDF version)

Toxic contaminants (PDF version)

Aquatic wildlife
Aquatic habitat and wetlands of the Great Lakes (PDF version)

Nutrients: trends and system response (PDF version)

The Species at Risk Act and critical habitat for aquatic species (PDF version)

Behind closed doors: how faith-based arbitration shuts out women's rights in Canada and abroad (PDF version)

Singapore - an architecture and interior design overview (PDF version)

Annual review 2000-2001 (PDF version)

The archivist
No. 118, 1999 The archivist (PDF version)

The Mathieu family fonds: numerical list (PDF version)

The Oscar Peterson fonds: numerical list (PDF version)

Robert Fleming fonds: numerical list (PDF version)

Arctic ecosystems
Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Arme à feu
Report on the administration of the Firearms Act to the Solicitor General by the Registrar, 1999 (PDF version)

Review of the personal information handling practices of the Canadian Firearms Program: Department of Justice Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, final report, August 29, 2001 (PDF version)

Armed forces
Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 98-99 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 September 1999 to 31 March 2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2001 to 31 March 2002 /National Defence (PDF version)

Building on a stronger foundation: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 1999-2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2004 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2005 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

At a crossroads: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 2001-2002 /National Defence (PDF version)

Flight comment
Fall 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 1, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 2, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Winter 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)

An honour to serve: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff,2000-2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

International Conference on Employer Support for Reservists: Proceedings, May 30 to June 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada, 2005 (PDF version)

The maple leaf
Vol. 10, No. 1, 3 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 10, 18 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 11, 25 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 2, 17 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 3, 24 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 4, 31 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 5, 14 February 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 6, 28 February 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 7, 9 March 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 8, 28 March 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 9, 4 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 18, May 19, 2004 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 24, June 22, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 28, August 10, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 31, September 14, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 38, November 2, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 42, November 30, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 44, December 14, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 10, 8 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 11, 15 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 12, 22 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 13, 29 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 14, April 5 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 15, April 12, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 16, 26 April 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 17, May 3, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 18, May 10, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 19, May 17, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 20, May 24, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 21, May 31, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 22, June 7, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 23, June 14, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 24, June 21, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 25, June 28, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 26, July 12, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 27, July 26, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 28, August 9, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 29, August 23, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 30, September 13, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 31, 20 September, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 32, 27 September, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 33, 4 October, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 34, 11 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 35, 18 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 36, 25 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 37, 1 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 38, 8 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 39, 15 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 4, January 25, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 40, 22 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 41, 29 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 42, 6 December 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 43, 13 December 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 5, February 1, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 6, February 8, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 7, February 15, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 8, February 22, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 9, 1 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)

The Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada 2001 annual report to the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs on Quality of Life in the Canadian Forces /National Defence (PDF version)

Operational stress injury - services and supports (PDF version)

Progress report II: Land Force Reserve Restructure; Professional development, education and leadership (PDF version)

Progress report I: Land Force Reserve Restructure (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Small Arms and the OAS (PDF version)

Scientific excellence for Canada's defence: annual report, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Special report: systemic treatment of CF members with PTSD (PDF version)

Tarnak Farm Board of Inquiry final report (PDF version)

Where are the girls?: girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique : their lives during and after war (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 98-99 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 September 1999 to 31 March 2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2001 to 31 March 2002 /National Defence (PDF version)

Building on a stronger foundation: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 1999-2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

At a crossroads: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 2001-2002 /National Defence (PDF version)

Flight comment
Fall 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 1, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 2, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Winter 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)

An honour to serve: annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff,2000-2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

International Conference on Employer Support for Reservists: Proceedings, May 30 to June 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada, 2005 (PDF version)

The maple leaf
Vol. 10, No. 1, 3 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 10, 18 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 11, 25 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 2, 17 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 3, 24 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 4, 31 January 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 5, 14 February 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 6, 28 February 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 7, 9 March 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 8, 28 March 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 10, No. 9, 4 April 2007 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 18, May 19, 2004 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 24, June 22, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 28, August 10, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 31, September 14, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 38, November 2, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 42, November 30, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 44, December 14, 2005 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 10, 8 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 11, 15 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 12, 22 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 13, 29 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 14, April 5 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 15, April 12, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 16, 26 April 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 17, May 3, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 18, May 10, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 19, May 17, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 20, May 24, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 21, May 31, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 22, June 7, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 23, June 14, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 24, June 21, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 25, June 28, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 26, July 12, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 27, July 26, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 28, August 9, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 29, August 23, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 30, September 13, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 31, 20 September, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 32, 27 September, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 33, 4 October, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 34, 11 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 35, 18 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 36, 25 October 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 37, 1 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 38, 8 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 39, 15 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 4, January 25, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 40, 22 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 41, 29 November 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 42, 6 December 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 43, 13 December 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 5, February 1, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 6, February 8, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 7, February 15, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 8, February 22, 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)
Vol. 9, No. 9, 1 March 2006 The maple leaf (PDF version)

The Minister of National Defence and the Minister of Veterans Affairs Canada 2001 annual report to the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs on Quality of Life in the Canadian Forces /National Defence (PDF version)

Scientific excellence for Canada's defence: annual report, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Special report: systemic treatment of CF members with PTSD (PDF version)

Arms control
Ballistic Missiles Foreign Experts Roundtable report (PDF version)

Canada's commitment to world peace: CCFPD policy options paper (PDF version)

Export of military goods from Canada, annual report 2001 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Small Arms and the OAS (PDF version)

Art d'être parent
Services for children: guide to Government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Art galleries
National Gallery of Canada and the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, annual report, 1999-2000 /National Gallery of Canada (PDF version)

Art works
Contemporary art in France: a guide for Canadian exporters (PDF version)

IMHA on the move!
Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter-Spring 2003 IMHA on the move! (PDF version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring-Summer 2004 IMHA on the move! (PDF version)
Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 2005 IMHA on the move! (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 2005 IMHA on the move! (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 2006 IMHA on the move! (PDF version)

Annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal (PDF version)

Artists by neighbourhood in Canada (PDF version)

Artists in large Canadian cities (PDF version)

Artists in small and rural municipalities in Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal - annual report: 12th report, 2005-2006 /Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal (PDF version)

Evaluation of the provisions and operations of the Status of the Artist Act: Volume I, final report (PDF version)

42nd annual report, 1998-1999 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Activity-based tourism segments in Canada and the USA: an overview (PDF version)

Annual report, 03-04 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version)

Annual report, 04-05 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version)

Annual report, Canada Council for the Arts, 05-06 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version)

Art teacher be aware: a booklet about the safe use of arts and crafts materials for elementary school teachers (PDF version)

The arts - a part of us all (PDF version)

Evaluation of the National Arts Training Contribution Program and the National Training Program in the Film Video Sector: final report (PDF version)

Formative evaluation of the Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust Program: final report (PDF version)

Formative evaluation of Trade Routes: final report (PDF version)

Funding to inter-arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to media arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Grants by program and province, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Joint formative evaluation of Arts Presentation Canada, Cultural Spaces Canada, and the Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program: final report (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to artists and arts organizations in the City of Toronto, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to inter-arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to media arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in the Northwest Territories, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Québec, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Quebec, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Yukon Territory, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of Grants to Nunavut Territory, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of grants to Yukon Territory, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Program and services for heritage organizations in Canada (PDF version)

Report on a formative evaluation of two Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program components - Cultural Capitals of Canada and Networking Initiatives: final report (PDF version)

Arts visuels
Funding to visual arts, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Annual report on organized crime in Canada, 2002 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Non-associated natural gas resource assessment study, Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Common look and feel self-assessment guide (PDF version)

Employment insurance: 2001 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Re-evaluation note
REV 2001-01 Discontinuation of the Organophosphate Insecticide Methidathion (PDF version)
REV 2001-02 Discontinuation of the Organophosphate Insecticide Ethyl Parathion (PDF version)
REV 2001-03 Discontinuation of the organophosphate insecticide Ethion (PDF version)
REV 2002-02 Update on the special review of lindane and the status of lindane registrations (PDF version)
REV 2002-03 Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) (PDF version)
REV 2002-04 Endosulfan (PDF version)

Follow-up evaluation: lessons learned about capacity building (PDF version)

Globalization and Canadian foreign relations: an assessment of implications and interests (a report from the Forum 2000) (PDF version)

Human security and Asia's financial crisis: a critique in light of Asia's financial crisis (PDF version)

Inventory of federal, provincial and territorial environmental and occupational health data sources and surveillance activities (PDF version)

Official grain grading guide, August 1, 2004 (PDF version)

Post-market surveillance of drug products derived from biotechnology (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing an appropriate level of Measurement Canada intervention in the retail petroleum sector (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing an appropriate level of Measurement Canada intervention in the upstream petroleum sector (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing Measurement Canada's level of intervention in the sector (PDF version)

Assets management
Evaluation of seized property management (PDF version)

Support to Sector Associations Program -a ‘sound’ program: Canada Music Fund - annual report 2004-05 (PDF version)

CDIC annual report, 1999-2000 /Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDF version)

CDIC annual report, 2000-2001 /Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDF version)

Summary of corporate plan, 1999/2000 to 2003/2004 (PDF version)

Athlete Assistance Program policies and procedures (PDF version)

Atlantic provinces
Atlantic region metal finishing industry pilot project (PDF version)

Atlantic seal hunt management plan, 2002 (PDF version)

Canadian linguistic facts and figures: Atlantic: Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick (PDF version)

CBDC: Community Business Development CBDC: Corporations: Nova Scotia annual review, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

"What we heard": summaries of public consultations conducted by the Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review, March-April 2001 (PDF version)

Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition
Vol. 25, No. 10, October 27, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 11, November 24, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 12, December 29, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May 26, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June 30, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July 28, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 8, August 25, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 9, September 29, 2000 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 1, January 26, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 10, October 26, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 11, November 30, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 12, December 28, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 2, February 23, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 3, March 30, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 4, April 27, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 5, May 25, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 6, June 29, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 7, July 27, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 8, August 31, 2001 Eastern edition of notices to mariners (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, January 25, 2002 Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, February 22, 2002 Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, March 29, 2002 Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 4, 26 April, 2002. Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 5, May 31, 2002. Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 6, 28 June 2002. Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 7, July 26, 2002. Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 8, August 30, 2002 Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 9, September 27, 2002 Notices to mariners. Eastern edition (PDF version)

Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition
Vol. 31, No. 10, October 27, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 11, November 24, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 12, December 29, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 7, July 28, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 8, August 25, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 9, September 29, 2006 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 32, No. 1, January 26, 2007 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 32, No. 2, February 23, 2007 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 32, No. 3, March 30, 2007 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)
Vol. 32, No. 4, April 27, 2007 Notices to mariners publication. Eastern edition (PDF version)

Report of the Independent Panel on Access Criteria for the Atlantic Coast commercial fishery (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Canadian atlas of bird banding: Volume 1, doves, cuckoos, and hummingbirds through passerines, 1921-1995 (PDF version)

Atmospheric emissions
Canada-United States emissions cap and trading feasibility study (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we eat the fish?: atmospheric deposition (PDF version)


The dual digital divide: the Information Highway in Canada (PDF version)

Audience publique
"What we heard": summaries of public consultations conducted by the Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review, March-April 2001 (PDF version)

Audit of acting EX appointments: a report by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Audit of the implementation of Section 41 of Part VII of the Official Languages Act by the Canadian Tourism Commission (PDF version)

Audit of the language of work at National Defence Headquarters (PDF version)

Audit of readiness for the new Public Service Employment Act: a report by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Follow-up audit of the Military Police Complaints Commission: a report by the Public Service Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on three contracts awarded to Groupaction (PDF version)

Principles for electronic authentication:: consultation draft (PDF version)

Access to therapeutic products: the regulatory process in Canada (PDF version)

Study of author income and publisher practices relating to author income: final report (PDF version)

The impact of transit improvements on GHG emissions: a national perspective (PDF version)

2001-2002 Year in review: Alberta Region (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Aboriginal labour force characteristics from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit control - annual report, 1999-2000 /Health Canada (PDF version)

National Aboriginal Day, June 21: share in the celebration (PDF version)

Registered Indian population by sex and residence, 1998 (PDF version)

Technical information document
TID-AM-01 Maintenance management systems (PDF version)
TID-FP-01 Fire protection (PDF version)
TID-MS-01 Community water systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-02 Community wastewater systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-03 Community solid waste (PDF version)
TID-PM-01 First Nations and aboriginal communities project management manual (PDF version)
TID-ST-01 Storage tanks management systems (PDF version)

Canadian Operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2004 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the design and construction of mobile command posts and similar emergency response vehicles (PDF version)

Automobile industry
Best practice benchmarking in energy efficiency - Canadian automotive parts industry (PDF version)

Cars on the brain - Canada's automotive industry 2006 (PDF version)

Cars on the brain - Canada's automotive industry, 2003 (PDF version)

Competitiveness factors for attracting and maintaining automotive investment: comparison between Canada and Mexico (PDF version)

Statistical review of the Canadian automotive industry (PDF version)

Automobile safety equipment
Car time -- stage 1: safe travel in a rear-facing infant seat (PDF version)

Car time -- stage 2: safe travel in a forward-facing child seat (PDF version)

Car time -- stage 3: safe travel in a booster seat (PDF version)

Car time -- stage 4: safe travel in a seat belt (PDF version)

Keep kids safe: car time 1-2-3-4 (PDF version)

Keep kids safe: car time 1-2-3-4 (PDF version)

Results of Transport Canada's September 2002 Survey of Seat Belt Use in Rural Areas of the Country (PDF version)

Vehicle defects and recalls: Making Canada's roads the safest in the world, road safety vision 2010 (PDF version)

The Auto$mart guide: how to buy, drive and maintain your car and save money, energy and the environment (PDF version)

Canadian operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers: NAFTA resource manual (PDF version)

Canadian Operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Energy-efficient motor systems assessment guide (PDF version)

Findings of the Canadian vehicle fuel pilot survey (HTML version)

Fuel consumption guide 2004 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the design and construction of mobile command posts and similar emergency response vehicles (PDF version)

The most fuel-efficient vehicles for model year 2006 (PDF version)

Riding on air: critical safety information for you and your tires (PDF version)

Vehicle defects and recalls: Making Canada's roads the safest in the world, road safety vision 2010 (PDF version)

You, your vehicle and fuel efficiency (PDF version)

Aviation civile
Flight 2010 - a strategic plan for Civil Aviation (PDF version)

Aviation industry
Aviation occupational health and safety on board air craft (PDF version)

The Edmonton and Calgary aviation markets: a tale of two more cities (HTML version)

Aviation militaire
Flight comment
Fall 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 1, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
No. 2, 2006 Flight comment (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)
Winter 2005 Flight comment (PDF version)

Avis public
Notice of ways and means motion to introduce an Act respecting the taxation of spirits, wine and tobacco and to implement increases in tobacco taxes and changes to the treatment of ships' stores (PDF version)

Award holder's guide for Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) holders at Canadian universities, Julie-Payette -- NSERC Research Scholarship holders at Canadian universities (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Eligibility of expenses (PDF version)

Guidelines and nomination form - Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education 2005-2006 (PDF version)

NSERC award holder's guide 2001: for postgraduate scholarship (PGS) holders at foreign institutions and postdoctoral fellows (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

NSERC researcher's guide, 2000 (PDF version)

Synergy awards for R & D partnerships (PDF version)

National Forest Week, September 24-30, 2006 (PDF version)

Annual report 2000 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Governor to the Minister of Finance and financial statements for the year 1998 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Governor to the Minister of Finance and financial statements for the year 1999 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Cashing your government of Canada cheque for free (PDF version)

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - annual report 2004-2005: value for Canadians /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, annual report, 2005-2006 /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Financial service charges: annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Modernizing Canada's secured transactions law - the Bank Act security provisions (PDF version)

A new approach to helping consumers (PDF version)

Opening a personal bank account (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2002 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2004 (PDF version)

Weekly financial statistics
April 1, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 12, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 16, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 19, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 20, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 23, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 24, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 26, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 27, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 30, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 5, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 6, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 9, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 10, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 11, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 13, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 14, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 16, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 17, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 18, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 2, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 20, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 21, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 23, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 24, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 25, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 27, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 28, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 3, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 30, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 31, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 4, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 6, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 7, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 9, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 1, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 10, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 11, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 12, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 14, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 15, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 17, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 18, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 19, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 21, 2001. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 22, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 24, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 28, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 29, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 29, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 3, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 30, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 31, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 4, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 5, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 7, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 8, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 1, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 11, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 12, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 15, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 18, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 19, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 22, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 25, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 4, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 8, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 11, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 12, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 12, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 16, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 18, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 19, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 21, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 22, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 23, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 25, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 26, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 29, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 30, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 4, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 4, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 5, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 5, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 7, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 8, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 10, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 12, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 13, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 16, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 17, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 19, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 20, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 21, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 23, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 24, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 26, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 27, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 3, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 30, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 31, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 5, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 6, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 7, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 9, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 19, 1998. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 1, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 12, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 14, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 15, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 16, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 18, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 2, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 21, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 22, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 23, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 25, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 26, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 28, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 29, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 30, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 4, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 8, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 9, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 1, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 10, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 15, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 17, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 22, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 3, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 30, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 31, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 8, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 1, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 10, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 11, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 12, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 14, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 15, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 17, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 18, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 19, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 21, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 22, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 24, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 25, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 26, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 28, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 3, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 31, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 4, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 5, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 7, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 8, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 10, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 14, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 19, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 21, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 26, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 30, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 1, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 11, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 12, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 13, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 16, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 19, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 2, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 20, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 22, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 23, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 26, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 27, 2700 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 29, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 30, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 4, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 5, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 6, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 8, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 9, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 1, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 10, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 11, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 13, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 14, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 15, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 17, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 18, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 20, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 21, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 22, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 24, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 25, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 27, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 28, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 29, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 3, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 4, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 6, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 7, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 8, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)

What you should know about low-cost accounts (PDF version)

What you should know if your branch closes (PDF version)

The creation by the federal parliament of security mechanisms in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (PDF version)

E-filing - a step-by-step approach (PDF version)

Failing concerns: business bankruptcy in Canada (HTML version)

Failing concerns: business bankruptcy in Canada (PDF version)

Failure rates for new Canadian firms: new perspectives on entry and exit (HTML version)

Harmonization of federal legislation with Quebec civil law: some examples from the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (PDF version)

Insolvency case law digest, 2004 (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Calgary regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Halifax regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Montreal regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum national report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Saskatchewan regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Toronto regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Vancouver regional report (PDF version)

An overview of Canadian insolvency statistics (PDF version)

An overview of Canadian insolvency statistics (PDF version)

About the Bank (PDF version)

About the Bank (PDF version)

Annual report 2005 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2001 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada review
Autumn 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2003-2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2004-2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2005-2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2006-2007 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2005 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada - annual report 2006 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Business Development Bank of Canada - annual report, April 2005-March 2006 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Consumer's guide to basic banking services (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes on taxation of foreign bank branches (PDF version)

Monetary policy report update
August, 2000 Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
August, 2001 Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
February, 2001 Monetary policy report (PDF version)
January, 2002. Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
July, 2002. Monetary policy report update (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2006 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 1998 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2001 (PDF version)

The Thiessen lectures: lectures delivered by Gordon G. Thiessen, Governor of the Bank of Canada, 1994 to 2001 (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2001 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada review
Autumn 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2003-2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2004-2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2005-2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2006-2007 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)

Consumer's guide to basic banking services (PDF version)

The Thiessen lectures: lectures delivered by Gordon G. Thiessen, Governor of the Bank of Canada, 1994 to 2001 (PDF version)

Official grain grading guide, August 1, 2004 (PDF version)

Official grain grading guide, August 1, 2000 (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Canadian Barley Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 23-25, 1999 (PDF version)

Barrier free access
Advancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities: executive summary (PDF version)

Ensuring access: the duty to accommodate (PDF version)

Guide to removing communication barriers for travellers with disabilities (PDF version)

Women with disabilities: accessing trade (PDF version)

Beef cattle
The competitiveness of the beef sector in Argentina and Canada (PDF version)

Awareness of the effects of alcohol use during pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome: results of a national survey (PDF version)

Canadian adult and youth opinions on the sizing of health warning messages (PDF version)

The street lifestyle study (PDF version)

The street lifestyle study (PDF version)

Benchmark for success: learning from industry to plan your future (PDF version)

Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation - seventh report, December 2004 (PDF version)

Canada's retirement income programs: a statistical overview (1990-2000) (HTML version)

The new Veterans Charter for CF Veterans and their families (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 9,: Pension and insurance administration - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, Management of federal drug benefit programs (PDF version)

Services and benefits (PDF version)

An accord between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector (PDF version)

Building the technological capacity of the voluntary sector: the Voluntary Sector Network Support Program (VOLNET), National Advisory Committee Report (PDF version)

The Canada Volunteerism Initiative: the report of the National Volunteerism Initiative Joint Table: executive summary (PDF version)

Best practices
Good manufacturing practices guidance document (PDF version)

Beverage industry
Beverage and tobacco products industries [1995] (HTML version)

Beverage and tobacco products industries [1996] (HTML version)

Beverage and tobacco products industries [1997] (HTML version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, 2004 (HTML version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 2003 (HTML version)

The control and sale of alcoholic beverages in Canada, fiscal year ended March 31, 2005 (HTML version)

Excise Act, 2001: explanatory notes and draft regulations (PDF version)

How to cite Statistics Canada products (HTML version)

A selected and annotated bibliography regarding Bill C-31, Indian registration and band membership, aboriginal identity, women and gender issues (PDF version)

The accessible Canadian library II: a resource tool for librarians serving persons with disabilities (PDF version)

Bilingual services
Audit of Canada Post Corporation services to the public at bilingual postal outlets - follow-up (PDF version)

For rent: in search of bilingual services from businesses in NCR federal buildings - follow-up (PDF version)

Attitudes towards the use of both official languages within the public service of Canada: executive report (PDF version)

For rent: in search of bilingual services from businesses in NCR federal buildings (PDF version)

A brave new world - where biotechnology and human rights intersect (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Human stem cell research: opportunities for health and ethical perspectives - a discussion paper (PDF version)

Biological diversity
Biodiversity in agriculture: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's action plan (PDF version)

Biodiversity initiatives: Canadian agricultural producers (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act: terrestrial species (PDF version)

Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in Canada: National Status, 2000 (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 3: Canadian biodiversity strategy - a follow-up audit (PDF version)

Buyer's guide to small commercial Biomass Combustion Systems (PDF version)

Case study, biomass combustion systems, Greenwood Forest Products Ltd.: heating a large value-added production facility (PDF version)

Clean Energy Project analysis : RETSCREEN® engineering & cases textbook. Biomass Heating Project analysis chapter (PDF version)

Sustainability of biomass utilization - draft summaries: anticipated environmental effects of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic waste material and criteria for biodiesel production facilities (PDF version)

Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee annual report 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian biotechnology statistics: in support of the implementation of the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy (PDF version)

Managing biological risk: with an emphasis on risks associated with biotechnology (PDF version)

Patenting of higher life forms and related issues: Report to the Government of Canada Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Summary document: a summary of principal ideas arising from research papers not addressed in the Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel Report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Bioproducts Development Survey: analysis of the summary results (PDF version)

Biopromess? Biotechnology, sustainable development and Canada's future economy: executive report (PDF version)

Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Biotechnology and the health of Canadians (PDF version)

Biotechnology and human health: safeguarding and enhancing the health of Canadians (PDF version)

Biotechnology and cleaner production in Canada (PDF version)

A brave new world - where biotechnology and human rights intersect (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee - annual report, 2005 /Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee (PDF version)

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee annual report 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian biotechnology statistics: in support of the implementation of the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy (PDF version)

CFIA's Biotechnology highlights report 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Innovation roadmap on bio-based feedstocks, fuels and industrial bioproducts (PDF version)

Managing biological risk: with an emphasis on risks associated with biotechnology (PDF version)

Opportunities for biotechnology-based business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

An overview of the Office of Biotechnology and Science (PDF version)

Patenting of higher life forms and related issues: Report to the Government of Canada Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Pathways to growth: opportunities in biotechnology (PDF version)

Post-market surveillance of drug products derived from biotechnology (PDF version)

Products of biotechnology regulated by Health Canada (PDF version)

Progress report, August 204: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, December 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, December 2003: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, January 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, June 2003: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, May 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Report on biotechnology (1998-2003) (PDF version)

Report on the renewal of the Canadian biotechnology strategy (PDF version)

Summary document: a summary of principal ideas arising from research papers not addressed in the Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Technical discussion on the health and safety aspects of the government of Canada action plan: final report (PDF version)

Canadian atlas of bird banding: Volume 1, doves, cuckoos, and hummingbirds through passerines, 1921-1995 (PDF version)

Canadian atlas of bird banding: Volume 1, doves, cuckoos, and hummingbirds through passerines, 1921-1995 (PDF version)

Living with Ring-billed Gulls (PDF version)

Managing a small duck flock (PDF version)

Monitoring bird populations in small geographic areas (PDF version)

Québec’s landbird conservation strategy (PDF version)

Seabirds of the Russian Far East (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian ostrich, emu and rhea industries (PDF version)

Enhancing the primary health care data collection infrastructure in Canada, report 2 (PDF version)

Giving birth in Canada : the costs (PDF version)

Giving birth in Canada : providers of maternity and infant care (PDF version)

Giving birth in Canada : a regional profile (PDF version)

Pan-Canadian primary health care indicators, report 1, volume 1 (PDF version)

Pan-Canadian primary health care indicators, report 1, volume 2 (PDF version)

Validation study for a record linkage of births and infant deaths in Canada (HTML version)

Birth certificates
Indian registration: unrecognized and unstated paternity (PDF version)

Birth rate
Births, 2004. [Volume 1], Live births (HTML version)

Births, 2004. [Volume 2], Stillbirths (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1996 (HTML version)

Canadian injury data: mortality 1997 and hospitalizations, 1996-97 (PDF version)

Healthy aging: prevention of unintentional injuries among seniors (PDF version)

National Trauma Registry 2003 report: major injury in Canada (includes 2001/2002 data) (PDF version)

Blood supply
Canadian transfusion adverse event reporting form: user's manual, version 2.0 (PDF version)

Preparation of the quality information for drug submissions in the CTD format - blood products: guidance for industry (PDF version)

Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System - project progress report 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Construction type plywood
Vol. 46, No. 10, October, 1998 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 46, No. 12, December, 1998 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 1, January, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 10, October, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 12, December, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 2, February, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 3, March, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 4, April, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 5, May, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 6, June, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 7, July, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 8, August, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 9, September, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 1, January, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 10, October, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 11, November, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 12, December, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 2, February, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 3, March, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 5, May, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 6, June, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 7, July, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 8, August, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 9, September, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 1, January, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 10, October, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 11, November, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 2, February, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 3, March, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 4, April, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 5, May, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 6, June, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 7, July, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 8, August, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 1, January, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 12, December, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 2, February, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 3, March, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 4, April, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 5, May, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 6, June, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 7, July, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 1, January, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 10, October, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 11, November, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 12, December, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 2, February, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 3, March, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 7, July, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 8, August, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 9, September, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 1, January, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 10, October 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 11, November 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 12, December 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 2, February, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 3, March, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 4, April, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 5, May 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 6, June 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 7, July 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 9, September 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)

Summary of Government of Canada direct securities and loans outstanding as at December 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Summary of Government of Canada domestic and foreign pay securities and loans outstanding as at December 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Summary of Government of Canada direct securities and loans outstanding as at 31 December 2006 (PDF version)

Canada Research Chairs: research at its best (PDF version)

Self-help advice
Be prepared, not scared (PDF version)
Floods (PDF version)
Prepare to survive a major earthquake (PDF version)
Severe storms (PDF version)
Storm surges (PDF version)
Winter power failures (PDF version)

Buying and reading books for pleasure - 2005 national survey - final report (PDF version)

Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program
April 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)

Border crossing
Audit of services to the public at highway border crossings of the Canada Border Services Agency (PDF version)

Be aware and declare (PDF version)

Canada-United States accord on our shared border: update 2000 (PDF version)

Canada-US law enforcement border partnership: an evolving situation (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States: quick reference guide (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States: quick reference guide (PDF version)

The emergence of cross-border regions between Canada and the United States: roundtables synthesis report (PDF version)

Guidelines regarding departure from Canada of persons with suspected respiratory tuberculosis (TB), untreated active respiratory TB or partially treated active respiratory TB (PDF version)

Perspectives on the borderless world: issues for Canada (PDF version)

Protecting our borders and skies: information from the government of Canada for travellers (PDF version)

Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2002 Resilog (PDF version)

Botanical gardens
The living collection of the Dominion Arboretum (PDF version)

Canada-United States accord on our shared border: update 2000 (PDF version)

The emergence of cross-border regions between Canada and the United States: roundtables synthesis report (PDF version)

Taking privacy into account before making contracting decisions: guidance document (PDF version)

Bourse d'études
Award holder's guide for Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) holders at Canadian universities, Julie-Payette -- NSERC Research Scholarship holders at Canadian universities (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

NSERC award holder's guide 2001: for postgraduate scholarship (PGS) holders at foreign institutions and postdoctoral fellows (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

SSHRC award holder's guide: for doctoral fellowship holders at Canadian universities (PDF version)

SSHRC award holder's guide: for Doctoral Fellowship holders registered at foreign institutions and Postdoctoral Fellowship holders in Canada or abroad, effective April 1, 2001 (PDF version)

Breast cancer
Investigation and assessment of the navigator role in meeting the information decisional and educational needs of women with breast cancer in Canada (PDF version)

Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada - 1999 and 2000 report (PDF version)

Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada: 1997 and 1998 report (PDF version)

Quality determinants of organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada (PDF version)

Reducing the risk of breast cancer (PDF version)

Report from the Evaluation Indicators Working Group: guidelines for monitoring breast screening program performance (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Manual of Patent Office practice (PDF version)

The Patent Office record
Vol. 127, No. 16, April 20, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 17, April 27, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 18, May 4, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 19, May 11, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 20, May 18, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 21, May 25, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 22, June 1, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 23, June 8, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 24, June 15, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 25, June 22, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 26, June 29, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 27, July 6, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 28, July 13, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 29, July 20, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 30, July 27, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 31, August 3, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 32, August 10, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 33, August 17, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 34, August 24, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 35, August 31, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 36, September 7, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 37, September 14, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 38, September 21, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 39, September 28, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 40, October 5, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 41, October 12, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 42, October 19, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 43, October 26, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 44, November 2, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 45, November 9, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 46, November 16, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 47, November 23, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 48, November 30, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 49, December 7, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 50, December 14, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 51, December 21, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 127, No. 52, December 28, 1999 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 1, January 4, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 10, March 7, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 11, March 14, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 12, March 21, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 13, March 28, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 14, April 4, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 15, April 11, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 16, April 18, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 17, April 25, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 18, May 2, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 19, May 9, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 2, January 11, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 20, May 16, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 21, May 23, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 22, May 30, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 23, June 6, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 24, June 13, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 25, June 20, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 26, June 27, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 27, July 4, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 28, July 11, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 29, July 18, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 3, January 18, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 30, July 25, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 31, August 1, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 32, August 8, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 33, August 15, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 34, August 22, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 35, August 29, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 36, September 5, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 37, September 12, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 38, September 19, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 39, September 26, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 4, January 25, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 40, October 3, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 41, October 10, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 42, October 17, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 43, October 24, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 44, October 31, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 45, November 7, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 46, November 14, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 47, November 21, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 48, November 28, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 49, December 5, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 5, February 1, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 50, December 12, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 51, December 19, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 52, December 26, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 6, February 8, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 7, February 15, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 8, February 22, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 128, No. 9, February 29, 2000 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 1, January 2, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 10, March 6, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 11, March 13, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 12, March 20, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 13, March 27, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 14, April 3, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 15, April 10, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 16, April 17, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 17, April 24, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 18, May 1, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 19, May 8, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 2, January 9, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 20, May 15, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 21, May 22, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 22, May 29, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 23, June 5, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 24, June 12, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 25, June 19, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 26, June 26, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 27, July 3, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 28, July 10, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 29, July 17, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 3, January 16, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 30, July 24, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 31, July 31, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 32, August 7, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 33, August 14, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 34, August 21, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 39, September 25, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 4, January 23, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 40, October 2, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 41, October 9, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 42, October 16, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 43, October 23, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 44, October 30, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 45, November 6, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 46, November 13, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 47, November 20, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 48, November 27, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 49, December 4, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 5, January 30, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 50, December 11, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 51, December 18, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 51, December 18, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 52, December 25, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 6, February 6, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 7, February 13, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 8, February 20, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 129, No. 9, February 27, 2001 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 1, January 1, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 10, March 5, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 11, March 12, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 12, March 19, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 13, March 26, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 14, April 2, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 15, April 9, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 16, April 16, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 17, April 23, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 18, April 30, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 19, May 7, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 2, January 8, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 20, May 14, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 21, May 21, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 22, May 28, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 23, June 4, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 24, June 11, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 25, June 18, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 26, June 25, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 27, July 2, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 28, July 9, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 29, July 16, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 3, January 15, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 30, July 23, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 31, July 30, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 32, August 6, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 33, August 13, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 34, August 20, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 35, August 27, 2002. The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 36, September 3, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 37, September 10, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 38, September 17, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 39, September 24, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 4, January 22, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 40, October 1, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 41, October 8, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 5, January 29, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 6, February 5, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 7, February 12, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 8, February 19, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)
Vol. 130, No. 9, February 26, 2002 The Patent Office record (PDF version)

Patenting of higher life forms and related issues: Report to the Government of Canada Biotechnology Ministerial Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Summary document: a summary of principal ideas arising from research papers not addressed in the Biotechnological intellectual property and the patenting of higher life forms consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Audit of the safety of PWGSC bridges (PDF version)

Guidelines for navigation under the Confederation Bridge (PDF version)

Annual report, CRTC, Access to information and privacy, 2004-2005 /Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (PDF version)

Broadcasting policy monitoring report 2004: radio, television, broadcasting distribution, social issues, internet (PDF version)

Broadcasting policy monitoring report 2006: radio, television, broadcasting distribution, diversity & social issues, new media (PDF version)

CRTC accomplishments 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Formative evaluation of Radio Canada International (RCI) (PDF version)

The new CBC/Radio-Canada (PDF version)

Northern Native Broadcast Access Program (NNBAP) & Northern Distribution Program (NDF) evaluation: final report (PDF version)

Reinforcing our cultural sovereignty - setting priorities for the Canadian broadcasting system: second response to the Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

What is a public space? - CBC/Radio-Canada annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

3-year work plan 2006-2009 (PDF version)

Broadcasting industry
Broadcasting policy monitoring report 2005: radio, television, broadcasting distribution, social issues, internet (PDF version)

CBC/Radio-Canada, annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

CBC/Radio-Canada annual report 2002-2003 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

CRTC accomplishments 2004-2005 (PDF version)

CRTC 3-year work plan 2005-2008 (PDF version)

The future environment facing the Canadian broadcasting system: a report prepared pursuant to section 15 of the Broadcasting Act (PDF version)

The government of Canada's response to the report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, Our cultural sovereignty: the second century of Canadian Broadcasting (PDF version)

Canada Research Chairs: research at its best (PDF version)

The federal government response to the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable development: keeping a promise: towards a sustainable budget (PDF version)

The fiscal balance in Canada, February 2000 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2007 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on May 2, 2006 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 16, 1999

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 28, 2000 (PDF version)

Statement on Governor General special warrants: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Achieving a productive and sustainable economy - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

Advantage Canada: building a strong economy for Canadians (PDF version)

Annual financial report of the Government of Canada: fiscal year 1998-99 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Annual financial report of the Government of Canada: fiscal year 1999-2000 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Annual financial report of the government of Canada: fiscal year 2000-2001 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Annual financial report of the government of Canada: fiscal year 2001-2002 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Budget 2003: improving expenditure management and accountability (PDF version)

Budget 2003: building the economy Canadians need (PDF version)

Budget 2003: building the society Canadians value (PDF version)

Budget 2003: building the accountability Canadians deserve (PDF version)

Budget 2005 - expenditure review for sound financial management (PDF version)

The budget in brief 2003 (PDF version)

The budget in brief 2004 (PDF version)

The budget in brief 2005 (PDF version)

The budget in brief 2007: aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

The budget plan 2004 (PDF version)

The budget plan 2005 (PDF version)

The budget plan 2007: aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

Budget speech 2003 (PDF version)

The budget speech 2004 (PDF version)

The budget speech 2005 (PDF version)

The budget speech 2007: aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

Budget 2005 - strengthening and modernizing public sector management (PDF version)

Creating a Canadian advantage in global capital markets: aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada : budget 2007 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: presentation by the Honourable Jim Flaherty, P.C., M.P., November 23, 2006 (PDF version)

Economic statement and budget update: tabled in the House of Commons by the Honourable Paul Martin, P.C., M.P. Minister of Finance, October 18, 2000 (PDF version)

The federal government response to the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable development: keeping a promise: towards a sustainable budget (PDF version)

The fiscal balance in Canada, February 2000 (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - budget 2006, helping individuals and families: Canada's new government - turning a new leaf (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - the budget in brief 2006: Canada's new government - turning a new leaf (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - budget 2006, overview: Canada's new government - turning a new leaf (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - the budget plan 2006: Canada's new government - turning a new leaf (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - the budget speech 2006: Canada's new government - turning a new leaf (PDF version)

Focusing on priorities - restoring fiscal balance in Canada - budget 2006: Canada's new government - turning over a new leaf (PDF version)

Meeting our global responsibilities - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

Moving towards a green economy - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

A new deal for Canada's communities - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2007 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on May 2, 2006 (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 16, 1999

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 28, 2000 (PDF version)

Overview - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

Preserving our environment and modernizing our health care system: budget 2007 : aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

Restoring fiscal balance for a stronger federation: aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada : budget 2007 (PDF version)

Restoring fiscal balance for a stronger federation: budget 2007 : aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

A safer Canada: budget 2007 : aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

Securing our social foundations - Budget 2005 (PDF version)

Statement on Governor General special warrants: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Statement on the use of Governor General special warrants, for the fiscal years ending March 31, 2006 and March 31, 2007 (PDF version)

Tax relief for families and businesses: budget 2007 : aspire to a stronger, safer, better Canada (PDF version)

Emerging energy-saving technologies and practices for the Buildings Sector, 2004 introduction, methodology, results, discussion, next steps and recommendations, analysis, references (PDF version)

Research highlight; technical series
00-100 Measured pressure-equalized performance of two precast concrete panels (PDF version)
00-101 Measured pressure-equalized performance of a brick veneer/steel stud assembly (PDF version)
00-103 Straw bale house moisture research (PDF version)
00-104 Corridor air ventilation system energy use in multi-unit residential building (PDF version)
00-106 Field tests of ventilation systems installed to meet the 1993 OBC and 1995 NBC (PDF version)
00-109 Summary report for consortium on fire resistance and sound insulation of floors (PDF version)
00-124 Cost-effective concrete repair (PDF version)
00-127 Slab-on-grade construction (PDF version)
00-131 Canadian home inspectors & building officials national initiative (PDF version)
00-132 Moisture properties of plaster and stucco for straw bale buildings (PDF version)
00-133 Renovating distinctive homes: 1½ storey post-war homes (PDF version)
00-140 Compendium of research on the Conservation Co-op building (PDF version)
00-144 Retrofitting ventilation into low-rise housing (PDF version)
00-146 Ten steps to a cooler planet (PDF version)
00-147 Investigation of black soot staining in houses (PDF version)
01-101 Greenbacks from green roofs (PDF version)
01-102 "Plex" housing: a renewed tradition (PDF version)
01-104 Monitoring the performance of an EIFS retrofit on a 15-storey apartment building (PDF version)
01-119 The BREEAM Green Leaf environmental assessment protocol for multi-residential buildings (PDF version)
01-122 Air infiltration from attached garages in Canadian houses (PDF version)
01-133 Lower cost alternative for municipal sewer inspection and maintenance (PDF version)
01-137 Evaluation of urban drainage for basement flood proofing (PDF version)
01-138 Innovative on-site wastewater treatment (PDF version)
01-140 2001 building failures study (PDF version)
100-110 Review of OHC building energy and water audits (PDF version)
100-115 Building envelope rehabilitation consultant guide and owner/propertymanager guide (PDF version)
99-103 Quality by design: a quality assurance protocol for wood-frame building envelopes in British Columbia (PDF version)
99-104 High-rise apartment repair needs assessment in the former cities of Toronto and York (PDF version)
99-108 The effects of improved residential filtration on particle exposure (PDF version)
99-110 Research project on the reduction of noise produced by garage doors in multiple housing projects (PDF version)
99-112 Qualification of the degree of acoustic comfort in multi-family buildings (PDF version)
99-119 Practical guidelines for designers, contractors, and developers on the installation of air leakage control measures in new and existing high-rise commercial buildings (PDF version)

Review of the management control framework for long term capital planning (PDF version)

Year 2000 follow-up audit (PDF version)

Evaluation of the levels of diesel-related pollutants on school buses during the transportation of children - executive summary, December 2005 (PDF version)

The impact of transit improvements on GHG emissions: a national perspective (PDF version)

Business development
Annual report 2005 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Business Development Bank of Canada - annual report, April 2005-March 2006 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Canada Business annual report 2004-2005 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canada Business Service Centres annual report 2003-2004 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Fast forward 5.0: making connectivity work for Canada (PDF version)

Growth opportunities in North America's biscuit and bakery markets (PDF version)

North America's location of choice for confectionery manufacturers (PDF version)

Responding to unsolicited orders (PDF version)

Rural Canadians' guide to programs and services (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - high-growth SMEs (PDF version)

Survival rates of co-operatives in Québec (PDF version)

Business intelligence
Multivariate analysis of small business information needs (PDF version)

Business loans
Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1997 (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1998 (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1999 (PDF version)

Loans for small business enterprises (PDF version)

Sources of SME business debt financing in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Business opportunities
Atlantic Canada business environment profile: a compendium of information relevant to doing business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Business dynamics in Canada 2001 (HTML version)

Business dynamics in Canada, 2003 (HTML version)

Business plans
Atlantic Region business plan 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services [Ontario]: improving access to business management services (PDF version)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency corporate business plan 2003-2008 (PDF version)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency corporate business plan: Highlights 2003-2008 (PDF version)

CRTC 3-year work plan 2004-2007 (PDF version)

CRTC 3-year work plan 2005-2008 (PDF version)

Federal Healthcare Partnership 2007-2010 business plan (PDF version)

Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act (Part VII): action plan 2004-2005 to 2007-2008 (PDF version)

Information tools for marketing and planning: tourism volume, value and characteristics in Northern Ontario - Canadian and international travel surveys (2002) (PDF version)

International Business Development Business Plan, 1998-2001 (PDF version)

Passport Canada - business plan 2006-2009 (PDF version)

2004-2005 to 2008-2009 summary of the corporate plan (PDF version)

Transportation Safety Board of Canada business plan 2004-2005 (PDF version)

3-year work plan 2006-2009 (PDF version)

Business services
Atlantic Canada business environment profile: a compendium of information relevant to doing business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

BDC, innovating productivity: the pulse of Canadian small business: 2001 annual report (PDF version)

Building a stronger economy together (PDF version)

Canada Business Service Centres: annual report 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Canada business service centres, annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

Report on client impact and satisfaction: three Newfoundland CBDC's (PDF version)

The state of electronic commerce in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Study of the historical cost of proceedings before the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)

Supporting small business innovation: review of the Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Team Canada Inc: Success stories (Ontario) (PDF version)

Trade in services: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business for Aboriginal entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in northern Canada (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in Ontario (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in Quebec (PDF version)

Your guide to services for business in western Canada (PDF version)

Business start-ups
Atlantic Canada business environment profile: a compendium of information relevant to doing business in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

The defining characteristics of entrants in science-based industries (HTML version)

Annual report 1999-2000: on target for export growth /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report 2000-2001: Canadian exports: realizing our vision /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Canada business service centres, annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canada's innovation strategy (PDF version)

Canadian Commercial Corporation annual report 2002-2003: credibility - confidence - contracts /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

The Canadian electronic commerce strategy (PDF version)

Canadian firms, Canadian values: foreign policy implications of Canadian commercial activities in risky states (PDF version)

CBDC: Community Business Development CBDC: Corporations: Nova Scotia annual review, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Consumer complaints management: a guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Corporations Returns Act: 2001 and 2002 (HTML version)

Cuba: a guide for Canadian businesses (PDF version)

Environmental management and technologies in the business sector (HTML version)

Failure rates for new Canadian firms: new perspectives on entry and exit (HTML version)

Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2004 (HTML version)

Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2005 (PDF version)

Finding funding: ten steps to meet your financial needs (PDF version)

From ideas to business opportunities (PDF version)

Informal venture capital investment in Atlantic Canada: a representative view of "Angels" (PDF version)

Your Internet business: earning consumer trust: a guide to consumer protection for on-line merchants (PDF version)

Methods used by leading nations to engender best management practices in small and medium-sized enterprises and the application to Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Net Impact Study Canada : the SME experience: a preliminary report, November 2002 (PDF version)

A portrait of women business owners in Atlantic Canada in 2003 (PDF version)

Report on client impact and satisfaction of Nova Scotia CBCD's (PDF version)

Survey of usage by businesses of the Social Insurance Number (HTML version)

Waste Management Industry Survey: business sector, 1995 (HTML version)

What we need to know about the social economy: a guide for policy research (PDF version)

Governing responsibly: a guide for ministers and ministers of state (PDF version)

Cable television
Evaluation of federal participation in TV5: final report (PDF version)

Caisse populaire
Co-operatives in Canada (2001 data) (PDF version)

Caisses populaires
Co-operatives in Canada (2001 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2002 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2003 data) (PDF version)

Call for tenders
Transportation planning and modal integration initiatives: call for proposals - guide for applicants (PDF version)

Canadian-American relations
3rd Annual Graduate Student Seminar - Canada-U.S. relations: compendium of papers April 30-May 4, 2001 (PDF version)

Advancing Canadian interests in the United States: a practical guide for Canadian public officials (PDF version)

Building cross-border links: a compendium of Canada-US government collaboration (PDF version)

Canada-United States accord on our shared border: update 2000 (PDF version)

Canada-US law enforcement border partnership: an evolving situation (PDF version)

Canada-US regulatory co-operation - charting a path forward: interim report (PDF version)

Canada-US regulatory co-operation - symposium report: October 29, 2004 (PDF version)

Canada's growing economic relations with the United States: Part 2: maximizing our opportunities (PDF version)

Canada's growing economic relations with the United States : maximizing our opportunities: Part 1: what are the key dimensions? (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States: quick reference guide (PDF version)

Canadian performers: how to enter the United States: quick reference guide (PDF version)

Education and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): policy option report (PDF version)

The Halifax Roundtable on US Foreign Policy: summary of key points (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians on the Canadian-American relationship: communications survey (PDF version)

The new North America: report on discussions among experts and public servants, September-November 2003 (PDF version)

Report from the Denver Roundtable: new directions in U.S. foreign policy (PDF version)

Report on visit to Canada: Great Lakes issues (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Washington D.C. Roundtable on Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Edmonton Roundtable on Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Toronto Roundtable on the Bush Administration's Foreign Policy - challenges and implications for Canada (PDF version)

U.S. festival tourism enthusiasts: a special analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS) (PDF version)

U.S. winter outdoor activity participants: a special analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS) (PDF version)

United States - Canada border drug threat assessment (PDF version)

Canadian history
Annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Museum of Civilization (PDF version)

The archivist
No. 118, 1999 The archivist (PDF version)

Canada and the early cold war, 1943-1957 (PDF version)

Class FC: a classification for Canadian history (PDF version)

Class FC : a classification for Canadian history (PDF version)

Canadian identity
Canada's winning secrets (PDF version)

Canadian studies
The Canadian Studies Program: applicants' guide (PDF version)

A look at Canada (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Studies Program (PDF version)

Assessment and management of cancer risks from radiological and chemical hazards (PDF version)

Canadian cancer statistics, 2004 (PDF version)

Canadian cancer statistics, 2007 (PDF version)

Canadian cancer statistics, 2002 (PDF version)

Cancer in young adults in Canada (PDF version)

Cancer incidence in Canada
2003 to 2004 Cancer incidence in Canada (PDF version)

Cancer survival statistics, 1992-1998 (PDF version)

Diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer in Canadian adolescents 15 to 19 years of age, 1995-2000 (PDF version)

Diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer in Canadian children 0-14 years, 1995-2000 (PDF version)

Progress report on cancer control in Canada (PDF version)

Cancer du sein
Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada: 1997 and 1998 report (PDF version)

Reducing the risk of breast cancer (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

List of confirmed candidates: thirty-eighth General Election June 28, 2004 (PDF version)

Building and Verification of CSBFA Capital Leasing Company Database: report to Industry Canada (PDF version)

Capital leasing pilot project - impact of securitization on the Canadian Small Business Financing Act (PDF version)

Capital leasing pilot project - outstanding issues regarding CSBFA draft regulations: final report (PDF version)

Capital leasing pilot project - proposed lessor approval procedure under CSBFA draft regulations: final report (PDF version)

Capital leasing pilot project - questions and issues arising from rating agency presentations: final report (PDF version)

Consultations report - Capital leasing pilot project design and draft regulations (PDF version)

CSBFA capital leasing project report (PDF version)

Extension of the SBLA to capital leases: analysis of lessee attributes and defaults (PDF version)

A profile of the leasing sector and potential criteria for a definition of a lessor under the CSBFA capital leasing pilot project (PDF version)

Results-based management and accountability framework for the Capital leasing pilot project under the Canada Small Business Financing Act (CSBFA) (PDF version)

Capitale nationale
Annual report, 2001-2002 /National Capital Commission (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

Carburant diesel
Fuel consumption guide 2004 (PDF version)

Cardiovascular diseases
CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health annual report: April 2004-March 2005 /Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution and heart and lung disease (PDF version)

National High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control Strategy: report of the Expert Working Group, January 31, 2000 (PDF version)

National High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control Strategy: summary report of the Expert Working Group, January 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Noise from civilian aircraft in the vicinity of airports - implications for human health: I: noise, stress and cardiovascular disease (PDF version)

Abuse and neglect of older adults: a discussion paper (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: a Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: summary of guiding principles and recommendations (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: summary of recommendations (PDF version)

Canadian handbook on health impact assessment: volume 3: roles for the health practitioner (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The changing nature of home care and its impact on women's vulnerability to poverty (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The CPNP guidebook: a CPNP worker’s guide to running a great community program (PDF version)

Disability-related support arrangements, policy options and implications for women's equality (PDF version)

Economic impact of health, income security and labour policies on informal caregivers of frail seniors (PDF version)

End-of-life care for seniors (PDF version) (PDF version)

General Social Survey, cycle 16: caring for an aging society, 2002 (HTML version)

Trafficking in women in Canada: a critical analysis of the legal framework governing immigrant live-in caregivers and mail-order brides (PDF version)

Cercospora leaf blight of carrot: control strategies (PDF version)

Census division and census subdivision reference maps, by province or territory: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Census tract reference maps, by census metropolitan area or census agglomeration: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by census division, for areas outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by census tract, for census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by non-tracted census agglomeration: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Carte géographique
A geographic profile of manure production in Canada (HTML version)

National reference maps: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Population Ecumene Census Division Cartographic Boundary File, reference guide, census year 2006 (PDF version)

Case studies
At the cross-roads of conflict and democracy: women and Afghanistan's Constitutional Loya Jirga (PDF version)

Canadian peacebuilding in the Middle East: case study of the Canada Fund in Israel/Palestine and Jordan (PDF version)

Case study - earth energy systems
Vol. 1, issue 1 Federally sentenced women's facility (PDF version)
Vol. 1, issue 2 Father Michael McGivney secondary school (PDF version)
Vol. 1, issue 3, April 2000 Geothermal ice plant efficiently replaces aging ammonia system (PDF version)
Vol. 1, issue 4, April 2000 Southwestern Manitoba town simplifies ice-making while reducing costs (PDF version)

The right to survive sexual violence, women and HIV/AIDS (PDF version)

Robeez Footwear: better by design (PDF version)

Worker co-operative success stories (PDF version)

Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program
April 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)

Canadian General Standards Board catalogue 2005 (PDF version)

Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) - catalogue of products (HTML version)

Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program
April 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)

Special report: systemic treatment of CF members with PTSD (PDF version)

Special report: systemic treatment of CF members with PTSD (PDF version)

Cellular telephones
Cellphone choices for Canadians - a checklist: get a grip on your cellphone costs (PDF version)

Cellphone choices for Canadians - a guide: get a grip on your cellphone costs (PDF version)

Consumer trends update - the expansion of cellphone services (PDF version)

Agricultural Ecumene Census Division Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture: reference guide (HTML version)

Agricultural Ecumene Census Division Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Agriculture-population linkage data : 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Annual demographic estimates - Census metropolitan areas, economic regions and Census divisions, age and sex
2001 to 2006 Annual demographic estimates - Census metropolitan areas, economic regions and Census divisions, age and sex (PDF version)

Boundary files, reference guide - Census year 2006 (HTML version)

Boundary files, reference guide, census year 2006 (PDF version)

Cartographic boundary files, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

Census Agricultural Regions Boundary File, 2001 Census of Agriculture: reference guide (HTML version)

Census Agricultural Regions Boundary File for the 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

2001 Census date interpretation guide: industry : conversion of census industry data based on the 1980 Standard Industrial Classification System to the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) (HTML version)

Census division and census subdivision reference maps: reference guide (HTML version)

Census division and census subdivision reference maps, by province or territory: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Census forward sortation area boundary file, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

2006 Census new education module - follow-up report (HTML version)

Census tract reference maps, by census metropolitan area or census agglomeration: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Census tract reference maps, by Census metropolitan areas or Census agglomerations, reference guide - census year 2006 (PDF version)

Correspondence files, reference guide: Census year 2006 (PDF version)

Dissemination area reference maps: reference guide (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by census division, for areas outside census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by census tract, for census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, by non-tracted census agglomeration: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Dissemination area reference maps, reference guide - census year 2006 (PDF version)

Family incomes: census families, 1996 (HTML version)

Family incomes: census families, 1997 (HTML version)

Farm data : initial release: 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Farm operator data : initial release: 2001 Census of Agriculture (HTML version)

Federal Electoral Districts (1996 Representation Order) Reference Map: 2001 Census (HTML version)

GeoSuite, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

National, Census divisions and Census subdivisions reference maps, reference guide - Census year 2006 (HTML version)

National reference maps: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Population ecumene census division boundary file, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

Population ecumene census division boundary file, 2001 Census (HTML version)

Population Ecumene Census Division Cartographic Boundary File, reference guide, census year 2006 (PDF version)

Population and family estimation methods at Statistics Canada (HTML version)

Preview of products and services, 2006 Census of population - standard data products (HTML version)

Road network and geographic attribute file, reference guide, census year 2006 (PDF version)

Road network files, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

Rural Alberta profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Rural New Brunswick profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Rural Newfoundland and Labrador profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Rural Nova Scotia profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Rural Prince Edward Island profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Rural Saskatchewan profile - a ten-year census analysis (1991–2001) (PDF version)

Skeletal road network file, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

Census data
The 1996 Census unpaid work data evaluation study (PDF version)

Aboriginal women: a profile from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Aboriginal women : a profile from the 2001 Census (PDF version)

Boundary files, reference guide: census year 2006 (PDF version)

2001 provincial and territorial profiles, 2001 Census (HTML version)

A study of the canadian wheat board's role in grain transportation (PDF version)

Measurement Canada's authorized service providers (PDF version)

Voluntary periodic certification program for devices (PDF version)

Cessation d'emploi
Permanent layoffs, quits and hirings in the Canadian economy, 1978-1995 (HTML version)

Chaire de recherche
Canada Research Chairs: research at its best (PDF version)

Chambre des communes
Inside Canada's Parliament: an introduction to how the Canadian Parliament works (PDF version)

Globalization and governance: contemplating the global village (PDF version)

Guide to the Canadian House of Commons (PDF version)

The parliament we want: parliamentarians' views on parliamentary reform (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: sixteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: sixteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: thirteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 1998-1999 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Standing orders of the House of Commons: including the conflict of interest code for members (PDF version)

Chance d'emploi
FedNor Youth Forum 2000: summary and recommendations (PDF version)

FedNor Youth Forum 2000: action plan (PDF version)

Help-wanted index, 1981-1998 (HTML version)

Changement climatique
Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Coal and coke statistics
Vol. 79, No. 10, October, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 11, November, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 12, December, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 3, March, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 4, April, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 5, May, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 7, July, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 7, July, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 8, August, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 9, September, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 1, January, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 10, October, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 11, November, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 12, December, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 2, February, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 3, March, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 4, April, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 5, May, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 6, June, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 7, July, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 8, August, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 9, September, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 1, January, 2002 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 2, February, 2002 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 3, March, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 5, May, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 6, June, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)

Statistical review of coal in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)

Charitable donations
The Ontario ecogifts handbook (PDF version)

Charitable organizations
An accord between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector (PDF version)

Your application form to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 2000 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (HTML version)

Caring Canadians, involved Canadians: highlights from the 1997 National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (HTML version)

Your guide to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Charter of rights and freedoms
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (PDF version)

Disclosure reform: consultation paper (PDF version)

Its your right!: teachers' guide for adult basic education (PDF version)

Chasse au phoque
Atlantic seal hunt management plan, 2001 (PDF version)

Atlantic seal hunt management plan, 2002 (PDF version)

Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products
Vol. 17, No. 4, quarter ended December, 1998 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 1, quarter ended March, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 2, quarter ended June, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 3, quarter ended September, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 4, quarter ended December, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 2, quarter ended June 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2002 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, quarter ended March 2004 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, quarter ended June 2004 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)

Evaluation report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Dairy Program activities related to imported cheese made from pasteurized milk (PDF version)

Assessment and management of cancer risks from radiological and chemical hazards (PDF version)

Guidelines for the notification and testing of new substances - chemicals and polymers: pursuant to section 69 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the notification and testing of new substances: chemicals and polymers (PDF version)

Managing potentially toxic substances in Canada: a state of the debate report from the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Mercury and the environment (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for carbon monoxide: desirable, acceptable & tolerable levels: executive summary (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 1 (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 2 (PDF version)

Sampling Program for Residential Wood Combustion: winter of 1998-99 study report (PDF version)

Stay safe - an education guide to hazard symbols (PDF version)

Chief Electoral Officer
Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 38th general election held on June 28, 2004 (PDF version)

Child care
You bet I Care!: a Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: summary of guiding principles and recommendations (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: summary of recommendations (PDF version)

Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (PDF version)

Child welfare in Canada 2000: the role of provincial and territorial authorities in the provision of child protection services (PDF version)

Early childhood development activities and expenditures - Early learning and child care activities and expenditures: Government of Canada reports, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Improving child and family welfare: a summary and reconsideration of 11 recent National Welfare Grant demonstration projects (PDF version)

Parental work, child-care use and young children’s cognitive outcomes (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1994 (HTML version)

Services for children: guide to Government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Summary of activities for the Child-centred Family Justice Fund 2003-2005 (PDF version)

What's wrong with spanking? (PDF version)

Women's support, women's work: child care in an era of deficit reduction, devolution downsizing and deregulation (PDF version)

Work-related child-care centres in Canada - 2001 (PDF version)

Child custody
Custody, access and child support - findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (PDF version)

Custody access and child support in Canada (PDF version)

Custody access and child support in Canada: report on Federal-Provincial-Territorial Consultations (PDF version)

Custody, access and child support in Canada: report on federal-provincial-territorial consultations: executive summary (PDF version)

Custody, access and child support in Canada: report on federal-provincial-territorial consultations (PDF version)

Final Federal-provincial-territorial Report on Custody and Access and Child Support - putting children first (PDF version)

Government of Canada's response to the report of the Special Joint Committee on Child Custody and Access: strategy for reform (PDF version)

Putting children's interests first: custody, access and child support in Canada: federal-provincial-territorial consultation (PDF version)

Relocation of custodial parents : final report (PDF version)

Spousal violence in custody and access disputes: recommendations for reform (PDF version)

Child development
Early hearing and communication development: Canadian Working Group on Childhood Hearing (CWGCH) resource document (PDF version)

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: report on government of Canada activities and expenditures 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Handbook for health and social service providers and educators on children exposed to woman abuse/family violence (PDF version)

Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health (PDF version)

Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health: an overview (PDF version)

Investing in children: ideas for action: report from the national research conference held in Ottawa, October 27-29, 1998 (PDF version)

A national assessment of effects of school experiences on health outcomes and behaviours of children: technical report (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Parental work, child-care use and young children’s cognitive outcomes (HTML version)

Child poverty
Benefiting Canada's children: perspectives on gender and social responsibility (PDF version)

CIDA's action plan on child protection: promoting the rights of children who need special protection measures (PDF version)

First Nations Nation Child Benefit progress report 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The framing of poverty as "child poverty" and its implications for women (PDF version)

The National Child Benefit: progress report, 1999 (PDF version)

The National Child Benefit: what it means for Canadian families (PDF version)

The National Child Benefit: progress report, 2000 (PDF version)

Seeing the possibilities: the National Child Benefit (PDF version)

Child safety
Baby's stationary activity centre (PDF version)

Batteries - use them safely (PDF version)

Building toward breakthrough in injury control: a legislative perspective on the prevention of unintentional injuries among children and youth in Canada (PDF version)

Bunk bed safety (PDF version)

Canada's missing children, 2002 annual report /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (PDF version)

Is your child safe? (PDF version)

Children's jewellery containing lead (PDF version)

Crib safety (PDF version)

Infant swings (PDF version)

Keep kids safe: car time 1-2-3-4 (PDF version)

Keeping children safe on the Internet - (PDF version)

Parental attitudes toward unintentional childhood injuries (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to Government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Stay safe - an education guide to hazard symbols (PDF version)

Suspended baby jumpers (PDF version)

Trampolines (PDF version)

Child support
Child and spousal support: maintenance enforcement survey statistics, 2003-2004 (HTML version)

Child and spousal support: maintenance enforcement survey statistics, 2004/2005 (HTML version)

Child and spousal support: maintenance enforcement survey statistics, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Child support - how to use the simplified federal child support tables
Alberta (PDF version)
British Columbia (PDF version)
Manitoba (PDF version)
New Brunswick (PDF version)
Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Northwest Territories (PDF version)
Nova Scotia (PDF version)
Nunavut (PDF version)
Ontario (PDF version)
Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Quebec (PDF version)
Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Yukon (PDF version)

Child support implementation and enforcement projects funded from 1997 to 1999: activity summary report (PDF version)

Child support - tables for five or six or more children
Alberta (PDF version)
British Columbia (PDF version)
Manitoba (PDF version)
New Brunswick (PDF version)
Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Northwest Territories (PDF version)
Nova Scotia (PDF version)
Nunavut (PDF version)
Ontario (PDF version)
Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Quebec (PDF version)
Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Yukon (PDF version)

Child welfare in Canada 2000: the role of provincial and territorial authorities in the provision of child protection services (PDF version)

Children come first: a report to Parliament reviewing the provisions and operations of the Federal Child Support Guidelines: volume 1 (PDF version)

Children come first: a report to Parliament reviewing the provisions and operations of the Federal Child Support Guidelines: volume 2 (PDF version)

Custody, access and child support - findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (PDF version)

Custody access and child support in Canada (PDF version)

Custody access and child support in Canada: report on Federal-Provincial-Territorial Consultations (PDF version)

Custody, access and child support in Canada: report on federal-provincial-territorial consultations: executive summary (PDF version)

Custody, access and child support in Canada: report on federal-provincial-territorial consultations (PDF version)

The federal child support guidelines - step-by-step (PDF version)

Final evaluation of the Child Support Initiative - summary report (PDF version)

Final evaluation of the Child Support Initiative - technical report (PDF version)

Final Federal-provincial-territorial Report on Custody and Access and Child Support - putting children first (PDF version)

Phase I Report of Feasibility Study on New Hire Programs for Canada - New Hire Programs in the United States (PDF version)

Putting children's interests first: custody, access and child support in Canada: federal-provincial-territorial consultation (PDF version)

The Survey of the Child Support Awards: final analysis of pilot data and recommendations for continued data collection (PDF version)

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: report on government of Canada activities and expenditures 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Childhood diseases
Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program, 2003 results (PDF version)

Because life goes on : helping children and youth live with separation and divorce: a guide for parents (PDF version)

A Canada fit for children (PDF version)

Canada's missing children: annual report 2000 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Children come first: a report to Parliament reviewing the provisions and operations of the Federal Child Support Guidelines: volume 1 (PDF version)

Children come first: a report to Parliament reviewing the provisions and operations of the Federal Child Support Guidelines: volume 2 (PDF version)

Children with disabilities and their families (HTML version)

Children with disabilities and their families - tables (HTML version)

Decisions [educational game for youth ages 7 and up] (PDF version)

Diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer in Canadian children 0-14 years, 1995-2000 (PDF version)

Do they look both ways before crossing the information highway?: an online resource for parents, teachers and youth professionals to help protect children from sexual exploitation on the Internet (PDF version)

The effects of media violence on children (PDF version)

Family guide to physical activity for children (6-9 years of age) (PDF version)

The financial guide - children, nine- to twelve-year-olds (PDF version)

The financial guide - children, seven-and eight-year-olds (PDF version)

The financial guide - teenagers, thirteen- to fifteen-years-old (PDF version)

First Nations National Child Benefit: progress report for year ending March 31, 2004 (PDF version)

From home to school : how Canadian children cope: initial analyses using data from the second cycle of the School Component of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (HTML version)

Gotta move! - magazine for children 6-9 years of age (PDF version)

Growing up with Mom and Dad?: the intricate family life courses of Canadian children (HTML version)

Information to dealers of second-hand children's products (PDF version)

Investing in children: ideas for action: report from the national research conference held in Ottawa, October 27-29, 1998 (PDF version)

Keep kids safe: car time 1-2-3-4 (PDF version)

Labour markets, social institutions, and the future of Canada’s children (HTML version)

The learning circle: classroom activities on First Nations in Canada: ages 4 to 7 (PDF version)

Mothers as earners, mothers as carers: responsibility for children, social policy and the tax system (PDF version)

The National Child Benefit: progress report, 2001 (PDF version)

National longitudinal survey of children: Survey instruments for 1994-95 - data collection, Cycle 1 (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children: Overview of survey instruments for 1994-95 - data collection, Cycle 1 (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 2 survey instruments 1996-97 - Book 1 - parent and child (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 2 survey instruments 1996-97 - Book 2 - Education, 10-11 and 12-13 year olds (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 3 survey instruments 1998-99 - Book 1 - parent and child (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 3 survey instruments 1998-99 - Book 2 - education, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 year olds (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Overview of survey instruments for 1996-97 - data collection, Cycle 2 (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Overview of survey instruments for 1998-99 - data collection, Cycle 3 (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth : overview of survey instruments: Overview of Survey Instruments for 2000/01 - Data Collection, Cycle 4 (HTML version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Physical activity chart (PDF version)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the family: [a guide] for parents with young children (PDF version)

Round Table On Child Sex Tourism: December 6, 1996, Vancouver, Canada : summary report (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Support to former child soldiers: programming and proposal evaluation guide (PDF version)

Systematic review of the relationship between childhood injury and socio-economic status (PDF version)

Trafficking in human beings and organized crime: a literature review (PDF version)

Unintentional injuries in childhood: results from Canadian health surveys (PDF version)

Web guide to environmental learning for young Canadians (PDF version)

Where are the girls?: girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique : their lives during and after war (PDF version)

Children's books
Selling Canadian children's books in the UK (PDF version)

Children's health
Building an early childhood development system using a population health perspective: a tool for reviewing current approaches (PDF version)

Children's health and the environment in North America: a first report on available indicators and measures. County report : Canada (PDF version)

Make every mother and child count - report on maternal and child health in Canada: report on maternal and child health in Canada (PDF version)

A national assessment of effects of school experiences on health outcomes and behaviours of children: technical report (PDF version)

Swallowing the hurt: exploring the links between anorexia, bulimia and violence against women and girls (PDF version)

Children's rights
A Canada fit for children (PDF version)

CIDA's action plan on child protection: promoting the rights of children who need special protection measures (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict: first report of Canada (PDF version)

Where are the girls?: girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique : their lives during and after war (PDF version)

Chronic diseases
Chronic diseases in Canada
Vol. 19, No. 4, 1998 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 2, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 4, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 2, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 3/4, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, 2002. Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, 2002. Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)

Chronic diseases in Canada
Vol. 27, No. 1, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)

Chronic health problems
Respiratory disease in Canada (PDF version)

Citizen participation
Canadian corporate contributions to democratic development and citizen participation in developing countries: recommendations on identifying and supporting corporate efforts through Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

You asked about... immigration and citizenship (PDF version)

Celebrate Canadian citizenship: my citizenship, my country (PDF version)

Celebrate Canadian citizenship: my citizenship, my country (PDF version)

Conference on modernizing governance of May 3rd, 2000: summary report (PDF version)

A look at Canada (PDF version)

Modernizing governance: a preliminary exploration (PDF version)

A newcomer's introduction to Canada (PDF version)

The voices of our people: an activity guide about belonging (PDF version)

You asked about... immigration and citizenship (PDF version)

Celebrate Canadian citizenship: my citizenship, my country (PDF version)

Celebrate Canadian citizenship: my citizenship, my country (PDF version)

Conference on modernizing governance of May 3rd, 2000: summary report (PDF version)

Modernizing governance: a preliminary exploration (PDF version)

The voices of our people: an activity guide about belonging (PDF version)

Civil aviation
Flight 2010 - a strategic plan for Civil Aviation (PDF version)

National Civil Aviation Safety Committee, Sub-Committee on Runway Incursions final report, September 14, 2000 (PDF version)

Civil law
Bijuralism in Canada - harmonization methodology and terminology (PDF version)

Bijuralism in Supreme Court of Canada judgements since the enactment of the civil code of Canada (PDF version)

Clause 8 of Bill S-4: amending the Interpretation Act (PDF version)

The harmonization of federal legislation with the Civil Law of the Province of Quebec and Canadian bijuralism (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Out of the shadows - the civil law tradition in the Department of Justice Canada, 1868-2000 (PDF version)

S-4: a first harmonization bill (PDF version)

The Supreme Court of Canada and its impact on the expression of bijuralism (PDF version)

Some thoughts on bijuralism in Canada and the world (PDF version)

Civil rights
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (PDF version)

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: fifth report of Canada covering the period January 1995 - April 2004 (PDF version)

Its your right!: teachers' guide for adult basic education (PDF version)

Your privacy rights - Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for individuals (PDF version)

Civilian aircraft
Aircraft maintenance & manufacturing inspection and audit (checklists) manual (PDF version)

Access to justice for sexual harassment victims: the impact of Béliveau St-Jacques on female workers' right to damages (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January to June 2003 (PDF version)

Chippewa Tri-Council Inquiry, Beausoleil First Nation, Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation, Chippewas of Mnjikaning (Rama) First Nation, Coldwater-Narrows Reservation Surrender Claim (PDF version)

Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Inquiry, Toronto Purchase Claim (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: fifteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Kahkewistahaw First Nation 1907 surrender claim (PDF version)

Report on the mediation of the Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation flooding negociations (PDF version)

Claims processing
Documenting women's rights violations by non-state actors: activist strategies from Muslim communities (PDF version)

Class FC: a classification for Canadian history (PDF version)

Exemptions/waivers/special category substances: consultation on the development of environmental assessment regulations, March 30, 2006 (PDF version)

Classification des emplois
Modernizing federal labour standards: review of Part III of the Canadian Labour Code - consulation paper (PDF version)

The capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions: a significant opportunity to help Canada meet its Kyoto targets (PDF version)

Responding to the challenge: the Climate Change Action Fund (CCAF): 1998-2001 report (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Canada's perspective on climate change (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Canada's third national report on climate change: actions to meet commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (PDF version)

The capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions: a significant opportunity to help Canada meet its Kyoto targets (PDF version)

Carbon budget accounting at the forest management unit level: an overview of issues and methods (PDF version)

Climate change and Canada's national park system: a screening level assessment (PDF version)

Climate change communication: proceedings of an international conference, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (PDF version)

Disaster mitigation and preparedness in a changing climate: a synthesis paper (PDF version)

Environment and sustainable development indicators for Canada (PDF version)

Environmental quality in Canadian cities: the federal role (PDF version)

Government of Canada Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change (PDF version)

Greening of the Budget submission: budget recommendations, 2003 (PDF version)

Options report: reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian agriculture (PDF version)

Responding to the challenge: the Climate Change Action Fund (CCAF): 1998-2001 report (PDF version)

Securing Canada's natural capital: a vision for nature conservation in the 21st century (PDF version)

Toward a Canadian agenda for ecological fiscal reform: first steps (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Climate change
Canadian Climate Change and Health Vulnerability Assessment 2007: update on progress (PDF version)

Climate change and health: research report (PDF version)

Climate change and your health (PDF version)

Climate change - Canada and the world (PDF version)

Climate change impacts and adaptation: a Canadian perspective (PDF version)

Climate change in Alberta (PDF version)

Climate change in British Columbia (PDF version)

Climate change in Manitoba (PDF version)

Climate change in New Brunswick (PDF version)

Climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)

Climate change in Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Climate change in Nova Scotia (PDF version)

Climate change in Nunavut (PDF version)

Climate change in Ontario (PDF version)

Climate change in Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Climate change in Quebec (PDF version)

Climate change in Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Climate change in the western and northern forests of Canada: impacts and adaptations (PDF version)

Climate change in the Yukon (PDF version)

Climate change - science (PDF version)

Climate change and wildlife (PDF version)

CO2/climate report: 2003-2005 science review : a synthesis of new research developments (PDF version)

Discussion paper on Canada's contribution to addressing climate change (PDF version)

Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Federal house in order: annual report on emissions reductions from federal operations (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution, climate change and your health (PDF version)

Impacts of sea-level rise and climate change on the coastal zone of southeastern New Brunswick - executive summary (PDF version)

Impacts of a warming arctic (PDF version)

An introduction to climate change: a Canadian perspective (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons: the Commissioner's perspective - 2006; climate change - an overview; main points - chapters 1 to 5 (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 1: Managing the federal approach to climate change (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 2: Adapting to the impacts of climate change (PDF version)

Your guide to the one-tonne challenge (PDF version)

EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2005 (PDF version)

Children's sleepwear: flammability requirement guidelines: policy guidelines for the children's sleepwear requirements under the Hazardous Products Act (PDF version)

Leather and allied products industries, 1995 (HTML version)

Leather and allied products industries [1996] (HTML version)

Clothing industry
Clothing industries, 1996: Stability prevails in the Canadian clothing industry (HTML version)

Clothing industries, 1997: Has the clothing industry adapted to the changing economic environment? (HTML version)

Clothing industries, 1995 (HTML version)

An inquiry into the availability of certain apparel fabrics produced in Canada (PDF version)

Policy options to improve standards for women garment workers in Canada and internationally (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Coal and coke statistics
Vol. 79, No. 10, October, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 11, November, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 12, December, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 3, March, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 4, April, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 5, May, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 7, July, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 7, July, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 8, August, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 79, No. 9, September, 2000 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 1, January, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 10, October, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 11, November, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 12, December, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 2, February, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 3, March, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 4, April, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 5, May, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 6, June, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 7, July, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 8, August, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 80, No. 9, September, 2001 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 1, January, 2002 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 2, February, 2002 Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 3, March, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 5, May, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 81, No. 6, June, 2002. Coal and coke statistics (HTML version)

Report of the EUB-CEAA Joint Review Panel, Cheviot Coal Project, Mountain Park Area, Alberta (PDF version)

Statistical review of coal in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)

Coast guard
A status report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4,: Managing the Coast Guard fleet and marine navigational services - Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Coastal waters
Impacts of sea-level rise and climate change on the coastal zone of southeastern New Brunswick (PDF version)

Impacts of sea-level rise and climate change on the coastal zone of southeastern New Brunswick - executive summary (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of the Great Lakes alvars and cobble beaches? (PDF version)

R&D; mini-manual abbreviated procedural guide (PDF version)

Research and development plan, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Research and development plan, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Canada Geese in Southern Ontario: seasonal deterrent techniques for lakeside home and cottage owners (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of the Great Lakes alvars and cobble beaches? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes coastal wetlands? (PDF version)

Code du travail
Aviation occupational health and safety: right to refuse dangerous work while on board aircraft while in operation (PDF version)

Codes of practice
Base metals smelters and refineries: environmental code of practice, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Collective agreements
Work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements (PDF version)

Collective bargaining
Identifying the issues (PDF version)

Public Service Staff Relations Board, 32nd annual report, 1998-1999 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Thirty-fifth annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Map of participating colleges (PDF version)

Map of participating colleges (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act: fiscal year 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act: fiscal year 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Celebrating the Medical Research Council of Canada: a voyage in time, 1960-2000 (PDF version)

Celebrating the Medical Research Council of Canada: a voyage in time, 1960-2000 (PDF version)

December 6, 2000: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women: information kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

December 6, 2000: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women: information kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Beyond the granting agency: the Medical Research Council in the 1990's (PDF version)

Beyond the granting agency: the Medical Research Council in the 1990's (PDF version)

A legacy of excellence 1960-2000 (PDF version)

National Aboriginal Day, June 21: share in the celebration (PDF version)

National Aboriginal Day, June 21: share in the celebration (PDF version)

The General Agreement on Trade in Services: the financial services sector (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Commerce de détail
Retail chain and department stores, 1998: fiscal year ended March 31, 1999 (HTML version)

Wholesaling and retailing in Canada, 1998 (HTML version)

Commerce électronique
Canadian internet commerce statistics summary sheet (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Key statistics on ICT infrastructure use and content (PDF version)

Review of Statistics Canada survey (PDF version)

Shopping safely online (PDF version)

Commerce extérieur
Annual report 2000-2001, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2001-2002, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Government response to the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade: crossing the Atlantic: expanding the economic relationship between Canada and Europe (PDF version)

Government response to the report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade: Canada and the future of the World Trade Organization (PDF version)

Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 2000 (PDF version)

Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 2002 (PDF version)

Team Canada Inc: Success stories (Ontario) (PDF version)

Trade in services: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Trade update 2000: first annual report on Canada's state of trade (PDF version)

Trade update 2002: third annual report on Canada's state of trade (PDF version)

Unequal harvest: farmers' voices on international trade and the right to food (PDF version)

Commerce de gros
Wholesaling and retailing in Canada, 1998 (HTML version)

Commerce intérieur
Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

Commercial law
Choosing a name for your federally incorporated company (PDF version)

Conformity continuum information bulletin (PDF version)

Corporations Returns Act, 2004 (HTML version)

Are you thinking of incorporating?: reasons why you should consider federal incorporation (PDF version)

Commercial ships
Port State Control annual report 2004 /Transport Canada (PDF version)

Canadian fuel cell commercialization roadmap (PDF version)

CIHR - catalyst for commercialization (PDF version)

People and excellence: the heart of successful commercialization (PDF version) (PDF version)

Commission d'enquête
Qui est responsable?: vérification juricomptable (PDF version)

Commission scolaire
Map of participating school boards (PDF version)

Commissions of inquiry
Annual report, 2004-2005: review /Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP (PDF version)

Issue/survey Paper
Globalization and Canada's healthcare system (PDF version)
Health human resources in Canada's healthcare system (PDF version)
Medically necessary (PDF version)

Report on citizens' dialogue on the future of health care in Canada (PDF version)

Report of the events relating to Maher Arar (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Who is responsible?: forensic audit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Who is responsible?: fact finding report (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) 10_v01.pdf (PDF version) 11_v01.pdf (PDF version) 12_v01.pdf (PDF version) 13_v01.pdf (PDF version) 14_v01.pdf (PDF version) 15_v01.pdf (PDF version) 16_v01.pdf (PDF version) 1_v01.pdf (PDF version) 2_v01.pdf (PDF version) 3_v01.pdf (PDF version) 4_v01.pdf (PDF version) 5_v01.pdf (PDF version) 6_v01.pdf (PDF version) 7_v01.pdf (PDF version) 8_v01.pdf (PDF version) 9_v01.pdf (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Who is responsible? - summary (PDF version) findings_v01.pdf (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Common-law unions
After marriage breakdown: information on the on-reserve matrimonial home (PDF version)

Discussion paper: matrimonial real property on reserve (PDF version)

The legal regulation of adult personal relationships: evaluating policy objectives and legal options in federal legislation (PDF version)

Marriage and legal recognition of same-sex unions: a discussion paper (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1996 (HTML version)

Roundtable on Nigeria: recommendations for the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) (PDF version)

Communauté isolée
The National Rural Conference: rural action plan (PDF version)

Communauté rurale
Celebrating Success in Rural Canada: Annual Report to Parliament 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Enhancing the quality of life for rural Canadians: annual report to Parliament 2000-2001 (PDF version)

A guide to the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) (PDF version)

The National Rural Conference: rural action plan (PDF version)

Working together in rural Canada: annual report to Parliament, May 2000 (PDF version)

Communauté urbaine
A guide to the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Climate change communication: proceedings of an international conference, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (PDF version)

Communications Research Centre Canada - highlights 2005-06 (PDF version)

Highlights 2003-2004: innovation without boundaries (PDF version)

Issues and challenges in communicating with less literate Canadians (PDF version)

Key statistics on ICT infrastructure use and content (PDF version)

Key statistics on ICT infrastructure, use and content (PDF version)

Review of the communications function (PDF version)

Communications gouvernementales
Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on three contracts awarded to Groupaction (PDF version)

Communications industry
Realizing innovation: highlights, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Telecommunications service in Canada: an industry overview, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Telecommunications service in Canada: an industry overview, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Community development
The community development handbook: a tool to build community capacity (PDF version)

A community guide to protecting indigenous knowledge (PDF version)

DIAND cost reference manual (PDF version)

Environment - handbook for community development initiatives (PDF version)

Evaluating capacity development: experiences from research and development organizations around the world (PDF version)

First Nations stories - building sustainable communities in British Columbia: summary of proceedings (PDF version)

Guide for creating a smart community: Smart Communities Program – 2002 (PDF version)

Toward healthy-aging communities: a population health approach (PDF version)

Indian Affairs And Northern Development Ontario Region - business plan April 1999 - March 2000: building partnerships for the 21st century (PDF version)

Manitoba Framework Agreement Initiative review (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: learnings from a national community development project (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: learnings from a national community development project (PDF version)

Project analysis tool for sustainable community development: a tool to assist decision-makers (PDF version)

Social and community indicators for evaluating women's work in communities (PDF version)

A study of resiliency in communities (PDF version)

Sustainable community development - ensuring a better quality of life for Canadians: vision paper for an interdepartmental framework for action for sustainable community development (PDF version)

Technical information document
TID-AM-01 Maintenance management systems (PDF version)
TID-FP-01 Fire protection (PDF version)
TID-MS-01 Community water systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-02 Community wastewater systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-03 Community solid waste (PDF version)
TID-PM-01 First Nations and aboriginal communities project management manual (PDF version)
TID-ST-01 Storage tanks management systems (PDF version)

Tips for working with youth in community development projects (PDF version)

Tips for working with youth in community development projects (PDF version)

User guide for the project analysis tool for sustainable community development (PDF version)

Community partnerships
Community capacity building and mobilization in youth mental health promotion: the story of the community of West Carleton - how the Community Helper Program evolved from a community's experience with youth suicide (PDF version)

Rural horizon
Fall 2004 Rural horizon (PDF version)
Fall 2006 Rural horizon (PDF version)
Spring 2006 Rural horizon (PDF version)
Winter 2005 Rural horizon (PDF version)
Winter 2006 Rural horizon (PDF version)

Rural reminder
Spring 2005 Rural reminder (PDF version)
Winter 2001 - 2002 Rural reminder (PDF version)

Survival rates of co-operatives in Québec (PDF version)

Worker co-operative success stories (PDF version)

Community programs
Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund - funding guidelines for 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Economic development programs guide, 2005 (PDF version)

First Nation self-evaluation of community programs: a guidebook on performance measurement (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Invitational Symposium on Palliative Care: Provincial and Territorial trends and issues in community-based programming; Radisson Hotel Ottawa, Ontario March 23-24, 1997 (PDF version)

Community services
Directory of services and programs for abused men in Canada (PDF version)

Emergency Preparedness and First Nation Communities in Manitoba (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit home and community care -- planning resource kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Health Transition Fund Project NA108: First Nations and Inuit Home Care: final report (PDF version)

[Nunavut Regional Office] (PDF version)

Roll-up report of prevention & community-based support regional projects: funded/in progress 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Study on the conditions for success of the Centres scolaires et communautaires: final report (PDF version)

Victim services in Canada: national, provincial and territorial fact sheets 2002/03 (HTML version)

Compagnie aérienne
Air passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report, 2003 (HTML version)

Air passenger origin and destination, Canada-United States report, 2004 (HTML version)

Airline restructuring in Canada: third interim report (PDF version)

Airline restructuring in Canada: final report (PDF version)

Compagnie ferroviaire
VIA Rail Canada: a new era: annual report 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version)

A comparative international analysis of regimes for the disclosure of wrongdoing ("whistleblowing") (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1995 (HTML version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2000: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2001: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2002: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Textile Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2003: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2005 on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Competitive intelligence handbook: an everyday approach (PDF version)

Conformity continuum information bulletin (PDF version)

Enforcement guidelines on the abuse of dominance provisions (sections 78 and 79 of the Competition Act) (PDF version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

The future for Canada-U.S. container port rivalries (HTML version)

The future for Canada-U.S. container port rivalries (HTML version)

Immunity Program under the Competition Act (PDF version)

Intellectual property enforcement guidelines (PDF version)

Study of the historical cost of proceedings before the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)

Competitive rail access: Canada Transportation Act Review Panel interim report (PDF version)

Competitiveness factors for attracting and maintaining automotive investment: comparison between Canada and Mexico (PDF version)

Demutualization regime for Canadian life insurance companies: consultation paper (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Reforming Canada's financial services sector: a framework for the future (PDF version)

Competitive rail access: Canada Transportation Act Review Panel interim report (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Air Travel Complaints Commissioner report: July 2000 to December 2001 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January 2002 to June 2002 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January to June 2003 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's Report: July 2000 to June 2001 (PDF version)

Air Travel Complaints report, January to June 2004 (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2004 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Canadian Forces Grievance Board - annual report 2005 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Consumer complaints management: a guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - annual report 2002: meeting the challenge of change /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - annual report 2001: outlook with vision /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission - 2003 annual report: moving forward with commitment /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada - annual report 2004: mapping the future /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada - 2005 annual report: building confidence /Military Police Complaints Commission (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: fifteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Regulatory burden : reduction and measurement initiatives (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4,: Proper conduct of public business - public safety and emergency preparedness agencies (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 8,: Allocating funds to regulatory programs - Health Canada (PDF version)

Comptes publics
Provincial economic accounts: 2001 estimates, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: preliminary estimates 2001, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National security in Canada: the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Initiative (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2001-2002: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2002-2003: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2002-2003: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 (PDF version)

Computer crime
Cyber-crime: issues, data sources, and feasibility of collecting police-reported statistics (HTML version)

Identity theft - watch your identity! (PDF version)

Stopping spam: creating a stronger, safer Internet (PDF version)

Computer networks
Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: research (PDF version)

The new national dream: networking the nation for broadband access: report of the National Broadband Task Force (PDF version)

Computer programming
A call for action: report of Task Force Year 2000 (PDF version)

A call for action: Task Force Year 2000: executive summary (PDF version)

Computer security
Stopping spam: creating a stronger, safer Internet (PDF version)

The impact of computer use on reading achievement of 15-year-olds: final report (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2000: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2001: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2002: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Textile Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Conformity continuum information bulletin (PDF version)

Enforcement guidelines on the abuse of dominance provisions (sections 78 and 79 of the Competition Act) (PDF version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

Immunity Program under the Competition Act (PDF version)

Intellectual property enforcement guidelines (PDF version)

Study of the historical cost of proceedings before the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)

Condition féminine
Aboriginal women: a profile from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Condition de la femme
Canadian women taking action to make a difference!: International Women's Day--March 8, 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Discussion paper on approaches to consultation (PDF version)

Gendered discourses, gendered practices: feminists rewrite Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

Yesterday and today, francophone women in Canada (PDF version)

Condition de la personne handicapée
Government of Canada response to A common vision: interim report: the fourth report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (PDF version)

Conditions économiques
Comparison of social conditions, 1991 and 1996: registered Indians, registered Indians living on Reserve and the total population of Canada (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2001 estimates, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: preliminary estimates 2001, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2003 preliminary estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2004 estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Conditions sociales
Comparison of social conditions, 1991 and 1996: registered Indians, registered Indians living on Reserve and the total population of Canada (PDF version)

Impaired driving (PDF version)

UN 2001 Conference on Illicit Trade of Small Arms in All its Aspects: briefing and discussion (PDF version)

3rd Annual Graduate Student Seminar - Canada-U.S. relations: compendium of papers April 30-May 4, 2001 (PDF version)

Atlantic Forum on Rural Repopulation "Challenge – Reflect – Apply": Rural Dialogue summary report, Moncton, New Brunswick, December 8 to 10, 2005 (PDF version)

Beijing +10: fact sheets
The Beijing +10 process (PDF version)
Canada at a glance (PDF version)
Education and training of women (PDF version)
Gender equality and the United Nations system (PDF version)
Girl-child (PDF version)
Human rights of women (PDF version)
Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women (PDF version)
Introduction to the fact sheet kit (PDF version)
Violence against women (PDF version)
Women and the economy (PDF version)
Women and the environment (PDF version)
Women and health (PDF version)
Women in power and decision-making (PDF version)
Women and the media (PDF version)
Women and poverty (PDF version)

Burma: the South Africa of the 90's (PDF version)

Canadian strategy on HIV/AIDS: direction-setting follow up meeting, April 14-16, 2002, Montreal, Quebec - record of proceedings (PDF version)

Commitments made, commitments kept: Canada's contribution as Chair of the Summit of the Americas (PDF version)

Developing a CIHR framework to measure the impact of health research: synthesis report of meetings, February 23, 24, and May 18, 2005 (PDF version)

Economic Conference 2005: growth, wealth and sustainability (HTML version)

Expert panel on emerging crimes (PDF version)

Frequently asked questions on the Infertility Counselling Workshop Report (PDF version)

Gender and trade: a policy research dialogue on mainstreaming gender into trade policies (PDF version)

Gendering immigration/integration: policy research workshop proceedings and a selective review of policy research literature 1987-1996 (PDF version)

Geospatial information needs for Integrated Land/Marine Management (IL/MM): January 19-20, 2006 - workshop report (PDF version)

Internal and external environmental scan implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act, Department of Justice Canada: consultation document for the participants in the Strategic Planning Meeting to be held in Ottawa, November 18-20, 2002 (PDF version)

International Conference on Employer Support for Reservists: Proceedings, May 30 to June 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada, 2005 (PDF version)

John L. Manion Lecture
1993 Partners in the management of Canada (PDF version)
1996 The decline of civil society (PDF version)
A new management for a new state (PDF version)
Seattle: the lessons for future governance (PDF version)

National Forum on Canada's International Relations, 1999: Canada and the UN Security Council (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

2003 National Victims of Crime Conference: November 3-5, 2003, Ottawa, Onario (PDF version)

Partnerships for living oceans: Canadian Oceans Stewardship Conference report, June 6-8, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia (PDF version)

Premiers' conferences 1887-2002 (PDF version)

Proceedings of the bison diseases technical workshop: October 28th & 29th, 2005, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (PDF version)

Proceedings of the twenty-ninth meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association : climate change and forest genetics (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report from the Conference on New Diplomacy: the United Nations, like-minded countries and non-governmental organizations (PDF version)

Report on the government of Canada stakeholder consultations on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: October 3-4, 2001, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, ON (PDF version)

Report on the Initiative for Democratic Education (IDEA) Women's Seminar (PDF version)

Rural senior's dialogue: rural dialogue summary report, Burnaby, British Columbia, November 5, 2004 (PDF version)

Stolen Dreams Youth Leadership Conference (PDF version)

A Symposium on Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Societies (PDF version)

Taking action for sustainable rural communities - the Third National Rural Conference : conference report (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

A compendium of Canadian legislation respecting the protection of personal information in health research (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

Conflict resolution
Appendix to the summative evaluation of the Dispute Resolution Fund - summary, recommendations and management response: summary of DRF funded projects results information (additional information provided at the Audit and Evaluation Committee Meeting of October 17, 2003) (PDF version)

Canada's commitment to world peace: CCFPD policy options paper (PDF version)

Nile waters management and links to conflict management and food security in the Horn of Africa (PDF version)

Oceans and coastal management report
2004-04 Review of criteria for selecting ecologically significant areas of the Scotian shelf and slope - a discussion paper (PDF version)
2004-05 Eastern Scotian shelf integrated management initiative (PDF version)
2005-01 Report of the Eastern Scotian shelf integrated management community workshops (PDF version)
2005-02 Eastern Scotian shelf integrated ocean management plan (2006-2011) - draft for discussion (PDF version)
2005-05 Conflict, collaboration and consensus in the Eastern Scotian shelf integrated management (ESSIM) initiative (PDF version)
2006-01 Coral conservation plan (PDF version)
2006-06 Approaches to the evaluation and assessment of progress and performance of the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) initiative (PDF version)

Relocation of custodial parents : final report (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Canada Revenue Agency - Resolving disputes and encouraging voluntary disclosures (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Dispute Resolution Fund (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Dispute Resolution Fund - summary, recommendations and management response (PDF version)

Towards resolving the division of on-reserve matrimonial real property following relationship breakdown: a review of tribunal, ombuds and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (PDF version)

Work-life conflict in Canada in the new millennium: a status report (PDF version)

The 2nd Annual Graduate Student Seminar: the role of NGO's and civil society in conflict and humanitarian efforts: compendium of papers (PDF version)

Conflict prevention and preventative diplomacy: the G-8 Roundtable report (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Governance, Civil Society and the Americas (PDF version)

A Symposium on Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Societies (PDF version)

Conflicts of interest
A comparative international analysis of regimes for the disclosure of wrongdoing ("whistleblowing") (PDF version)

Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders (PDF version)

Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders (PDF version)

The 2nd Annual Graduate Student Seminar: the role of NGO's and civil society in conflict and humanitarian efforts: compendium of papers (PDF version)

3rd Annual Graduate Student Seminar - Canada-U.S. relations: compendium of papers April 30-May 4, 2001 (PDF version)

International Conference on Employer Support for Reservists: Proceedings, May 30 to June 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada, 2005 (PDF version)

John L. Manion Lecture
1993 Partners in the management of Canada (PDF version)
1996 The decline of civil society (PDF version)
A new management for a new state (PDF version)
Seattle: the lessons for future governance (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Partnerships for living oceans: Canadian Oceans Stewardship Conference report, June 6-8, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia (PDF version)

Beyond islands of green - a primer for using conservation science to select and design community-based nature reserves (PDF version)

National plan of action for the conservation and management of sharks (PDF version)

Conservation areas
Conservation lands: integrating conservation and sustainable management in Canada’s forests (PDF version)

Environment Canada's Protected Areas Network - annual report 2005-2006 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

The importance of nature to Canadians: the economic significance of nature-related activities (PDF version)

Jasper National Park of Canada: management plan (PDF version)

Kootenay National Park of Canada: management plan (PDF version)

How much habitat is enough?: a framework for guiding habitat rehabilitation in Great Lakes areas of concern (PDF version)

The Ontario ecogifts handbook (PDF version)

State of protected heritage areas: 1999 report (PDF version)

Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada: management plan (PDF version)

Yoho National Park of Canada: management plan (PDF version)

Conservation de l'énergie
Best practice benchmarking in energy efficiency - Canadian automotive parts industry (PDF version)

EnerGuide appliance directory 2001: energy consumption ratings of major household appliances (PDF version)

Map of participating colleges (PDF version)

Map of participating health care facilities (PDF version)

Map of participating school boards (PDF version)

Map of participating universities (PDF version)

The Canadian electronic commerce strategy (PDF version)

CHS - rental market survey
2005 CHS - rental market survey 2005 (PDF version)
2006 CHS - rental market survey (PDF version)

Consumer complaints management: a guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Consumer's guide to basic banking services (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2000 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2001 (HTML version)

Consommation d'alcool
Impaired driving (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to introduce an Act respecting the taxation of spirits, wine and tobacco and to implement increases in tobacco taxes and changes to the treatment of ships' stores (PDF version)

Consommation d'énergie
Benchmarking energy use and costs in salt-and-dry fish processing and lobster processing (PDF version)

Commercial and institutional consumption of energy survey (PDF version)

EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2005 (PDF version)

Energy consumption of major household appliances shipped in Canada: trends for 1990-2001 (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide, 2006 (PDF version)

Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2003 (HTML version)

2003 Survey of Household Energy Use (SHEU), summary report (PDF version)

Consommation de drogues
Drug use among Canadian professionals: summary of final report (PDF version)

Remaking the British constitution: a special lecture delivered before The Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal Quebec, Thursday, October 5th, 2000 (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Nigeria (PDF version)

Seizing an opportunity: Afghan women and the constitution-making process : Rights & Democracy Mission report May-June 2003 (PDF version)

Constitutional law
At the cross-roads of conflict and democracy: women and Afghanistan's Constitutional Loya Jirga (PDF version)

The harmonization of federal legislation with the Civil Law of the Province of Quebec and Canadian bijuralism (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Recognition of lesbian couples: an inalienable right (PDF version)

Setting judicial compensation: multidisciplinary perspectives (PDF version)

Speaking truth to power: a treaty forum (PDF version)

Excavation and construction near pipelines (PDF version)

Keeping the heat in (PDF version)

Useful data for construction [1998] (HTML version)

Useful information for construction, 2002 (HTML version)

Construction industry
Defence Construction [1951] Limited - 2005-2006 annual report /Defence Construction (1951) Limited (PDF version)

Preliminary housing start data
[April 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[August 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[July 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[June 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[March 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[May 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[November 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[October 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)
[September 2006] Preliminary housing start data (PDF version)

Preliminary housing starts
December 2005 Preliminary housing starts. Option C (PDF version)
February 2006 Preliminary housing starts (PDF version)
January 2006 Preliminary housing starts. Option C (PDF version)

Construction materials
Vol. 50, No. 11, November, 1998 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 12, December, 1998 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 1, January, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 10, October, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 12, December, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 2, February, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 3, March, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 7, July, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 8, August, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 9, September, 1999 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 1, January, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 10, October, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 11, November, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 12, December, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 2, February, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 3, March, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 4, April, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 5, May, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 6, June, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 8, August, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 9, September, 2000 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 1, January, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 10, October, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 11, November, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 12, December, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 2, February, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 3, March, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 4, April, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 5, May, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 6, June, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 7, July, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 8, August, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 53, No. 9, September, 2001 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 1, January, 2002 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 10, October, 2002 Cement (PDF version)
Vol. 54, No. 11, November, 2002 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 12, December, 2002 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 2, February, 2002 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 3, March, 2002. Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 4, April, 2002. Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 2002. Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 6, June, 2002. Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 7, July, 2002. Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 8, August, 2002 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 54, No. 9, September, 2002 Cement (PDF version)
Vol. 55, No. 1, January, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 10, October, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 2, February, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 3, March, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 4, April, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 5, May, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 6, June, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 7, July, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 8, August, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, No. 9, September, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, no. 11, November, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 55, no. 12, December, 2003 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 1, January, 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 10, October 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 11, November 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 12, December 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 2, February, 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 3, March, 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 4, April, 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 5, May, 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 6, June 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 7, July 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 8, August 2004 Cement (HTML version)
Vol. 56, No. 9, September 2004 Cement (HTML version)

Construction type plywood
Vol. 46, No. 10, October, 1998 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 46, No. 12, December, 1998 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 1, January, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 10, October, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 12, December, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 2, February, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 3, March, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 4, April, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 5, May, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 6, June, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 7, July, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 8, August, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 47, No. 9, September, 1999 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 1, January, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 10, October, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 11, November, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 12, December, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 2, February, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 3, March, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 5, May, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 6, June, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 7, July, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 8, August, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 48, No. 9, September, 2000 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 1, January, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 10, October, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 11, November, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 2, February, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 3, March, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 4, April, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 5, May, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 6, June, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 7, July, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 8, August, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 49, No. 9, September, 2001 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 1, January, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 12, December, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 2, February, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 3, March, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 4, April, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 5, May, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 6, June, 2002. Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 7, July, 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 8, August 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2002 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 1, January, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 10, October, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 11, November, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 12, December, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 2, February, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 3, March, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 5, May, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 6, June, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 7, July, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 8, August, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 51, No. 9, September, 2003 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 1, January, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 10, October 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 11, November 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 12, December 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 2, February, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 3, March, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 4, April, 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 5, May 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 6, June 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 7, July 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)
Vol. 52, No. 9, September 2004 Construction type plywood (HTML version)

Improving window energy efficiency (PDF version)

Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing
Vol. 22, No. 11, November, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, January, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 10, October, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 12, December, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, February, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 3, March, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, April, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 5, May, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, July, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, August, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, September, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, October, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, November, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, December, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, March, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, June, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, July, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, August, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, September, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 10, October, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 11, November, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 12, December, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, March, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, April, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 8, August, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 9, September, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 1, January, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 10, October, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 12, December, 2002 Production and Shipments of Steel Pipe and Tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 2, February, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 3, March, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 4, April, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 5, May, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 6, June, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 7, July, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 8, August, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 9, September, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, January, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 10, October, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, February, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, March, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 4, April, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 5, May, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 6, June, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 7, July, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 8, August, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 9, September, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 11, November 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 12, December 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 10, October 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 11, November 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 7, July 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 8, August 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 9, September 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 1, January 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 2, February 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 3, March 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 4, April 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 5, May 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2005 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)

Construction routière
Road rehabilitation energy reduction guide for Canadian road builders (PDF version)

Consular services
Diplomatic, consular and other representatives in Canada, 2003 (PDF version)

Aboriginal women's roundtable on gender equality: roundtable report (PDF version)

Report on Status of Women Canada's on-line consultation on gender equality (PDF version)

Consumer loans
Access to credit in the alternative consumer credit market: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

The cost of payday loans (PDF version)

Consumer products
Guide to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and regulations (PDF version)

What is Energy Star?: an international symbol for energy-efficient products (PDF version)

Consumer protection
Access to credit in the alternative consumer credit market: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Business plan, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Buying firewood?: Don't get burned (PDF version)

Canadian code of practice for consumer protection in electronic commerce (PDF version)

Canadian consumer handbook (PDF version)

Canadian consumer handbook (PDF version)

Canadian consumer handbook 2005 (PDF version)

Canadian consumer handbook 2004 (PDF version)

Canadian consumer handbook 2006 (PDF version)

Cashing your government of Canada cheque for free (PDF version)

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - annual report 2004-2005: value for Canadians /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, annual report, 2005-2006 /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Your Internet business: earning consumer trust: a guide to consumer protection for on-line merchants (PDF version)

Principles of consumer protection for electronic commerce: a Canadian framework (PDF version)

Shopping on the Internet: get informed: tips for on-line consumers (PDF version)

The consumer trends report (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2000 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2001 (HTML version)

Adverse reaction reporting by health professionals and consumers (PDF version)

The Canadian electronic commerce strategy (PDF version)

CHS - rental market survey
2005 CHS - rental market survey 2005 (PDF version)
2006 CHS - rental market survey (PDF version)

Citizen/client surveys:: dispelling myths and redrawing maps (PDF version)

Consumer complaints management: a guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home: a look at tomorrow's customers today (HTML version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home: major market highlights - intentions data tables 2006 (HTML version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Calgary - intentions data tables
2004 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate. Calgary - intentions data tables (PDF version)
2006 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Calgary - intentions data tables (PDF version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Halifax - intentions data tables
2004 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate - Halifax - intentions data tables (PDF version)
2006 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Halifax - intentions data tables (PDF version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Montreal - intentions data tables
2004 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate. Montreal - intentions data tables (PDF version)
2006 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Montreal - intentions data tables (PDF version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Toronto - intentions data tables
2004 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate. Toronto - intentions data tables (PDF version)
2006 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home - Toronto - intentions data tables (PDF version)

Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Vancouver - intentions data tables
2004 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate. Vancouver - intentions data tables (PDF version)
2006 Consumer intentions to buy or renovate a home. Vancouver - intentions data tables (PDF version)

Consumer's guide to basic banking services (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling: perceptions and preferences of Canadians (PDF version)

Rental market statistics
2006 Rental market statistics (PDF version)

Canadian Workshop on Fusarium Head Blight, Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 28 - 30, 1999 (PDF version)

Cercospora leaf blight of carrot: control strategies (PDF version)

Clubroot of crucifers: control strategies (PDF version)

A federal approach to contaminated sites (PDF version)

Fungal contamination in public buildings: a guide to recognition and management (PDF version)

Summary report on evaluation of site-specific risk assessment for contaminated lands (PDF version)

Continuing education
Adult education participation in North America: international perspectives (HTML version)

Guide to Statistics Canada information and data sources on adult education and training (HTML version)

Learning a living: first results of the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (HTML version)

A report on adult education and training in Canada: learning a living (HTML version)

Audit of construction contracting practices (PDF version)

Audit of contracting for military aircraft repair & overhaul (PDF version)

Audit of major contracts (PDF version)

Audit of project and contract approvals for construction projects (PDF version)

Defence Construction [1951] Limited - 2005-2006 annual report /Defence Construction (1951) Limited (PDF version)

Evaluation framework for the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PDF version)

The federal buildings initiative: an executive overview (PDF version)

Interdepartmental review of the Canadian Patrol Frigate Project: report on the contract management framework (PDF version)

Interdepartmental review of the Canadian Patrol Frigate Project: report on security (PDF version)

Review of bid evaluation and contractor selection methods in Professional Services Procurement Directorate (PDF version)

Review of bid evaluation and selection methods: standing offers (PDF version)

Review of the Combat Systems Trainer contract management practices: report of findings (PDF version)

An invitation to participate in Capital Leasing (PDF version)

An invitation to participate in Capital Leasing (PDF version)

Contrat du gouvernement fédéral
Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on three contracts awarded to Groupaction (PDF version)

C-EnterNet 2005-2006 annual report: national integrated enteric pathogen surveillance program /Public Health Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Judicial Council, annual report, 2001-02 /Canadian Judicial Council (PDF version)

Employment insurance: 2001 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Report by the Ottawa Group on Small Arms (PDF version)

What is a conditional sentence?: fact sheet no. 1 (PDF version)

Food safety tips for barbecuing hamburgers (PDF version)

Food safety tips for the kitchen (PDF version)

How-to guide, develop a culinary tourism product (PDF version)

U.S. wine & culinary enthusiasts (PDF version)

Survival rates of co-operatives in Québec (PDF version)

Worker co-operative success stories (PDF version)

Cooperation agreements
Aboriginal co-operatives in Canada: case studies (PDF version)

Coopération internationale
CIDA's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003: an agenda for change (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2002 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2003 data) (PDF version)

Communities under pressure - the role of co-operatives and the social economy: Synthesis report - June 2005 (PDF version)

Profile of Canadian agricultural co-operatives (1998-2002) (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-2004 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2004-2005 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

The economic impact of Canadian copyright industries - sectoral analysis: final report (PDF version)

A guide to copyrights (PDF version)

A guide to copyrights (PDF version)

Nailing down bits: digital art and intellectual property (PDF version)

A practical guide on copyright clearance for multimedia producers (PDF version)

An econometric analysis of the Manitoba corn market (PDF version)

Official grain grading guide, August 1, 2004 (PDF version)

Official grain grading guide, August 1, 2000 (PDF version)

Screening corn for resistance to common diseases in Canada (PDF version)

Corporate image
Corporate social responsibility: an implementation guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Corporate income tax
Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2004 (HTML version)

Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2005 (PDF version)

Income tax issues related to energy performance contracting (PDF version)

Canadian corporate contributions to democratic development and citizen participation in developing countries: recommendations on identifying and supporting corporate efforts through Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

Keeping your corporation in good standing: your reporting obligations under the CBCA (PDF version)

Correctional institutions
Adult correctional services in Canada, 2002-2003 (HTML version)

Adult correctional services in Canada, 2003/04 (HTML version)

Annual report of the Correctional Investigator, 2003-2004 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Annual report of the Correctional Investigator, 2004-2005 /Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)

Basic facts about federal corrections (PDF version)

Community corrections in Canada, 2004 (HTML version)

Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview, 2006 (PDF version)

Corrections and conditional release statistical overview (PDF version)

HIV/AIDS and HCV in prisons: a select annotated bibliography (PDF version)

Infectious diseases prevention and control in Canadian federal penitentiaries 2000-01: a report of the Correctional Service of Canada's infectious diseases surveillance system (PDF version)

Joint Committee report on federal correctional officers: a comparison of the duties, working conditions, and compensation levels of federal correctional officers, uniformed RCMP officers and selected provincial correctional officers (PDF version)

Let's talk
Special Edition, March 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 4, October, 1997 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 5, December, 1997 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, June, 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, November, 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, March 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, 2000 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, 2000 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, 2002. Let's talk (PDF version)

Let's talk
Vol. 30, No. 1, June 2005 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 30, No. 2, October 2005 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 30, No. 3, January 2006 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 30, No. 4, April 2006 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 1, August 2006 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 2, December 2006 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 31, No. 3, March 2007 Let's talk (PDF version)

Myths and realities: how federal corrections contributes to the public safety (PDF version)

Offender intake assessment audit report (PDF version)

Research summary
Taking risks : incorporating gender and culture into the classification and assessment of federally sentenced women in Canada (PDF version)

Tuberculosis prevention and control in Canadian federal prisons, 1998: reported results of the Correctional Service of Canada Tuberculosis Tracking System (PDF version)

Tuberculosis surveillance in Canadian federal penitentiaries, 1999-2001: reported results of the Correctional Service Canada Tuberculosis Tracking System (PDF version)

Cost benefit analysis
Cost benefit analysis of the Small Business Loans Program: final report (PDF version)

Cost benefit scenarios for loan guarantees: final report (PDF version)

A review of issues surrounding benefit-cost analyses of the Small Business Loans Program: final report (PDF version)

Audit of GTIS costs for PWGSC server infrastructure management (PDF version)

The cost of payday loans (PDF version)

The dual digital divide: the Information Highway in Canada (PDF version)

Enhancing the primary health care data collection infrastructure in Canada, report 2 (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Income Tax Act, the Air Travellers Security Charge Act and the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2002 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (PDF version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

Financial report of administrative costs chargeable to the Canada Pension Plan 1997/98: ARC briefing note (PDF version)

Giving birth in Canada : the costs (PDF version)

Health care in Canada, 2002 (PDF version)

Health care in Canada, 2003 (PDF version)

Health expenditures in Canada by age and sex, 1980-81 to 2000-01: report (PDF version)

Health expenditures in Canada by age and sex, 1980-81 to 2000-01: statistical annex (PDF version) (PDF version)

The labour cost index - May 2001 (HTML version)

Natural gas utilization study: offshore Newfoundland (PDF version)

Pan-Canadian primary health care indicators, report 1, volume 1 (PDF version)

Pan-Canadian primary health care indicators, report 1, volume 2 (PDF version)

Public health and administration in national health expenditures: feasibility study (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Regulatory burden : reduction and measurement initiatives (PDF version)

Report on Canadian Patrol Frigate cost and capability comparison (PDF version)

Study of the historical cost of proceedings before the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)

Counselling services
Frequently asked questions on the Infertility Counselling Workshop Report (PDF version)

Couple de même sexe
Abuse in lesbian relationships: information and resources (PDF version)

Division of powers and jurisdictional issues (PDF version)

The legal regulation of adult personal relationships: evaluating policy objectives and legal options in federal legislation (PDF version)

General Social Survey - cycle 15: the changing conjugal life in Canada, July 2002 (HTML version)

Cours d'eau
The Canadian Heritage Rivers System: annual report, 1998-1999 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Court decisions
Access to justice for sexual harassment victims: the impact of Béliveau St-Jacques on female workers' right to damages (PDF version)

Bona fide occupational requirements and bona fide justifications under the Canadian Human Rights Act: the implications of Meiorin and Grismer (PDF version)

Conditional sentences (PDF version)

Conditional sentencing in Canada: a statistical profile, 1997-2001 (HTML version)

Language rights, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Legal report, 2000 (PDF version)

Sentence calculation: a handbook for judges, lawyers and correctional officials (PDF version)

Sentence calculation: how does it work? (PDF version)

What is a conditional sentence?: fact sheet no. 1 (PDF version)

Access to Information Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Annual report 1999-2000, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2000 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report 2000-2001, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report 2001-2002, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005 /Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)

Bijuralism in Supreme Court of Canada judgements since the enactment of the civil code of Canada (PDF version)

Civil Justice Project : the use of time limits and formal notification in civil case management (HTML version)

Ethical principles for judges (PDF version)

National directory of courts in Canada (HTML version)

Nunavut court of justice: evaluation framework (PDF version)

Privacy Act annual report, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Privacy Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Privacy Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Safeguard inquiry into the importation of certain steel goods (PDF version)

The Supreme Court of Canada and its impact on the expression of bijuralism (PDF version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

Health expenditures in Canada by age and sex, 1980-81 to 2000-01: report (PDF version)

Health expenditures in Canada by age and sex, 1980-81 to 2000-01: statistical annex (PDF version) (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Study of the historical cost of proceedings before the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)

Canadian fine craft niche market study (PDF version)

Access to credit in the alternative consumer credit market: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Access to credit in the alternative consumer credit market: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Canadian code of practice for consumer protection in electronic commerce (PDF version)

Credit card audit report (PDF version)

Getting the most from your credit card: understanding the terms and conditions (PDF version)

Government response to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT): reviewing the Export Development Act (PDF version)

Government response to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT): reviewing the Export Development Act (PDF version)

Managing your money: how to save with a credit card (PDF version)

Playing it safe: how to protect your credit card and credit history (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1: use of acquisition and travel cards (PDF version)

Secured credit cards (PDF version)

Understanding your credit report and credit score (PDF version)

Your rights and responsibilities: the cost of borrowing with a credit card (PDF version)

The basics about deciding to refer to mental health professionals: information sheet (PDF version)

The basics about the stages of change: information sheet (PDF version)

The basics about to cover in an initial interview: information sheet (PDF version)

The basics of self-care: information sheet (PDF version)

The basics of victimization: information sheet (PDF version)

Canadian crime statistics, 2002 (HTML version)

Canadian crime statistics, 2003 (HTML version)

Crime and police resources in Canadian municipalities, 1997 (PDF version)

A crime victim's guide to the criminal justice system (PDF version)

Criminal networks (PDF version)

Drug use and offending (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: A review and synthesis of the literature (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: a review and synthesis of the literature: highlights (PDF version)

DWI repeat offenders: a review and synthesis of the literature: Highlights (PDF version)

Expert panel on emerging crimes (PDF version)

Feasibility study on crime comparisons between Canada and the United States (HTML version)

Hate crime study: summary results of consultations (HTML version)

Identity theft - watch your identity! (PDF version)

Illegal and offensive content on the Internet: the Canadian strategy to promote safe, wise and responsible Internet use (PDF version)

Myths and realities: how federal corrections contributes to the public safety (PDF version)

2003 National Victims of Crime Conference: November 3-5, 2003, Ottawa, Onario (PDF version)

An overview of the differences between police-reported and victim-reported crime, 1997 (HTML version)

Patterns of crime in canadian cities: a multivariate statistical analysis (PDF version)

Police resources in Canada
Police resources in Canada, 2005 (HTML version)
Police resources in Canada, 2006 (PDF version)

A profile of criminal victimization: results of the 1999 General Social Survey (HTML version)

Section.745.6 - the "Faint Hope Clause": fact sheet (PDF version)

Stalking is a crime called criminal harassment (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Victims of Crime Initiative. Summary, recommendations and management response (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Victims of Crime Initiative. Tecnical report (PDF version)

Victim services in Canada: national, provincial and territorial fact sheets 2002/03 (HTML version)

Victims of crime initiative - mid-term evaluation. Summary, recommendations and management response (PDF version)

Victims of crime initiative - mid-term evaluation. Technical report (PDF version)

Working with victims of crime - a manual applying research to clinical practice: manual (PDF version)

Crime de guerre
Canada's War Crimes Program annual report, 1998-1999 /Justice Canada (PDF version)

Crime against humanity
Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program: sixth annual report, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Canada's War Crimes Program annual report, 1998-1999 /Justice Canada (PDF version)

Investigating women's rights violations in armed conflicts (PDF version)

Crime contre l'humanité
Canada's War Crimes Program annual report, 1998-1999 /Justice Canada (PDF version)

Crime organisé
Annual report on organized crime in Canada, 2003 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Annual report on organized crime in Canada, 2002 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

On organized crime and police cooperation in the European Union - lessons learned: interview with professor Cyrille Fijnaut (PDF version)

A report on the evaluation of RCMP Restorative Justice Initiative: Community Justice Forum as seen by participants (PDF version)

Crime prevention
Family violence prevention program - national manual (PDF version)

Partnership study, National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention, phase II - summary report (PDF version)

Partnership study, National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention, phase II - technical report (PDF version)

Project impact study of the National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention, Phase II: summary report (PDF version)

Restorative justice - directions and principles: developments in Canada (PDF version)

Safety and savings: crime prevention through social development (PDF version)

Crime sexuel
Combining voices: a directory of services for adult survivors of child sexual abuse (PDF version)

Directory of services and programs for abused men in Canada (PDF version)

Making the decision to care: guys and sexual assault (PDF version)

National inventory of treatment programs for child sexual abuse offenders, 1999 (PDF version)

Criminal investigations
A handbook for police and crown prosecutors on criminal harassment (PDF version)

An overview of the differences between police-reported and victim-reported crime, 1997 (HTML version)

Criminal justice
Aboriginal justice strategy: formative evaluation, summary, recommendations and management response (PDF version)

Applications for ministerial review - miscarriages of justice, annual report 2004 /Justice Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics profile series
No. 12 Canadians' use of crime prevention measures, 2004 (PDF version)
No. 13 Criminal victimization in the workplace, 2004 (PDF version)
No. 14 Seniors as victims of crime, 2004 and 2005 (PDF version)
[No. 10] Women in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 11] Victimization and offending in Canada's territories, 2004 and 2005 (HTML version)
[No. 1] Aboriginal peoples in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 2] Canadians with disabilities (HTML version)
[No. 3] Canadians with literacy problems (HTML version)
[No. 4] Canadians with low incomes (HTML version)
[No. 5] Children and youth in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 6] Immigrants in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 7] Religious groups in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 8] Seniors in Canada (HTML version)
[No. 9] Visible minorities in Canada (HTML version)

Choices and consequences: offenders as a resource for crime prevention (PDF version)

Collecting data on Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system: methods and challenges (HTML version)

A complex web: access to justice for abused immigrant women in New Brunswick (PDF version)

Conditional sentences (PDF version)

A crime victim's guide to the criminal justice system (PDF version)

A crime victim's guide to the criminal justice system (PDF version)

Dealing with DWI offenders in Canada: an inventory of procedures and programs: final report, July 1994 (PDF version)

The evolution of juvenile justice in Canada (PDF version)

General social survey cycle 13: overview : personal safety and perceptions of policing (HTML version)

General Social Survey, cycle 18 overview: personal safety and perceptions of the criminal justice system, 2004 (HTML version)

General Social Survey on Victimization, cycle 18: an overview of findings, 2004 (HTML version)

A handbook for police and crown prosecutors on criminal harassment (PDF version)

Immunity Program under the Competition Act (PDF version)

Offender intake assessment audit report (PDF version)

Plea bargaining (PDF version)

A profile of criminal victimization: results of the 1999 General Social Survey (HTML version)

Publication ban (PDF version)

Responding to the needs of victims of crime (PDF version)

Restitution orders (PDF version)

Restorative justice (PDF version)

Restorative justice - directions and principles: developments in Canada (PDF version)

Special study on mentally disordered accused and the criminal justice system (HTML version)

Victim privacy and the open court principle (PDF version)

Victim surcharge (PDF version)

The Victims Fund financial assistance for victims to attend National Parole Board (NPB) hearings (PDF version)

Victims matter (PDF version)

Victims of crime staying informed (PDF version)

Working with victims of crime: a manual applying research to clinical practice (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Myths and realities: how federal corrections contributes to the public safety (PDF version)

How to get help and help yourself during a mental health crisis (PDF version)

Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 13, No. 11 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 12 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 18 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 20 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 13, No. 21 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 1 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 10 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 11 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 12 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 13 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 18 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 19 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 2 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 21 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 22 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 3 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 4 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 5 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 6 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 7 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 8 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 14, No. 9 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 1 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 10. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 11. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 12. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 13 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 14 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 15 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 16 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 17 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 2 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 3 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 4. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 5. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 6. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 7. Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 8 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 15, No. 9 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Bi-weekly bulletin
Vol. 19, No. 1, January 20, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 10, July 14, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 11, August 4, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 12, August 11, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 13, September 1, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 14, October 23, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 15, October 27, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 16, November 10, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 17, November 30, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 18, December 8, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 19, December 15, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 3, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 3, February 17, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 4, February 24, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 5, March 24, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 6, March 31, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 7, May 12, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 8, June 2, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 9, June 22, 2006 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, January 12, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, February 9, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, February 23, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, March 23, 2007 Bi-weekly bulletin (PDF version)

Canada: pulse and special crops outlook
April 29, 2002. Canada: pulse and special crops outlook (PDF version)
April 4, 2002. Canada: pulse and special crops outlook (PDF version)
August 28, 2002 Canada: pulse and special crops outlook (PDF version)
July 31, 2002. Canada: pulse and special crops outlook (PDF version)
July 5, 2002. Canada: pulse and special crops outlook (PDF version)

Canadian potato production
January 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2003 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 1998 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)

Crown assets
Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 11,: Protection of public assets - Office of the Correctional Investigator (PDF version)

Crown corporations
Annual report 2002-03: forward momentum /Farm Credit Canada (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2004 (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2005: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2006: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2000: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Crown corporations and other corporate interests of Canada, 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Manual on special examinations of Crown corporations (PDF version)

Review of the governance framework for Canada's Crown corporations: report to Parliament (PDF version)

We're evolving - 2005-06 annual report, the Canadian Wheat Board /Canadian Wheat Board (PDF version)

What is a public space? - CBC/Radio-Canada annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

Crown lands
Exploration and mining on Crown lands in Nunavut guidebook (PDF version)

Cultural diversity
Canadian and French Perspectives on Diversity: conference proceedings, October 16, 2003 (PDF version)

Diversity and gender equality initiative in the Department of Justice: needs analysis final report (PDF version)

Ethnic Diversity Survey: portrait of a multicultural society (HTML version)

Integration and cultural diversity: report of the Panel on Access to Third-Language Public Television Services (PDF version)

The opportunity and challenge of diversity: a role for social capital? Synthesis report: International Conference, November 23-25, 2003, Montreal, Québec, Canada (PDF version)

Out and about - towards a better understanding of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons in the workplace (PDF version)

Cultural events
Evaluation of Canada's participation in EXPO 2000 in Hanover, Germany: final report (PDF version)

Cultural heritage
1998-1999 activity report (PDF version)

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: reference guide on physical and cultural heritage resources (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Alberta (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in British Columbia (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Manitoba (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in New-Brunswick (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Newfoundland & Labrador (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Nova-Scotia (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Nunavut (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Ontario (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Quebec (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Canadian heritage in the Yukon (PDF version)

Cultural Property Export and Import Act - cumulative report 1992-1993 to 2003-2004, annual report 2004-2005 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Culture & heritage - connecting Canadians through Canada's stories 2003 (PDF version)

Ensuring the sustainability of online cultural and heritage content: from an economic model to an adapted strategy (PDF version)

Federal Heritage Building Review Office (FHBRO) code of practice (PDF version)

Formative evaluation of the Celebrate Canada! Program (PDF version)

Formative evaluation of the Information and Research on Canada Program: final report (PDF version)

Cultural industry
1997-1998 activity report (PDF version)

Cultural industries sector profile - Argentina (PDF version)

Culture services trade: data tables (HTML version)

Culture services trade, data tables, 2003 (HTML version)

Culture services trade, data tables, 2004 (HTML version)

The economic impact of Canadian copyright industries - sectoral analysis: final report (PDF version)

Profile of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Canadian cultural industries (PDF version)

Cultural institutions
Programs and services for heritage organizations in Canada (PDF version)

Cultural policy
Canadian content in the 21st Century (PDF version)

"Culture matters: how values shape human progress": presentation and discussion with Lawrence E. Harrison (PDF version)

Developing culture policy: Canada in the World Roundtable report (PDF version)

Developing culture policy: Canadian values (PDF version)

Intellectual property and international trade (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, support to cultural industries (PDF version)

From script to screen: new policy directions for Canadian feature film (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Museum of Civilization (PDF version)

Canada's cultural exports (PDF version)

Canadian culture online: a charter for the cultural citizen online (PDF version)

Canadian Culture Online (CCO) policy: metadata strategy and development of a matrix of metadata elements - final report (PDF version)

Cereals and oilseeds review
Vol. 23, No. 10, October, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 11, November, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 12, December, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, July, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, August, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, September, 2000 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, October, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, November, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, December, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, March, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 4, April, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2001. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, June, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, July, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, August, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, September, 2001 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, March, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, April, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June, 2002. Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July, 2002 Cereals and oilseeds review (HTML version)

Discover Canada - Canadian culture online (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Exchanges Canada Program: final report (PDF version)

Focus on culture
Vol. 15, No. 4 Focus on culture (HTML version)

Formative evaluation of Trade Routes: final report (PDF version)

Fundamentalisms and human rights: report of the meeting (summary version), Montreal, 12-14 May 2005 (PDF version)

Guide to culture statistics (HTML version)

Joint formative evaluation of Arts Presentation Canada, Cultural Spaces Canada, and the Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program: final report (PDF version)

North American Indian, Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work (PDF version)

Program and services for heritage organizations in Canada (PDF version)

Progress Report - Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (PDF version)

Questions about culture, gender equality and development cooperation (PDF version)

Seniors guide to federal programs and services, 2001 (PDF version)

A study of business models sustaining the development of digital cultural content (PDF version)

Culture autochtone
Towards a new beginning: a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures (PDF version)

Canadian potato production
January 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
January 2003 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
July 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 1998 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 1999 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2000 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2001 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)
November 2002 Canadian potato production [updates] (HTML version)

1999 annual report: the world in our pocket /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2000 annual report: change your perception /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2001 annual report: forward-looking statements /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2002 annual report: refining value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2003 annual report: making change /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2004 annual report: appreciating value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament on the operations of the Exchange Fund Account by the Minister of Finance and report of the Auditor General to the Minister of Finance on the examination of the accounts and financial statements of the Exchange Fund Account, 1999 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

A history of the Canadian dollar (PDF version)

A history of the Canadian dollar (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 1995 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 1997 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 1998 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2000 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2001 (PDF version)

Summary of Government of Canada domestic and foreign pay securities and loans outstanding as at December 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Customer services
Citizen-centred service:: responding to the needs of Canadians (PDF version)

Citizen/client surveys:: dispelling myths and redrawing maps (PDF version)

Client satisfaction surveying: a managers' guide (PDF version)

Good practices in citizen-centred service (PDF version)

Innovations and good practices in single-window service (PDF version)

A community guide to protecting indigenous knowledge (PDF version)

Native spirituality guide (PDF version)

Customs and excise
Amendments to the Excise Tax Act: explanatory notes (PDF version)

Canadian residents going down south (PDF version)

Excise Act, 2001: explanatory notes and draft regulations (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes related to the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Legislative proposals relating to tobacco products: ways and means motion and explanatory notes (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act, and the Unemployment Insurance Act (PDF version)

Policy implications of a Canada-US customs union (PDF version)

Proposed legislation and regulations relating to ships' stores: notice of ways and means motion, draft regulations and explanatory notes (PDF version)

Dairy cattle
Highlights in Canadian dairy cattle research (PDF version)

Dairy industry
Canadian Dairy Commission - annual report, 2005-2006 /Canadian Dairy Commission (PDF version)

Dairy statistics
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006 Dairy statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2006 Dairy statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 1, No. 3, 2006 Dairy statistics (PDF version)
Vol. 1, No. 4, 2006 Dairy statistics (PDF version)

Dairy products
Safeguard inquiry into the importation of certain steel goods (PDF version)

Environmental scan of contemporary dance presentation in Canada - summary (PDF version)

Excerpts from the "Financial and structural analysis of the Canada Dance Festival and the Festival international de nouvelle danse" - summary (PDF version)

Funding to dance programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

The UK dance industry: a guide for Canadians (PDF version)

Dangerous products
Annual report 2002-2003: right to information and trade secrets protection, a balancing act /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2003-04: right to information and trade secrets protection: a balancing act /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2004-05: worker's right to know versus trade secret protection - a balancing act /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 1998-1999 /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Be aware and declare!: protecting our plants and animals at the border (PDF version)

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission - annual report 2005-06 /Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)

Quick reference guide to the Hazardous Products Act for manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers (PDF version)

Dangerous products transport
Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2002 Resilog (PDF version)

Funding to dance programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Data processing
Audit of the delivery of payment issue products (PDF version)

Data protection
Taking privacy into account before making contracting decisions: guidance document (PDF version)

Average payment per physician report, Canada, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 (PDF version)

Average payment per physician report, Canada, 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 (PDF version)

Building and Verification of CSBFA Capital Leasing Company Database: report to Industry Canada (PDF version)

Coding variations in the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) data: FY 1996-1997 to 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Database protection and Canadian laws: state of law as of June 15, 1998 (PDF version)

Discharge Abstract Database data quality re-abstraction study: combined findings for fiscal years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 (PDF version)

The Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD) and the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB): building the LAD_IMDB - a technical paper, 1980-1999 (HTML version)

An overview of the issues related to the use of personal identifiers (HTML version)

Quality assurance processes applied to the discharge abstract and hospital morbidity databases (PDF version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2003 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2005 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2006 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, April 2002 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, January 2001 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, July 2004 (HTML version)

You bet I Care!: a Canada-wide study on wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in child care centres across Canada: summary of guiding principles and recommendations (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada (PDF version)

You bet I Care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: executive summary (PDF version)

You bet I care!: caring and learning environments: quality in regulated family child care across Canada: summary of recommendations (PDF version)

Making family child care work: strategies for improving the working conditions of family childcare providers (PDF version)

No answer II: a review of federally regulated organizations' telephonic communications with people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing (PDF version)

Canadian injury data: mortality 1997 and hospitalizations, 1996-97 (PDF version)

Comparability of ICD-10 and ICD-9 for mortality statistics in Canada (HTML version)

Injury deaths in Ontario, 2004 report (includes 2001-2002 data) (PDF version)

Injury deaths in Ontario, 2005 report (includes 2002-2003 data) (PDF version)

Mortality, summary list of causes
Mortality, summary list of causes, 2000 (HTML version)
Mortality, summary list of causes, 2001 (HTML version)
Mortality, summary list of causes, 2002 (HTML version)
Mortality, summary list of causes, 2003 (HTML version)
Mortality, summary list of causes, 2004 (PDF version)

Mortality - summary list of causes, 1997: shelf tables (HTML version)

National plan of action for reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Invitational Symposium on Palliative Care: Provincial and Territorial trends and issues in community-based programming; Radisson Hotel Ottawa, Ontario March 23-24, 1997 (PDF version)

Special report on maternal mortality and severe morbidity in Canada: enhanced surveillance - the path to prevention (PDF version)

Validation study for a record linkage of births and infant deaths in Canada (HTML version)

Death rate
Deaths, 2000 (HTML version)

Deaths, 2002 (HTML version)

Deaths, 2003 (HTML version)

Deaths, 2004 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1998 (PDF version)

The assets and debts of Canadians: an overview of the results of the Survey of Financial Security (HTML version)

The assets and debts of Canadians: focus on private pension savings (HTML version)

Debt management report, 1998 (PDF version)

Debt operations report: November, 1996 (PDF version)

Government of Canada securities
April 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
April 2007 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
January 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
January 2007 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
July 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
October 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)

Sources of SME business debt financing in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Debt management
Debt management report 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Debt management report 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Debt management report 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 1998-1999 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2006-2007 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Debt management strategy, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Educational cartoon strips for grade school students (PDF version)

The financial guide for post-secondary students (PDF version)

Net Impact Study Canada - Strategies for increasing SME engagement in the e-economy: final report, September 2004 (PDF version)

Moving from the heroic to the everyday: lessons learned from leading horizontal projects (PDF version)

Using horizontal tools to work across boundaries: lessons learned and signposts for success (PDF version)

Moving from the heroic to the everyday: lessons learned from leading horizontal projects (PDF version)

Using horizontal tools to work across boundaries: lessons learned and signposts for success (PDF version)

Déchets radioactifs
Recommendations on dose coefficients for assessing doses from accidental radionuclide releases to the environment (PDF version)

Race, colour, national or ethnic origin: anti-discrimination casebook (PDF version)

Reasons for decision
Decision No. 248 Elizabeth Buchanan, complainant, and Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, respondent, and Bell Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 264 Grain Services Union (ILWU - Canada), applicant, and Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited; Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 274 Teamsters Local Union 938, complainant, and Mackie Moving Systems Corporation, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 276 Kenneth G. Lequesne; United Transportation Union, Local 1271, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 279 BCR Marine Ltd., applicant, and International Longshore and Warehouse Union Ship & Dock Foremen, Local 514; International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 500, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 280 Hospital Employees' Union, applicant, and Gitxsan Health Society; Gitwangak Band Council; Gitanyow Huwilp Society, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 281 Dale Corfield; International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 282 United Steelworkers of America; Teamsters Canada Rail Conference Maintenance of Way Employees Division, applicants, and Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 283 3238610 Canada Inc.; 142071 Canada Inc., complainants, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux; Syndicat national du transport routier (SNTR-CSN, respondents; Victor Balinschi, complainant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Jean-Paul Berthelot, complainant, and G.T. Transport/Service de conteneurs D.M.L., respondent; Abderrahim Azniga, applicant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Hicham Saad, complainant, and (GT Group) DML Conteneur, respondent; Armand Leith, complainant, and Transport N.J.N. inc., doing business as Transpel (1994), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 284 Randy Wiens, applicant, and United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and Great Canadian Railtour Company Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 286 Alain Deschamps; Maxime Jannini; Marc Laframboise; Daniel Ouellet; and Richard Morin, complainants, and VIA Rail Canada Inc., respondent, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW - Canada), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 287 Rolland Gouger, complainant, and Transports Ducampro inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 288 Daniel Raymond; Alain Colleret; Jean Bouchard; Jean-Claude Forget; Fernand Martel; François Labrecque; Guy Hupé; Alain Guerra; Marc Bardiaux; Jean-Jacques Degagné; André Giroux; Claude Dufour; and Christian Mondor, applicants, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 289 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, respondent, National and Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), intervenor, and Air Canada, intervenor, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Air Canada Pilots Association, Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association, Air Line Pilots Association, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 291 Grace Bingley, complainant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 292 Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, Local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and United Steelworkers of America, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 293 St. Croix Stevedores and Affiliates, applicant, and Bayside Port Employers Association Inc., employer, and Champlain Stevedoring Inc.; Westroc Inc.; Kingsco Transport Ltd.; Jamer Materials Ltd.; Bayside Materials Handling Inc.; Charlotte County Ports Ltd.; Connors Bros., Limited, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 294 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer and, P.C.L. Construction Ltd., former employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 295 Office and Professional Employees Union, Local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Laurentian Bank of Canada, employer, and Bray Larouche & Associés; Durand & Pratt Inc.; Hunt Personnel; Les Services de placement Télé-Ressources; Thomson Tremblay Inc., intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 296 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Hudson Bay Port Company, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 297 Grace Bingley, applicant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 298 Dynamex Inc., applicant, and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No.141, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 299 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 687, applicant, and TVA Group Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 300 Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, applicant, and Télébec ltée; Northern Telephone Limited; Télébec, Limited Partnership; Bell Nordiq Group Inc.; Northern Telephone, Limited Partnership, respondents, and Teamsters, Brewery, Soft Drink and Miscellaneous Workers Union, Local 1999; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 301 General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362, complainant, and Monarch Transport Inc.; Dempsey Freight Systems Ltd., respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 302 Gilles Baribeau, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 303 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), applicant, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd.; Transport TF13, S.E.C., respondents, and Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Worker's Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 304 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Securicor Canada Limited, employer, and Drivers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 69 (Teamsters Quebec); Teamsters Local Union No. 213; Western Canada Council of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union No. 419; Teamsters Local Union No. 879; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Cartage and Miscellaneous Employees’ Union, Local 931; Armored Car Employees Association; United Steelworkers of America, Local 9342; Transport and Allied Workers Union, Local 855, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union 938; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 946; Securicor Thunder Bay Employees Association, bargaining agents, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 305 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2002, respondent, and Air Canada; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); intervenors, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Air Canada Pilots Association; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Air Line Pilots Association; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 306 PCL Constructors Northern Inc., applicant, and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, certified bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 307 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des communications de Radio-Canada (FNC-CSN); Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF); Association des réalisateurs; Canadian Union of Public Employees, respondents, Canadian Media Guild; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada; Association of Professionals and Supervisors of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 308 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 309 Seafarers' International Union of Canada, applicant, and Coastal Shipping Limited, employer, and Woodward's Oil Limited; Newfoundland Fishermen's, Food and Allied Workers, Local 1252 of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 310 Council of Atlantic Telecommunications Unions, applicant, and Aliant Telecom Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 311 Bell Canada, applicant, and Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 312 Western Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, intervenor (PDF version)
Decision No. 313 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, applicant, and Global Television Network Inc.; Global Communications Limited; CanWest Interactive Company (2846551 Canada Inc.); Canwest Television Inc.; CanWest Global Communications Corp.; CanWest Broadcasting Ltd.; CHEK owned and operated by Global Communications Limited (...), employers, and Canadian Association of Broadcasters, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 314 Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, bargaining agent, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, bargaining agent, and United Transportation Union, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 315 United Transportation Union, complainant, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 316 United Steelworkers of America, applicant, and TD Canada Trust in the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 317 TELUS Communications Inc., applicant, and Telecommunications Workers Union, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 318 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 319 Allan McDonald, complainant, and Canadian First Nations Police Association, respondent, and Anishinabek Police Service, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 320 Air Canada; Canadian Airlines International Ltd., applicants and Air Canada Pilots Association; Air Lines Pilots Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Airline Division, Air Canada Component; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division, Canadian Airlines Component; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Air Canada Component, and its Locals 2324, 2323, 2603, 714 and 1751; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Airlines Component, and its Locals 1763, 2223, 2309, 2754, 1681, 764 and 2749; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Canadian Association of Simulator Technologists, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 321 Greater Toronto Airports Authority, employer, and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local F-0082, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 322 Canadian National Railway Company, applicant, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 323 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 324 Office and Professional Employees Union, local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Anne-Marie S. Tapin; Gérald Espérance, respondents, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - Visa Centre, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 325 Terry McTaggart, complainant, and Erb Transport Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 326 Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, applicant, and Sioux Lookout Meno-Ya-Win Health Centre; Ontario Nurses' Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4373, respondents, and Attorney General of Canada; Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, intervenors on the respondents' side, and Office and Professional Employees International Union, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 327 United Steelworkers of America; United Steelworkers of America, Local 6551, complainants, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, respondent, and Edward V. Embree, Interested party. Edward V. Embree, applicant, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, employer, and United Steelworkers of America, bagaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 328 Industrial Wood and Allied Workers of Canada, local No. 1-424, applicant, and Burns Lake Native Logging Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 329, August 16, 2005 Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Workers' Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), applicant, and Sydicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), respondent, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd., employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 330, August 24, 2005 Worldwide Flight Services, Inc., employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, trade union (PDF version)
Decision No. 331 George Buchholz, complainant, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 332, September 9, 2005 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Brink's Canada Limited, respondent, and Teamsters Local Union No. 213; General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362; General Teamsters, Local Union 979; Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers Union, Local No. 880; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 558; Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Public & Private Employees (CLC); Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 568; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); Teamsters Local Union No. 419, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 333 Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Anne Houlahan et al., applicants, Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, bargaining agent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 334 Society of Professional Engineers and Associates, complainant, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 335 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, applicant, and Air Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 336, September 27, 2005 Rogers Cable TV Limited, applicant, and Metro Cable T.V. Maintenance and Service Employees Association, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 337 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, complainant, and Expertech Network Installation Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 338, November 4, 2005 Canadian First Nations Police Association, applicant, and Treaty Three Police Service, employer comprising the following First Nation Territories: Big Grassy First Nation Territory; Couchiching First Nation Territory; Big Island Lake Cree First Nation Territory; Grassy Narrows First Nation Territory; Naicatchewenin First Nation Territory; Northwest Angle Reserve First Nation Territory; Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation Territory; Seine River First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 39) First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 40) First Nation Territory; Wabaseemoong (Islington) First Nation Territory; Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay) First Nation Territory (PDF version)
Decision No. 339 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3810, applicant, and Services Maritimes Québec Inc.; Canadian Salt Company Ltd; Québec Métal Recyclé (FNF) Inc.; Falconbridge Limited; Centre de distribution de Sillery Inc.; Coopérative fédérée de Québec; IMTT-Quebec Inc., respondents, and Société des Arrimeurs de Québec, Inc., employer and Syndicat des débardeurs du Port de Québec, Local 2614 of CUPE, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 340 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Saskatoon Airport Authority; Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC; City of Saskatoon, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 341 Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Association, applicant, and Air Canada, employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 342 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, applicant, and Securiguard Services Limited, employer, and Vancouver International Airport Authority; Minister of Transport, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 344 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), applicant, and Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada, Ltd., employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 353, Millwrights Regional Council of Ontario, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and its local, Millwrights and Machine Erectors, Local 2309, intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 345 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer; Matt Velisek et al., applicants and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, bargaining agent, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 346, February 14, 2006 Local Union 1574, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, applicant, and Northwes'Tel Mobility Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 349 Air Line Pilots Association, applicant, and Air Canada; Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent; Rob McInnis et al., complainants, and Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent, and Air Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 352 Stephen Brown, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 353 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 359 Securiguard Services Limited, applicant, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, respondent (PDF version)

Decision making
Competitive intelligence handbook: an everyday approach (PDF version)

Décision du tribunal
Legal report, 2000 (PDF version)

Annual report, CRTC, Access to information and privacy, 2004-2005 /Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (PDF version)

Race, colour, national or ethnic origin: anti-discrimination casebook (PDF version)

Reasons for decision
Decision No. 248 Elizabeth Buchanan, complainant, and Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, respondent, and Bell Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 264 Grain Services Union (ILWU - Canada), applicant, and Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited; Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 274 Teamsters Local Union 938, complainant, and Mackie Moving Systems Corporation, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 276 Kenneth G. Lequesne; United Transportation Union, Local 1271, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 279 BCR Marine Ltd., applicant, and International Longshore and Warehouse Union Ship & Dock Foremen, Local 514; International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 500, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 280 Hospital Employees' Union, applicant, and Gitxsan Health Society; Gitwangak Band Council; Gitanyow Huwilp Society, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 281 Dale Corfield; International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 282 United Steelworkers of America; Teamsters Canada Rail Conference Maintenance of Way Employees Division, applicants, and Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 283 3238610 Canada Inc.; 142071 Canada Inc., complainants, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux; Syndicat national du transport routier (SNTR-CSN, respondents; Victor Balinschi, complainant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Jean-Paul Berthelot, complainant, and G.T. Transport/Service de conteneurs D.M.L., respondent; Abderrahim Azniga, applicant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Hicham Saad, complainant, and (GT Group) DML Conteneur, respondent; Armand Leith, complainant, and Transport N.J.N. inc., doing business as Transpel (1994), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 284 Randy Wiens, applicant, and United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and Great Canadian Railtour Company Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 286 Alain Deschamps; Maxime Jannini; Marc Laframboise; Daniel Ouellet; and Richard Morin, complainants, and VIA Rail Canada Inc., respondent, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW - Canada), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 287 Rolland Gouger, complainant, and Transports Ducampro inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 288 Daniel Raymond; Alain Colleret; Jean Bouchard; Jean-Claude Forget; Fernand Martel; François Labrecque; Guy Hupé; Alain Guerra; Marc Bardiaux; Jean-Jacques Degagné; André Giroux; Claude Dufour; and Christian Mondor, applicants, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 289 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, respondent, National and Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), intervenor, and Air Canada, intervenor, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Air Canada Pilots Association, Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association, Air Line Pilots Association, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 291 Grace Bingley, complainant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 292 Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, Local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and United Steelworkers of America, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 293 St. Croix Stevedores and Affiliates, applicant, and Bayside Port Employers Association Inc., employer, and Champlain Stevedoring Inc.; Westroc Inc.; Kingsco Transport Ltd.; Jamer Materials Ltd.; Bayside Materials Handling Inc.; Charlotte County Ports Ltd.; Connors Bros., Limited, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 294 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer and, P.C.L. Construction Ltd., former employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 295 Office and Professional Employees Union, Local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Laurentian Bank of Canada, employer, and Bray Larouche & Associés; Durand & Pratt Inc.; Hunt Personnel; Les Services de placement Télé-Ressources; Thomson Tremblay Inc., intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 296 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Hudson Bay Port Company, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 297 Grace Bingley, applicant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 298 Dynamex Inc., applicant, and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No.141, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 299 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 687, applicant, and TVA Group Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 300 Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, applicant, and Télébec ltée; Northern Telephone Limited; Télébec, Limited Partnership; Bell Nordiq Group Inc.; Northern Telephone, Limited Partnership, respondents, and Teamsters, Brewery, Soft Drink and Miscellaneous Workers Union, Local 1999; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 301 General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362, complainant, and Monarch Transport Inc.; Dempsey Freight Systems Ltd., respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 302 Gilles Baribeau, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 303 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), applicant, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd.; Transport TF13, S.E.C., respondents, and Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Worker's Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 304 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Securicor Canada Limited, employer, and Drivers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 69 (Teamsters Quebec); Teamsters Local Union No. 213; Western Canada Council of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union No. 419; Teamsters Local Union No. 879; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Cartage and Miscellaneous Employees’ Union, Local 931; Armored Car Employees Association; United Steelworkers of America, Local 9342; Transport and Allied Workers Union, Local 855, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union 938; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 946; Securicor Thunder Bay Employees Association, bargaining agents, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 305 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2002, respondent, and Air Canada; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); intervenors, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Air Canada Pilots Association; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Air Line Pilots Association; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 306 PCL Constructors Northern Inc., applicant, and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, certified bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 307 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des communications de Radio-Canada (FNC-CSN); Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF); Association des réalisateurs; Canadian Union of Public Employees, respondents, Canadian Media Guild; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada; Association of Professionals and Supervisors of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 308 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 309 Seafarers' International Union of Canada, applicant, and Coastal Shipping Limited, employer, and Woodward's Oil Limited; Newfoundland Fishermen's, Food and Allied Workers, Local 1252 of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 310 Council of Atlantic Telecommunications Unions, applicant, and Aliant Telecom Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 311 Bell Canada, applicant, and Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 312 Western Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, intervenor (PDF version)
Decision No. 313 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, applicant, and Global Television Network Inc.; Global Communications Limited; CanWest Interactive Company (2846551 Canada Inc.); Canwest Television Inc.; CanWest Global Communications Corp.; CanWest Broadcasting Ltd.; CHEK owned and operated by Global Communications Limited (...), employers, and Canadian Association of Broadcasters, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 314 Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, bargaining agent, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, bargaining agent, and United Transportation Union, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 315 United Transportation Union, complainant, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 316 United Steelworkers of America, applicant, and TD Canada Trust in the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 317 TELUS Communications Inc., applicant, and Telecommunications Workers Union, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 318 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 319 Allan McDonald, complainant, and Canadian First Nations Police Association, respondent, and Anishinabek Police Service, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 320 Air Canada; Canadian Airlines International Ltd., applicants and Air Canada Pilots Association; Air Lines Pilots Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Airline Division, Air Canada Component; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division, Canadian Airlines Component; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Air Canada Component, and its Locals 2324, 2323, 2603, 714 and 1751; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Airlines Component, and its Locals 1763, 2223, 2309, 2754, 1681, 764 and 2749; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Canadian Association of Simulator Technologists, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 321 Greater Toronto Airports Authority, employer, and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local F-0082, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 322 Canadian National Railway Company, applicant, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 323 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 324 Office and Professional Employees Union, local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Anne-Marie S. Tapin; Gérald Espérance, respondents, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - Visa Centre, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 325 Terry McTaggart, complainant, and Erb Transport Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 326 Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, applicant, and Sioux Lookout Meno-Ya-Win Health Centre; Ontario Nurses' Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4373, respondents, and Attorney General of Canada; Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, intervenors on the respondents' side, and Office and Professional Employees International Union, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 327 United Steelworkers of America; United Steelworkers of America, Local 6551, complainants, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, respondent, and Edward V. Embree, Interested party. Edward V. Embree, applicant, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, employer, and United Steelworkers of America, bagaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 328 Industrial Wood and Allied Workers of Canada, local No. 1-424, applicant, and Burns Lake Native Logging Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 329, August 16, 2005 Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Workers' Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), applicant, and Sydicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), respondent, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd., employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 330, August 24, 2005 Worldwide Flight Services, Inc., employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, trade union (PDF version)
Decision No. 331 George Buchholz, complainant, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 332, September 9, 2005 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Brink's Canada Limited, respondent, and Teamsters Local Union No. 213; General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362; General Teamsters, Local Union 979; Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers Union, Local No. 880; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 558; Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Public & Private Employees (CLC); Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 568; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); Teamsters Local Union No. 419, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 333 Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Anne Houlahan et al., applicants, Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, bargaining agent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 334 Society of Professional Engineers and Associates, complainant, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 335 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, applicant, and Air Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 336, September 27, 2005 Rogers Cable TV Limited, applicant, and Metro Cable T.V. Maintenance and Service Employees Association, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 337 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, complainant, and Expertech Network Installation Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 338, November 4, 2005 Canadian First Nations Police Association, applicant, and Treaty Three Police Service, employer comprising the following First Nation Territories: Big Grassy First Nation Territory; Couchiching First Nation Territory; Big Island Lake Cree First Nation Territory; Grassy Narrows First Nation Territory; Naicatchewenin First Nation Territory; Northwest Angle Reserve First Nation Territory; Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation Territory; Seine River First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 39) First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 40) First Nation Territory; Wabaseemoong (Islington) First Nation Territory; Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay) First Nation Territory (PDF version)
Decision No. 339 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3810, applicant, and Services Maritimes Québec Inc.; Canadian Salt Company Ltd; Québec Métal Recyclé (FNF) Inc.; Falconbridge Limited; Centre de distribution de Sillery Inc.; Coopérative fédérée de Québec; IMTT-Quebec Inc., respondents, and Société des Arrimeurs de Québec, Inc., employer and Syndicat des débardeurs du Port de Québec, Local 2614 of CUPE, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 340 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Saskatoon Airport Authority; Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC; City of Saskatoon, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 341 Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Association, applicant, and Air Canada, employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 342 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, applicant, and Securiguard Services Limited, employer, and Vancouver International Airport Authority; Minister of Transport, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 344 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), applicant, and Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada, Ltd., employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 353, Millwrights Regional Council of Ontario, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and its local, Millwrights and Machine Erectors, Local 2309, intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 345 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer; Matt Velisek et al., applicants and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, bargaining agent, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 346, February 14, 2006 Local Union 1574, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, applicant, and Northwes'Tel Mobility Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 349 Air Line Pilots Association, applicant, and Air Canada; Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent; Rob McInnis et al., complainants, and Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent, and Air Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 352 Stephen Brown, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 353 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 359 Securiguard Services Limited, applicant, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, respondent (PDF version)

Joint statement on shaken baby syndrome (PDF version)

Defence industry
Annual report 1999-2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Defence policy
Annual report 1998-1999 /National Defence (PDF version)

Canadian security and military preparedness: the government's response to the report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence (2002) (PDF version)

IMPACT - making a difference: annual report for the year ending March 31, 2005 (PDF version)

Looking forward, staying ahead: connecting with users and partners (PDF version)

Looking forward, staying ahead 2005: from lab coats to boots (PDF version)

Making choices - annual report of the Chief of the Defence Staff, 2003-2004 /National Defence (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6: modernizing the NORAD system in Canada - National Defence (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - defence: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

Scientific excellence for Canada's defence: annual report, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Délégation commerciale
Annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing
Vol. 22, No. 11, November, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, January, 1998 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 10, October, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 12, December, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, February, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 3, March, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, April, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 5, May, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, June, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, July, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, August, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, September, 1999 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, October, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, November, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, December, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, March, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, May, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, June, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, July, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, August, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, September, 2000 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 10, October, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 11, November, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 12, December, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, March, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, April, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, May, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, June, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, July, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 8, August, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 25, No. 9, September, 2001 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 1, January, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 10, October, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 12, December, 2002 Production and Shipments of Steel Pipe and Tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 2, February, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 3, March, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 4, April, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 5, May, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 6, June, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 7, July, 2002. Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 8, August, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 26, No. 9, September, 2002 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, January, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 10, October, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, February, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, March, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 4, April, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 5, May, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 6, June, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 7, July, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 8, August, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, No. 9, September, 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 11, November 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 27, no. 12, December 2003 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 10, October 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 11, November 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 7, July 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 8, August 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, No. 9, September 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 1, January 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 2, February 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 3, March 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 4, April 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 28, no. 5, May 2004 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)
Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2005 Production and shipments of steel pipe and tubing (HTML version)

Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products
Vol. 17, No. 4, quarter ended December, 1998 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 1, quarter ended March, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 2, quarter ended June, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 3, quarter ended September, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 18, No. 4, quarter ended December, 1999 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 2, quarter ended June 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2000 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2001 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2002. Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 21, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2002 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 1, quarter ended March, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 2, quarter ended June, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 3, quarter ended September, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 22, No. 4, quarter ended December, 2003 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, quarter ended March 2004 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, quarter ended June 2004 Shipments of solid fuel burning heating products (HTML version)

Canada's oil sands: a supply and market outlook to 2015 (PDF version)

Canadian electricity: trends and issues (PDF version)

Canadian suppliers of mining goods and services: links between Canadian mining companies and selected sectors of the Canadian economy (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 5: managing the delivery of legal services to government - Department of Justice Canada (PDF version)

Permanent layoffs, quits and hirings in the Canadian economy, 1978-1995 (HTML version)

Demographic data
Aboriginal women: a profile from the 1996 census (PDF version)

Aboriginal women : a profile from the 2001 Census (PDF version)

Canada at a glance, 2005 (HTML version)

Canada at a glance [2002] (HTML version)

Canada at a glance [2000] (HTML version)

Canada at a glance, 2006 (HTML version)

Canada at a glance, 2007 (PDF version)

Canadian cancer statistics, 2004 (PDF version)

CHS - demography
2005 CHS - demography (PDF version)

Enabling income: CPP disability benefits and women with disabilities (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1994 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1995 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1997 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2000 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2002 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2003 and 2004 (HTML version)

Women and the CHST: a profile of women receiving social assistance in 1994 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Demographic maps
Census tract reference maps, by Census metropolitan areas or Census agglomerations, reference guide - census year 2006 (PDF version)

Dissemination area reference maps, reference guide - census year 2006 (PDF version)

Geographic distribution of physicians in Canada: beyond how many and where (PDF version)

Population ecumene census division boundary file, 2001 Census: reference guide (HTML version)

Population ecumene census division boundary file, 2001 Census (HTML version)

Demographic statistics
Annual demographic estimates - Census metropolitan areas, economic regions and Census divisions, age and sex
2001 to 2006 Annual demographic estimates - Census metropolitan areas, economic regions and Census divisions, age and sex (PDF version)

Annual demographic statistics, 2005 (HTML version)

Artists by neighbourhood in Canada (PDF version)

Marriages, 2002 (HTML version)

Population and family estimation methods at Statistics Canada (HTML version)

Quarterly demographic estimates
Vol. 19, No.4, October-December 2005 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, July to September 2006, preliminary Quarterly demographic estimates (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, October to December 2006, preliminary Quarterly demographic estimates (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No.1, January-March 2006 (preliminary) Quarterly demographic estimates (HTML version)
Vol. 20, No.2, April to June 2006 (preliminary) Quarterly demographic estimates (HTML version)

Quarterly demographic statistics
Vol. 13, No. 1, January-March, 1999 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 13, No. 2, April-June, 1999 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 13, No. 3, July-September, 1999 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 13, No. 4, October-December, 1999 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 14, No. 1, January-March, 2000 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 14, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 14, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 14, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 15, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 15, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 15, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 15, No. 4, October-December, 2001. Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 16, No. 1, January-March, 2002. Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 16, No. 1, January-March, 2002. Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 16, No. 2, April-June, 2002 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)

Quarterly demographic statistics
Vol. 19, No. 2, April-June 2005 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)
Vol. 19, No. 3, July-September 2005 Quarterly demographic statistics (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1996 (HTML version)

Small business financing profiles - young entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Women and men in Canada: a statistical glance (PDF version)

Immigration and the vitality of Canada's linguistic communities: policy, demography and identity (PDF version)

Interim List of changes to municipal boundaries, status, and names (geography products: geographic reference products) (HTML version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Statistics Canada data sources on immigrant women (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1998 (PDF version)

Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau metropolitan area
First quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Third quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Gatineau Metropolitan Area (PDF version)

Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area
1st quarter, 2003 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
2nd quarter, 2003 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
First quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)
Third quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Montréal metropolitan area (PDF version)

Analysis of the resale market - Québec metropolitan area
Fourth quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Québec metropolitan area (PDF version)
Third quarter 2006 Analysis of the resale market - Québec metropolitan area (PDF version)
[1st quarter, 2003] Analysis of the resale market - Québec metropolitan area (PDF version)
[2nd quarter, 2003] Analysis of the resale market - Québec metropolitan area (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Gatineau
Fall - Winter 2004 Forecast summary - Gatineau (PDF version)
Spring - Summer 2004 Forecast summary - Gatineau (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Hamilton
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Hamilton (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Hamilton (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Kitchener
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Kitchener (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Kitchener (PDF version)

Forecast summary - London
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - London (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - London (PDF version)

Forecast summary - New Brunswick
Vol. 7, Edition 1, first quarter 2004 Forecast summary - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 7, Edition 2, Third quarter 2004 Forecast summary - New Brunswick (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Northern Ontario
Autumn 2004 Forecast summary - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Northern Ontario (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Oshawa
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Oshawa (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Oshawa (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Québec
Fall - Winter 2004 Forecast summary - Québec (PDF version)
Spring - Summer 2004 Forecast summary - Québec (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Saguenay
Automne - hiver 2004 Forecast summary - Saguenay (PDF version)
Spring - Summer 2004 Forecast summary - Saguenay (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Saskatoon
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Saskatoon (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Saskatoon (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Sherbrooke
Fall - Winter 2004 Forecast summary - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Spring - Summer 2004 Forecast summary - Sherbrooke (PDF version)

Forecast summary - St. Catharines - Niagara
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Forecast summary - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)

Forecast summary - St. John's
Vol. 7, Edition 1, first quarter 2004 Forecast summary - St. John's (PDF version)
Vol. 7, Edition 3, Third quarter 2004 Forecast summary - St. John's (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Trois-Rivières
Automne - hiver 2004 Forecast summary - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Spring - Summer 2004 Forecast summary - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Windsor
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Windsor (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Windsor (PDF version)

Forecast summary - Winnipeg
Fall 2004 Forecast summary - Winnipeg (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Forecast summary - Winnipeg (PDF version)

Housing now - Alberta
First quarter 2002 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
First quarter, 2003 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
First quarter, 2004 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Alberta (PDF version)

Housing now - Barrie
Vol. 4, issue 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - Barrie (PDF version)
Volume 4, issue 3, third quarter 2001. Housing now - Barrie (PDF version)

Housing now - Calgary
April 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
Avril 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
December 2002 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
Mai 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
May 2002 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
October, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Calgary (PDF version)

Housing now - Chicoutimi-Jonquière
Volume 5, edition 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Chicoutimi-Jonquière (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 3, third quarter 2002 Housing now - Chicoutimi-Jonquière (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 4, fourth quarter 2002 Housing now - Chicoutimi-Jonquière (PDF version)

Housing now - Edmonton
April 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
May 2002 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
October 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Edmonton (PDF version)

Housing now - Gatineau
Vol. 6, No 4, fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 4, number 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter 2002 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter 2002 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter 2003 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 2, second quarter 2003 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 3, third quarter 2003 Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Gatineau (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Gatineau (PDF version)

Housing now - Halifax
August 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 10, October 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 11, November 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 12, December 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 5, May , 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 6, June 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 7, July 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 8, August 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 7, edition 9, September 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 8, edition 1, January 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol 8, edition 2, February 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, April, 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 10, October 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 11, November 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 12, December 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, March 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, April 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 5, May 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 6, June 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 7, July 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 8, August 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 9, September 2004 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 1, January 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 2, February 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 3, March 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 4, April 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 5, May 2005 Housing now - Halifax (HTML version)
Vol. 9, edition 6, June 2005 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 10, October 2002 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 11, November 2002 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 12, December 2002 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 5, May 2002 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 1, January, 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 2, February, 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 3, March, 2003 Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Halifax (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)
Housing now - Halifax (PDF version)

Housing now - Hamilton
First quarter 2006 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
First quarter 2004 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Third quarter 2005 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. [4], fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume 5, issue 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 2, second quarter, 2002 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume [6], number 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
Volume [6], number 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)
[Third Quarter 2006] Housing now - Hamilton (PDF version)

Housing now - Hull
Volume 4, number 3, third quarter 2001 Housing now - Hull (PDF version)

Housing now - Kingston/ Eastern Ontario
Fourth Quarter 2001 Housing now - Kingston/ Eastern Ontario (PDF version)

Housing now - Kitchener
First quarter 2004 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
First quarter 2006 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Fourth Quarter 2005 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 14, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 16, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 17, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 18, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 19, second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 20, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 21, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 23, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue 6, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Issue [24], third quarter 2004 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
Third Quarter 2005 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
[First] quarter 2005 Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Kitchener (PDF version)

Housing now - London
First quarter 2006 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 14, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 16, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 17, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 18, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 19, second quarter, 2003 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 20, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 21, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 22, first quarter 2004 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 23, second quarter 2004 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 24, third quarter 2004 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 25, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 26, First quarter 2005 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 27, Second quarter 2005 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 28, Third quarter 2005 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Issue 29, Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - London (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - London (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - London (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - London (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - London (PDF version)

Housing now - Manitoba
First quarter 2002 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
First quarter 2003 Housing Now - Manitoba (PDF version)
First quarter 2004 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2002 Housing Now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Second quarter 2002 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Second quarter 2003 Housing Now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Third quarter 2003 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing now - Manitoba (PDF version)

Housing now - Montréal
February 2006 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 12, December 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, February, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, April, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 5, May, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 6, June, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 7, July, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 8, August, 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, no. 10, October 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, no. 11, November 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 6, no. 9, September 2003 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 10, October 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, February 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 5, May 2004 Housing now - Montréal (HTML version)
Vol. 7, No. 6, June 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 7, July 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 8, August 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 9, September 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, no. 11, November 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 7, no. 12, December 2004 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 10, October 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 11, November 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 3, March 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 4, April 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 7, July 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 9, September 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Vol. 8, no. 1, January 2005 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 11, November 2002 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 12, December 2002 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 5, May 2002 Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Montréal (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Montréal (HTML version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Montréal (HTML version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Montréal (PDF version)

Housing now - New Brunswick
Vol. 5, edition 2, second quarter 2002 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 2, second quarter 2003 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 4, fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition [3], third quarter 2003 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 7, Edition 3, Third quarter 2004 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 1, first quarter 2003 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Volume. 5, edition 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Volume. 5, edition 3, third quarter 2002 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)
Volume. 5, edition 4, fourth quarter 2002 Housing now - New Brunswick (PDF version)

Housing now - Northern Ontario
First quarter 2006 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Third quarter 2005 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 1, issue 2, second quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 2, issue 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 2, issue 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 2, issue 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 3, issue 1, first quarter 2004 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 3, issue 2, second quarter 2004 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 3, issue 3, third quarter 2004 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 3, issue 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Vol. 4, issue 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Volume 1, issue 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Volume 1, issue 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Volume 1, issue 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Volume 2, issue 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Northern Ontario (PDF version)

Housing now - Atlantic Region
December 2005 [fourth quarter] Housing now - Atlantic Canada (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Atlantic Canada (HTML version)
September 2005 [third quarter] Housing now - Atlantic Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Atlantic Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Atlantic Canada (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 1, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Atlantic Canada (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Atlantic Canada (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Atlantic region (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Atlantic region (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Atlantic region (PDF version)

Housing now - BC region
August 2004 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
August, 2002 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
February, 2004 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
May 2002 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
November, 2003 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - BC region (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2005] Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - BC region (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2005] Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2005] Housing now - British Columbia (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - BC region (PDF version)

Housing now - Charlottetown
December 2005 Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 4, Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
[First Quarter 2006] Housing now - Charlottetown (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)
[Second Quarter 2006] Housing now - Charlottetown (HTML version)
[Third Quarter 2006] Housing now - Charlottetown (PDF version)

Housing now - Kelowna
April 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
April 2006 Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern Interior (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Kelowna / Southern Interior (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
May 2002 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern Interior (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
October, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing now - Kelowna - Southern interior (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Kelowna-Southern Interior (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Kelowna (PDF version)

Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador
Vol 7, edition 1, first quarter, 2004 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 5, edition 2, second quarter, 2002 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 7, Edition 3, Third quarter 2004 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 1, first quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)

Housing now - Ontario
First quarter 2002 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
First quarter 2004 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
First quarter 2005 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
First quarter 2006 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
First quarter, 2003 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
Third quarter 2002 Housing now - Province of Ontario (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Third quarter 2005 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Ontario (PDF version)
[First Quarter 2007] Housing now - Ontario region (PDF version)
[Fourth Quarter 2006] Housing now - Ontario region (PDF version)
[Third Quarter 2006] Housing now - Ontario region (PDF version)

Housing now - Prairies Region
First quarter 2005 Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
Third quarter 2005 Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Prairies (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Prairie region (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Prairie region (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Prairies (HTML version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Prairie region (PDF version)

Housing now - Québec region
Vol. 6, No. 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, first quarter, 2004 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, second quarter 2004 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 1, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - Province of Québec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 2, second quarter, 2002 Housing now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Province of Québec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Province of Québec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing Now - Province of Quebec (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Québec region (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Québec region (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing Now - Province of Quebec (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Québec region (PDF version)

Housing now - Saguenay
Vol. 6, No. 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Saguenay (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Saguenay (PDF version)

Housing now - Saint John, Moncton & Fredericton
December 2005 Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Saint John, Moncton & Fredericton (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (HTML version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Saint John, Moncton and Fredericton (PDF version)

Housing now - St. John's
December 2005 Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
Vol. 9, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
Volume 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - St. John's (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - St. John's (HTML version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - St. John's (PDF version)

Housing now - Victoria
April 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
April 2006 Housing now - Victoria-Vancouver Island (PDF version)
April, 2002 Housing now - Victoria/ Vancouver Island (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
December, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Victoria-Vancouver Island (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Victoria/Vancouver Island (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
January, 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
May, 2002 Housing now - Victoria/ Vancouver Island (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
November, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
October, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Victoria/Vancouver Island (PDF version)
September, 2002 Housing now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing Now - Victoria - Vancouver Island (PDF version)
[Août 2006] Housing now - Victoria/Vancouver Island (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Victoria/Vancouver Island (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Victoria-Vancouver Island (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Victoria-Vancouver Island (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Victoria (PDF version)

Housing now - Winnipeg
April 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Winnipeg (PDF version)

Housing now - Oshawa
First Quarter 2006 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
First quarter 2004 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
First quarter 2005 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
First quarter, 2003 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Fourth Quarter 2005 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Third Quarter 2005 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
Volume 4, issue 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
[First Quarter 2007] Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
[Fourth Quarter 2006] Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
[Second Quarter 2006] Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)
[Third Quarter 2006] Housing now - Oshawa (PDF version)

Housing now - Ottawa
February 2006 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 10, October, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 11, November, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 12,December, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, February, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, April, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 5, May, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 6, June, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 7, July, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 8, August, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 9, September, 2003 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, January, 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 10, October 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 12, December 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, February 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 6, June 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 7, July 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 8, August 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 9, September 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. [5], May 2004 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 10, October 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 11, November 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, February 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 3, March 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 4, April 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (HTML version)
Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 7, July 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 8, August 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 9, September 2005 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 12, December, 2002 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, May 2002 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 9 [i.e. 11], November, 2002 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 9, September, 2002 Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (HTML version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Ottawa (PDF version)

Housing now - Prince Edward Island
Vol. 5, edition 2, second quarter 2002 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 2, second quarter 2003 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. 6, edition 4, fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Vol. [6], edition 3, third quarter 2003 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Volume 1, edition 5, first quarter 2003 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Housing now - Québec
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 1, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Québec (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Québec (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Québec (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Québec (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Québec (PDF version)

Housing now - Saskatchewan
First quarter 2004 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
First quarter, 2002 Housing now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
First quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Housing now - Seaway - valley region
Volume 4, number 1, first quarter 2001 Housing now - Seaway - valley region (PDF version)

Housing now - Sherbrooke
Vol. 6, No 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 1, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing Now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing Now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Sherbrooke (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Sherbrooke (PDF version)

Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara
First quarter 2004 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
First quarter 2005 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
First quarter 2006 Housing now - St. Catharines/Niagara (PDF version)
Fourth Quarter 2005 Housing now - St. Catharines/Niagara (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Issue 4, fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Second quarter 2004 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - St. Catharines-Niagara (PDF version)
Third Quarter 2005 Housing now - St. Catharines/Niagara (PDF version)
Third quarter 2004 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 4, number 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 1, first quarter 2002 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 3, third quarter 2002 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 5, number 4, fourth quarter 2002 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 1, first quarter 2003 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 2, second quarter 2003 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
Volume 6, number 3, third quarter 2003 Housing now - St. Catharines - Niagara (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - St. Catharines-Niagara (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - St. Catharines-Niagara (PDF version)
[Third Quarter 2006] Housing now - St. Catharines-Niagara (PDF version)

Housing now - Sudbury/Northeastern Ontario
Volume 4, issue 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - Sudbury/Northeastern Ontario (PDF version)

Housing now - Thunder Bay and NWO
Volume 4, issue 4, fourth quarter 2001 Housing now - Thunder Bay and NWO (PDF version)

Housing now - Toronto
April 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
May, 2002 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
October, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[April 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[December 2004] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Toronto (HTML version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Toronto (PDF version)

Housing now - Trois-Rivières
Vol. 6, No. 3, third quarter, 2003 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, fourth quarter, 2003 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 3, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 7, edition 4, fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 1, first quarter 2005 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 2, second quarter 2005 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 3, third quarter 2005 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Vol. 8, edition 4, fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 1, first quarter, 2002 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 3, third quarter, 2002 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Volume 5, edition 4, fourth quarter, 2002 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 1, first quarter, 2003 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
Volume 6, edition 2, second quarter, 2003 Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
[First quarter 2006] Housing now - Trois-Rivières (HTML version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
[Second quarter 2006] Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Trois-Rivières (PDF version)

Housing now - Vancouver
April 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
April 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
April 2006 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
April, 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
August 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
August 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
August, 2003 Housing Now - Vancouver (PDF version)
December 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
December 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
December 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
December, 2002 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
February 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
February 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
February 2006 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
February, 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
January 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
January 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
January 2006 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
January, 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
July 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
July 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
July, 2003 Housing Now - Vancouver (PDF version)
June 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
June 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
June, 2003 Housing Now - Vancouver (PDF version)
March 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
March 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
March, 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
May 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
May 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
May, 2002 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
May, 2003 Housing Now - Vancouver (PDF version)
November 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
November 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
November 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
November, 2002 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
October 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
October 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
October 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
October, 2002 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
September 2004 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
September 2005 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
September, 2002 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
September, 2003 Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[August 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (HTML version)
[December 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[February 2007] Housing now - Vancouver and Abbotsford (PDF version)
[January 2007] Housing now - Vancouver and Abbotsford (PDF version)
[July 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[June 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[March 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[March 2007] Housing now - Vancouver and Abbotsford (PDF version)
[May 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[November 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[October 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)
[September 2006] Housing now - Vancouver (PDF version)

Housing now - Windsor
First quarter 2005 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
First quarter 2006 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2004 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 14, first quarter 2002 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 16, third quarter 2002 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 17, fourth quarter 2002 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 18, first quarter 2003 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 19, fourth quarter 2003 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 19, second quarter 2003 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 19, third quarter 2003 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 20, first quarter 2004 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 21, second quarter 2004 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Issue 22, third quarter 2004 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Second quarter 2005 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
Third quarter 2005 Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
[First quarter 2007] Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
[Fourth quarter 2006] Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)
[Third quarter 2006] Housing now - Windsor (PDF version)

Immigration and the vitality of Canada's linguistic communities: policy, demography and identity (PDF version)

Implications of First Nations demography: final report (PDF version)

Interim List of changes to municipal boundaries, status, and names (geography products: geographic reference products) (HTML version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Population and family estimation methods at Statistics Canada (HTML version)

Rental market report - Northern Ontario
October 2002 survey Rental market report - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
October 2003 survey Rental market report - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
October 2004 survey Rental market report - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
October 2005 Rental market report - Northern Ontario (PDF version)
Rental market report - Northern Ontario CMA (PDF version)

Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area
First quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area (PDF version)
Third quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Saguenay Metropolitan Area (PDF version)

Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration
First quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2005 Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration (PDF version)
Second quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration (PDF version)
Third quarter 2006 Statistical report for real estate agents - Trois-Rivières Census Metropolitan Area, Shawinigan Census Agglomeration (PDF version)

Statistics Canada data sources on immigrant women (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1998 (PDF version)

Unintentional injuries in childhood: results from Canadian health surveys (PDF version)

Dental health
Family violence handbook for the dental community (PDF version)

Radiation protection in dentistry: recommended safety procedures for the use of dental X-ray equipment: Safety Code 30 (PDF version)

Radiation protection in dentistry: recommended safety procedures for the use of dental X-ray equipment: Safety Code 30 (PDF version)

Safety of dental amalgam (PDF version)

Dépenses publiques
2000-2001 estimates: Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

2001-2002 estimates: Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

Drug costs in Canada: submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry for the Review of the Patent Act Amendment Act,1992 (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Northern expenditures, 1998-1999 (PDF version)

Statement on Governor General special warrants: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada: 1997 and 1998 report (PDF version)

Député fédéral
Globalization and governance: contemplating the global village (PDF version)

The parliament we want: parliamentarians' views on parliamentary reform (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Australia - a design overview (PDF version)

Singapore - an architecture and interior design overview (PDF version)

Organized breast cancer screening programs in Canada: 1997 and 1998 report (PDF version)

Dette nationale
The fiscal balance in Canada, February 2000 (PDF version)

Developing countries
Canada and Rwanda - together for Rwanda's development: country development programming framework, 2005-2011 (PDF version)

Canada Fund for Africa: delivering results (PDF version)

CIDA's country development programming framework for Indonesia, 2005-2009 (PDF version)

CIDA's country development programming framework for Vietnam, 2004-2009 (PDF version)

CIDA's HIV/AIDS action plan (PDF version)

CIDA's policy on meeting basic human needs (PDF version)

Environment - handbook for community development initiatives (PDF version)

Environment, politics and poverty: lessons from a review of PRSP stakeholder perspectives - synthesis review (PDF version)

A new global partnership: the Doha development agenda (PDF version)

New vision, new partnership - Canada Fund for Africa (PDF version)

Southeast Asia Regional Program: CIDA in action (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit home and community care -- planning resource kit (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world: development: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

Développement communautaire
Technical information document
TID-AM-01 Maintenance management systems (PDF version)
TID-FP-01 Fire protection (PDF version)
TID-MS-01 Community water systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-02 Community wastewater systems (PDF version)
TID-MS-03 Community solid waste (PDF version)
TID-PM-01 First Nations and aboriginal communities project management manual (PDF version)
TID-ST-01 Storage tanks management systems (PDF version)

Développement durable
Education for sustainable development in Canada: the work of the federal government (PDF version)

Expanding opportunities through private sector development (PDF version)

Expert workshop on the measurement of social capital for public policy: synthesis report (PDF version)

Sustainable development - a fresh look at freshwater (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy: action plan 2003-2006 (PDF version)

Développement économique
5 year report to the Parliament, 1993-1998 (PDF version)

Building a stronger economy together (PDF version)

Canada Business Service Centres: annual report 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2002: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Celebrating Success in Rural Canada: Annual Report to Parliament 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Enhancing the quality of life for rural Canadians: annual report to Parliament 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Gathering strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan: a progress report (PDF version)

NCE program guide: updated January 2002 (PDF version)

Opening doors, building futures (PDF version)

Partnerships in community economic development: the example of Greater Moncton. final report (PDF version)

Review of Statistics Canada survey (PDF version)

Survey on the role of government in economic development (PDF version)

Sustainable Development Strategy: the preservation of the environment, the social well being of Canadians and continued economic development (PDF version)

Développement international
Canada making a difference in the world: a policy statement on strengthening aid effectiveness (PDF version)

CIDA's policy on meeting basic human needs (PDF version)

CIDA's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003: an agenda for change (PDF version)

Développement de l'enfant
Healthy development of children and youth: the role of the determinants of health: an overview (PDF version)

Développement du Nord
FedNor Youth Forum 2000: summary and recommendations (PDF version)

FedNor Youth Forum 2000: action plan (PDF version)

Northern expenditures, 1998-1999 (PDF version)

Opening doors, building futures (PDF version)

Développement professionnel
Annual report, 1999-2000 /Canadian Centre for Management Development (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: professional development (PDF version)

Framework for management development in the federal science & technology community (S&T;) (PDF version)

Knowledge matters: skills and learning for Canadians (PDF version)

A public service learning organization: from coast to coast to coast (PDF version)

Développement régional
5 year report to the Parliament, 1993-1998 (PDF version)

Summary of activities, 1996-1997: for the implementation of Section 41, Official Languages Act: Pan-Atlantic, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Enterprise Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Développement rural
The National Rural Conference: rural action plan (PDF version)

Working together in rural Canada: annual report to Parliament, May 2000 (PDF version)

Développement social
Annual report, 1999-2000 /Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Building Canada through sport: towards a Canadian sport policy: a discussion paper (PDF version)

Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement between the government of Canada and the government of the Yukon (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Diabetes among aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) people in Canada: the evidence (PDF version)

Miracle cure for diabetes?: a message to Canadians from Health Canada, the Competition Bureau, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Canadian Diabetes Association (PDF version)

National Diabetes Surveillance System (NDSS) business plan (PDF version)

Responding to the challenge of diabetes in Canada - first report of the National Diabetes Surveillance System (NDSS) 2003 (PDF version)

Diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer in Canadian children 0-14 years, 1995-2000 (PDF version)

Identification of a research agenda for the diagnosis, care and prevention of Hepatitis C in Canada: report to the Minister of Health: the Honourable Allan Rock (PDF version)

Talking tools II: putting communication skills to work: course book (PDF version)

Talking tools II: putting communication skills to work: resource booklet (PDF version)

Knowledge-based study of the Canadian diamond industry (PDF version)

Glossary of parliamentary procedure (PDF version)

Glossary of water management terms (PDF version)

NWT mining-related & environmental management glossary (PDF version)

Panlatin Internet glossary (PDF version)

Workplace and employee survey: electronic data dictionary (HTML version)

Panlatin Internet glossary (PDF version)

Diesel fuel
Fuel consumption calculator - diesel (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2004 (PDF version)

Sustainability of biomass utilization - draft summaries: anticipated environmental effects of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic waste material and criteria for biodiesel production facilities (PDF version)

Digital collections
A study of business models sustaining the development of digital cultural content (PDF version)

Digital technology
International activities in tele-homecare: background paper (PDF version)

Multimedia and digital entertainment: Canada - the future is here (PDF version)

Rethinking the Information Highway: rethinking the dual digital divide: March 30, 2001 (PDF version)

Diplomatic missions
The single window networks of the government of Canada (PDF version)

Canada's wind energy industry directory (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in Ontario (PDF version)

Disability in Canada: a 2001 profile (PDF version)

Disability supports in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

Disability supports in Canada, 2001 - tables (HTML version)

A new approach to disability data: changes between the 1991 Health and Activity Limitation Survey (HALS) and the 2001 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS), December 2002 (HTML version)

A profile of disability in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

A profile of disability in Canada, 2001 - tables, December 2002 (HTML version)

Disability pensions
Enabling income: CPP disability benefits and women with disabilities (PDF version)

Government of Canada response to "Listening to Canadians: a first view of the future of the Canada Pension Plan Disability Program": the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Human Resource Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (PDF version)

Disadvantaged persons
Access to credit in the alternative consumer credit market: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Disaster relief
Disaster financial assistance: manual to assist in the interpretation of federal guidelines (PDF version)

Emergency roles and responsibilities of NGOs in Canada (PDF version)

The Emergency Site Management (ESM) system: a doctrine paper (PDF version)

How much did the airline industry recover since September 11, 2001? (HTML version)

Bona fide occupational requirements and bona fide justifications under the Canadian Human Rights Act: the implications of Meiorin and Grismer (PDF version)

Perspectives on legislation: essays from the 1999 Legal Dimensions Initiative (PDF version)

Prohibited grounds of discrimination in Canada (PDF version)

Promoting equality: a new vision (PDF version)

Discrimination raciale
Race, colour, national or ethnic origin: anti-discrimination casebook (PDF version)

Discrimination sexuelle
Discussion paper on approaches to consultation (PDF version)

Arthritis in Canada: an ongoing challenge (PDF version)

The assessment of mutagenicity: Health Protection Branch mutagenicity guidelines (PDF version)

Best practices: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Canadian Persian Gulf cohort study: report summary (HTML version)

Laboratory surveillance data for enteric pathogens in Canada - 2001 annual summary (PDF version)

Management of Kaposi's sarcoma associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection (PDF version)

Situational analysis - fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Situational analysis: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Disponibilités énergétiques
Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2003 (HTML version)

After marriage breakdown: information on the on-reserve matrimonial home (PDF version)

Because life goes on : helping children and youth live with separation and divorce: a guide for parents (PDF version)

Developing spousal support guidelines in Canada: beginning the discussion - background paper (PDF version)

The division of matrimonial real property on American Indian reservations (PDF version)

Divorce Law: questions and answers (PDF version)

Spousal support advisory guidelines: a draft proposal (PDF version)

Document classification
Class FC : a classification for Canadian history (PDF version)

Document électronique
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: questions and answers for health researchers (PDF version)

Your privacy responsibilities: Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for businesses and organizations (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

Domestic markets
Canada's winning secrets (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

Medium term policy baseline: international and domestic markets (PDF version)

Domestic trade
A consolidation of the agreement on internal trade (PDF version)

Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

Domestic waste
Don't burn household garbage (PDF version)

The Canadian Ecological Gifts Program handbook 2005: a legacy for tomorrow--a tax break today (PDF version)

The Ecological Gifts Program: a legacy for tomorrow--a tax break today (PDF version)

Données démographiques
CHS - demography
2005 CHS - demography (PDF version)

Dossier médical
Toward electronic health records (PDF version)

Permanent layoffs, quits and hirings in the Canadian economy, 1978-1995 (HTML version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to amend the Excise Tax Act, a related Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Budget Implementation Act, 1997, the Budget Implementation Act, 1998, the Budget Implementation Act, 1999, the Canada Pension Plan, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Customs Act, the Customs Tariff, the Employment Insurance Act, the Excise Act, the Income Tax Act, the Tax Court of Canada Act, and the Unemployment Insurance Act (PDF version)

Impacts of changing land use (PDF version)

Analysis of horizontal gas well performance in British Columbia (PDF version)

Drinking water
Municipal water pricing, 1991-1999 (PDF version)

A national survey of chlorinated disinfection by-products in Canadian drinking water (PDF version) (PDF version)

Public-private partnerships for funding municipal drinking water infrastructure: what are the challenges? discussion paper (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 4: Safety of drinking water - federal responsibilities (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 5: Drinking water in First Nations communities (PDF version)

Report of the Expert Panel on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Workshop on the Feasibility of a Chronic Neurotoxicity Study of Aluminum Administered in the Drinking Water of Animals (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we drink the water? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we drink the water?: drinking water quality (PDF version)

Driving characteristics of the young and aging population (HTML version)

Drug-impaired driving: consultation document - background information and legislative proposals to enhance criminal code drug-impaired driving investigations (PDF version)

Idling gets you nowhere (PDF version)

Idling is harming our health and environment (PDF version)

Impaired driving (PDF version)

Dispensing method for opiate dependants: guidelines for pharmacists (PDF version)

Guidelines for the use of opioides in the management of opioide dependants (PDF version)

Research plan for marijuana for medical purposes: a status report (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Intellectual property enforcement guidelines (PDF version)

How to use the Canada Small Business Financing Act: a self-learning tool for lenders (PDF version)

Droit civil
The harmonization of federal legislation with the Civil Law of the Province of Quebec and Canadian bijuralism (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Droit commercial
Conformity continuum information bulletin (PDF version)

Droit constitutionnel
The harmonization of federal legislation with the Civil Law of the Province of Quebec and Canadian bijuralism (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Setting judicial compensation: multidisciplinary perspectives (PDF version)

Droit d'auteur
Annual report, 2001-2002 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Copyright Board Canada (PDF version)

Droit de la famille
Division of powers and jurisdictional issues (PDF version)

What's Sex got to do with it? Tax and the "Family" (PDF version)

Droit de l'environnement
Compliance and enforcement policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) (PDF version)

Strengthening environmental assessment for Canadians: report of the Minister of the Environment to the Parliament of Canada on the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (PDF version)

Droit militaire
Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 September 1999 to 31 March 2000 /National Defence (PDF version)

Annual report of the Judge Advocate General to the minister of National Defence on the administration of military justice in the Canadian Forces: a review from 1 April 2001 to 31 March 2002 /National Defence (PDF version)

Droits des autochtones
Alberta region, 1999-2000 year in review (PDF version)

First Nations and Inuit control - annual report, 1999-2000 /Health Canada (PDF version)

Droits de l'enfant
National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Droits linguistiques
Annual report, 1999-2000 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)

Droits de la personne
Annual report, 1999-2000 /International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Human Rights Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Human Rights Commission (PDF version)

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal annual report, 2001 /Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (PDF version)

Discussion paper on approaches to consultation (PDF version)

Employment equity report, 2001 (PDF version)

Legal report, 2000 (PDF version)

Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall, 2000 Libertas (PDF version)
Vol. 11, No. 1, Summer, 2001 Libertas (PDF version)
Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall, 2001 Libertas (PDF version)
Vol. 11, No. 3, Winter, 2002 Libertas (PDF version)

Race, colour, national or ethnic origin: anti-discrimination casebook (PDF version)

Droits sociaux
Unequal harvest: farmers' voices on international trade and the right to food (PDF version)

Drug addiction
Best practices, concurrent mental health and substance use disorders (PDF version)

Best practices: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Best practices: substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation (PDF version)

Best practices - treatment and rehabilitation for seniors with substance use problems (PDF version)

Best practices: treatment and rehabilitation of youth with substance use problems (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drugs survey 1994: a discussion of the findings (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drugs survey: a discussion of the findings (PDF version)

Cocaine use: recommendations in treatment and rehabilitation (PDF version)

Cocaine use: recommendations in treatment and rehabilitation (PDF version)

Drug-impaired driving: consultation document - background information and legislative proposals to enhance criminal code drug-impaired driving investigations (PDF version)

Drug Strategy Community Initiatives Fund - funding guidelines for 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Drug use among Canadian professionals: summary of final report (PDF version)

Evaluation of Addictions Foundation of Manitoba's Impaired Driver's Program (PDF version)

Evaluation of Addictions Foundation of Manitoba's Impaired Driver's Program (PDF version)

Horizons 1994: alcohol and other drug use in Canada (PDF version)

Horizons two: Canadian women's alcohol and other drug use: increasing our understanding (PDF version)

Immigrant women and substance abuse: current issues, programs, and recommendations (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: a summary of the learnings (PDF version)

Meeting the needs of youth-at-risk in Canada: A summary of the learnings (PDF version)

National Program Inventory, concurrent mental health and substance use disorders (PDF version)

Profile: substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation in Canada (PDF version)

Rural women & substance abuse: issues and implications for programming (PDF version)

Situational analysis - fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Situational analysis: fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy (PDF version)

Substance use and pregnancy: conceiving women in the policy making process (PDF version)

Summary report of the Workshop on Best Practices for Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (PDF version)

Workshop on Best Practices - Treatment and Rehabilitation for Women with Substance Use Problems, June 6 and 7, 2002: summary report (PDF version)

Drug education
Preventing substance use problems among young people: a compendium of best practices (PDF version)

Drug use
Canada's alcohol and other drug survey: preview 1995 (PDF version)

Drug use and offending (PDF version)

Drug use among Canadian professionals: summary of final report (PDF version)

Horizons three: young Canadians' alcohol and other drug Use: increasing our understanding (PDF version)

Impacts of cannabis on driving: an analysis of current evidence with an emphasis on Canadian data (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

Attitudes, perceptions and behaviour relating to ethical medicines: a research report to the Department of National Health and Welfare (PDF version)

Canada's alcohol and other drug survey: preview 1995 (PDF version)

Drug costs in Canada: submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry for the Review of the Patent Act Amendment Act,1992 (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985-2003 (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985-2005 (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985 to 2004 (PDF version)

Drugs of current interest (DOCI) list (PDF version)

Drugs Directorate: questions and answers (PDF version)

Guidance for industry: management of drug submissions (PDF version)

Guidelines for the use of opioides in the management of opioide dependants (PDF version)

Health care in Canada, 2002 (PDF version)

Health care in Canada, 2003 (PDF version)

Medication matters: how you can help seniors use medication safely (PDF version)

PMPRB Annual report 2004 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

PMPRB annual report 2005 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

Post-market surveillance of drug products derived from biotechnology (PDF version)

Report on SI conversion in parenteral therapy and nutrition (PDF version)

Reporting side effects from your medicine: what you need to know (PDF version)

Road map for the next decade: report on the PMPRB's public consultations (PDF version)

Tuberculosis drug resistance in Canada: reported susceptibility results of the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Network Surveillance System, 1999 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis: drug resistance in Canada, 2000: reported susceptibility results of the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada 2002 (PDF version)

Dualité linguistique
Annual report, 1999-2000 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)

The Canada Water Act, annual report, 1998-1999 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

Eau douce
Sustainable development - a fresh look at freshwater (PDF version)

Water in Nunavut (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: connectivity (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: measurement (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: social issues (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: professional development (PDF version)

Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: research (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume I and II (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Environmental sustainability of Canadian agriculture: report of the Agri-Environmental Indicator Project (PDF version)

Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: report of the Agri Environmental Indicator Project: a summary (PDF version)

First priority: progress report on implementation of the recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks (PDF version)

Seabirds of the Russian Far East (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume 1: a call to action (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume II: setting a new direction for Canada's national parks (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume I and II (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Economic analysis
Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2001 data) (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

Economic impact of venture capital: eighth annual survey, 2000 (PDF version)

The economy in brief
December, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
January, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
July, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)

The economy in brief
April 2007 The economy in brief (PDF version)
January 2007 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June 2006 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September 2006 The economy in brief (PDF version)

The importance of nature to Canadians: the economic significance of nature-related activities (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
Vol. 1, no. 1; December 1999 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 2; January 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 3; February 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 1, March 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 2; April 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 3; May 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 4; June 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 5; July 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 12, February, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 10, December, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, May 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 4, June 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 5, July 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 6, August 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 7, September, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 8, October, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 9, November, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
April, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
April, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
April, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
August, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 1999 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
January, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
January, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
July, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
July, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
June, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
June, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
November, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
November, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
October, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
October, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
September, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
Vol. 5, No. 12, February, 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 10, December 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 11, January 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 12, February 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, May 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, June 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 5, July 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 6, August 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 7, September 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 8, October 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 9, November 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2003 preliminary estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2004 estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Economic conditions
Canada and development cooperation in the Americas: photos from the family album (PDF version)

Comparison of social conditions, 1991 and 1996: registered Indians, registered Indians living on Reserve and the total population of Canada (PDF version)

The dynamics of women’s poverty in Canada (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: presentation by the Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P. to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: annexes to the presentation (PDF version) (PDF version)

Economic gender equality indicators (PDF version)

Economic update (PDF version)

The economy in brief
December, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
December, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
January, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
July, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
March, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1996 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1997 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1998 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 1999 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2000 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2001 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September, 2002. The economy in brief (PDF version)

The economy in brief
April 2007 The economy in brief (PDF version)
January 2007 The economy in brief (PDF version)
June 2006 The economy in brief (PDF version)
September 2006 The economy in brief (PDF version)

Increasing gender inputs into Canadian international trade policy positions at the WTO (PDF version)

The input-output structure of the Canadian economy, 2001-2002 (HTML version)

The input-output structure of the Canadian economy, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Mexico - a country in transition (PDF version)

The new North America: report on discussions among experts and public servants, September-November 2003 (PDF version)

Poverty issues for Canadian women: background paper (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2001 estimates, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: preliminary estimates 2001, tables and analytical document (PDF version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2003 preliminary estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Provincial economic accounts: 2004 estimates, tables and analytical document (HTML version)

Regional economic observer
2002 Regional economic observer (PDF version)
2nd semester, 2003 Regional economic observer (PDF version)
First Semester 2003 Regional economic observer (PDF version)
First semester, 2004 Regional economic observer (PDF version)
Second semester, 2004 Regional economic observer (PDF version)

The trade and investment monitor
2001 The trade and investment monitor (PDF version)
2002 Trade and investmet monitor (PDF version)
Fall-winter, 1999/2000 The trade and investment monitor (PDF version)
Trade and investment monitor (PDF version)
Trade and investment monitor (PDF version)

Women and the economy: long-term policy research issues (PDF version)

Women's economic independence and security: a federal/provincial/territorial strategic framework (PDF version)

Economic crime
Communities, contraband and conflict: considering restorative responses to repairing the harms implicit in smuggling in the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation (PDF version)

FINTRAC annual report 2006: making the connections /Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (PDF version)

Identity theft - watch your identity! (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, Implementation of the National Initiative to Combat Money Laundering (PDF version)

United States - Canada border drug threat assessment (PDF version)

Economic development
5 year report to the Parliament, 1993-1998 (PDF version)

Aboriginal economic development in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Access British Columbia
Spring/Summer 2006 Access British Columbia (PDF version)

Access Saskatchewan
Spring/Summer 2006 Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Access West [Access Alberta]
April-June 2002. Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
January-March 2002 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
July-September 2002. Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)

Access West [Access British Columbia]
April-June 2002 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
January-March 2002 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
July-September 2002. Access West: Access B.C (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)

Access West. [Access Saskatchewan]
April-June, 2002 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
January-March, 2002 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
July-September, 2002. Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Action plan 1996-98: for the implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act (PDF version)

Action plan, 1998-2000: for the implementation of the Official Languages Act (PDF version)

Atlantic Canada and the future: challenges and opportunities (PDF version)

Building a stronger economy together (PDF version)

Canada Business Service Centres: annual report 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Canada and development cooperation in the Americas: photos from the family album (PDF version)

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions - report to parliament 2006 (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2002: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canadian housing observer 2005 (PDF version)

CBDC: Community Business Development CBDC: Corporations: Nova Scotia annual review, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Celebrating Success in Rural Canada: Annual Report to Parliament 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Commitments made, commitments kept: Canada's contribution as Chair of the Summit of the Americas (PDF version)

Economic development programs guide, 2005 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: December 6, 1995 (PDF version)

Economic impact of venture capital: eighth annual survey, 2000 (PDF version)

Economic update (PDF version)

Enhancing the quality of life for rural Canadians: annual report to Parliament 2000-2001 (PDF version)

FedNor update
Spring 2006 FedNor update (PDF version)
Summer 2006 FedNor update (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1997 (PDF version)

Gathering strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan: a progress report (PDF version)

NCE program guide: updated January 2002 (PDF version)

Opening doors, building futures (PDF version)

Pacific trade winds: diminished myth, undiminished promise in the Asia Pacific region (PDF version)

Partnerships in community economic development: the example of Greater Moncton. final report (PDF version)

Profile and key challenges of the Canadian economy (PDF version)

Report on achievements, 1998-1999: implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act (PDF version)

Report on client impact and satisfaction: three Newfoundland CBDC's (PDF version)

Report of the EUB-CEAA Joint Review Panel, Cheviot Coal Project, Mountain Park Area, Alberta (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2002 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2000 (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2001 (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Economic and Social Issues in Africa (PDF version)

Review of Statistics Canada survey (PDF version)

Salute to aboriginal business in Alberta (PDF version)

Spotlight on Canada: an inside look from an outside perspective (PDF version)

State of small business and entrepreneurship in Atlantic Canada, 1998 (PDF version)

Survey on the role of government in economic development (PDF version)

Sustainable Development Strategy: the preservation of the environment, the social well being of Canadians and continued economic development (PDF version)

VIII Sommet de la Francophonie: the legacy (PDF version)

Western Canada - where the spirit of innovation finds a world of opportunity (PDF version)

Working with the west (PDF version)

Economic impact
Biopromess? Biotechnology, sustainable development and Canada's future economy: executive report (PDF version)

The economic impact of Canadian copyright industries - sectoral analysis: final report (PDF version)

Impact of SBLA lending: an evaluation of the economic impacts of the SBLA program (PDF version)

Longitudinal economic impact study of the Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) Program (PDF version)

Economic indicators
Economic gender equality indicators, 2000 (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Gender equality indicators : public concerns and public policies: proceedings of a symposium held at Statistics Canada, March 26 and 27, 1998 (PDF version) (PDF version)

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 4, Winter, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, Special issue, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, Autumn, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, Spring, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, Autumn, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 4, Spring 2002 Micro (PDF version)

Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2005 Micro (PDF version)

Monthly economic indicators
April 2000. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
April 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
April 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 2001/January 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
January 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
January 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
January 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
July 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
July 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
July 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
July 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June/July 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March/April 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
October 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
October 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
October 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
October 1999. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September 2000 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September 2001 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September 1998. Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September 1999 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)

Monthly economic indicators
April 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
August 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 2002 - January 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 2003 - January 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
December 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
February 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
January 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
July 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June - July 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
June 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March - April 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March - April 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
March 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
May 2005 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
November 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
October 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September - October 2002 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September - October 2003 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)
September 2004 Monthly economic indicators (PDF version)

Partnerships in community economic development: the example of Greater Moncton. final report (PDF version)

Economic issues
A changing Great Lakes economy: economic and environmental linkages (PDF version)

Population aging and life-course flexibility: the pivotal role of increased choice in the retirement decision (PDF version)

Views on life-course flexibility and Canada’s aging population (PDF version)

Economic policy
The economic and fiscal update - background material to the presentation (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: translating better finances into better lives, November 2, 1999 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: presentation by the Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P. (PDF version)

Government response to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT): reviewing the Export Development Act (PDF version)

Is work working? Work laws that do a better job: discussion paper (PDF version)

Payments system review discussion paper (PDF version)

A plan for growth and prosperity (PDF version)

Profile and key challenges of the Canadian economy (PDF version)

Reforming Canada's financial services sector: a framework for the future (PDF version)

What we need to know about the social economy: a guide for policy research (PDF version)

Economic research
Women and the economy: long-term policy research issues (PDF version)

Economic sanctions
Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Burma and Drugs (PDF version)

Roundtable on Burma report (PDF version)

Economic statistics
Canada at a glance, 2005 (HTML version)

Canada at a glance [2002] (HTML version)

Canada at a glance [2000] (HTML version)

Canada at a glance, 2006 (HTML version)

Canada at a glance, 2007 (PDF version)

Canadian economic observer. Historical statistical supplement, 2004/05 (HTML version)

Canadian economic observer. Historical statistical supplement, 2005/06 (HTML version)

Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2002 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2003 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 2004 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2006 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges (PDF version)

Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2004 (HTML version)

Financial and taxation statistics for enterprises, 2005 (PDF version)

Government of Canada securities
April 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
April 2007 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
January 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
January 2007 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
July 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)
October 2006 Government of Canada securities (PDF version)

National tourism indicators: historical estimates, 1986-2000 (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - young entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Weekly financial statistics
April 1, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 12, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 16, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 19, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 20, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 23, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 24, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 26, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 27, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 30, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 5, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 6, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
April 9, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 10, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 11, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 13, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 14, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 16, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 17, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 18, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 2, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 20, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 21, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 23, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 24, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 25, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 27, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 28, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 3, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 30, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 31, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 4, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 6, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 7, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
August 9, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 1, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 10, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 11, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 12, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 14, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 15, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 17, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 18, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 19, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 21, 2001. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 22, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 24, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 28, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 29, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 29, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 3, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 30, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 31, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 4, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 5, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 7, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
December 8, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 1, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 11, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 12, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 15, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 18, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 19, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 22, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 25, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 4, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 8, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
February 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 11, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 12, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 12, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 16, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 18, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 19, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 21, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 22, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 23, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 25, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 26, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 29, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 30, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 4, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 4, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 5, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 5, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 7, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
January 8, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 10, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 12, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 13, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 14, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 16, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 17, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 19, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 20, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 21, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 23, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 24, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 26, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 27, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 28, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 3, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 30, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 31, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 5, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 6, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 7, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
July 9, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 19, 1998. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 1, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 12, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 14, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 15, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 16, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 18, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 2, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 21, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 22, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 23, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 25, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 26, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 28, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 29, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 30, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 4, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 8, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
June 9, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 1, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 10, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 15, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 17, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 22, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 3, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 30, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 31, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 8, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
March 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 1, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 10, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 11, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 12, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 14, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 15, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 17, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 18, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 19, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 21, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 22, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 24, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 25, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 26, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 28, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 3, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 31, 2002. Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 4, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 5, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 7, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
May 8, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 10, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 13, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 14, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 16, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 19, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 2, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 20, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 21, 1997 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 23, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 24, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 26, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 27, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 30, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 5, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 6, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
November 9, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 1, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 11, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 12, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 13, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 15, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 16, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 19, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 2, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 20, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 22, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 23, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 26, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 27, 2700 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 29, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 30, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 4, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 5, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 6, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 8, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
October 9, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 1, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 10, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 11, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 13, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 14, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 15, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 17, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 18, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 20, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 21, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 22, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 24, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 25, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 27, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 28, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 29, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 3, 1999 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 4, 1998 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 6, 2002 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 7, 2001 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)
September 8, 2000 Weekly financial statistics (PDF version)

Economic trends
Canada e-book (HTML version)

Canada's growing economic relations with the United States : maximizing our opportunities: Part 1: what are the key dimensions? (PDF version)

Economic Conference 2004: Emerging challenges - new insights on the economy and society (HTML version)

Economic update (PDF version)

Gender on the line: technology, restructuring and the reorganization of work in the call centre industry (PDF version)

Micro-economic monitor
First quarter 2000 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
First quarter 2001 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
First quarter 2002 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
First quarter, 2003 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2000 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2001 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter 2003 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Fourth quarter, 2002 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Second quarter 2000 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Second quarter 2001 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Second quarter 2002 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Second quarter, 2003 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Third quarter 2000 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Third quarter 2001 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2002 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)
Third quarter, 2003 Micro-economic monitor (PDF version)

Profile and key challenges of the Canadian economy (PDF version)

Spending patterns in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

Spotlight on Canada: an inside look from an outside perspective (PDF version)

Trade update 2000: first annual report on Canada's state of trade (PDF version)

Nonferrous metals outlook, December, 2000 (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 4, Winter, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, Special issue, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, Autumn, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, Spring, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, Autumn, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 4, Spring 2002 Micro (PDF version)

Économie du savoir
Achieving excellence - investing in people, knowledge and opportunity: Canada's innovation strategy - executive summary (PDF version)

Achieving excellence: investing in people, knowledge and opportunity: Canada's innovation strategy (PDF version)

French on the Internet: key to the Canadian identity and the knowledge economy (PDF version)

Knowledge matters: skills and learning for Canadians (PDF version)

Reaching out: Canada, international science and technology, and the knowledge-based economy (PDF version)

Stepping up: skills and opportunities in the knowledge economy (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004-2005 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Challenges of rapid technological change: catching up with the Jetsons (PDF version)

Cleaning up the past, building the future: a national brownfield redevelopment strategy for Canada (PDF version)

Concepts, sources and methods of the Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts (HTML version)

A consolidation of the agreement on internal trade (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians on the economy: communications survey (PDF version)

Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, Autumn, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 4, Winter, 1998 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 5, Special issue, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, Autumn, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 6, Spring, 1999 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2000 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 4, Spring, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, Autumn, 2001 Micro (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 4, Spring 2002 Micro (PDF version)

Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2005 Micro (PDF version)

Quarterly labour market and income review
Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer 2002 Quarterly labour market and income review (PDF version)

Report on operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act, 2000 (PDF version)

Écosystème arctique
Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Écosystème marin
Building awareness and capacity: an action plan for continued sustainable development, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Partnerships for living oceans: Canadian Oceans Stewardship Conference report, June 6-8, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia (PDF version)

Ecosystem health, science-based solutions
1-1 Canadian water quality guidelines for protection of aquatic life : inorganic fluorides (PDF version)
1-2 Canadian soil quality guidelines for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) : environmental health (PDF version)
1-5 National science assessment on dioxins and furans in the Canadian aquatic environment (PDF version)
1-6 Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life: nitrate ion (PDF version)
1-7 Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life (PDF version)
1-8 Canadian guidance framework for the management of phosphorus in freshwater systems (PDF version)
1-9 Canadian soil quality guidelines for the protection of environmental and human health (PDF version)
Report No. 1-3 Canadian environmental quality guidelines for nonylphenol and its ethoxylates (PDF version)
Report No. 1-4 Canadian tissue residue guidelines for the protection of consumers of aquatic life: (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Arctic environmental strategy (PDF version)

First priority: progress report on implementation of the recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks (PDF version)

The health of our water: toward sustainable agriculture in Canada (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of the Great Lakes alvars and cobble beaches? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of Great Lakes amphibians? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes coastal wetlands? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes forests? (PDF version)

Edible oils and fats
Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook
April 29, 2002. Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
April 4, 2002. Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
August 28, 2002 Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
August 31, 2001 Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
February 18, 2002 Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
January 8, 2002 Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
July 31, 2002. Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
July 5, 2002. Canada: grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)
July, 2000 Canadian grains and oilseeds outlook (PDF version)

TRANSforming the food supply: report of the Trans Fat Task Force, submitted to the Minister of Health (PDF version)

Édifice public
Federal Heritage Building Review Office (FHBRO) code of practice (PDF version)

Fungal contamination in public buildings: a guide to recognition and management (PDF version)

Innovations and Solutions Program: annual report 2000-2001 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Technology Development and Transfer Program: 1998-1999 annual report /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP): applicant's guide, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Book Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP): application for financial assistance: book publishers, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program
April 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
April, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
August, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
December, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
February, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
January, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
July, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
June, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
March, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
May, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November 2002 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
November, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
October, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September 2002. Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2000 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)
September, 2001 Forthcoming books: a product of the Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Program (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Aboriginal peoples living off-reserve in Western Canada: estimates from the Labour force survey : April 2004 - March 2005 (HTML version)


2006 Census new education module - follow-up report (HTML version)

CIDA'S action plan on basic education (PDF version)

Climate change communication: proceedings of an international conference, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (PDF version)

Directory of courses and services, April, 2001 - March 2003 (PDF version)

Directory of courses and services, April, 2001 - March 2003 (PDF version)

Economic statement and budget update: tabled in the House of Commons by the Honourable Paul Martin, P.C., M.P. Minister of Finance, October 18, 2000 (PDF version)

Education and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): policy option report (PDF version)

Educational cartoon strips for grade school students (PDF version)

From home to school : how Canadian children cope: initial analyses using data from the second cycle of the School Component of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (HTML version)

Guide to data on elementary and secondary education in Canada: a useful tool for anyone in the education sector (HTML version)

The learning city: Vancouver working group discussion paper (PDF version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 2 survey instruments 1996-97 - Book 2 - Education, 10-11 and 12-13 year olds (HTML version)

National longitudinal survey of children and youth: Cycle 3 survey instruments 1998-99 - Book 2 - education, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 year olds (HTML version)

Nisga'a Nation fiscal financing agreement (PDF version)

North American Indian, Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work (PDF version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Opportunity trails: an Atlantic-wide connection: entrepreneurship educator's information guide (PDF version)

Opportunity trails: an Atlantic-wide connection: entrepreneurship educator's information guide (PDF version)

Our children - keepers of the sacred knowledge: final report of the Minister's National Working Group on Education (PDF version)

Report from the first Annual Academic Roundtable: teaching in foreign policy /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Report on the Initiative for Democratic Education (IDEA) Women's Seminar (PDF version)

Rural Canada in the knowledge-based economy (PDF version)

Schooling, literacy and individual earnings [highlights] (HTML version)

Teacher education/educator training: current trends and future directions : symposium report (HTML version)

Teacher education in a knowledge-based economy: centering a critical conversation (HTML version)

Education indicators
Education indicators in Canada: report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program 2003 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Education indicators in Canada: report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program, 2005 (HTML version)

Educational funding
Protocol for agreements for minority-language education and second-language instruction 2005-2006 to 2008-2009 between the Government of Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (PDF version)

Educational institutions

Educational resources
Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: social issues (PDF version)

Decisions [educational game for youth ages 7 and up] (PDF version)

An inventory of learning tools (PDF version)

Looking at the earth's environment through the "eyes" of a satellite (PDF version) (PDF version)

Miscellaneous report
48 Rocks and minerals for the collector (PDF version)
72 Geoscape Calgary (PDF version)
74 Geoscape Victoria (PDF version)
76 Québec geoscape (PDF version)
81 Geoscape Canada (PDF version)
83 Ancient foundations (PDF version)
85 Geoscape Ottawa-Gatineau (PDF version)

A primer on knowledge management in the public service (PDF version)

A primer on risk management in the public service (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Teacher's guide - Courageous Canadians quiz: from the First World War to today, grades 10-12 (PDF version)

Educational technology
Canada's SchoolNet learning without boundaries: professional development (PDF version)

The E-learning evolution in colleges and universities: a pan-Canadian challenge (PDF version)

Effet de serre
The capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions: a significant opportunity to help Canada meet its Kyoto targets (PDF version)

Égalité des chances
Official languages in the Canadian sport system: Volume 1 (PDF version)

Canada 2005 - Poultry and egg industry (data 2004) (PDF version)

Canada's poultry and egg industry 2003 (PDF version)

Canada's poultry and egg industry 2004 (PDF version)

Food Safety Tips for eggs (PDF version)

Production of eggs
April 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)

Snapshot of the Canadian egg industry (PDF version)

Élaboration des politiques
A public service learning organization: from coast to coast to coast (PDF version)

Elder abuse
Abuse and neglect of older adults: a discussion paper (PDF version)

Abuse of older adults: Canadian education resources (PDF version)

Directory of services and programs addressing the needs of older adult victims of violence in Canada (PDF version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2005 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2006 (HTML version)

Elderly care
Assessing the impacts of health reforms on seniors. Part 1: a synthesis report of health reforms and seniors' perceptions of the health system (PDF version)

Assessing the impacts of health reforms on seniors. Part 2: a model for analyzing health care reforms: a structure, process and outcome approach (PDF version)

General Social Survey, cycle 16: caring for an aging society, 2002 (HTML version)

Innovations in best-practice models of continuing care for seniors (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Invitational Symposium on Palliative Care: Provincial and Territorial trends and issues in community-based programming; Radisson Hotel Ottawa, Ontario March 23-24, 1997 (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1994 (HTML version)

Élection partielle
By-elections December 9, 2002 - official voting results: Berthier-Montcalm, Lac-Saint-Jean-Saguenay (PDF version)

By-elections May 13, 2002 - official voting results: Bonavista-Trinity-Conception, Calgary Southwest, Gander-Grand Falls, Saint Boniface, Saint-Léonard-Saint-Michel, Verdun-Saint-Henri-Saint-Paul-Pointe Saint-Charles, Windsor West (PDF version)

By-elections November 27, 2006: official voting results - London North Centre, Repentigny (PDF version)

By-elections 1999: official voting results (PDF version)

Official voting results following the May 12, 2003 by-election held in Perth-Middlesex and the June 16, 2003 by-elections held in Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière and Témiscamingue (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: following the Port Moody-Coquitlam by-election (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: following the Sherbrooke by-election (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the November 15, 1999 by-elections held in Hull--Aylmer, Mount Royal, York West, Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar, York West (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the September 11, 2000 by-elections held in Kings-Hants and Okanagan-Coquihalla (PDF version)

By-elections December 9, 2002 - official voting results: Berthier-Montcalm, Lac-Saint-Jean-Saguenay (PDF version)

By-elections May 13, 2002 - official voting results: Bonavista-Trinity-Conception, Calgary Southwest, Gander-Grand Falls, Saint Boniface, Saint-Léonard-Saint-Michel, Verdun-Saint-Henri-Saint-Paul-Pointe Saint-Charles, Windsor West (PDF version)

By-elections November 27, 2006: official voting results - London North Centre, Repentigny (PDF version)

Canada's electoral system (PDF version)

Canada's electoral system (PDF version)

By-elections 1999: official voting results (PDF version)

List of confirmed candidates: thirty-eighth General Election June 28, 2004 (PDF version)

Modernizing the electoral process: recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the 37th general election (PDF version)

Modernizing the electoral process: recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the 37th general election (PDF version)

Official voting results following the May 24, 2005 by-election held in Labrador (PDF version)

Official voting results following the May 24, 2005 by-election held in Labrador (PDF version)

Official voting results following the May 12, 2003 by-election held in Perth-Middlesex and the June 16, 2003 by-elections held in Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière and Témiscamingue (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: following the Port Moody-Coquitlam by-election (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: following the Sherbrooke by-election (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: on the 37th General Election held on November 27, 2000 (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: on the 37th General Election held on November 27, 2000 (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the November 15, 1999 by-elections held in Hull--Aylmer, Mount Royal, York West, Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar, York West (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the September 11, 2000 by-elections held in Kings-Hants and Okanagan-Coquihalla (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the November 27, 2006 by-election held in London Centre North and Repentigny (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 38th general election held on June 28, 2004 (PDF version)

Serving democracy: a strategic plan, 1999-2002 (PDF version)

Serving democracy: a strategic plan, 1999-2002 (PDF version)

Voting counts: electoral reform for Canada (PDF version)

Electoral districts
Federal electoral districts (2003 representation order) cartographic boundary file: reference guide (HTML version)

Federal Electoral Districts (1996 Representation Order) Reference Map: 2001 Census (HTML version)

Postal codes by federal ridings file: 1996 representation order, reference guide (HTML version)

Electoral system
Canada's electoral system (PDF version)

Canada's electoral system: strengthening the foundation: annex to the report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 35th general election (PDF version)

Completing the cycle of electoral reforms: recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 38th general election (PDF version)

Electoral insight
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1999 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1999 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2000. Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2001 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2002 Electoral insight (PDF version)

Electoral insight
Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1999 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1999 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2000 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2001 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2002 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, October 2002 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2003 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, July 2003 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, November 2003 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2004 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2006 Electoral insight (PDF version)
Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2006 Electoral insight (PDF version)

Federal electoral legislation (PDF version)

Modernizing the electoral process: recommendations from the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the 37th general election (PDF version)

Renewing democracy - debating electoral reform in Canada: discussion paper (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the November 15, 1999 by-elections held in Hull--Aylmer, Mount Royal, York West, Saskatoon--Rosetown--Biggar, York West (PDF version)

Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada following the September 11, 2000 by-elections held in Kings-Hants and Okanagan-Coquihalla (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Elections Canada - administering the federal electoral process (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Nigeria (PDF version)

Canadian electricity: trends and issues (PDF version)

A compendium of electric reliability frameworks across Canada (PDF version)

Electric power, capability and load, 2002 (HTML version)

Electric power, capability and load, 2003 (HTML version)

Electric power generation, transmission and distribution, 2004 (HTML version)

Electricity exports and imports
April 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
December 2001 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
February 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
January 2002 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
March 2002.-- Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
May 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
November 2001 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)

Electricity exports and imports
Monthly statistics for April 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for August 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for December 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for February 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for February 2007 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for January 2007 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for July 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for June 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for March 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for May 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for November 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for October 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for September 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)

Micro-hydropower systems: a buyer's guide (PDF version)

Outlook for electricity markets, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Winter power failures (PDF version)

Electronic commerce
Audit of the use of internet technology in the business process: electronic service delivery (PDF version)

A business case framework for small firms transitioning to E-business (PDF version)

Canadian code of practice for consumer protection in electronic commerce (PDF version)

Canadian internet commerce statistics summary sheet (PDF version)

E-filing - a step-by-step approach (PDF version)

Electronic commerce (PDF version)

Fast forward 5.0: making connectivity work for Canada (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Industry Canada: making a difference: our priorities for 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Information Bulletin : application of the competition act to representations on the internet (PDF version)

Intellectual property and international trade (PDF version)

Key statistics on ICT infrastructure use and content (PDF version)

Learning about computers, the Internet and E-business: guide to federal government courses and services for SME's (PDF version)

Principles for electronic authentication:: consultation draft (PDF version)

Review of Automated Buyer Environment (ABE) - data integrity and functionality (PDF version)

Review of Buying Power 2000 (BP2K) (PDF version)

Review of Statistics Canada survey (PDF version)

Shopping safely online (PDF version)

The state of electronic commerce in Atlantic Canada (PDF version)

Student Connection Program: smart solutions for your business (PDF version)

Study of a proposal (and its alternatives) to amend the Textile Labelling and Advertising Regulations:: applying the Conference Board's Optimal Policy Mix Framework (PDF version)

SUD audit of electronic commerce initiatives (PDF version)

Electronic documents
Audit of action on waste program Northwest Territories region (PDF version)

Audit of band and individual trust accounts (PDF version)

Audit of band and individual trust accounts (PDF version)

Audit of security (PDF version)

Audit of the work force adjustment directive and the early retirement incentive program (PDF version)

Control self-assessment of funding arrangements: summary of regional findings (PDF version)

Electronic publications pilot 1996/97: final report (HTML version)

Electronic Regulatory Filing Project: issues and comment (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1997 (PDF version)

Financial audit of Indian Economic Development Fund, Loan Guarantee Program year ended March 31, 1998 (PDF version)

Official languages audit (PDF version)

Pay administration and pay accounting audit (PDF version)

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: questions and answers for health researchers (PDF version)

Your privacy responsibilities: Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for businesses and organizations (PDF version)

Your privacy rights: Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: a guide for Canadians (PDF version)

Publicly available personal information and Canada's Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PDF version)

Electronic information
Communications survey: listening to Canadians (PDF version)

Electronic Regulatory Filing Project: issues and comment (PDF version)

Government On-Line (GOL) glossary (PDF version)

Government on-line (GOL) glossary (PDF version)

Electronic mail
Stopping spam: creating a stronger, safer Internet (PDF version)

Electronic monitoring
CCTV - literature review and bibliography (PDF version)

China's golden shield: corporations and the development of surveillance technology in the People's Republic of China (PDF version)

Elementary education
A national assessment of effects of school experiences on health outcomes and behaviours of children: technical report (PDF version)

Eligibility of expenses (PDF version)

Guide to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and regulations (PDF version)

The Crown in Canada (PDF version)

Emergency preparedness
Airport closures in natural and human-induced disasters: business vulnerability and planning (PDF version)

Be prepared not scared:: emergency preparedness starts with you (PDF version)

Canadian guidelines for intervention during a nuclear emergency (PDF version)

Crisis and emergency management: a guide for manager of the Public Service of Canada (PDF version)

Disaster debris management (PDF version)

Disaster mitigation and preparedness in a changing climate: a synthesis paper (PDF version)

Emergency management education In Canada (PDF version)

Emergency planning for your family: the 5-step guide (PDF version)

Emergency Preparedness and First Nation Communities in Manitoba (PDF version)

Emergency Preparedness and First Nation Communities in Manitoba (PDF version)

The emergency site management (ESM) system: a doctrine paper (PDF version)

The Emergency Site Management (ESM) system: a doctrine paper (PDF version)

Floods: what to do before and after: self-help advice (PDF version)

Guidelines for the design and construction of mobile command posts and similar emergency response vehicles (PDF version)

Implementation guidelines for Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Section 199, Authorities for requiring environmental emergency plans (PDF version)

Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (PDF version)

"K" Division 2003 year in review (PDF version)

Managing Flood Hazard and Risk: Report of an Independent Expert Panel (PDF version)

National Search and Rescue Secretariat (PDF version)

Performance standard for 406 MHz Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) (PDF version)

Be prepared not scared: emergency preparedness starts with you (PDF version)

Be prepared not scared: emergency preparedness starts with you (PDF version)

Preparing for the unexpected (PDF version)

Protecting the health and safety of Canadians: the Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (PDF version)

Public Health Agency of Canada: overview of emergency preparedness and response : protecting the health and safety of Canadians (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4,: Proper conduct of public business - public safety and emergency preparedness agencies (PDF version)

Self-help advice
Be prepared, not scared (PDF version)
Floods (PDF version)
Prepare to survive a major earthquake (PDF version)
Severe storms (PDF version)
Storm surges (PDF version)
Winter power failures (PDF version)

Winter power failures (PDF version)

Year 2000 contingency planning and status review (PDF version)

Your emergency preparedness guide: 72 hours... is your family prepared? (PDF version)

Your emergency preparedness guide: 72 hours-- is your family prepared? (PDF version)

Emergency services
Reciprocal billing report, Canada, 1999/2000 (PDF version)

Who will be responsible for providing care?: the impact of the shift to ambulatory care and of social economy policies on Quebec women (PDF version)

Supply and distribution of registered nurses in Canada, 2001 (PDF version)

Temporary Entry to the United States: A Guide for Canadian Business Persons (PDF version)

Emission control technology
Canadian fuel cell commercialization roadmap (PDF version)

The capture and storage of carbon dioxide emissions: a significant opportunity to help Canada meet its Kyoto targets (PDF version)

Employment statistics for the federal Public Service: April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Information and communication technologies statistical review, 1993-1998 (PDF version)

Emploi à l'étranger
International youth programs (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Emploi temporaire
The Joint PSAC/TBS Term Employment Study (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Alberta region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Manitoba Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit - regional supplement, Quebec region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Saskatchewan Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Yukon Region (PDF version)

Aboriginal peoples living off-reserve in Western Canada: estimates from the Labour force survey : April 2004 - March 2005 (HTML version)

Aboriginal women and jobs: challenges and issues for employability programs in Quebec (PDF version)

Article 23 - Inuit employment plan, 2002-2007 (PDF version)

Building capacity: enhancing women's economic participation through housing (PDF version)

Canada Small Business Financing Act employment impact study (PDF version)

Consultation on disability surveys: report (PDF version)

Employment equity policy in Canada: an interprovincial comparison (PDF version)

Employment statistics for the federal Public Service: April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Information and communication technologies statistical review, 1993-1998 (PDF version)

Looking for a job - knowledge matters: skills and learning for Canadians - Canada's Innovation Strategy (PDF version)

Making family child care work: strategies for improving the working conditions of family childcare providers (PDF version)

Rural Canada in the knowledge-based economy (PDF version)

South of the border: graduates from the class of '95 who moved to the United States: an analysis of results from the survey of 1995 graduates who moved to the United States (HTML version)

Women in Canada: work chapter updates, 2003 (HTML version)

Women in Canada: work chapter updates, 2006 (PDF version)

Women and homework: the Canadian legislative framework (PDF version)

Women's economic independence and security: a federal/provincial/territorial strategic framework (PDF version)

Employment abroad
The guide to the post index (HTML version)

International youth programs (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Temporary Entry to the United States: A Guide for Canadian Business Persons (PDF version)

Employment act
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: fifteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2000-2001 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Employment equity
Annual report, 2002 /Canadian Human Rights Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, Employment Equity Act, 2005 /Human Resources and Social Development Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission employment equity annual report, 2003-2004 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission employment equity annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Employment Equity Act: annual report, 2004 /Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (PDF version)

Employment equity annual report, 1998-99 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Employment equity annual report, 1999-2000 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2000-01 (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service: annual report, 1999-2000 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Employment equity for women ...still matters (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2001-02: annual report to the Parliament (PDF version)

Employment equity in the federal Public Service, 2003-2004: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Employment equity in the federal public service, 2004-05: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Employment equity policy in Canada: an interprovincial comparison (PDF version)

Employment Equity Report, 2001 (PDF version)

Employment equity report, 2000 (PDF version)

Employment equity report, 2001 (PDF version)

2002 employment equity, a year-end review (PDF version)

A place for all: a guide to creating an inclusive workplace (PDF version)

Retaining employment equity measures in trade agreements (PDF version)

Setting the stage for the next century: the federal plan for gender equality (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Legislated Employment Equity Program - final report (PDF version)

Employment insurance
Employment insurance: 2001 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment insurance: 1999 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance 2002 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment insurance: 2003 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Report on the main results of the Employment Insurance coverage survey, 1998 (HTML version)

Employment opportunities
FedNor Youth Forum 2000: summary and recommendations (PDF version)

FedNor Youth Forum 2000: action plan (PDF version)

Help-wanted index, 1981-1998 (HTML version)

Interim evaluation of the DIAND Youth Strategy (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Investing in communities: Innovative Communities Fund (PDF version)

Investing in people: women, youth and business skills (PDF version)

Employment programs
AWPI employer toolkit (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Alberta region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Manitoba Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit - regional supplement, Quebec region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Saskatchewan Region (PDF version)

AWPI employer toolkit, regional supplement - Yukon Region (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

Employment Insurance: 2000 monitoring and assessment report (PDF version)

A guide for Canadians imprisoned abroad (PDF version)

Endangered species
The aquaculture industry and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

Canada's Species at Risk Program: questions and answers on the federal Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

Canada's plan for protecting species at risk: an update, December, 1999 (PDF version)

Canada's plan for protecting species at risk: an update: executive summary (PDF version)

Canadian species at risk
May, 2000 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
May, 2002. Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November, 2000 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November, 2001 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)

Canadian species at risk
August 2006 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November 2004 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)

Conserving borderline species: a partnership between the United States and Canada (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act: terrestrial species (PDF version)

The fishing industry and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

No. 14, October, 1999 Recovery (PDF version)
No. 15, March, 2000 Recovery (PDF version)
No. 16, July, 2000 Recovery (PDF version)
No. 17, October, 2000 Recovery (PDF version)
No. 18, June, 2001 Recovery (PDF version)
No. 19, January, 2002 Recovery (PDF version)

Recovery of nationally endangered wildlife (RENEW) annual report, 2000-2001 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

Recreational boating and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

Recreational fishing and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

2003-2004 RENEW annual report /Environment Canada (PDF version)

RENEW report No. 9, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Saving the wild - an opportunity to participate in species recovery in Canada (PDF version)

The Species at Risk Act and critical habitat for aquatic species (PDF version)

The Species at Risk Act in Ontario (PDF version)

Species at Risk Act recovery strategy series
Recovery strategy for the Aurora trout (Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for Blue, Fin, and Sei whales (Balaenoptera musculus, B. physalus, and B. borealis) in Pacific Canadian waters, 2006-2011 (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Horsetail Spike-rush (Eleocharis equisetoides) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus circumcinctus) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Red Crossbill, percna subspecies (Loxia curvirostra percna), in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Round Hickorynut (Obovaria subrotunda) and the Kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus fasciolaris) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Tiny Cryptanthe (Cryptantha minima) in Canada (PDF version)
Recovery strategy for the Western Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera praeclara) in Canada (PDF version)

Species at Risk Act : report to Parliament, June 2003 to December 2004 (PDF version)

Wild species 2000: the general status of species in Canada (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2002 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 1998 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report 2001 to Parliament /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report to Parliament, 2000 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2002 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Canada's energy future: scenarios for supply and demand to 2025 (PDF version)

Canadian energy supply and demand to 2025 (PDF version)

Canadian natural gas market: dynamics and pricing (PDF version)

Clean energy: towards zero impact - Canada's Clean Energy Technologies Portal (PDF version)

Regulatory agenda
No. 06, 30 June 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 07, 31 July 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 08, 31 August 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 1, 31 January 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 1, 31 January 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 10, 31 October 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 10, 31 October 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 11, 30 November 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 12, 31 December 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 2, 28 February 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 2, 28 February 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 3, 31 March 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 3, 31 March 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 4, 30 April 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 4, 30 April 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 5, 31 May 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 5, 31 May 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 6, 30 June 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 6, 30 June 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 7, 31 July 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 7, 31 July 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 8, 31 August 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 8, 31 August 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 9, 30 September 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)

Regulatory agenda
01-2005, 31 January 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
01-2006, 31 January 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2004, 29 February 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2005, 28 February 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2006, 28 February 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2004, 31 March 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2005, 31 March 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2006, 31 March 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2004, 30 April 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2005, 30 April 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2006, 30 April 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2004, 31 May 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2005, 31 May 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2006, 31 May 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2004, 30 June 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2005, 30 June 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2006, June 30, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2004, 31 July 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2005, 31 July 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2006, July 31, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2004, 31 August 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2005, 31 August 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2006, August 31, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2004, 31 September 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2005, 30 September 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2006, 30 September 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
1-2004, 31 January 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
10-2004, 31 October 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
10-2005, 31 October 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
11-2004, 30 November 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
11-2005, 30 November 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
12-2004, 31 December 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
12-2005, 31 December 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
October-November-December 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 3: Reducing greenhouse gases emitted during energy production and consumption (PDF version)

Energy conservation
Benchmarking the energy consumption of Canadian open-pit mines (PDF version)

Benchmarking the energy consumption of Canadian underground bulk mines (PDF version)

Benchmarks and best practices for acute and extended health care facilities: a guide for energy managers and finance officers (PDF version)

Best practice benchmarking in energy efficiency - Canadian automotive parts industry (PDF version)

A better way to renovate: highlights of seven Renovation Demonstration projects promoting Healthy Housing, energy efficiency and the professional home renovation industry (PDF version)

Calgary Co-op - co-operating for energy efficiency (PDF version)

Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation 2003-2004 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) - 2001/2002 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation - success stories 2002 (PDF version)

CanMOST - Canadian motor selection tool (PDF version)

CHIP Hospitality - welcoming energy efficiency (PDF version)

Commission Scolaire des Patriotes - top marks for energy efficiency (PDF version)

Dr. Leonard A. Miller Centre cuts oil consumption by 45 percent (PDF version)

Economizers for packaged air-conditioning units (PDF version)

EnerGuide appliance directory 2001: energy consumption ratings of major household appliances (PDF version)

Energy benchmarking - Canadian potash production facilities (PDF version)

Energy cost reduction in the pulp and paper industry: an energy benchmarking perspective (PDF version)

Energy efficiency trends in Canada, 1990 to 1995: a review of indicators of energy use, energy efficiency and emissions (PDF version)

Energy efficiency trends in Canada 1990 to 1999 - an update: indicators of energy use, energy efficiency and emissions (PDF version)

Energy ideas at work - Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation, 2002/2003 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Fairmont hotels and resorts - hospitality, tradition, environmental stewardship and energy savings go hand in hand (PDF version)

Ground-source heat pump project analysis: Retscreen® engineering & cases textbook (PDF version)

HBC and Zellers - doing business the national energy way (PDF version)

Heating and cooling with a heat pump (PDF version)

Hollyburn Properties - highrise energy efficiency (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act for the fiscal year 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Kolter - leading the way in energy-efficient property management (PDF version)

Major appliances (PDF version)

Map of participating colleges (PDF version)

Map of participating health care facilities (PDF version)

Map of participating school boards (PDF version)

Map of participating universities (PDF version)

Offer your customers a home that pays them back year after year - in energy savings (PDF version)

Premium-efficiency motors (PDF version)

Prince Albert Grand Council: a success story (PDF version)

Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region - taking care of energy efficiency (PDF version)

Research highlights; socio-economic series
100 Evaluating housing stability for people with serious mental illness at risk for homelessness (PDF version)
101 Pro-home: a progressive, planned approach to affordable home ownership (PDF version)
102 Initiatives to maintain rooming house / single room occupancy stock and stabilize tenancies (PDF version)
105 Retrofitting a city (PDF version)
40 Housing Canada's youth (PDF version)
46 Municipal regulatory initiatives (PDF version)
47 The role of public-private partnerships in producing affordable housing (PDF version)
49 Impact of urban form and travel accessibility on private vehicle use (PDF version)
50-2 Greenhouse gas emissions from urban travel (PDF version)
51 Long-term outlook on the demand for mortgages in Canada (PDF version)
53 Three studies on municipal infrastructure: alternative financing methods, demand management and public-private partnerships (PDF version)
54 Women on the rough edge (PDF version)
55-1 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-2 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-3 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-4 Special studies on 1996 Census data: housing Canada's children (PDF version)
55-5 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-7 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-8 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-8 Special studies on 1996 Census data: seniors' housing conditions (PDF version)
56 Supportive housing for seniors (PDF version)
57 City of Toronto rent bank pilot project evaluation (PDF version)
58 The housing conditions of persons with health and activity limitation in Canada, 1991 (PDF version)
59 Two reports: housing trust funds (PDF version)
60 Comprehensive analysis of self-build housing experiences (PDF version)
61 International experiences with performance-based planning (PDF version)
62 Demographic changes and real housing prices in Canada (PDF version)
63 Municipal planning for affordable housing (PDF version)
64 Guide to affordable housing partnerships (PDF version)
65 Alternate tenure arrangements (PDF version)
66 Private rental policies and programs (PDF version)
67 Philanthropic support for affordable housing (PDF version)
68 Homeownership education and counselling (PDF version)
69 Economic impacts of residential construction (PDF version)
70 The impact of inheritances on the housing and mortgage markets in Canada over the next 10 years (PDF version)
71 Challenges and prospects for the building materials industry in Canada (PDF version)
72 Canadian women and their housing: 1997 (PDF version)
73 Flexhousing: building adaptable housing (PDF version)
74 Implementing sustainable community development (PDF version)
75 Learning from suburbia (PDF version)
77 Housing the boom, bust and echo generations (PDF version)
77 Housing the boom, bust and echo generations (PDF version)
78 The Headwaters Project - East Clayton neighbourhood concept plan (PDF version)
79 An analysis of pension and RRSP investments in Canadian rental housing (PDF version)
80 Children and youth in homeless families (PDF version)
81 Southeast False Creek design charrette (PDF version)
82 Ecoperth: a small rural community takes action on climate change (PDF version)
83 User satisfaction study of housing options for older Canadians (PDF version)
84 Affordable housing solutions (PDF version)
85 Assessing the full costs of water, liquid waste, energy and solid waste infrastructure in the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) (PDF version)
86 Environmental scan on youth homelessness (PDF version)
89 A guide to developing a municipal affordable housing strategy (PDF version)
90 Disinvestment and the decline of urban neighborhoods (PDF version)
91 The impact of municipal user fees on secondary suites (PDF version)
92 The changing nature of work and future housing aspirations of Canadians (PDF version)
93 Residualization of rental tenure (PDF version)
95 Affordable housing mandates (PDF version)
96 Housing transition in single industry 'instant towns' (PDF version)
99 Land use issues impeding affordable housing with mobile homes (PDF version)

Saving energy dollars in hotels, motels and restaurants (PDF version)

Switch and save - choose compact fluorescent light bulbs! (PDF version)

Tips - energy and money-saving tips (PDF version)

Turn energy dollars into health care dollars: a guide to implementing an energy efficiency awareness program in a health care facility (PDF version)

You, your vehicle and fuel efficiency (PDF version)

Energy efficiency
Air-leakage control (PDF version)

Air-leakage control (PDF version)

Benchmarking the energy consumption of Canadian open-pit mines (PDF version)

Benchmarking the energy consumption of Canadian underground bulk mines (PDF version)

Burn it smart! - enjoy the fire, not the smoke (PDF version)

Buyer's guide to small commercial Biomass Combustion Systems (PDF version)

The Canada Centre for Inland Waters - building on success (PDF version)

Canadian fuel cell commercialization roadmap (PDF version)

Choosing a high efficiency chiller system (PDF version)

Consumers guide to buying energy-efficient windows and doors (PDF version)

DDC control strategies for energy efficiency (PDF version)

Emerging energy-saving technologies and practices for the Buildings Sector, 2004 introduction, methodology, results, discussion, next steps and recommendations, analysis, references (PDF version)

Energy efficiency opportunity guide in the lime industry - Canadian Lime Institute (PDF version)

Energy efficiency planning and management guide (PDF version)

Energy efficiency trends in Canada 1990 to 1999 - an update: indicators of energy use, energy efficiency and emissions (PDF version)

Energy efficiency trends in Canada, 1990-2003 (PDF version)

Energy efficiency upgrades at Charles Lemoyne hospital save $360,000 per year (PDF version)

Energy-efficient motor systems assessment guide (PDF version)

Energy management information systems: achieving improved energy efficiency : a handbook for managers, engineers and operational staff (PDF version)

Energy performance indicator report - fluid milk plants: fluid milk plants (PDF version)

Famz Foods - restaurants serving up energy efficiency (PDF version)

The federal buildings initiative: an executive overview (PDF version)

Fluorescent lamp and ballast options (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2004 (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2005 (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2006 (PDF version)

Fuel efficiency benchmarking in Canada's trucking industry: results of an industry survey, March 2000 (PDF version)

Geothermal ice plant efficiently replaces aging ammonia system - Oliver Curling Club, Oliver, B.C. (PDF version)

Grants for homeowners (PDF version)

Guide to energy efficiency opportunities in Canadian foundries (PDF version)

Heat recovery with boiler stack economizers (PDF version)

Idling gets you nowhere (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the energy efficiency Act, 1997-1999 (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada - report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Improving window energy efficiency (PDF version)

Improving window energy efficiency (PDF version)

Income tax issues related to energy performance contracting (PDF version)

Installing high-efficiency boilers for heating plants (PDF version)

Keeping the heat in (PDF version)

Keewatin-Patricia District School Board: managing change with energy efficiency in mind (PDF version)

Lighting control (PDF version)

Major appliances (PDF version)

MintoUrban Communities - an energy efficiency and environmental leader (PDF version)

Moisture problems: why should I worry about moisture problems? (PDF version)

The most fuel-efficient vehicles for 2004 (PDF version)

The most fuel-efficient vehicles for model year 2006 (PDF version)

Offer your customers a home that pays them back year after year - in energy savings (PDF version)

Reducing water use by installing a closed-loop compressor cooling system (PDF version)

Saving energy dollars in stores, supermarkets and malls (PDF version)

Saving money through energy efficiency: a guide to implementing an energy efficiency awareness program (PDF version)

The state of energy efficiency in Canada, report 2005 (PDF version)

The state of energy efficiency in Canada, report 2006 (PDF version)

Sustainability of biomass utilization - draft summaries: anticipated environmental effects of bioethanol production from lignocellulosic waste material and criteria for biodiesel production facilities (PDF version)

Taking action on climate change: at home, at work, on the road (PDF version)

Use of automatic vent dampers for new and existing boilers and furnaces (PDF version)

Use of variable frequency drives for fan and pump control (PDF version)

West Edmonton Mall - buying into energy efficiency (PDF version)

What is Energy Star?: an international symbol for energy-efficient products (PDF version)

Energy management
Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe - a case in energy management (PDF version)

Clean energy project analysis - RETScreen® engineering & cases textbook: introduction to clean energy project analysis, chapter (PDF version)

Energy management services companies you can count on (PDF version)

Office of Energy Research and Development - business report 2004 (PDF version)

RETScreen® software online user manual (PDF version)

Energy policy
Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) - 2001/2002 annual report /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the energy efficiency Act, 1997-1999 (PDF version)

Improving energy performance in Canada: report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act, for the fical year 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Powerful connections - priorities and directions in energy science and technology in Canada: the report of the National Advisory Panel on Sustainable Energy Science and Technology (PDF version)

Towards a national hydrogen & fuel cell strategy: a discussion document for Canada (PDF version)

Energy supply
Buyer's guide to small commercial Biomass Combustion Systems (PDF version)

Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2003 (HTML version)

Short-term Canadian natural gas deliverability, 2006-2008: an energy market assessment (PDF version)

Short-term natural gas deliverability, 2005-2007 (PDF version)

Short-term natural gas deliverability, 2006-2008 - appendices (PDF version)

Energy technology
Emerging energy-saving technologies and practices for the Buildings Sector, 2004 introduction, methodology, results, discussion, next steps and recommendations, analysis, references (PDF version)

Renewable energy in Canada, status report, 2002 (PDF version)

Towards a national hydrogen & fuel cell strategy: a discussion document for Canada (PDF version)

Energy use
Benchmarking energy use and costs in salt-and-dry fish processing and lobster processing (PDF version)

Commercial and institutional building energy use survey 2000: detailled statistical report, December 2002 (PDF version)

Commercial and Institutional Building Energy Use Survey 2000: summary report, December 2003 (PDF version)

Commercial and institutional consumption of energy survey (PDF version)

Can I count on my meter? (PDF version)

EnerGuide room air conditioner directory 2005 (PDF version)

Energy consumption of major household appliances shipped in Canada: trends for 1990-2001 (PDF version)

Energy consumption of major household appliances shipped in Canada - trends for 1990-2003 (PDF version)

Energy use data handbook, 1990 and 1997 to 2003 (PDF version)

Energy use data handbook, 1990 and 1998 to 2004 (PDF version)

Enery use data handbook, 1990 and 1996 to 2002 (PDF version)

Fuel consumption calculator - diesel (PDF version)

Fuel consumption calculator - gasoline (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide, 2006 (PDF version)

Fuel consumption guide 2007 (PDF version)

Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey: the 1990 NAICS-based estimates (HTML version)

Report on energy supply-demand in Canada, 2003 (HTML version)

2003 Survey of Household Energy Use (SHEU): detailed statistical report (PDF version)

2003 Survey of Household Energy Use (SHEU), summary report (PDF version)

Canada's missing children: annual report 2000 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Canada-US law enforcement border partnership: an evolving situation (PDF version)

Award holder's guide for Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) holders at Canadian universities, Julie-Payette -- NSERC Research Scholarship holders at Canadian universities (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

NSERC award holder's guide 2001: for postgraduate scholarship (PGS) holders at foreign institutions and postdoctoral fellows (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

NSERC researcher's guide, 2000 (PDF version)

Synergy awards for R & D partnerships (PDF version)

English language
Going forward: the evolution of Quebec's English-speaking community (PDF version)

The Joint PSAC/TBS Term Employment Study (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians Communications Survey: Spring 2002 (PDF version)

Enregistrement magnétoscopique
A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

Directory of courses and services, April, 2001 - March 2003 (PDF version)

Entrée au Canada
Canadian Operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Entrée sur le marché
Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 2004 (PDF version)

Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

Building a stronger economy together (PDF version)

Canada business service centres, annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian women making an impact (PDF version)

FedNor Youth Forum 2000: summary and recommendations (PDF version)

Loans for small business enterprises (PDF version)

Summary of activities, 1996-1997: for the implementation of Section 41, Official Languages Act: Pan-Atlantic, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Enterprise Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Aboriginal entrepreneurs in Canada: progress & prospects (PDF version)

Investing in our future: annual report 2000-2001 (PDF version)

A longitudinal analysis of young entrepreneurs in Canada (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - visible minority entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - women entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - young entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Sustaining the momentum : an economic forum on women entrepreneurs: summary report (PDF version)

Aboriginal Business Canada (PDF version)

Aboriginal Business Canada & you (PDF version)

Action plan, 1998-2000: for the implementation of the Official Languages Act (PDF version)

Annual report 2000 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

BDC, innovating productivity: the pulse of Canadian small business: 2001 annual report (PDF version)

Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

Building a stronger economy together (PDF version)

Canada business service centres, annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canadian women making an impact (PDF version)

FedNor Youth Forum 2000: summary and recommendations (PDF version)

From ideas to business opportunities (PDF version)

Informal venture capital investment in Atlantic Canada: a representative view of "Angels" (PDF version)

What innovation means to entrepreneurs: 2002 annual report (PDF version)

Lending a hand: the role of the Canada Small Business Financing Act in fostering entrepreneurial success (PDF version)

A literature review on best practices of job studies (PDF version)

Loans for small business enterprises (PDF version)

On the move - First Nations and Inuit entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Opportunity trails: an Atlantic-wide connection: entrepreneurship educator's information guide (PDF version)

Opportunity trails: an Atlantic-wide connection: entrepreneurship educator's information guide (PDF version)

Report on achievements, 1998-1999: implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act (PDF version)

Report on client impact and satisfaction of Nova Scotia CBCD's (PDF version)

Shattering the glass box?: women entrepreneurs and the knowledge-based economy (PDF version)

Statement of intent, Aboriginal Business Canada (PDF version)

Study of the financial intermediary market in Atlantic Canada: project report (PDF version)

Summary of activities, 1996-1997: for the implementation of Section 41, Official Languages Act: Pan-Atlantic, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Enterprise Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

Supporting small business innovation: review of the Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

The winning formula at work: investment facilitation techniques developed by the 22 pilot projects under the Canada Community Investment Plan (PDF version)

Working with the west (PDF version)

Young Entrepreneur Development Initiative (PDF version)

Youth entrepreneurship focus groups (PDF version)

Canada business service centres, annual report, 1999-2000 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Canada's innovation strategy (PDF version)

The Canadian electronic commerce strategy (PDF version)

Consumer complaints management: a guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Your Internet business: earning consumer trust: a guide to consumer protection for on-line merchants (PDF version)

Entreprise autochtone
Building Aboriginal and northern economies
No. 1, April, 2002-- Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 2, May, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 3, June-July, 2002. Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)
No. 4, August-September, 2002 Building Aboriginal economies (PDF version)

Entry to Canada
Be aware and declare!: protecting our plants and animals at the border (PDF version)

Canadian operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers: NAFTA resource manual (PDF version)

Canadian Operating & border access requirements for foreign motor carriers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Annual report, 2004-2005 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

The Auto$mart guide: how to buy, drive and maintain your car and save money, energy and the environment (PDF version)

Canada's greenhouse gas inventory, 1990-2001 (PDF version)

Canada's greenhouse gas inventory, 1990-2002 (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2002: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

The Canadian environment industry at a glance (PDF version)

Commonwealth Auditors General Conference South Africa -- October 1999: a strategic approach to auditing for the environment and sustainable development -- Canadian country paper (PDF version)

Concepts, sources and methods of the Canadian System of Environmental and Resource Accounts (HTML version)

Environment and sustainable development indicators for Canada (PDF version)

Environment, politics and poverty: lessons from a review of PRSP stakeholder perspectives - synthesis review (PDF version)

Environmental quality in Canadian cities: the federal role (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2000 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Environmental sustainability of Canadian agriculture: report of the Agri-Environmental Indicator Project (PDF version)

Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: report of the Agri Environmental Indicator Project: a summary (PDF version)

Where can I find... a research guide for groups interested in health and environment issues (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in the Atlantic Provinces (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in Ontario (PDF version)

Greening of the Budget submission: budget recommendations, 2003 (PDF version)

Human activity and the environment: annual statistics 2004 (HTML version)

Human activity and the environment: annual statistics 2005 (HTML version)

Human activity and the environment: annual statistics 2006 (PDF version)

Informing environmental decisions: first steps towards a Canadian information system for the environment (PDF version)

Interim plan 2001 on particulate matter and ozone (PDF version)

Looking at the earth's environment through the "eyes" of a satellite (PDF version) (PDF version)

Management framework for planning, reporting and accountability (PDF version)

Mercury and the environment (PDF version)

Modifying the National Pollutant Release Inventory: a guide to the procedures to follow when submitting proposals and a description of the stakeholder consultation process (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Environment under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy development : a discussion paper (PDF version)

NPRI pollutants in Canada: The National Pollutant Release Inventory 2002 (PDF version)

Occupational and environmental health research projects: a descriptive catalogue, 1978 to 2005 (HTML version)

Program evaluation of the Environmental Issues Inventory and Remediation Plan (EIIRP) (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons: the Commissioner's perspective - 2006; climate change - an overview; main points - chapters 1 to 5 (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons.: Chapter 1, Managing the safety and accessibility of pesticides (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons.: Chapter 2, Road transportation in urban areas: accountability for reducing greenhouse gases (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable development to the House of Commons.: Chapter 3, Sustainable development strategies: case studies (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. The Commissioner's perspective -- 2003 (PDF version)

Science and the environment bulletin
April/May, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
February, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
Issue No. 11, March/April, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
January, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
January/February, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
July-August, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
July/August, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
June, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
March, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
May/June, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 16, January/February, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 17, March/April, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 18, May/June, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 19, July/August, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 20, September/October, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 22, January/February, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 23, March/April, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 24, May/June, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 25, July/August, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 27, November-December, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 28, January/February, 2002 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 29, March/April, 2002. S&E; (PDF version)
No. 30, May/June, 2002. S&E; (PDF version)
No. 31, July/August, 2002 S&E; (PDF version)
November/December, 1997 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
November/December, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
November/December, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
September-October, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
September/October, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)

Securing Canada's natural capital: a vision for nature conservation in the 21st century (PDF version)

Sharing environmental decisions: final report of the Task Force on a Canadian Information System for the Environment (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

Technological innovation
Approach for reclaiming inorganic industrial residual materials (PDF version) (PDF version)
Densified logs reduce the impact of residential wood heating (PDF version)
Electrotechnologies to enhance productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (PDF version)
ISOVISION - an integrated compliance management solution (PDF version)
Low-temperature anaerobic treatment of hog manure and transformation of biogas into green energy (PDF version)
LuminoTox - a tool for rapid toxicity testing (PDF version)
Mobile unit for ecological washing and maintenance of heavy equipment (PDF version)
The OxycairTM solution for leachate treatment (PDF version)
PERDURE - high temperature wood treatment (PDF version)
Service Internet Gedden (SIGtm) - a tool for environmental data tracking (PDF version)

Toward a Canadian agenda for ecological fiscal reform: first steps (PDF version)

Watching over our planet from space: hands-on activities for young people on monitoring the Earth's environment using remote sensing (PDF version)

Environment friendly products
Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 6: Green procurement (PDF version)

Environmental accidents
Focus on safety and environment: a comparative analysis of pipeline performance, 2000-2005 (PDF version)

Environmental agreements
Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement: progress report 2004 (PDF version)

Canada-United States emissions cap and trading feasibility study (PDF version)

Discussion paper on Canada's contribution to addressing climate change (PDF version)

Environmental conservation
The Canadian Heritage Rivers System: annual report, 1999-2000 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

From the mountains to the sea: a journey in environmental citizenship (PDF version)

Water and Canada: preserving a legacy for people and the environment (PDF version)

Environmental economics
Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions (PDF version)

Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions - executive summary (PDF version)

Environmental education
Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 8: Environmental petitions (PDF version)

Web guide to environmental learning for young Canadians (PDF version)

Environmental hazards
Federal contaminated site risk assessment in Canada. Part III, Guidance on peer review of human health risk assessments for federal contaminated sites in Canada (PDF version)

Environmental impact
Report of the EUB-CEAA Joint Review Panel, Cheviot Coal Project, Mountain Park Area, Alberta (PDF version)

Sable gas projects: the joint public review panel report (PDF version)

Sampling Program for Residential Wood Combustion: winter of 1998-99 study report (PDF version)

Environmental impact assessment
Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Canada's National Programme of Action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities (NPA) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: reference guide on physical and cultural heritage resources (PDF version)

Canadian handbook on health impact assessment: volume 1: the basics (PDF version)

Canadian handbook on health impact assessment: volume 2: decision making in environmental health impact assessment (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Canadian handbook on health impact assessment: volume 3: roles for the health practitioner (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Climate change and Canada's national park system: a screening level assessment (PDF version)

Consolidated regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: inclusion list, exclusion list, comprehensive study list, law list (PDF version)

Consultation on the development of environmental assessment regulations report (PDF version)

Cumulative effects assessment: practitioners guide (PDF version)

The development of Environmental Assessment Regulations for new substances contained in products regulated under the Food & Drugs Act: Discussion Document for the March 29 & 30, 2006 Stakeholder Consultation (PDF version)

Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Environmental assessment and human health: perspectives, approaches and future directions: a background report for the International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental Assessment (PDF version)

Environmental review at Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2003 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report 2005 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2001 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Federal Environmental Assessment -- making a difference (PDF version)

Framework for conducting environmental assessments of trade negotiations (PDF version)

If gender mattered: a case study of Inuit women, land claims and the Voisey's Bay nickel project (PDF version)

Guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory, 1999 (PDF version)

Guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory, 2000 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the notification and testing of new substances: organisms (PDF version)

Implementing Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities: national report to the 2001 Intergovernmental Review Meeting on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action (PDF version)

Issues related to benzene in eastern Montreal (PDF version)

Long term land use trends for water quality protection:: ten years of monitoring in the South Tobacco Creek watershed (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: summary science assessment document (PDF version)

National ambient air quality objectives for ground-level ozone: science assessment document (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

National Pollutant Release Inventory: about the NPRI, 1999 (PDF version)

National Pollutants Release Inventory: national overview 1998 (PDF version)

Options analysis paper feedback analysis report (PDF version)

Priority substances list assessment report
1,3-Butadiene (PDF version)
Acetaldehyde (PDF version)
Acrolein (PDF version)
Acrylonitrile (PDF version)
Carbon disulfide (PDF version)
Formaldehyde (PDF version)
Hexachlorobutadiene (PDF version)
Inorganic chloramines (PDF version)
Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates (PDF version)
Respirable particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PDF version)
Textile mill effluents (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 1 (PDF version)

Risk assessment for the combustion products of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in gasoline. Part 2 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes, 1997 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 1995: report highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 1997: report highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - are we making progress to improve air quality? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we drink the water? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we eat the fish? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we swim at the beach? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 highlights (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the current pressures impacting Lake Erie? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the current pressures impacting Lake Huron? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the current pressures impacting Lake Michigan? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the current pressures impacting Lake Ontario? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the major pressures impacting the St. Clair-Detroit River ecosystem? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what are the major pressures impacting the St. Lawrence River? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What are the major stressors impacting Lake Superior? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of the Great Lakes alvars and cobble beaches? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of Great Lakes amphibians? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of Great Lakes birds? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes coastal wetlands? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - What is the state of the Great Lakes food web? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes forests? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of Great Lakes top predator fish? (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - Why are non-native aquatic species a problem in the Great Lakes and how are they getting here? (PDF version)

Strengthening environmental assessment for Canadians: report of the Minister of the Environment to the Parliament of Canada on the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (PDF version)

Summary of spill events in Canada, 1984-1995 (PDF version)

Supplementary guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory: alternate thresholds, 2000 (PDF version)

Transport Canada - environmental performance report 2004/2005 (PDF version)

Use of pine needles for the identification of sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans sources to air in the Jonquière area (PDF version)

Working for Canada's environment (PDF version)

Environmental indicators
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators, 2005 (HTML version)
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators, 2006 (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators, 2006 (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - highlights
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - highlights, 2005 (HTML version)
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - highlights, 2006 (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - highlights, 2006 (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - socio-economic information
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - socio-economic information, 2005 (HTML version)
Canadian environmental sustainability indicators - socio-economic information, 2006 (PDF version)

Environmental signals: headline indicators 2003 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2001 (PDF version)

Environmental law
CEPA 1999 at a glance: what it is, what it does, how it works (PDF version)

CEPA 1999 - Focus on issues: key environmental issues managed under CEPA 1999 (PDF version)

CEPA 1999 - The management process: CEPA 1999, how it works (PDF version)

Compliance and enforcement policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) (PDF version)

Consolidated regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: inclusion list, exclusion list, comprehensive study list, law list (PDF version)

Guidelines for the implementation of the pollution prevention planning provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) (PDF version)

Implementation guidelines for Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Section 199, Authorities for requiring environmental emergency plans (PDF version)

Scoping the issues: preparation for the Parliamentary review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: strengthening legislation for a sustainable environment, a healthy population and a competitive economy (PDF version)

Strengthening environmental assessment for Canadians: report of the Minister of the Environment to the Parliament of Canada on the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (PDF version)

Environmental management
Agenda 2003: a sustainable development strategy for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Agriculture in harmony with nature: II, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Atlantic seal hunt management plan, 2001 (PDF version)

Building awareness and capacity: an action plan for continued sustainable development, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Canada-United States emissions cap and trading feasibility study (PDF version)

Canada's oceans strategy (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Air quality indicator
2005 Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Air quality indicator (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Freshwater quality indicator
2005 Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Freshwater quality indicator (PDF version)

Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Greenhouse gas emissions indicator
2005 Canadian environmental sustainability indicators. Greenhouse gas emissions indicator (PDF version)

CIDA's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003: an agenda for change (PDF version)

A citizen's guide to DIAND's environmental management in the NWT (PDF version)

Cleaning up the past, building the future: a national brownfield redevelopment strategy for Canada (PDF version)

Commonwealth Auditors General Conference South Africa -- October 1999: a strategic approach to auditing for the environment and sustainable development -- Canadian country paper (PDF version)

Consolidated regulations under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: inclusion list, exclusion list, comprehensive study list, law list (PDF version)

Environment and sustainable development indicators for Canada (PDF version)

Environment & Conservation Division (PDF version)

Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Environmental funding guide: a quick reference of available programs in the Atlantic region (PDF version)

Environmental management and technologies in the business sector (HTML version)

An environmental management audit of the Northern Affairs Program associated with mining: Northwest Territories Region and Headquarters: report (PDF version)

Environmental quality in Canadian cities: the federal role (PDF version)

Environmental sustainability of Canadian agriculture: report of the Agri-Environmental Indicator Project (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Arctic environmental strategy (PDF version)

Federal Environmental Assessment -- making a difference (PDF version)

The federal government response to the eighth report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable development: keeping a promise: towards a sustainable budget (PDF version)

Greening of the Budget submission: budget recommendations, 2003 (PDF version)

Human Resources Canada's sustainable development strategy II (PDF version)

Informing environmental decisions: first steps towards a Canadian information system for the environment (PDF version)

Managing potentially toxic substances in Canada: a state of the debate report from the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Options report: reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian agriculture (PDF version)

Policy and operational framework for integrated management of estuarine, coastal and marine environments in Canada (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Canadian Model Forest Network's Partnership Meeting, Halifax, NS, September 8-9, 1999 (PDF version)

Reflections on a decade of serving Parliament: report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2001 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report on the Export Development Corporation's environmental review framework (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 2: Ecological integrity in Canada's national parks (PDF version)

A review of poultry manure management: directions for the future (PDF version)

Securing Canada's natural capital: a vision for nature conservation in the 21st century (PDF version)

Sharing environmental decisions: final report of the Task Force on a Canadian Information System for the Environment (PDF version)

A status report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Strengthening environmental assessment for Canadians: report of the Minister of the Environment to the Parliament of Canada on the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (PDF version)

Sustainable Development Strategy: the preservation of the environment, the social well being of Canadians and continued economic development (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2003: environmentally sustainable defence activities (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2000-2003 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy: Department of Finance: December 1997 (PDF version)

Toward a Canadian agenda for ecological fiscal reform: first steps (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Transport Canada - environmental performance report 2004/2005 (PDF version)

Veterans Affairs sustainable development strategy, 2001-2004 (PDF version)

Environmental policy
Canada's perspective on climate change (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Climate change and health and well-being in Canada's North: report on the Public Health Planning Workshop on Climate Change and Well-being in the North, July 6-7, 2002, Yellowknife, NWT (PDF version)

Climate change and health and well-being in Canada's North - summary document: report on the Public Health Planning Workshop on Climate Change and Health and Well-being in the North, July 6-7, 2002, Yellowknife, NWT (PDF version)

Climate change and health & well-being: a policy primer (PDF version)

Climate change and health & well-being: a policy primer (PDF version)

Compliance and enforcement policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) (PDF version)

A federal approach to contaminated sites (PDF version)

First priority: progress report on implementation of the recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks (PDF version)

Government of Canada Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change (PDF version)

Management framework for planning, reporting and accountability (PDF version)

Marine protected areas policy (PDF version)

Mine site reclamation policy for Nunavut: a policy for the protection of the environment and the disposition of liability relating to mine closures in Nunavut (PDF version)

The Ontario ecogifts handbook (PDF version)

Possible domestic policies to manage greenhouse gas emissions (PDF version)

Progress in pollution prevention, 1997-1998: annual report of the Pollution Prevention Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Progress in pollution prevention: 5th annual report, 1999-2000 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons, 2001 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 1: Managing the federal approach to climate change (PDF version)

Solid waste management function DIAND environmental stewardship plan: Corporate Services - audit report (PDF version)

Toxic substances management policy (PDF version)

Tracking key environmental issues: air and water, nature, climate change and severe weather (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume II: setting a new direction for Canada's national parks (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume I and II (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Environmental programs
The Canadian Ecological Gifts Program handbook 2005: a legacy for tomorrow--a tax break today (PDF version)

Contaminated Sites Program - annual report, 2003/2004 /Health Canada (PDF version)

The Ecological Gifts Program: a legacy for tomorrow--a tax break today (PDF version)

Highlights of background papers (PDF version)

Information and information management (PDF version)

Research highlights; socio-economic series
100 Evaluating housing stability for people with serious mental illness at risk for homelessness (PDF version)
101 Pro-home: a progressive, planned approach to affordable home ownership (PDF version)
102 Initiatives to maintain rooming house / single room occupancy stock and stabilize tenancies (PDF version)
105 Retrofitting a city (PDF version)
40 Housing Canada's youth (PDF version)
46 Municipal regulatory initiatives (PDF version)
47 The role of public-private partnerships in producing affordable housing (PDF version)
49 Impact of urban form and travel accessibility on private vehicle use (PDF version)
50-2 Greenhouse gas emissions from urban travel (PDF version)
51 Long-term outlook on the demand for mortgages in Canada (PDF version)
53 Three studies on municipal infrastructure: alternative financing methods, demand management and public-private partnerships (PDF version)
54 Women on the rough edge (PDF version)
55-1 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-2 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-3 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-4 Special studies on 1996 Census data: housing Canada's children (PDF version)
55-5 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-7 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-8 Special studies on 1996 census data (PDF version)
55-8 Special studies on 1996 Census data: seniors' housing conditions (PDF version)
56 Supportive housing for seniors (PDF version)
57 City of Toronto rent bank pilot project evaluation (PDF version)
58 The housing conditions of persons with health and activity limitation in Canada, 1991 (PDF version)
59 Two reports: housing trust funds (PDF version)
60 Comprehensive analysis of self-build housing experiences (PDF version)
61 International experiences with performance-based planning (PDF version)
62 Demographic changes and real housing prices in Canada (PDF version)
63 Municipal planning for affordable housing (PDF version)
64 Guide to affordable housing partnerships (PDF version)
65 Alternate tenure arrangements (PDF version)
66 Private rental policies and programs (PDF version)
67 Philanthropic support for affordable housing (PDF version)
68 Homeownership education and counselling (PDF version)
69 Economic impacts of residential construction (PDF version)
70 The impact of inheritances on the housing and mortgage markets in Canada over the next 10 years (PDF version)
71 Challenges and prospects for the building materials industry in Canada (PDF version)
72 Canadian women and their housing: 1997 (PDF version)
73 Flexhousing: building adaptable housing (PDF version)
74 Implementing sustainable community development (PDF version)
75 Learning from suburbia (PDF version)
77 Housing the boom, bust and echo generations (PDF version)
77 Housing the boom, bust and echo generations (PDF version)
78 The Headwaters Project - East Clayton neighbourhood concept plan (PDF version)
79 An analysis of pension and RRSP investments in Canadian rental housing (PDF version)
80 Children and youth in homeless families (PDF version)
81 Southeast False Creek design charrette (PDF version)
82 Ecoperth: a small rural community takes action on climate change (PDF version)
83 User satisfaction study of housing options for older Canadians (PDF version)
84 Affordable housing solutions (PDF version)
85 Assessing the full costs of water, liquid waste, energy and solid waste infrastructure in the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) (PDF version)
86 Environmental scan on youth homelessness (PDF version)
89 A guide to developing a municipal affordable housing strategy (PDF version)
90 Disinvestment and the decline of urban neighborhoods (PDF version)
91 The impact of municipal user fees on secondary suites (PDF version)
92 The changing nature of work and future housing aspirations of Canadians (PDF version)
93 Residualization of rental tenure (PDF version)
95 Affordable housing mandates (PDF version)
96 Housing transition in single industry 'instant towns' (PDF version)
99 Land use issues impeding affordable housing with mobile homes (PDF version)

Environmental protection
Advancing technology for environmental performance: performance report 2002 (PDF version)

Annual report, 1998 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Canada's stewardship agenda: naturally connecting Canadians (PDF version)

Canadian Environmental Protection Act annual report, April 2000 to March 2001 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

CEPA 1999 at a glance: what it is, what it does, how it works (PDF version)

CEPA 1999 - Focus on issues: key environmental issues managed under CEPA 1999 (PDF version)

CEPA 1999 - The management process: CEPA 1999, how it works (PDF version)

Compliance and enforcement policy for the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act (PDF version)

Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species At Risk Act (PDF version)

Cumulative effects assessment: practitioners guide (PDF version)

Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions (PDF version)

Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions - executive summary (PDF version)

Environmental funding guide: a quick reference of available programs in the Atlantic region (PDF version)

Environmental guide for federal real property managers (PDF version)

Environmental management and technologies in the business sector (HTML version)

Environmental Protection series
EPS 1/MM/6 Status report on water pollution control in the Canadian metal mining industry 1998 (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in the Atlantic Provinces (PDF version)

Guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory, 1999 (PDF version)

Guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory, 2000 (PDF version)

A guide to understanding the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the implementation of the pollution prevention planning provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) (PDF version)

Implementation guidelines for Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Section 199, Authorities for requiring environmental emergency plans (PDF version)

Mine site reclamation policy for the Northwest Territories: a policy for the protection of the environment and the disposition of liability relating to mine closures in the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

MintoUrban Communities - an energy efficiency and environmental leader (PDF version)

National Pollutant Release Inventory: about the NPRI, 1999 (PDF version)

National Pollutants Release Inventory: about the NPRI, 1998 (PDF version)

National Pollutants Release Inventory: national overview 1998 (PDF version)

New substances - the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the New Substances Notification Regulations: an overview (PDF version)

On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans
No. 4 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the beef sector (PDF version)
No. 5 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the grain sector (PDF version)
No. 6 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the dairy sector (PDF version)
Report No. 1 Overview of the development and applications of a conceptual framework for analyzing benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 2 On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 3 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the pork sector (PDF version)

Progress in pollution prevention, 1997-1998: annual report of the Pollution Prevention Coordinating Committee (PDF version)

Progress in pollution prevention: 5th annual report, 1999-2000 /Environment Canada (PDF version)

Progress Report - Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (PDF version)

Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2002 Resilog (PDF version)

Species at Risk Act : report to Parliament, June 2003 to December 2004 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2001 (PDF version)

Supplementary guide for reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory: alternate thresholds, 2000 (PDF version)

Sustainable Development Strategy: the preservation of the environment, the social well being of Canadians and continued economic development (PDF version)

Unimpaired for future generations?: Conserving ecological integrity with Canada's national parks. Volume 1: a call to action (PDF version)

Environmental quality
State of the Great Lakes 2005 (PDF version)

Environmental services
Environment industry, 1995: preliminary data (HTML version)

International trade in environmental goods and services: a Canada - U.S. comparison (HTML version)

Environmental standards
Environmental guide for federal real property managers (PDF version)

Environmental technology
The Canadian environment industry at a glance (PDF version)

Environmental management and technologies in the business sector (HTML version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 12,: Role of federally appointed board members - Sustainable Development Technology Canada (PDF version)

Vol. 9, No. 2, March 2006 RNet (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy, 2000-2003 (PDF version)

[Technology report]
Airtightness and energy efficiency of new conventional and R-2000 housing in Canada, 1997 (PDF version)
Alternative method for addressing condensation potential of windows (PDF version)
C-2000 design of Prince George Native Friendship Centre (PDF version)
C-2000 Program report for Crestwood Corporate Centre, Building No. 8 (PDF version)
Condensation resistance literature review and manufacturer survey (PDF version)
Design and performance of the Manitoba Advanced House (PDF version)
Environmental solutions, environmental opportunities (PDF version)
Final report on the effects of ECM furnace motors on electricity and gas use (PDF version)
Follow-up assessment of a multi-residential complex in Whitehorse, Yukon (PDF version)
Indoor air quality and ventilation rates in R-2000 houses - final report (PDF version)
Indoor air quality (IAQ) upgrade package (PDF version)
Installation guide for replacement windows (PDF version)
Method for the evaluation and design of light-pipe systems for commercial buildings (PDF version)
Overheating as a factor in house design (PDF version)
Residential HVAC controller measurement input analysis - final report (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2002: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

The Canadian environment industry at a glance (PDF version)

Commonwealth Auditors General Conference South Africa -- October 1999: a strategic approach to auditing for the environment and sustainable development -- Canadian country paper (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2000 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Interim plan 2001 on particulate matter and ozone (PDF version)

Management framework for planning, reporting and accountability (PDF version)

Modifying the National Pollutant Release Inventory: a guide to the procedures to follow when submitting proposals and a description of the stakeholder consultation process (PDF version)

Science and the environment bulletin
April/May, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
February, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
Issue No. 11, March/April, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
January, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
January/February, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
July-August, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
July/August, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
June, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
March, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
May/June, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 16, January/February, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 17, March/April, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 18, May/June, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 19, July/August, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 20, September/October, 2000 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 22, January/February, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 23, March/April, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 24, May/June, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 25, July/August, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 27, November-December, 2001 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 28, January/February, 2002 S&E; (PDF version)
No. 29, March/April, 2002. S&E; (PDF version)
No. 30, May/June, 2002. S&E; (PDF version)
No. 31, July/August, 2002 S&E; (PDF version)
November/December, 1997 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
November/December, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
November/December, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)
September-October, 1998 S&E; bulletin (PDF version)
September/October, 1999 S&E; (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

Canadian pandemic influenza plan (PDF version)

Connecting for better health: strategic issues: interim report (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to June 31, 2001 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2000 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to June 30, 2000 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1999 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis: drug resistance in Canada, 2001: reported susceptibility results of the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System (PDF version)

AIDS in Canada: annual report on AIDS in Canada (PDF version)

Canadian cancer statistics, 2002 (PDF version)

Canadian tuberculosis standards (PDF version)

Chronic diseases in Canada
Vol. 19, No. 4, 1998 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, 1999 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 2, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 4, 2000 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 1, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 2, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 3/4, 2001 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, 2002. Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, 2002. Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)

Chronic diseases in Canada
Vol. 27, No. 1, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, 2006 Chronic diseases in Canada (PDF version)

A conceptual and epidemiological framework for child maltreatment surveillance (PDF version)

Connecting for better health: strategic issues: interim report (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to June 31, 2001 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2000 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to June 30, 2000 (PDF version)

HIV and AIDS in Canada: surveillance report to December 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Identification of a research agenda for the diagnosis, care and prevention of Hepatitis C in Canada: report to the Minister of Health: the Honourable Allan Rock (PDF version)

Respiratory disease in Canada (PDF version)

Summary report: review of lifestyle and environmental risk factors for breast cancer (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in Canada, 1999 (PDF version)

Tuberculosis: drug resistance in Canada, 2001: reported susceptibility results of the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Surveillance System (PDF version)

Tuberculosis in First Nations communities, 1999 (PDF version)

Equal opportunities
Questions about culture, gender equality and development cooperation (PDF version)

Setting the stage for the next century: the federal plan for gender equality (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Court Challenges Program: final report (PDF version)

Women and the equality deficit: the impact of restructuring Canada's social programs (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Équipement ménager
EnerGuide appliance directory 2001: energy consumption ratings of major household appliances (PDF version)

Energy consumption of major household appliances shipped in Canada: trends for 1990-2001 (PDF version)

Équité en matière d'emploi
Employment equity annual report, 1998-99 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2000-01 (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service: annual report, 1999-2000 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2001-02: annual report to the Parliament (PDF version)

Employment equity report, 2000 (PDF version)

Employment equity report, 2001 (PDF version)

Comparison of cultivated and native soils in a morainal landscape in east central Alberta: benchmark site comparison report, 05-Ab vs. 55-Ab (Provost, Alberta) (PDF version)

Espèce menacée
Canadian Wildlife Service strategic plan 2000: the path forward for Environment Canada's Wildlife Conservation Program (PDF version)

Species at Risk Act : report to Parliament, June 2003 to December 2004 (PDF version)

Espèce protégée
Species at Risk Act : report to Parliament, June 2003 to December 2004 (PDF version)

Will you be ready? (PDF version)

2000-2001 estimates: Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

2001-2002 estimates: Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

2002-2003 estimates: Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

Budget 2001: enhancing security for Canadians (PDF version)

Budget 2001: overview (PDF version)

Budget 2001: strategic investments: bridging to the future (PDF version)

The budget in brief, 2001 (PDF version)

Budget plan 2003 (PDF version)

Budget plan 2001 (PDF version)

The budget speech 2001 (PDF version)

Canada's fiscal progress through 2000-2001 (PDF version)

2007-2008 Estimates. Part I,: The government expense plan (PDF version)

2007-2008 Estimates. Part I and II,: The government expense plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

2006-2007 estimates. Part III, Report on plans and priorities
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (PDF version)
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada (PDF version)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (PDF version)
Canada Human Rights Commission (PDF version)
Canada Human Rights Tribunal (PDF version)
Canada Industrial Relations Board (PDF version)
Canada Revenue Agency (PDF version)
Canada School of Public Service (PDF version)
Canada Services Border Agency (PDF version)
Canadian Artists and Producers Professional Relations Tribunal (PDF version)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (PDF version)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (PDF version)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (PDF version)
Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)
Canadian Grain Commission (PDF version)
Canadian Heritage (PDF version)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (PDF version)
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (PDF version)
Canadian International Development Agency (PDF version)
Canadian International Trade Tribunal (PDF version)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (PDF version)
The Canadian Space Agency (PDF version)
Canadian Transportation Agency (PDF version)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (PDF version)
Commission for Public Complaints against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (PDF version)
Copyright Board of Canada (PDF version)
The Correctional Investigator Canada (PDF version)
Correctional Service Canada (PDF version)
Courts Administration Service (PDF version)
Department of Finance Canada (PDF version)
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)
Department of Justice Canada (PDF version)
Economic Development Canada (PDF version)
Environment Canada (PDF version)
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (PDF version)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (PDF version)
Health Canada (PDF version)
Human Resources and Social Development Canada (PDF version)
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (PDF version)
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Canadian Polar Commission and Indian Specific Claims Commission (PDF version)
Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada (PDF version)
[Industry Canada] (PDF version)
Infrastructure Canada (PDF version)
Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)
Library and Archives Canada (PDF version)
Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada (PDF version)
NAFTA Secretariat (PDF version)
The National Battlefields Commission (PDF version)
National Defence (PDF version)
National Energy Board (PDF version)
National Film Board of Canada (PDF version)
National Parole Board (PDF version)
National Research Council Canada (PDF version)
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)
Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (PDF version)
Northern Pipeline Agency Canada (PDF version)
Office of the Auditor General of Canada (PDF version)
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (PDF version)
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs (PDF version)
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (PDF version)
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)
Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (PDF version)
Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada (PDF version)
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (PDF version)
Parks Canada Agency (PDF version)
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)
Privy Council Office (PDF version)
Public Health Agency of Canada (PDF version)
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PDF version)
Public Service Commission of Canada (PDF version)
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PDF version)
Public Service Labour Relations Board (PDF version)
Public Service Staffing Tribunal (PDF version)
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
RCMP External Review Committee (PDF version)
Registry of the Competition Tribunal (PDF version)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (PDF version)
Security Intelligence Review Committee (PDF version)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (PDF version)
Statistics Canada (PDF version)
Status of Women Canada (PDF version)
Transport Canada (PDF version)
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada (PDF version)
Transportation Safety Board of Canada (PDF version)
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)
Veterans Affairs (PDF version)
Western Economic Diversification Canada (PDF version)

2004-2005 Estimates. Parts I and II: the government expenditure plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

2005-2006 Estimates. Parts I and II: the government expense plan and the main estimates (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2003-2004: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2004-2005: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2006-2007 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2000-2001: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2001-2002: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2002-2003: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (A), 2002-2003: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (B), 2003-2004: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (B), 2004-2005: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (B), 2006-2007: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 (PDF version)

Supplementary estimates (B), 2001-2002: for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

Policy and operational framework for integrated management of estuarine, coastal and marine environments in Canada (PDF version)

Établissement d'enseignement

Établissement pénitentiaire
Let's talk
Special Edition, March 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 4, October, 1997 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 5, December, 1997 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, June, 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, November, 1998 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 1, January 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, March 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, 1999 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, 2000 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, 2000 Let's talk (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, 2002. Let's talk (PDF version)

Myths and realities: how federal corrections contributes to the public safety (PDF version)

Research summary
Tuberculosis prevention and control in Canadian federal prisons, 1998: reported results of the Correctional Service of Canada Tuberculosis Tracking System (PDF version)

Établissement de santé
Map of participating health care facilities (PDF version)

Accountable government: a guide for ministers (PDF version)

Accountable government: a guide for ministers and secretaries of state (PDF version)

Attitudes, perceptions and behaviour relating to ethical medicines: a research report to the Department of National Health and Welfare (PDF version)

Building on a strong foundation - the dialogue continues:: a case study approach to values and ethics in the Public Service (PDF version)

Building on a strong foundation - the dialogue continues, volume II: further case studies on values and ethics in the public service (PDF version)

Canadian firms, Canadian values: foreign policy implications of Canadian commercial activities in risky states (PDF version)

Canadian handbook on health impact assessment: volume 3: roles for the health practitioner (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Code of ethics (PDF version)

Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders (PDF version)

Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders (PDF version)

Corporate social responsibility: an implementation guide for Canadian business (PDF version)

Developing culture policy: Canadian values (PDF version)

Glossary of management values and ethics (PDF version)

Illegal and offensive content on the Internet: the Canadian strategy to promote safe, wise and responsible Internet use (PDF version)

Internal services: ensuring the realization of key government policy directions while respecting public service values (PDF version)

Lobbyists' Code of Conduct - annual report 2004-2005 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Public Service Integrity Officer 2004-2005 annual report to Parliament /Public Service Integrity Office (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Report from the 3rd annual Academic Roundtable [on] Canadian Foreign Policy: interests and values /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Searching for causes: entitlement and alienation as precursors of unethical police behaviour (PDF version)

A strong foundation: report of the Task Force on Values and Ethics in the Public Service (PDF version)

Twenty-first century ethics - the challenge: delivered at the National Gallery of Canada, Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Tuesday, December 4th, 2001 (PDF version)

Values and ethics code for the Public Service (PDF version)

Attitudes, perceptions and behaviour relating to ethical medicines: a research report to the Department of National Health and Welfare (PDF version)

Building on a strong foundation - the dialogue continues, volume II: further case studies on values and ethics in the public service (PDF version)

Glossary of management values and ethics (PDF version)

Internal services: ensuring the realization of key government policy directions while respecting public service values (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

A strong foundation: report of the Task Force on Values and Ethics in the Public Service (PDF version)

Ethnic groups
2001 Census ethnic origin user guide (HTML version)

The right to survive sexual violence, women and HIV/AIDS (PDF version)

Guide to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and regulations (PDF version)

Mandatory ingredient labelling for cosmetics in Canada (PDF version)

Étiquetage des aliments
Nurtition facts - to help you make informed food choices [Inuktitut] (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling: perceptions and preferences of Canadians (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

U.S. generic health claims in Canada: stakeholder consultation summary report, July 7 - 8, 1999 (PDF version)

Études financières
Farm financial survey, 2005: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2004 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2004: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2003 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2003: Balance Sheet; Financial Structure by Farm Type, Financial Structure by Revenue Class; Capital Investments and Sales; by Region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2002: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2000: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1999 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 1998: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1997 (HTML version)

Études à l'étranger
NSERC award holder's guide 2001: for postgraduate scholarship (PGS) holders at foreign institutions and postdoctoral fellows (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Études nordiques
From crisis to opportunity: rebuilding Canada's role in northern research (PDF version)

Études sociales
National report - Canada: ten-year review of the World Summit for Children (PDF version)

Annual report on organized crime in Canada, 2002 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Évaluation environnementale
Annual report, 1999-2000 /National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (PDF version)

Environmental assessment, climate change research and policy implications in the Arctic: report of the Canada–European Union symposium (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2003 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Environmental Studies Research Funds annual report, 2001 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Federal Environmental Assessment -- making a difference (PDF version)

Framework for conducting environmental assessments of trade negotiations (PDF version)

Issues related to benzene in eastern Montreal (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Strengthening environmental assessment for Canadians: report of the Minister of the Environment to the Parliament of Canada on the review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (PDF version)

Use of pine needles for the identification of sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans sources to air in the Jonquière area (PDF version)

Working for Canada's environment (PDF version)

Évaluation de programme
Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative evaluation framework (PDF version)

Documenting human rights violations by states agents: sexual violence (PDF version)

Exchange programs
International youth programs (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Exchange rates
Report on operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, 2006 (PDF version)

The Thiessen lectures: lectures delivered by Gordon G. Thiessen, Governor of the Bank of Canada, 1994 to 2001 (PDF version)

Excise taxes
Explanatory notes relating to the Excise Tax Act, the Income Tax Act, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act, the Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act, and related Acts (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the Income Tax Act, the Air Travellers Security Charge Act and the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Legislative proposals, draft regulations and explanatory notes relating to the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Legislative proposals, draft regulations and explanatory notes relating to the Excise Tax Act (PDF version)

Legislative proposals relating to the Excise Tax Act: notice of ways and means motion, draft regulations and explanatory notes (PDF version)

Poverty and exclusion: normative approaches to policy research (PDF version)

Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation - seventh report, December 2004 (PDF version)

Making transitions work: integrating external executives into the Federal Public Service (PDF version)

Primer for directors of not-for-profit corporations: rights, duties and practices (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985-2003 (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985-2005 (PDF version)

Drug expenditure in Canada, 1985 to 2004 (PDF version)

National health expenditure trends, 1975-2004 (PDF version)

National health expenditure trends, 1975-2005 (PDF version)

National health expenditure trends, 1975-2006 (PDF version)

Spending patterns in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

Exploitation agricole
Farm financial survey, 2005: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2004 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2004: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2003 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2003: Balance Sheet; Financial Structure by Farm Type, Financial Structure by Revenue Class; Capital Investments and Sales; by Region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2002: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2000: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1999 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 1998: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1997 (HTML version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Income inequality in Canada: farm versus non-farm families, 1985 to 1995 (PDF version)

Production of eggs
April 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)

Explosives Regulatory Division - report to stakeholders, 2002 (PDF version)

Explosives Regulatory Division - 2003 report to stakeholders (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Government response to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT): reviewing the Export Development Act (PDF version)

Natural gas exports & imports
Team Canada Inc: Success stories (Ontario) (PDF version)

Trade in services: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Access British Columbia
Spring/Summer 2006 Access British Columbia (PDF version)

Access Saskatchewan
Spring/Summer 2006 Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Access West [Access Alberta]
April-June 2002. Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
January-March 2002 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
July-September 2002. Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access Alberta (PDF version)

Access West [Access British Columbia]
April-June 2002 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
January-March 2002 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
July-September 2002. Access West: Access B.C (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access B.C (PDF version)

Access West. [Access Saskatchewan]
April-June, 2002 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
January-March, 2002 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
July-September, 2002. Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version) (PDF version)
October-December, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, April-June, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 3, No. 4, October-December, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January-March, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September, 2000 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September, 2001 Access West: Access Saskatchewan (PDF version)

Annual report, 2002: Canada's bridge to global trade and investment /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2003 /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 1999-2000: on target for export growth /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report 2000 /Business Development Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2000-2001: Canadian exports: realizing our vision /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Business trip planning (PDF version)

Canada-Manitoba Trade and Investment Team (PDF version)

Canada-Ontario Export Forum (COEF) (PDF version)

Canada's cultural exports (PDF version)

Canada's growing economic relations with the United States: Part 2: maximizing our opportunities (PDF version)

Canada's growing economic relations with the United States : maximizing our opportunities: Part 1: what are the key dimensions? (PDF version)

Vol. 18, No. 20, December 1, 2000 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 18, No. 21, December 15, 2000 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 1, January 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 10, June 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 11, June 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 12, July 3, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 13, July 16, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 14, September 4, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 15, September 17, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 16, October 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 17, October 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 18, November 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 19, November 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 2, February 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 20, December 3, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 21, December 17, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 5, March 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 6, April 2, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 7, April 16, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 8, May 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 9, May 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, January 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 10, June 3, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 11, June 17, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 12, July 2, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 13, July 15, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 14, September 3, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 15, September 16, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, February 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, March 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 5, March 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 6, April 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 7, April 15, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 9, May 15, 2002. CanadExport (PDF version)

Vol. 19, No. 14, September 4, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 15, September 17, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 16, October 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 17, October 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 18, November 1, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 19, November 15, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 20, December 3, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 19, No. 21, December 17, 2001 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 1, January 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 10, June 3, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 11, June 17, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 12, July 2, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 13, July 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 14, September 2, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 14, September 3, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 15, September 16, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 16, October 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 17, October 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 18, November 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 19, November 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 2, February 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 20, December 2, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 21, December 16, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 3, February 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 4, March 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 5, March 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 6, April 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 7, April 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 8, May 1, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 20, No. 9, May 15, 2002 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 1, January 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 10, June 2, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 11, June 16, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 12, July 2, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 13, July 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 15, September 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 16, October 1, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 17, October 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 18, November 3, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 19, November 17, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 2, February 3, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 20, December 1, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 21, December 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 3, February 17, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 4, March 3, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 5, March 17, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 6, April 1, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 7, April 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 8, May 1, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 21, No. 9, May 15, 2003 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 1, January 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 10, June 1 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 11, June 15 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 12, July 2, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 13, July 15 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 14, September 1 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 15, September 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 16, October 1, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 17, October 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 18-19, November, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 2, February 2, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 20, December 1, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 21, December 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 3, February 16, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 4, March 1, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 5, March 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 6, April 1, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 7, April 15, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 8, May 3, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 22, No. 9, May 17, 2004 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 1, January 17, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 13, July 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 14, September 1, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 15, September 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 16, October 3, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 17, October 17, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 18, November 1, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 19, November 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 2, February 1, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 20, December 1, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 21, December 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 3, February 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 6, April 1, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 7, April 15, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 8, May 2, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 9, May 16, 2005 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 10, June 1, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 11, June 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 12, July 4, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 13, July 17, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 14, September 1, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 15, September 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 16, October 2, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 17, October 16, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 18, November 1, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 19, November 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, February 2, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 20, December 4, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 21, December 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 3, February 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 4, March 1, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 5, March 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 6, April 3, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 7, April 17, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 8, May 1, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 9, May 15, 2006 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, January 15, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, February 5, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, February 21, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, March 8, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 5, March 20, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 6, April 2, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 7, April 16, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 8, May 7, 2007 CanadExport (PDF version)

Canadian Commercial Corporation annual report 2002-2003: credibility - confidence - contracts /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Contemporary art in France: a guide for Canadian exporters (PDF version)

Electricity exports and imports
April 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
December 2001 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
February 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
January 2002 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
March 2002.-- Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
May 2002. Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
November 2001 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)

Electricity exports and imports
Monthly statistics for April 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for August 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for December 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for February 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for February 2007 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for January 2007 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for July 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for June 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for March 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for May 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for November 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for October 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)
Monthly statistics for September 2006 Electricity exports and imports (PDF version)

Export Development Canada - annual report
2004 Export Development Canada - annual report /Export Development Canada (PDF version)
2005 Export Development Canada - annual report 2005 /Export Development Canada (PDF version)

Export finance guide (PDF version)

Export of military goods from Canada, annual report 2001 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Exporting matters - job creation performance of exporters, 1993-2002: further results from the Growth Firms Project (PDF version)

Global trade, local benefits: Canada, the WTO and global trade (PDF version)

Government response to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT): reviewing the Export Development Act (PDF version)

International Business Development Business Plan, 1998-2001 (PDF version)

International project bids (PDF version)

Manufacturing 20/20: inventory of Federal Government activities corresponding to the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) "Call to action" - themes & recommendations (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
Vol. 1, no. 1; December 1999 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 2; January 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 1, no. 3; February 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 1, March 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 2; April 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 3; May 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 4; June 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 2, no. 5; July 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 4, No. 12, February, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 10, December, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 3, May 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 4, June 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 5, July 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 6, August 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 7, September, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 8, October, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 5, No. 9, November, 2003 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
April, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
April, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
April, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
August, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 1999 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
December, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
February, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
January, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
January, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
July, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
July, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
June, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
June, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
March, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
May, 2002 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
November, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
November, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
October, 2000 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
October, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
September, 2001 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

Monthly trade bulletin
Vol. 5, No. 12, February, 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 10, December 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 11, January 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 12, February 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 3, May 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 4, June 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 5, July 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 6, August 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 7, September 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 8, October 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 6, No. 9, November 2004 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)
Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2005 Monthly trade bulletin (PDF version)

More important than was thought - a profile of Canadian small business exporters (PDF version)

Natural gas exports & imports
New economy, future growth: Canada and trade in services (PDF version)

New opportunities in a vast market: Canada, China and the WTO (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 1998/1999 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 1999/2000 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

PEMD - annual report 2000/2001 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

A profile of canadian exporters, 1993-1997 (HTML version)

A profile of Canadian exporters, 1993-2002 (HTML version)

A profile of Canadian exporters, 1993-2003 (HTML version)

A profile of Canadian exporters, 1993-2004 (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2001-2002 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2002-2003 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2003-2004 /International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Program for Export Market Development - annual report 2004-2005 /International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Responding to unsolicited orders (PDF version)

Roadmap to exporting: a Team Canada Inc. publication (PDF version)

Small business exporters - a Canadian profile (PDF version)

Small business exporters - a Canadian profile (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - exporter SMEs (PDF version)

Snapshot of the Canadian chicken industry (PDF version)

Step-by-step guide to exporting (PDF version)

Step-by-step guide to exporting: a Team Canada Inc. publication (PDF version)

Team Canada Inc: Success stories (Ontario) (PDF version)

Trade in services: Canada in a global context (PDF version)

Trade Team Alberta: trade, investment and innovation (PDF version)

Trade Team British Columbia (PDF version)

Trade Team - New Brunswick (PDF version)

Trade Team Newfoundland and Labrador (PDF version)

Useful information for manufacturers and exporters (HTML version)

External relations
Canada-China relations: roundtable report (PDF version)

Canada and the early cold war, 1943-1957 (PDF version)

Canada making a difference in the world: a policy statement on strengthening aid effectiveness (PDF version)

Canada-Mexico partnership - report to leaders (PDF version)

Canada world view
No. 17, Autumn 2002 Canada world view (PDF version)

Catching up with the Swedes: probing the Canada-Sweden literacy gap (PDF version)

Conserving borderline species: a partnership between the United States and Canada (PDF version)

Cyprus: sharing the Canadian experience of living together (PDF version) (PDF version)

The emergence of cross-border regions - interim report (PDF version)

The emergence of cross-border regions - Montreal Roundtable report (PDF version)

Globalization and Canadian foreign relations: an assessment of implications and interests (a report from the Forum 2000) (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes on taxation of non-resident trusts and foreign investment entities (PDF version)

National Forum on Canada's International Relations, 1999: Canada and the UN Security Council (PDF version)

The new North America: report on discussions among experts and public servants, September-November 2003 (PDF version)

Report from the Ottawa Roundtable for the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) (PDF version)

Roundtable on Canada-Norway Relations: the Lysoen Declaration (PDF version)

Second Annual Academic Roundtable: academia and foreign policy: ahead or behind the curve? (PDF version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2001 (HTML version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2002 (HTML version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2003 (PDF version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2004 (PDF version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2005 (PDF version)

Oil and gas extraction, 2000 (HTML version)

Faible revenu
Low income measures, low income after tax cut-offs and low income after tax measure (HTML version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Calgary regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Halifax regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Montreal regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum national report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Saskatchewan regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Toronto regional report (PDF version)

The National Insolvency Forum, Vancouver regional report (PDF version)

An overview of Canadian insolvency statistics (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to Government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

Famille monoparentale
From the fur trade to free trade: forestry and First Nations women in Canada (PDF version)

A holistic framework for Aboriginal policy research (PDF version)

Trade agreements, home care and women's health (PDF version)

Children with disabilities and their families (HTML version)

Children with disabilities and their families - tables (HTML version)

Emergency planning for your family: the 5-step guide (PDF version)

General Social Survey - cycle 15: family history, July 2002 (HTML version)

Growing up with Mom and Dad?: the intricate family life courses of Canadian children (HTML version)

The National Child Benefit: what it means for Canadian families (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1994 (HTML version)

Selected statistics on Canadian families and family law (PDF version)

Services for children: guide to Government of Canada services for children and their families (PDF version)

All together now: how families are affected by depression and manic depression (PDF version)

Work and family provisions in Canadian collective agreements (PDF version)

Family law
Behind closed doors: how faith-based arbitration shuts out women's rights in Canada and abroad (PDF version)

Discussion paper: matrimonial real property on reserve (PDF version)

Division of powers and jurisdictional issues (PDF version)

Family mediation in Canada : implications for women's equality: a review of the literature and analysis of data from four publicly funded Canadian mediation programs (PDF version)

Polygamy in Canada: legal and social implications for women and children (PDF version)

Selected statistics on Canadian families and family law (PDF version)

Summary of activities for the Child-centred Family Justice Fund 2003-2005 (PDF version)

What's Sex got to do with it? Tax and the "Family" (PDF version)

Family planning
Clinical development of steroidal contraceptives used by women (PDF version)

Family violence
Abuse in gay male relationships: a discussion paper (PDF version)

Abuse and neglect of older adults: awareness information for people in the workplace: a guide for use by people interested in meeting together to discuss family violence issues (PDF version)

Abuse is wrong in any language: a handbook for service providers who work with immigrant women (PDF version)

Assessing violence against women: a statistical profile (PDF version)

Beginning a long journey: a review of projects funded by the Family Violence Prevention Division, Health Canada, regarding violence in aboriginal families (PDF version)

Canada - the new frontier for Filipino mail-order brides (PDF version)

Canada's treatment programs for men who abuse their partners (PDF version)

Counselling for change: evolutionary trends in counselling services for women who are abused and for their children in Canada (PDF version)

Evaluation of the Family Violence Initiative - Multiculturalism Program: final report (PDF version)

An examination of the association between histories of maltreatment and adolescent risk behaviours (PDF version)

Family violence and the deaf - legal education and information issues: a national needs assessment (PDF version)

Family violence and homelessness: a review of the literature (PDF version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2005 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2004 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2003 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2002 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2001 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2000 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 1999 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 1998 (HTML version)

Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile 2006 (HTML version)

Family violence, clinical guidelines for nurses (PDF version)

Family violence handbook for the dental community (PDF version)

Family Violence Initiative performance report 2002-2003 to 2003-2004 (PDF version)

The Family Violence Initiative - year five report (PDF version)

Family violence prevention program - national manual (PDF version)

Final report of the Ad Hoc Federal-Provincial-Territorial Working Group Reviewing Spousal Abuse Policies and Legislation (PDF version)

Handbook for health and social service providers and educators on children exposed to woman abuse/family violence (PDF version)

Health effects of family violence: overview paper (PDF version)

Husband abuse: an overview of research and perspectives (PDF version)

Improving child and family welfare: a summary and reconsideration of 11 recent National Welfare Grant demonstration projects (PDF version)

Intergenerational conflict and the prevention of abuse against older persons: final report to Health Canada (PDF version)

Intimate partner abuse against men: overview paper (PDF version)

Lessons learned from projects funded through the Family Violence Initiative 1998/99 to 2002/2003 (PDF version)

Making family violence law - information available to people in rural areas: an inventory of promising practices (PDF version)

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence: a one-stop source of information on family violence (PDF version)

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence - publications catalogue, 2006-2007 (PDF version)

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence - video catalogue (PDF version)

Offender profiles (PDF version)

Parent abuse: the abuse of parents by their teenage children (PDF version)

Project manager's guide to performance measurement and evaluation (PDF version)

Publications available from the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, 2001 (PDF version)

A resource guide on family issues for aboriginal communities (PDF version)

Review of provincial and territorial domestic violence legislation and implementation strategies (PDF version)

Spousal abuse: a fact sheet from the Department of Justice Canada (PDF version)

Spousal violence in custody and access disputes: recommendations for reform (PDF version)

Training social workers in a feminist approach to conjugal violence: summary of an action research (PDF version)

Transition home survey 2001/2002: [national, provincial and territorial fact sheets] (HTML version)

Transition homes in Canada: national, provincial and territorial fact sheets 2003/04 (HTML version)

Violence in aboriginal communities (PDF version)

Violence: you can make a difference (PDF version)

Benchmark for success: learning from industry to plan your future (PDF version)

Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services [Ontario]: improving access to business management services (PDF version)

Farm cash receipts
Vol. 1, No. 2, November 2002 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2003 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2003 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2004 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 3, No. 2, November 2004 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2005 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2006 Farm cash receipts (HTML version)
Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2006 Farm cash receipts (PDF version)

Farm Credit Corporation 1999-2000 annual report /Farm Credit Corporation (PDF version)

Farm financial indicators (PDF version)

Farm financial survey, 2005: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2004 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2004: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2003 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2003: Balance Sheet; Financial Structure by Farm Type, Financial Structure by Revenue Class; Capital Investments and Sales; by Region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2002: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2000: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1999 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 1998: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1997 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2006 (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Farming facts 2002 (HTML version)

Farming facts, 1997: statistical insights on Canadian agriculture (HTML version)

Farming facts 1999 (HTML version)

Income inequality in Canada: farm versus non-farm families, 1985 to 1995 (PDF version)

Managing a small duck flock (PDF version)

On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans
No. 4 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the beef sector (PDF version)
No. 5 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the grain sector (PDF version)
No. 6 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the dairy sector (PDF version)
Report No. 1 Overview of the development and applications of a conceptual framework for analyzing benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 2 On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 3 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the pork sector (PDF version)

Production of eggs
April 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
April 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
August 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
December 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
February 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
January 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
July 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
June 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
March 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
May 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
November 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
October 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2001 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2002 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2003 Production of eggs (HTML version)
September 2004 Production of eggs (HTML version)

Risk management and Safety Net Program survey (PDF version)

Statistics on revenues and expenses of farms, 2002 (HTML version)

Statistics on revenues and expenses of farms, 2003 (HTML version)

Statistics on revenues and expenses of farms, 2004 (HTML version)

Understanding measurements of farm income (PDF version)

Understanding measurements of farm income (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2003 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2005 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, 2006 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, April 2002 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, January 2001 (HTML version)

Whole farm database reference manual, July 2004 (HTML version)

Comparison of cultivated and native soils in a morainal landscape in east central Alberta: benchmark site comparison report, 05-Ab vs. 55-Ab (Provost, Alberta) (PDF version)

Prairie agricultural landscapes: a land resource review (PDF version)

Canadian Wildlife Service strategic plan 2000: the path forward for Environment Canada's Wildlife Conservation Program (PDF version)

Federal contracts
Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on three contracts awarded to Groupaction (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 10,: Award and management of a health benefits contract - Public Works and Government Services Canada and Health Canada (PDF version)

Federal departments
Audit of the language of work at National Defence Headquarters (PDF version)

Basic departmental data 2003 (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2000 (PDF version)

Basic departmental data, 2001 (PDF version)

Code of ethics (PDF version)

Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada
Fall 2005 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Fall-Winter 2006 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Spring 2006 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Spring 2007 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Summer 2006 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Winter 2006 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)
Winter 2007 Doing business with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Evaluation of DIAND's lands management program (PDF version)

A framework for science and technology advice: principles and guidelines for the effective use of science and technology advice in government decision making (PDF version)

Official languages: interdepartmental coordination: 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Official languages annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

An overview of the Office of Biotechnology and Science (PDF version)

A path to sustainability - Sustainable development strategy IV, 2007-2010 (PDF version)

Performance report, for the period ending March 31, 2005 (PDF version)

Public report 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Realizing innovation: highlights, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons, 2002 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6,: Old age security - Human Resources and Social Development Canada and Service Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7,: Federal participation in the British Columbia treaty process - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 10,: Award and management of a health benefits contract - Public Works and Government Services Canada and Health Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1: use of acquisition and travel cards (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3: human resources management - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Canada Revenue Agency - Resolving disputes and encouraging voluntary disclosures (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, Implementation of the National Initiative to Combat Money Laundering (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - education program and post-secondary student support (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Internal audit in departments and agencies (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, Management of federal drug benefit programs (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National defence - upgrading the CF-18 fighter aircraft (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National security in Canada: the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Initiative (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 8, Other audit observations (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7, Process for responding to parliamentary order paper questions (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Matters of special importance - 2004: main points (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - development of non-renewable resources in the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, National Defence - C4ISR initiative in support of command and control (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, National security in Canada - the 2001 anti-terrorism initiative: air transportation security, marine security, and emergency preparedness (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Natural Resources Canada - governance and strategic management (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, Passport Office - passport services (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Rating selected departmental performance reports (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Matters of special importance: main points - chapters 1 to 8 (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. A message from the Auditor General of Canada: main points (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 7: Sustainable development strategies (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2003-04: annual report to parliament (PDF version)

Review of departmental research activities: getting value from research (PDF version)

Science and research serving Canadians: Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch (PDF version)

Sustainable development action plan for 2004-2007: March 31, 2004 to April 7, 2007 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy: action plan 2007-2010 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy 2007-2006 (PDF version)

Sustainable development strategy 2007-2010 (PDF version)

2004-2005 year in review, Alberta Region (PDF version)

Federal government
Address by the Prime Minister in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, February 3, 2004, to open the Third Session of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, Information Commissioner, 2001-2002 /Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report on the government of Canada's advertising 2003-2004: a year of renewal /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Building on a strong foundation - the dialogue continues:: a case study approach to values and ethics in the Public Service (PDF version)

The Canada we want: Speech from the Throne to open the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament of Canada: September 30, 2002 (PDF version)

The Canada we want: Speech from the Throne to open the Second Session of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament of Canada: September 30, 2002 (PDF version)

Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders (PDF version)

Creating common purpose: the integration of science and policy in Canada's public service (PDF version)

The federal buildings initiative: an executive overview (PDF version)

Federal house in order: annual report on emissions reductions from federal operations (PDF version)

Federal scientific activities, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Good practices in citizen-centred service (PDF version)

Governing responsibly: a guide for ministers and ministers of state (PDF version)

Government-wide review of procurement: final report (PDF version)

A guide to gender equality analysis (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians (PDF version)

Protecting merit and the public trust :
Volume 1, Issue 1, Winter 2003 Protecting Merit and the Public Trust : (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. A message from the Auditor General of Canada; Main points (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 4: Safety of drinking water - federal responsibilities (PDF version)

Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons. Chapter 6: Green procurement (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2003-04: annual report to parliament (PDF version)

Response to the report of the Access to Information Review Task Force: special report to Parliament (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - recommendations (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Restoring accountability - research studies: volume 1 - Parliament, Ministers and Deputy Ministers (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The role of the federal government in the oceans sector (PDF version)

Speech from the Throne to open the Third Session of the Thirty-Seventh Parliament of Canada: February 2, 2004 (PDF version)

Standard acquisition clauses and conditions (SACC)
Amendment 2005-1, June 10, 2005 Standard acquisition clauses and conditions (SACC) (PDF version)
Amendment 2005-2, December 16, 2005 Standard acquisition clauses and conditions (SACC) (PDF version)
Amendment 2006-1, June 16, 2006 Standard acquisition clauses and conditions (SACC) (PDF version)
Amendment 2006-2, August 15, 2006 Standard acquisition clauses and conditions (SACC) (PDF version)

Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology
Volume five, April 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume five (PDF version)
Volume four, September 2001 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume four (PDF version)
Volume one, March 2001 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume one (PDF version)
Volume three, January 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume three (PDF version)
Volume two, January 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume two (PDF version)

Succession Planning for Corporate Knowledge Transfer: A Guide for Managers and Human Resource Specialists (PDF version)

Summary of Government of Canada direct securities and loans outstanding as at December 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Sustained commitment - annual report on the government of Canada's advertising activities, 2005-2006 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Federal institutions
1999 annual report: the world in our pocket /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2000 annual report: change your perception /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2001 Annual report /Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (PDF version)

2001 annual report: forward-looking statements /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Air Travel Complaints Commissioner report: July 2000 to December 2001 (PDF version)

The Air Travel Complaints Commissioner's report: January 2002 to June 2002 (PDF version)

2002 annual report: refining value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2003 annual report: making change /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

2004 annual report: appreciating value /Royal Canadian Mint (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999: a strong past -- a bright future /Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Dairy Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Indian Claims Commission (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report 2000-2001: Canadian exports: realizing our vision /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001 /Canadian Forces Grievance Board (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Law Commission of Canada (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (PDF version)

Annual report, 2001-2002 /National Capital Commission (PDF version)

Annual report 2001 to Parliament /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual report of the Commissioner of Competition for the year ending March 31, 2003: on the enforcement and administration of the Competition Act, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, Precious Metals Marking Act, Textile Labelling Act /Industry Canada (PDF version)

Annual report pursuant to Access to Information Act and Privacy Act: 1 April 2001 - 31 March 2002 /National Energy Board (PDF version)

Annual review official languages 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Bank of Canada annual report 2001 /Bank of Canada (PDF version)

Bank of Canada review
Autumn 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Autumn 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Spring 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Summer 2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2003-2004 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2004-2005 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2005-2006 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)
Winter 2006-2007 Bank of Canada review (PDF version)

Basic facts about federal corrections (PDF version)

The Canada Revenue Agency: the first five years: setting the foundation for tax and benefit administration in the 21st century (PDF version)

Canada's missing children: annual report 2001 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Canadian Commercial Corporation annual report 2002-2003: credibility - confidence - contracts /Canadian Commercial Corporation (PDF version)

Canadian Judicial Council, annual report, 2001-02 /Canadian Judicial Council (PDF version)

Canadian species at risk
May, 2000 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
May, 2002. Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November, 2000 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November, 2001 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)

Canadian species at risk
August 2006 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)
November 2004 Canadian species at risk (PDF version)

CIDA'S action plan on basic education (PDF version)

CNSC annual report, 2001-2002 /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (PDF version) (PDF version)

Vol. 23, No. 2, Summer, 1998 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 3, Fall, 1998 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 23, No. 4, Winter, 1998 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 2, Summer, 1999 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 24, No. 4, Winter, 1999 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring, 1999 NSERC Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 1, Spring, 2000 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer, 2000 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 3, Fall, 2000 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 25, No. 4, Winter, 2000 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 1, Spring, 2001 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 2, Summer, 2001 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 3, Fall, 2001 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 26, No. 4, Winter, 2001 Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring, 2002. Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 2, Summer, 2002. Contact (PDF version)
Vol. 27, No. 3, Fall, 2002 Contact (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, annual report, 2002-2003 /Office of the Auditor General of Canada (PDF version)

Federal Healthcare Partnership 2007-2010 business plan (PDF version)

Guide to building dialogues on horizontality: discussion paper (PDF version)

Horizontal management: trends in governance and accountability (PDF version)

Innovations and good practices in single-window service (PDF version)

Investing in Canadians with great ideas: year in review 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians Communications Survey: Spring 2002 (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians communications survey (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians communications survey (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians communications survey (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians on the Canadian-American relationship: communications survey (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians on the economy: communications survey (PDF version)

Monetary policy report update
August, 2000 Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
August, 2001 Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
February, 2001 Monetary policy report (PDF version)
January, 2002. Monetary policy report update (PDF version)
July, 2002. Monetary policy report update (PDF version)

PMPRB Annual report 2004 /Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PDF version)

Preparatory guide for the regular member selection interview guide (RMSIG) (PDF version)

Reasons for decision
Decision No. 248 Elizabeth Buchanan, complainant, and Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, respondent, and Bell Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 264 Grain Services Union (ILWU - Canada), applicant, and Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited; Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 274 Teamsters Local Union 938, complainant, and Mackie Moving Systems Corporation, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 276 Kenneth G. Lequesne; United Transportation Union, Local 1271, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 279 BCR Marine Ltd., applicant, and International Longshore and Warehouse Union Ship & Dock Foremen, Local 514; International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 500, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 280 Hospital Employees' Union, applicant, and Gitxsan Health Society; Gitwangak Band Council; Gitanyow Huwilp Society, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 281 Dale Corfield; International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, complainants, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 282 United Steelworkers of America; Teamsters Canada Rail Conference Maintenance of Way Employees Division, applicants, and Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 283 3238610 Canada Inc.; 142071 Canada Inc., complainants, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux; Syndicat national du transport routier (SNTR-CSN, respondents; Victor Balinschi, complainant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Jean-Paul Berthelot, complainant, and G.T. Transport/Service de conteneurs D.M.L., respondent; Abderrahim Azniga, applicant, and G.T. Transport International, respondent; Hicham Saad, complainant, and (GT Group) DML Conteneur, respondent; Armand Leith, complainant, and Transport N.J.N. inc., doing business as Transpel (1994), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 284 Randy Wiens, applicant, and United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and Great Canadian Railtour Company Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 286 Alain Deschamps; Maxime Jannini; Marc Laframboise; Daniel Ouellet; and Richard Morin, complainants, and VIA Rail Canada Inc., respondent, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW - Canada), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 287 Rolland Gouger, complainant, and Transports Ducampro inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 288 Daniel Raymond; Alain Colleret; Jean Bouchard; Jean-Claude Forget; Fernand Martel; François Labrecque; Guy Hupé; Alain Guerra; Marc Bardiaux; Jean-Jacques Degagné; André Giroux; Claude Dufour; and Christian Mondor, applicants, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 289 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, respondent, National and Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), intervenor, and Air Canada, intervenor, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Air Canada Pilots Association, Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association, Air Line Pilots Association, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 291 Grace Bingley, complainant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 292 Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, Local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent, and United Steelworkers of America, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 293 St. Croix Stevedores and Affiliates, applicant, and Bayside Port Employers Association Inc., employer, and Champlain Stevedoring Inc.; Westroc Inc.; Kingsco Transport Ltd.; Jamer Materials Ltd.; Bayside Materials Handling Inc.; Charlotte County Ports Ltd.; Connors Bros., Limited, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 294 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer and, P.C.L. Construction Ltd., former employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 295 Office and Professional Employees Union, Local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Laurentian Bank of Canada, employer, and Bray Larouche & Associés; Durand & Pratt Inc.; Hunt Personnel; Les Services de placement Télé-Ressources; Thomson Tremblay Inc., intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 296 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Hudson Bay Port Company, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 297 Grace Bingley, applicant, and Teamsters Local Union 91, respondent, and Purolator Courier Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 298 Dynamex Inc., applicant, and Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers Local Union No.141, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 299 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 687, applicant, and TVA Group Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 300 Canadian Telecommunications Employees' Association, applicant, and Télébec ltée; Northern Telephone Limited; Télébec, Limited Partnership; Bell Nordiq Group Inc.; Northern Telephone, Limited Partnership, respondents, and Teamsters, Brewery, Soft Drink and Miscellaneous Workers Union, Local 1999; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 301 General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362, complainant, and Monarch Transport Inc.; Dempsey Freight Systems Ltd., respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 302 Gilles Baribeau, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 303 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), applicant, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd.; Transport TF13, S.E.C., respondents, and Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Worker's Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 304 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Securicor Canada Limited, employer, and Drivers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 69 (Teamsters Quebec); Teamsters Local Union No. 213; Western Canada Council of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union No. 419; Teamsters Local Union No. 879; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Cartage and Miscellaneous Employees’ Union, Local 931; Armored Car Employees Association; United Steelworkers of America, Local 9342; Transport and Allied Workers Union, Local 855, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Teamsters Local Union 938; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 946; Securicor Thunder Bay Employees Association, bargaining agents, and Confédération des syndicats nationaux, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 305 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213, applicant, and National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2002, respondent, and Air Canada; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); intervenors, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Air Canada Pilots Association; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Air Line Pilots Association; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 306 PCL Constructors Northern Inc., applicant, and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, certified bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 307 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des communications de Radio-Canada (FNC-CSN); Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF); Association des réalisateurs; Canadian Union of Public Employees, respondents, Canadian Media Guild; Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada; Association of Professionals and Supervisors of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 308 Société Radio-Canada, applicant and Syndicat des technicien(ne)s et artisan(e)s du réseau français de Radio-Canada (STARF), respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 309 Seafarers' International Union of Canada, applicant, and Coastal Shipping Limited, employer, and Woodward's Oil Limited; Newfoundland Fishermen's, Food and Allied Workers, Local 1252 of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 310 Council of Atlantic Telecommunications Unions, applicant, and Aliant Telecom Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 311 Bell Canada, applicant, and Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 312 Western Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, intervenor (PDF version)
Decision No. 313 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, applicant, and Global Television Network Inc.; Global Communications Limited; CanWest Interactive Company (2846551 Canada Inc.); Canwest Television Inc.; CanWest Global Communications Corp.; CanWest Broadcasting Ltd.; CHEK owned and operated by Global Communications Limited (...), employers, and Canadian Association of Broadcasters, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 314 Canadian National Railway Company, employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, bargaining agent, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, bargaining agent, and United Transportation Union, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 315 United Transportation Union, complainant, and Canadian National Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 316 United Steelworkers of America, applicant, and TD Canada Trust in the City of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 317 TELUS Communications Inc., applicant, and Telecommunications Workers Union, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 318 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 319 Allan McDonald, complainant, and Canadian First Nations Police Association, respondent, and Anishinabek Police Service, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 320 Air Canada; Canadian Airlines International Ltd., applicants and Air Canada Pilots Association; Air Lines Pilots Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Airline Division, Air Canada Component; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Airline Division, Canadian Airlines Component; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 2213; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Local 1990; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Air Canada Component, and its Locals 2324, 2323, 2603, 714 and 1751; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Canadian Airlines Component, and its Locals 1763, 2223, 2309, 2754, 1681, 764 and 2749; Canadian Air Line Dispatchers Association; Canadian Association of Simulator Technologists, respondents (PDF version)
Decision No. 321 Greater Toronto Airports Authority, employer, and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local F-0082, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 322 Canadian National Railway Company, applicant, and Teamsters Canada Rail Conference, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 323 Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Kolossal Aéroport-CSN, applicant, and Sécurité Kolossal Inc., employer, and Union des agents de sécurité du Québec, local 8922 of the United Steelworkers of America, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 324 Office and Professional Employees Union, local 434, OPEIU-CLC, applicant, and Anne-Marie S. Tapin; Gérald Espérance, respondents, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - Visa Centre, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 325 Terry McTaggart, complainant, and Erb Transport Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 326 Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, applicant, and Sioux Lookout Meno-Ya-Win Health Centre; Ontario Nurses' Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4373, respondents, and Attorney General of Canada; Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, intervenors on the respondents' side, and Office and Professional Employees International Union, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 327 United Steelworkers of America; United Steelworkers of America, Local 6551, complainants, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, respondent, and Edward V. Embree, Interested party. Edward V. Embree, applicant, and Laidlaw Transit Ltd., carrying on business as Laidlaw Education Services, employer, and United Steelworkers of America, bagaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 328 Industrial Wood and Allied Workers of Canada, local No. 1-424, applicant, and Burns Lake Native Logging Ltd., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 329, August 16, 2005 Transport Drivers, Warehousemen and General Workers' Union, Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 (FTQ), applicant, and Sydicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de Transport Besner (CSN), respondent, and Transport Besner Inc.; Besner Atlantic Trucking Ltd.; Besner Central Trucking Ltd.; Besner Network Management Ltd., employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 330, August 24, 2005 Worldwide Flight Services, Inc., employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, trade union (PDF version)
Decision No. 331 George Buchholz, complainant, and Canadian Pacific Railway Company, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 332, September 9, 2005 Canada Council of Teamsters, applicant, and Brink's Canada Limited, respondent, and Teamsters Local Union No. 213; General Teamsters, Local Union No. 362; General Teamsters, Local Union 979; Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers Union, Local No. 880; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, Helpers and Miscellaneous Workers, Local 927; Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 558; Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Public & Private Employees (CLC); Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Local 568; National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada); Teamsters Local Union No. 419, bargaining agents (PDF version)
Decision No. 333 Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Anne Houlahan et al., applicants, Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, bargaining agent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, interested party; Consolidated Fastfrate Transport Employees' Association, applicant, Western Canada Council of Teamsters, respondent, and Consolidated Fastfrate Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 334 Society of Professional Engineers and Associates, complainant, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 335 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, applicant, and Air Canada, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 336, September 27, 2005 Rogers Cable TV Limited, applicant, and Metro Cable T.V. Maintenance and Service Employees Association, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 337 Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, complainant, and Expertech Network Installation Inc., respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 338, November 4, 2005 Canadian First Nations Police Association, applicant, and Treaty Three Police Service, employer comprising the following First Nation Territories: Big Grassy First Nation Territory; Couchiching First Nation Territory; Big Island Lake Cree First Nation Territory; Grassy Narrows First Nation Territory; Naicatchewenin First Nation Territory; Northwest Angle Reserve First Nation Territory; Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation Territory; Seine River First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 39) First Nation Territory; Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake No. 40) First Nation Territory; Wabaseemoong (Islington) First Nation Territory; Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay) First Nation Territory (PDF version)
Decision No. 339 Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3810, applicant, and Services Maritimes Québec Inc.; Canadian Salt Company Ltd; Québec Métal Recyclé (FNF) Inc.; Falconbridge Limited; Centre de distribution de Sillery Inc.; Coopérative fédérée de Québec; IMTT-Quebec Inc., respondents, and Société des Arrimeurs de Québec, Inc., employer and Syndicat des débardeurs du Port de Québec, Local 2614 of CUPE, interested party (PDF version)
Decision No. 340 Public Service Alliance of Canada, applicant, and Saskatoon Airport Authority; Pro-Tec Fire Services of Canada ULC; City of Saskatoon, employers (PDF version)
Decision No. 341 Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Association, applicant, and Air Canada, employer, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, bargaining agent (PDF version)
Decision No. 342 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, applicant, and Securiguard Services Limited, employer, and Vancouver International Airport Authority; Minister of Transport, interested parties (PDF version)
Decision No. 344 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), applicant, and Jervis B. Webb Company of Canada, Ltd., employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 353, Millwrights Regional Council of Ontario, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and its local, Millwrights and Machine Erectors, Local 2309, intervenors (PDF version)
Decision No. 345 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, applicant, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer; Matt Velisek et al., applicants and United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 1325, bargaining agent, and PCL Constructors Northern Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 346, February 14, 2006 Local Union 1574, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, applicant, and Northwes'Tel Mobility Inc., employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 349 Air Line Pilots Association, applicant, and Air Canada; Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent; Rob McInnis et al., complainants, and Air Canada Pilots Association, respondent, and Air Canada, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 352 Stephen Brown, complainant, and Canadian Union of Postal Workers, respondent, and Canada Post Corporation, employer (PDF version)
Decision No. 353 Public Service Alliance of Canada, complainant, and BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc, respondent (PDF version)
Decision No. 359 Securiguard Services Limited, applicant, and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation District 140, Local Lodge 16, respondent (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing an appropriate level of Measurement Canada intervention in the retail petroleum sector (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing an appropriate level of Measurement Canada intervention in the upstream petroleum sector (PDF version)

Recommendations for establishing Measurement Canada's level of intervention in the sector (PDF version)

Regulatory agenda
No. 06, 30 June 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 07, 31 July 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 08, 31 August 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 1, 31 January 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 1, 31 January 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 10, 31 October 2000 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 10, 31 October 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 11, 30 November 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 12, 31 December 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 2, 28 February 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 2, 28 February 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 3, 31 March 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 3, 31 March 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 4, 30 April 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 4, 30 April 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 5, 31 May 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 5, 31 May 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 6, 30 June 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 6, 30 June 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 7, 31 July 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 7, 31 July 2002. Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 8, 31 August 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 8, 31 August 2002 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
No. 9, 30 September 2001 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)

Regulatory agenda
01-2005, 31 January 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
01-2006, 31 January 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2004, 29 February 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2005, 28 February 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
02-2006, 28 February 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2004, 31 March 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2005, 31 March 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
03-2006, 31 March 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2004, 30 April 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2005, 30 April 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
04-2006, 30 April 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2004, 31 May 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2005, 31 May 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
05-2006, 31 May 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2004, 30 June 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2005, 30 June 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
06-2006, June 30, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2004, 31 July 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2005, 31 July 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
07-2006, July 31, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2004, 31 August 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2005, 31 August 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
08-2006, August 31, 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2004, 31 September 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2005, 30 September 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
09-2006, 30 September 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
1-2004, 31 January 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
10-2004, 31 October 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
10-2005, 31 October 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
11-2004, 30 November 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
11-2005, 30 November 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
12-2004, 31 December 2004 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
12-2005, 31 December 2005 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)
October-November-December 2006 Regulatory agenda (PDF version)

Renewing organizations: managing workforce transitions (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons, 2002 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 12,: Role of federally appointed board members - Sustainable Development Technology Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Canada Revenue Agency - Resolving disputes and encouraging voluntary disclosures (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, Implementation of the National Initiative to Combat Money Laundering (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - education program and post-secondary student support (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Internal audit in departments and agencies (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, Management of federal drug benefit programs (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National defence - upgrading the CF-18 fighter aircraft (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National security in Canada: the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Initiative (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 8, Other audit observations (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7, Process for responding to parliamentary order paper questions (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Matters of special importance - 2004: main points (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - development of non-renewable resources in the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, National Defence - C4ISR initiative in support of command and control (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, National security in Canada - the 2001 anti-terrorism initiative: air transportation security, marine security, and emergency preparedness (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Natural Resources Canada - governance and strategic management (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, Passport Office - passport services (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Rating selected departmental performance reports (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Matters of special importance: main points - chapters 1 to 8 (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. A message from the Auditor General of Canada: main points (PDF version)

Report to Parliament concerning substantially similar provincial legislation (PDF version)

Report to governments 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Report to governments 1997 - 1998 (PDF version)

Report to governments 1996 - 1997 (PDF version)

Report to governments 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Results for Canadians: a management framework for the Government of Canada (PDF version)

Service Canada annual report 2002-2003: a year in transition /Human Resources Development Canada (PDF version)

Spotlight on research, 2001-2002: companion to the annual directory of research 2001-2002 (PDF version)

A status report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3,: Management of leading-edge research - National Research Council Canada (PDF version)

Federal programs
If you have an accident: what to do and how to do it (PDF version)

Canada Research Chairs: research at its best (PDF version)

Canada Research Chairs program guide (PDF version)

Canada Small Business Financing Program: buy or lease - now the choice is yours (PDF version)

Canada Student Loans Program information guide, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Canada's National Programme of Action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities (NPA) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

The Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program: systems-development component, delivering safe, high-quality food at home and abroad (PDF version)

Celebrating Success in Rural Canada: Annual Report to Parliament 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Connecting Canadians: Ontario region success stories (PDF version)

Economic development programs guide, 2005 (PDF version)

Enhancing the quality of life for rural Canadians: annual report to Parliament 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Family Violence Initiative performance report 2002-2003 to 2003-2004 (PDF version)

The Family Violence Initiative - year five report (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

Guide to federal government, programs and services for women, 1999-2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Implementing Canada's National Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities: national report to the 2001 Intergovernmental Review Meeting on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action (PDF version)

Innovations and Solutions Program: annual report 2000-2001 /Public Works and Government Services Canada (PDF version)

Managing for results, 2000: annual report to Parliament /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Minding our future: a report on federal science & technology (PDF version)

NCE program guide: updated January 2002 (PDF version)

Negotiating labour market development agreements (PDF version)

A plan to revitalize Canada's Pacific fisheries: progress report for year three, July 2000 to July 2001 (PDF version)

Progress report on the Action Plan for Strengthening Administration of Grants and Contributions, May 2000 (PDF version)

Review of the effectiveness of service delivery management in Real Property Services Branch (RPSB) (PDF version)

Review of the government of Canada's student financial assistance programs: loan year, 1997-1998 (PDF version)

Review of the personal information handling practices of the Canadian Firearms Program: Department of Justice Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, final report, August 29, 2001 (PDF version)

Rural Canadians' guide to programs and services (PDF version)

Rural reminder
Spring 2005 Rural reminder (PDF version)
Winter 2001 - 2002 Rural reminder (PDF version)

Seniors guide to federal programs and services, 2000 (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for you (PDF version)

Services for people with disabilities: guide to governement of Canada services for people with disabilities and their families (PDF version)

Services for seniors: guide to Government of Canada services for seniors and their families (PDF version)

Services for seniors: guide to government of Canada services for seniors and their families (PDF version)

Working together in rural Canada: annual report to Parliament, May 2000 (PDF version)

Federal provincial agreements
Achieving a national purpose: putting equalization back on track (PDF version)

Achieving a national purpose: putting equalization back on track - executive summary (PDF version)

Federal administration of provincial taxes: new directions (PDF version)

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: report on government of Canada activities and expenditures 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

The national strategy: moving forward: the 2001 federal-provincial-territorial progress report on tobacco control (PDF version)

Negotiating labour market development agreements (PDF version)

Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement between the government of Canada and the government of the Yukon (PDF version)

Federal provincial relations
Report to governments 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Report to governments 1997 - 1998 (PDF version)

Report to governments 1996 - 1997 (PDF version)

Report to governments 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Federal taxes
Disability tax fairness: report of the Technical Advisory Committee on Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities (PDF version)

Federal territorial agreements
Achieving a national purpose: improving Territorial Formula Financing and strengthening Canada's territories (PDF version)

Achieving a national purpose: improving Territorial Formula Financing and strengthening Canada's territories - executive summary (PDF version)

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: report on government of Canada activities and expenditures 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Implementing the Social Union Framework Agreement: a learning and reference tool (PDF version)

The national strategy: moving forward: the 2001 federal-provincial-territorial progress report on tobacco control (PDF version)

Federal territorial relations
Report to governments 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Report to governments, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

Reciprocal billing report, Canada, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Reciprocal billing report, Canada, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Reciprocal billing report, Canada, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Reciprocal billing report, Canada, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

Canadian women making an impact (PDF version)

Canadian women taking action to make a difference!: International Women's Day--March 8, 2000 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

On her own: young women and homelessness in Canada (PDF version)

Statistics Canada data sources on immigrant women (PDF version)

Women's health surveillance: a plan of action for Health Canada: a report of the Advisory Committee on Women's Health Surveillance (PDF version)

Frequently asked questions on the Infertility Counselling Workshop Report (PDF version)

Infertility Counselling Workshop report (PDF version)

Questionnaire and response form (PDF version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2001 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2002 (HTML version)

Report on the demographic situation in Canada, 2003 and 2004 (HTML version)

Energy benchmarking - Canadian potash production facilities (PDF version)

Enhanced animal health protection from BSE: requirements for fertilizers and supplements (PDF version)

Nitrogen management in field vegetables: a guide to efficient fertilization (PDF version)

Nutrients and their impact on the Canadian environment (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Research summary, volume 27, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

A review of poultry manure management: directions for the future (PDF version)

Canada's festival tourism enthusiasts: a special analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS) (PDF version)

U.S. festival tourism enthusiasts: a special analysis of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS) (PDF version)

Film industry
1997-1998 activity report (PDF version)

1998-1999 activity report (PDF version)

Canadian content in the 21st Century (PDF version)

Canadian film and music opinion survey results (PDF version)

Enhancing the Canadian feature film policy: government of Canada's response to the report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage's report, Scripts, screens and audiences : a new feature film policy for the 21st century (PDF version)

Evaluation of the National Arts Training Contribution Program and the National Training Program in the Film Video Sector: final report (PDF version)

The feature film market in Singapore (PDF version)

The film and television market in Hong Kong (PDF version)

Film and television sector profile - Argentina (PDF version)

Film, video and audio-visual post-production: data tables (HTML version)

Film, video and audio-visual post-production, data tables, [1998/1999 to 2004/2005] (HTML version)

Funding to media arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

A guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

Profile of funding to media arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

From script to screen: new policy directions for Canadian feature film (PDF version)

Study of the decline of foreign location production in Canada (PDF version)

Study on completion guarantees and financing tools in the audio-visual industry (PDF version)

Summary : Database of U.S. produced films based on literary source material, 1998-2003 (PDF version)

Summative evaluation of the Canadian feature film policy (PDF version)

Explanatory notes relating to the air travellers security charge, the First Nations Good[s] and Services Tax, Income Tax and other related measures (PDF version)

Indigenous peoples and fiscal relationships - the international experience (PDF version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Structure and role (PDF version)

The transmission of monetary policy in Canada (PDF version)

1997-1998 activity report (PDF version)

1998-1999 activity report (PDF version)

42nd annual report, 1998-1999 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Democratizing excellence: the experience of the Research Centres on Family Violence and Violence against Women (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Federal scientific activities, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Funding to dance programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to inter-arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to media arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to theatre programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to theatre programs, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Funding to visual arts, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

Northern Science and Technology in Canada: federal framework and research plan, April 1, 2000 -- March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

Opening doors, building futures (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to artists and arts organizations in the City of Toronto, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to inter-arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to media arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in the Northwest Territories, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Québec, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Quebec, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Yukon Territory, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of grants to Yukon Territory, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Progress report on the Action Plan for Strengthening Administration of Grants and Contributions, May 2000 (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Northern indicators 2000 (PDF version)

Structure and role (PDF version)

Finances personnelles
Annual report, 2001-2002 /Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (PDF version)

Finances publiques
Canada's performance 2001: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Canada's performance 2002: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Financial analysis
Canada Pension Plan: seventeenth actuarial report as at 31 December 1997 (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (2000 data) (PDF version)

Farm financial indicators (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1995 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1996 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1997 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1998 data) (PDF version)

Co-operatives in Canada (1999 data) (PDF version)

Public health and administration in national health expenditures: feasibility study (PDF version)

Why financial capability matters: synthesis report on Canadians and their money : a national symposium on financial capability held on June 9-10, 2005 in Ottawa (PDF version)

Financial assistance
Disaster financial assistance: manual to assist in the interpretation of federal guidelines (PDF version)

Guide to Canadian Heritage financial support programs (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

The National Hockey League in Canada, October 1999 (PDF version)

Public acknowledgment of financial assistance: creating Canada together (PDF version)

Financial audit
Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons, 2002 (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Canada Revenue Agency - Resolving disputes and encouraging voluntary disclosures (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, Implementation of the National Initiative to Combat Money Laundering (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - education program and post-secondary student support (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Internal audit in departments and agencies (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, Management of federal drug benefit programs (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National defence - upgrading the CF-18 fighter aircraft (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, National security in Canada: the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Initiative (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 8, Other audit observations (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7, Process for responding to parliamentary order paper questions (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Matters of special importance - 2004: main points (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 6, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - development of non-renewable resources in the Northwest Territories (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, National Defence - C4ISR initiative in support of command and control (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 2, National security in Canada - the 2001 anti-terrorism initiative: air transportation security, marine security, and emergency preparedness (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 1, Natural Resources Canada - governance and strategic management (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 3, Passport Office - passport services (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. Chapter 5, Rating selected departmental performance reports (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General to the House of Commons. A message from the Auditor General of Canada: main points (PDF version)

Financial crisis
Human security and Asia's financial crisis: a critique in light of Asia's financial crisis (PDF version)

Financial institutions
Annual report, 2002-03 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

CDIC annual report, 1999-2000 /Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDF version)

CDIC annual report, 2000-2001 /Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDF version)

Corporate governance of financial institutions:: consultation paper (PDF version)

2006 Financial institutions legislation review: proposals for an effective and efficient financial services framework (PDF version)

Financial service charges: annual report, 2001 /Industry Canada (PDF version)

The General Agreement on Trade in Services: the financial services sector (PDF version)

OSFI annual report 2005-2006: striking a balance /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

OSFI annual report, 1999-2000 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

OSFI annual report, 2000-2001 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

Payments system review discussion paper (PDF version)

Reforming Canada's financial services sector: a framework for the future (PDF version)

Succeeding in a changing environment: OSFI annual report, 2001-2002 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

Succeeding in a changing environment: OSFI annual report, 2001-2002 /Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (PDF version)

Financial management
The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Decision-making tools for Canada's tourism operators (PDF version)

The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism operators (PDF version)

The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Financial planning: key to maximizing your bottom line (PDF version)

The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Industry financial averages and benchmarks for Canada's tourism operators (PDF version)

The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Linking your financial performance measures to your business plan (PDF version)

The ABC of financial performance measures and benchmarks for Canada's tourism sector. Profiling your financial statements (PDF version)

Administrative costs 1998-99 chargeable to the CPP account: ARC briefing note (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Audit of account verification (PDF version)

Budget 2003: improving expenditure management and accountability (PDF version)

Budget 2003: building the accountability Canadians deserve (PDF version)

Business trip planning (PDF version)

Credit card audit report (PDF version)

Debt management report, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: translating better finances into better lives, November 2, 1999 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update (PDF version)

Economic statement and budget update: tabled in the House of Commons by the Honourable Paul Martin, P.C., M.P. Minister of Finance, October 18, 2000 (PDF version)

Evaluation of the 1991/2 - 1996/7 Miawpukek Mi'kamawey Mawi'omi Band Funding Agreement (PDF version)

Export finance guide (PDF version)

The financial guide: children : five and six year olds (PDF version)

The financial guide - children, nine- to twelve-year-olds (PDF version)

The financial guide - children, seven-and eight-year-olds (PDF version)

The financial guide - teenagers, thirteen- to fifteen-years-old (PDF version)

Financial Management System (FMS)
2006 Financial Management System (FMS) (HTML version)

Pay administration and pay accounting audit (PDF version)

Payments system review discussion paper (PDF version)

Reflections on a decade of serving Parliament: report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons (PDF version)

Report to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services on three contracts awarded to Groupaction (PDF version)

Report of the President, 1998-1999 (PDF version)

Report of the President of the Medical Research Council of Canada, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Review of the management control framework for long term capital planning (PDF version)

Risk management and Safety Net Program survey (PDF version)

SUD Audit of the PWGSC Development for the FIS (PDF version)

Summary of corporate plan, 1999/2000 to 2003/2004 (PDF version)

Tax expenditures and evaluations, 2001 (PDF version)

Tax expenditures and evaluations, 2002 (PDF version)

Tax expenditures and evaluations, 2002 (PDF version)

Financial services
Consumer's guide to basic banking services (PDF version)

Financial statements
Annual financial report of the government of Canada: fiscal year 2004-2005 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Fiscal reference tables (PDF version)

Public accounts of Canada, 2006. Vol. I, Summary report and financial statements (PDF version)

Financial studies
Farm financial survey, 2005: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2004 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2004: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2003 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2003: Balance Sheet; Financial Structure by Farm Type, Financial Structure by Revenue Class; Capital Investments and Sales; by Region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2002: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 2001 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2000: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1999 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 1998: balance sheet; financial structure by farm type, financial structure by revenue class; capital investments and sales; by region 1997 (HTML version)

Farm financial survey, 2006 (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation own source revenue agreement (PDF version)

Pathways to growth: opportunities in biotechnology (PDF version)

Study of the financial intermediary market in Atlantic Canada: project report (PDF version)

Financing companies
Small and medium-sized enterprise financing in Canada, 2003 (PDF version)

Fire prevention
Burn it smart - and healthy (PDF version)

Burning candles can be dangerous (PDF version)

Be careful with lighters and matches (PDF version)

Children's sleepwear: flammability requirement guidelines: policy guidelines for the children's sleepwear requirements under the Hazardous Products Act (PDF version)

Flammability of textile products in Canada (PDF version)

Stop cooking fires before they happen! (PDF version)

Utility lighters are dangerous in the hands of children! (PDF version)

UN 2001 Conference on Illicit Trade of Small Arms in All its Aspects: briefing and discussion (PDF version)

Canadian Firearms Program, implementation evaluation (to September 2002): technical report (PDF version)

Commissioner of Firearms - 2004 report (PDF version)

Globalization and firearms: a public health perspective (PDF version)

The illegal proliferation and misuse of light weapons and small arms (PDF version)

An introduction to Canada's firearms law for the Aboriginal peoples of Canada: questions and answers about the Firearms Act, regulations and support material (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Firearms Act to the Solicitor General by the Registrar, 1999 (PDF version)

2003 Report - Commissioner of Firearms (PDF version)

Report by the Ottawa Group on Small Arms (PDF version)

Review of the personal information handling practices of the Canadian Firearms Program: Department of Justice Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, final report, August 29, 2001 (PDF version)

Storing, transporting and displaying restricted and prohibited firearms (PDF version)

Fiscal issues
Women and employment: removing fiscal barriers to women's labour force participation (PDF version)

Fiscal policy
Annual financial report of the government of Canada: fiscal year 2003-2004 /Finance Canada (PDF version)

Budget 2001: strategic investments: bridging to the future (PDF version)

Canada's fiscal progress through 2000-2001 (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update - background material to the presentation (PDF version)

The economic and fiscal update: presentation by the Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P. (PDF version)

Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions (PDF version)

Economic instruments for long-term reduction in energy-based carbon emissions - executive summary (PDF version)

Federal income tax treatment of virgin and recycled materials: a discussion paper for consultation (PDF version)

Fiscal reference tables: October 2004 (PDF version)

Government of Canada tax expenditures, 1999 (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes relating to income tax (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes on taxpayer migration (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes on trusts (PDF version)

Mothers as earners, mothers as carers: responsibility for children, social policy and the tax system (PDF version)

Notice of ways and means motion to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 16, 1999

Revised explanatory notes relating to income tax (PDF version)

Tax expenditures and evaluations, 2000 (PDF version)

What's Sex got to do with it? Tax and the "Family" (PDF version)

Women, tax and social programs: the gendered impact of funding social programs through the tax system (PDF version)

The St. Lawrence food guide: A guide on aquatic resources of the St. Lawrence (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - can we eat the fish? (PDF version)

Wild species 2000: the general status of species in Canada (PDF version)

At-sea mentoring: a step-by-step guide for understanding and participating in the At-Sea Mentoring Initiative (PDF version)

Fisheries Development Act: annual report, 1999-2000 /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

The fishing industry and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

The fishing industry in Quebec, socio-economic profiles, selected statistics (PDF version)

"What we heard": summaries of public consultations conducted by the Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review, March-April 2001 (PDF version)

Invest in Canada's fish and seafood industry (PDF version)

The management of fisheries on Canada's Atlantic coast: a discussion document on policy direction and principles (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation harvest agreement (PDF version)

A plan to revitalize Canada's Pacific fisheries: progress report for year two, June 1999 to July 2000 (PDF version)

A plan to revitalize Canada's Pacific fisheries: progress report for year three, July 2000 to July 2001 (PDF version)

Quebec marine fisheries: annual statistics review, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Quebec marine fisheries: annual statistics review, 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Quebec marine fisheries, 1999-2000 highlights (PDF version)

Quebec marine fisheries 2001-2002 highlights (PDF version)

Report of the Independent Panel on Access Criteria for the Atlantic Coast commercial fishery (PDF version)

Fisheries management
Annual report 2002-2003, administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador fishing industry renewal initiative: discussion paper (PDF version)

Compliance and enforcement policy for the habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act (PDF version)

2004-2005 Conservation requirements for groundfish stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: report to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (PDF version)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada annual report, April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004: annual report to Parliament on the administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Eminent Panel on Seal Management (PDF version)

Fisheries policy
Annual report 2001-2002, administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

Canada's national plan of action to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (PDF version)

Compliance and enforcement policy for the habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act (PDF version)

2004/2005 Conservation requirements for groundfish stocks on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy (4VWX5YZ): report to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (PDF version)

Fisheries and Oceans Canada annual report, April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004: annual report to Parliament on the administration and enforcement of the fish habitat protection and pollution prevention provisions of the Fisheries Act /Fisheries and Oceans Canada (PDF version)

The management of fisheries on Canada's Atlantic coast: a discussion document on policy direction and principles (PDF version)

National plan of action for reducing the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries (PDF version)

The role of the federal government in the oceans sector (PDF version)

Fisheries products
Annual report - Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, 2004-2005: building marketing strength for Canada's freshwater fishers /Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (PDF version)

Benchmarking energy use and costs in salt-and-dry fish processing and lobster processing (PDF version)

Fisheries resources
Fish stocks of the Pacific coast (PDF version)

Fishing rights
National plan of action for the conservation and management of sharks (PDF version)

Fishing ships
First Nations (Marshall) 40' to 45' fishing vessels routine inspection and maintenance, including winterization and Spring re-commissioning (PDF version)

Fishing (Sport)
Recreational fishing and the Species at Risk Act (PDF version)

Active kids are unstoppable (PDF version)

Canada's physical activity guide for children (PDF version)

Canada's physical activity guide to healthy active living (PDF version)

Canada's physical activity guide to healthy active living for older adults: handbook, includes pull-out copy of the guide (PDF version)

Canada's physical activity guide to healthy living for older adults (PDF version)

Canada's physical activity guide for youth (PDF version)

Family guide to physical activity for children (6-9 years of age) (PDF version)

Family guide to physical activity for youth 10-14 years of age (PDF version)

Gotta move! - magazine for children 6-9 years of age (PDF version)

The handbook for Canada's physical activity guide to healthy active living (PDF version)

Health and air quality bulletin - air pollution and active transportation (PDF version)

Healthy living - Canada's guide to healthy eating and physical activity (PDF version)

Let's get active! - magazine for youth 10-14 years of age (PDF version)

Physical activity chart (PDF version)

The Crown in Canada (PDF version)

Alternatives to sandbags for temporary flood protection (PDF version)

Alternatives to sandbags for temporary flood protection (PDF version)

Floods: what to do before and after: self-help advice (PDF version)

Managing Flood Hazard and Risk: Report of an Independent Expert Panel (PDF version)

Synopsis of the Symposium on the Saguenay Flood (PDF version)

Wild species 2000: the general status of species in Canada (PDF version)

Fonction publique
2001-2002 Annual report: protecting merit and the public trust /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

Access to Information Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

If you have an accident: what to do and how to do it (PDF version)

Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation: 3rd report: December 2000 (PDF version)

Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation: 4th report: March 2002 (PDF version)

Annual report, 1999-2000 /Canadian Centre for Management Development (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Public Service Commission (PDF version)

Building on a strong foundation - the dialogue continues, volume II: further case studies on values and ethics in the public service (PDF version)

Citizen-centred service:: responding to the needs of Canadians (PDF version)

Conference on modernizing governance of May 3rd, 2000: summary report (PDF version)

How to create superior briefings (PDF version)

Creating common purpose: the integration of science and policy in Canada's public service (PDF version)

Directory of courses and services, April, 2001 - March 2003 (PDF version)

Embracing change in the Federal Public Service (PDF version)

Embracing change in the Federal Public Service (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2000-01 (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service: annual report, 1999-2000 /Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (PDF version)

Employment equity in the Federal Public Service, 2001-02: annual report to the Parliament (PDF version)

Employment statistics for the federal Public Service: April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Facing the challenge: recruiting the next generation of University graduates to the Public Service (PDF version)

A foundation for developing risk management learning strategies in the public service (PDF version)

Framework for management development in the federal science & technology community (S&T;) (PDF version)

Glossary of management values and ethics (PDF version)

Horizontality and public management: final report to the Canadian Centre for Management Development, the Leadership Network, the Federal Regional Council-Quebec and the École nationale d'administration publique (PDF version)

Human Resources Management Framework: a reference tool for managers (PDF version)

Identifying the issues (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Info source: sources of federal employee information, 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Internal services: ensuring the realization of key government policy directions while respecting public service values (PDF version)

Joining the core workforce: a preliminary report on the survey of newly hired indeterminate employees in the federal Public Service (PDF version)

The Joint PSAC/TBS Term Employment Study (PDF version)

The learning journey: a guide to achieving excellence (PDF version)

Listening to Canadians: National Public Service Week, Department of Finance's Survey conducted at the June 16, 1998 day event Valuing Our People (PDF version)

Modernizing governance: a preliminary exploration (PDF version)

Moving from the heroic to the everyday: lessons learned from leading horizontal projects (PDF version)

Negotiation: redefining success (PDF version)

Ninth annual report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada /Privy Council (PDF version)

Official languages: interdepartmental coordination: 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Official languages annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Heritage (PDF version)

Organizing for deliberate innovation: a toolkit for teams (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: sixteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: sixteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act: thirteenth annual report of the Public Service Staff Relations Board, 1998-1999 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Your pension plan (PDF version)

Privacy Act annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

A public service learning organization: from coast to coast to coast (PDF version)

Public Service management reform: progress, setbacks and challenges (PDF version)

Public Service Staff Relations Board, 32nd annual report, 1998-1999 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Recourse and redress in the public service: a reference tool (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Public Service Superannuation Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001 (PDF version)

Report on the administration of the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act: for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000 (PDF version)

Results for Canadians: a management framework for the Government of Canada (PDF version)

Science and technology excellence in the public service: a framework for excellence in federally performed science and technology (PDF version)

A strong foundation: report of the Task Force on Values and Ethics in the Public Service (PDF version)

Thirty-fifth annual report, 2001-2002 /Public Service Staff Relations Board (PDF version)

Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel Report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Canada's food guides from 1942 to 1992 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2000 (PDF version)

Food consumption in Canada: part II, 2001 (HTML version)

Nutrient value of some common foods (PDF version)

Nutrient value of some common foods (PDF version)

Progress report, August 204: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, December 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, December 2003: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, January 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, June 2003: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Progress report, May 2002: Action plan of the government of Canada in response to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel report "Elements of precaution: recommendations for the regulation of food biotechnology in Canada" (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

Results of the survey on food quality in six isolated communities in Labrador, March 2001 (PDF version)

The St. Lawrence food guide: A guide on aquatic resources of the St. Lawrence (PDF version)

Standards of evidence for evaluating foods with health claims: a proposed framework (PDF version)

Strategic plan 2004-07 for Health Canada's Health Products and Food Branch (PDF version)

Strategic plan overview, 2004-07 - Health Products and Food Branch (PDF version)

Technical discussion on the health and safety aspects of the government of Canada action plan: final report (PDF version)

Unequal harvest: farmers' voices on international trade and the right to food (PDF version)

Food inspection
2002-2003 annual report /Canadian Food Inspection Agency (PDF version)

2003-2004 annual report /Canadian Food Inspection Agency (PDF version)

Annual report, 2000-2001 /Canadian Dairy Commission (PDF version)

Assessment report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency activities related to domestic ready-to-eat meat products (PDF version)

Assessment report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency activities related to the safety of imported fresh fruits and vegetables (PDF version)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency corporate business plan 2003-2008 (PDF version)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency corporate business plan: Highlights 2003-2008 (PDF version)

Evaluation report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Dairy Program activities related to imported cheese made from pasteurized milk (PDF version)

Food safety assessment: the Food Emergency Response System of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency: food safety assessment report to the Minister of Health, March 1999 (PDF version)

Food safety tips for bagged & boxed lunches (PDF version)

Food Safety tips for barbecuing (PDF version)

Food safety tips for the kitchen (PDF version)

Food safety tips for picnicking, hiking and camping (PDF version)

Food labelling
General packaging and labelling requirements for fresh fruit and vegetables (PDF version)

Interactive nutrition label: get the facts (PDF version)

Nurtition facts - to help you make informed food choices [Inuktitut] (PDF version)

Nutrition facts to help you make informed food choices (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling: perceptions and preferences of Canadians (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling: perceptions and preferences of Canadians (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling compliance test: nutrition labelling, nutrient content claims and health claims - CFIA compliance test to assess the accuracy of nutrient values (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling ... get the facts! (PDF version)

Nutrition labelling - get the facts! (PDF version)

Regulation of genetically modified food: consultation document 2001 (PDF version)

U.S. generic health claims in Canada: stakeholder consultation summary report, July 7 - 8, 1999 (PDF version)

Food policy
Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Food safety, food quality and resource protection in Canada's food chain under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Regulatory framework for health and food products in Canada (PDF version)

Report from the first Annual Academic Roundtable: teaching in foreign policy /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Food processing
Advanced technology in the Canadian food processing industry (HTML version)

Industry profile (Canada's food processing industry) (HTML version)

The nature and extent of innovation in the Canadian food processing industry (PDF version)

Food safety
Assessment report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency activities related to the safety of aquaculture products (PDF version)

Assessment report of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency activities related to the safety of imported fresh fruits and vegetables (PDF version)

The development of Environmental Assessment Regulations for new substances contained in products regulated under the Food & Drugs Act: Discussion Document for the March 29 & 30, 2006 Stakeholder Consultation (PDF version)

Enhanced animal health protection from BSE: requirements for fertilizers and supplements (PDF version)

Facts for farmers (PDF version)

Food safety assessment: the Food Emergency Response System of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency: food safety assessment report to the Minister of Health, March 1999 (PDF version)

Food safety emergency preparedness (PDF version)

Food safety facts on salmonella (PDF version)

Food safety facts on shigella (PDF version)

Food safety tips for barbecuing hamburgers (PDF version)

Food safety tips for food thermometers (PDF version)

Food safety tips on E.coli 0157:H7 (PDF version)

Guidelines for the safety assessment of novel foods - Volume I: preamble and guidance scheme for notification (PDF version)

Guidelines for the safety assessment of novel foods - volume II: genetically modified microorganisms and plants (PDF version)

Next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy - Food safety, food quality and resource protection in Canada's food chain under the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy : a discussion paper (PDF version)

Nile waters management and links to conflict management and food security in the Horn of Africa (PDF version)

Nutrition and food security in Fort Severn, Ontario: baseline survey for the Food Mail Pilot Project (PDF version)

On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans
No. 4 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the beef sector (PDF version)
No. 5 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the grain sector (PDF version)
No. 6 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the dairy sector (PDF version)
Report No. 1 Overview of the development and applications of a conceptual framework for analyzing benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 2 On-farm food safety and environmental farm plans (PDF version)
Report No. 3 A qualitative assessment of the benefits and costs of on-farm food safety and environmental farm plans in the pork sector (PDF version)

Options analysis paper feedback analysis report (PDF version)

U.S. generic health claims in Canada: stakeholder consultation summary report, July 7 - 8, 1999 (PDF version)

Unpasteurized fruit juices and cider: know what you are drinking (PDF version)

Unpasteurized fruit juices and cider: know what you are drinking (PDF version)

Forces de maintien de la paix
Cyprus: sharing the Canadian experience of living together (PDF version) (PDF version)

Canada Pension Plan: seventeenth actuarial report as at 31 December 1997 (PDF version)

Nonferrous metals outlook, December, 1998 (PDF version)

Nonferrous metals outlook, December, 1999 (PDF version)

Foreign affairs
Agenda 2003: a sustainable development strategy for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Government response to the fifth report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade: crossing the Atlantic: expanding the economic relationship between Canada and Europe (PDF version)

Human security in Sudan: the report of a Canadian assessment mission (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 3: human resources management - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (PDF version)

Foreign aid
Canada Fund for Africa: delivering results (PDF version)

Canada world view
No. 17, Autumn 2002 Canada world view (PDF version)

CIDA takes action against HIV/AIDS around the world (PDF version)

CIDA'S action plan on basic education (PDF version)

Reaffirming the commitment: 2000-2001 report on the Canadian Landmine Fund (PDF version)

Report from the Ottawa Roundtable for the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) (PDF version)

Roundtable on the Americas: priorities, plans and activities (PDF version)

Foreign investments
Canada's balance of international payments and international investment position: concepts, sources, methods and products (HTML version)

Foreign VC investment in Canada: a profile of foreign investors and domestic investees (PDF version)

Legislative proposals and explanatory notes on taxation of non-resident trusts and foreign investment entities (PDF version)

Notice of Ways and Means Motion to introduce an Act to amend the Income Tax Act, including amendments in relation to foreign investment entities and non-resident trusts, and to provide for the bijural expression of the provisions of that Act (PDF version)

Opening doors to the world: Canada's international market access priorities, 2000 (PDF version)

Foreign policy
Ballistic Missiles Foreign Experts Roundtable report (PDF version)

Burma: the South Africa of the 90's (PDF version)

Canada-China relations: roundtable report (PDF version)

Canada and hemispheric narcotrafficking (PDF version)

Canada making a difference in the world: a policy statement on strengthening aid effectiveness (PDF version)

Canada world view
No. 17, Autumn 2002 Canada world view (PDF version)

Canada's commitment to world peace: CCFPD policy options paper (PDF version)

Canadian corporate contributions to democratic development and citizen participation in developing countries: recommendations on identifying and supporting corporate efforts through Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

Canadian firms, Canadian values: foreign policy implications of Canadian commercial activities in risky states (PDF version)

Canadian peacebuilding in the Middle East: case study of the Canada Fund in Israel/Palestine and Jordan (PDF version)

CIDA's sustainable development strategy, 2001-2003: an agenda for change (PDF version)

Civil Society Roundtable on Guatemalan Peace Accords and options for Canada: roundtable report (PDF version)

Conflict prevention and preventative diplomacy: the G-8 Roundtable report (PDF version)

Cuba: lessons learned from the end of communism in eastern Europe: Roundtable report (PDF version)

"Culture matters: how values shape human progress": presentation and discussion with Lawrence E. Harrison (PDF version)

Developing culture policy: Canada in the World Roundtable report (PDF version)

Developing culture policy: Canadian values (PDF version)

East Timor Roundtable report (PDF version)

Education and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): policy option report (PDF version)

The future of nuclear arms: implications for Canadian foreign policy: integrated report from Roundtables in Ottawa, Kingston & Victoria (PDF version)

Gender and Peacebuilding Roundtable report (PDF version)

Gendered discourses, gendered practices: feminists rewrite Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

The Halifax Roundtable on US Foreign Policy: summary of key points (PDF version)

The Halifax Roundtable report: democratization in the Americas (PDF version)

Human security and Asia's financial crisis: a critique in light of Asia's financial crisis (PDF version)

Human security in Sudan: the report of a Canadian assessment mission (PDF version)

Human Security and Water-Related Conflict Roundtable report (PDF version)

Indigenous peoples and rights within Canadian foreign policy (PDF version)

NATO-Nuclear Weapons Roundtable report (PDF version)

The new face of terrorism: report from the Roundtable (PDF version)

Nile waters management and links to conflict management and food security in the Horn of Africa (PDF version)

Perspectives on the borderless world: issues for Canada (PDF version)

Practicing democratic foreign policy:: DFAIT's consultations with Canadians (PDF version)

Reaffirming the commitment: 2000-2001 report on the Canadian Landmine Fund (PDF version)

Renewing partnerships for the prevention of armed conflict: options to enhance rapid deployment and initiate a UN standing emergency capability (PDF version)

Report from the 3rd annual Academic Roundtable [on] Canadian Foreign Policy: interests and values /Foreign Affairs and International Trade (PDF version)

Report from the Conference "Global Compact and United Nations Institutions" (PDF version)

Report from the Conference on New Diplomacy: the United Nations, like-minded countries and non-governmental organizations (PDF version)

Report from the Denver Roundtable: new directions in U.S. foreign policy (PDF version)

Report from the North Korea Roundtable (PDF version)

Report from the Round Table on Canada, NATO and the United Nations: lessons learned from the Kosovo crisis (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on the Americas: Look ahead to Windsor (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Burma and Drugs (PDF version)

Report from the roundtable: Canada, Indigenous Peoples and the Hemisphere (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Economic and Social Issues in Africa (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Expert Deployment to International Peace Operations (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Governance, Civil Society and the Americas (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Indonesia (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on International Corruption (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Nigeria (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on Small Arms and the OAS (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on "Just War and Genocide" (PDF version)

Report on the Seminar on United Nations Security Council Sanctions (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - commerce: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - defence: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world: development: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - diplomacy: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - overview: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

Roundtable on the Americas: priorities, plans and activities (PDF version)

Roundtable on Burma report (PDF version)

Roundtable on Canada-Norway Relations: the Lysoen Declaration (PDF version)

Roundtable on Nigeria: recommendations for the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) (PDF version)

Roundtable on Northern Foreign Policy: feedback and look ahead (PDF version)

Roundtable on Sudan (PDF version)

Second Annual Academic Roundtable: academia and foreign policy: ahead or behind the curve? (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Washington D.C. Roundtable on Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Edmonton Roundtable on Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy (PDF version)

Summary of key points from presentations and discussions: the Toronto Roundtable on the Bush Administration's Foreign Policy - challenges and implications for Canada (PDF version)

Summary report from the Roundtable on Afghanistan: governance scenarios and Canadian policy options (PDF version)

Summary report from the Roundtable on Good Governance and Africa (PDF version)

A Symposium on Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Societies (PDF version)

Foreign service
Diplomatic, consular and other representatives in Canada, 2003 (PDF version)

Canadian police information technologies: current overview (PDF version)

Forensic Laboratory Services annual achievement report, 2002-2003 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

National DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee annual report 2001-02 /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

National DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee 2000-2001 annual report /Solicitor General Canada (PDF version)

Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter 7: management of Forensic Laboratory Services - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (PDF version)

Forest fires
Fire management wildland policy and zonation: consultation brochure (PDF version)

Forest management
Advancing sustainable forest management from the ground up (PDF version)

Canadian Model Forest Network achievements (PDF version)

Carbon budget accounting at the forest management unit level: an overview of issues and methods (PDF version)

Conservation lands: integrating conservation and sustainable management in Canada’s forests (PDF version)

Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in Canada: National Status, 2000 (PDF version)

Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in Canada: technical report, 1997 (PDF version)

Defining sustainable forest management in Canada: criteria and indicators 2003 (PDF version)

Determining scale of forest management planning for First Nations forests (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program - annual report, 2002-03 /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Impact note
No. 43 Blackheaded budworm (PDF version)

Long-term lodgepole pine silviculture trials in Alberta: history and current results (PDF version)

National Forest Week, September 24-30, 2006 (PDF version)

Proceedings of the Canadian Model Forest Network's Partnership Meeting, Halifax, NS, September 8-9, 1999 (PDF version)

State of Canada's Forests, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Branching out from the Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre
No. 21 Harnessing a wasp and virus duo to combat the spruce budworm (PDF version)
No. 23, 2005 Forest soils (PDF version)
No. 24, 2005 Fertilizing soils for intensive silviculture (PDF version)
No. 29 Exotic forest pests (PDF version)

Information report. [BC-X series]
BC-X-387 The potential impacts of exotic forest pests in North America (PDF version)
BC-X-389 Directory of secondary manufacturing of wood products in British Columbia (PDF version)
BC-X-390 The structure and economic contribution of secondary manufacturing in British Columbia, 1990-1999 (PDF version)
BC-X-391 The effects of prescribed burning on mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine (PDF version)
BC-X-392 Line transect sampling to estimate the density of lodgepole pine currently attacked by mountain pine beetle (PDF version)
BC-X-393 Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir (PDF version)
BC-X-394 The effects of soil temperature and site preparation on subalpine and boreal tree species (PDF version)

Branching out from the Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre
No. 21 Harnessing a wasp and virus duo to combat the spruce budworm (PDF version)
No. 23, 2005 Forest soils (PDF version)
No. 24, 2005 Fertilizing soils for intensive silviculture (PDF version)
No. 29 Exotic forest pests (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program success stories (PDF version)

Information forestry
April, 2000 Information forestry (PDF version)
April, 2002 Information forestry (PDF version)
August, 2001 Information forestry (PDF version)
August, 2002 Information forestry (PDF version)
December, 2001 Information forestry (PDF version)

Information report. [BC-X series]
BC-X-387 The potential impacts of exotic forest pests in North America (PDF version)
BC-X-389 Directory of secondary manufacturing of wood products in British Columbia (PDF version)
BC-X-390 The structure and economic contribution of secondary manufacturing in British Columbia, 1990-1999 (PDF version)
BC-X-391 The effects of prescribed burning on mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine (PDF version)
BC-X-392 Line transect sampling to estimate the density of lodgepole pine currently attacked by mountain pine beetle (PDF version)
BC-X-393 Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir (PDF version)
BC-X-394 The effects of soil temperature and site preparation on subalpine and boreal tree species (PDF version)

Information report. [M-X series]
M-X-208E Effects of cell size and spacing on root density and field performance of container-reared black spruce (PDF version)

Forestry industry
Annual economic review and outlook for the Canadian Forest Sector, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Annual economic review and outlook for the Canadian forest sector, 2006-2007 (PDF version)

The Canadian Forest Service: a healthy forest, a strong forest sector (PDF version)

Hidden actors, muted voices: the employment of rural women in Saskatchewan forestry and agri-food industries (PDF version)

Project Report: Review of the DIAND forestry decision making process in the Yukon region (PDF version)

Forestry policy
Canadian Forest Service science-policy notes
Does harvesting in Canada's forests contribute to global warming? (PDF version)

Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in Canada: National Status, 2000 (PDF version)

First Nations Forestry Program annual report, 2004-2005 /Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Project Report: Review of the DIAND forestry decision making process in the Yukon region (PDF version)

State of Canada's Forests, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

Forestry products
Important facts on Canada's natural resources: (as of July 2000) (PDF version)

The wood industry in Atlantic Canada: a focus on value-added (PDF version)

Commercial thinning of mature lodgepole pine: results of "beetle proofing research in the East Kootenays (PDF version)

Conservation lands: integrating conservation and sustainable management in Canada’s forests (PDF version)

Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management in Canada: National Status, 2000 (PDF version)

Genomics for future forests: first Canadian Forest Genomics Symposium : symposium report (PDF version)

Private woodland owners - meeting the stewardship challenge (PDF version)

A soil profile and organic carbon data base for Canadian forest and tundra mineral soils (PDF version)

Special report
No. 15 Field guide to ecosites of west-central Alberta (PDF version)

State of Canada's Forests, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2004-2005 (PDF version)

The state of Canada's forests, 2005-2006 (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2005 - what is the state of Great Lakes forests? (PDF version)

Directory of courses and services, April, 2001 - March 2003 (PDF version)

Your application form to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

Net Income Stabilization Account - Corporation / co-operative forms and guide 2002 stabilization year (PDF version)

Net Income Stabilization Account - Special individual forms and guide 2002 stabilization year (PDF version)

Your application form to the Support to Sector Associations Program, 2002-2003 (PDF version)

French on the Internet: key to the Canadian identity and the knowledge economy (PDF version)

Everything you always wanted to know about--: V Games of La Francophonie in Niger from December 7 to 17, 2005 (PDF version)

[Media guide - Games of La Francophonie, Niger 2005] (PDF version)

Quebec tourism consumer research (PDF version)

Strategic plan to foster immigration to Francophone minority communities (PDF version)

Summary of activities, 1996-1997: for the implementation of Section 41, Official Languages Act: Pan-Atlantic, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Enterprise Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island (PDF version)

VIII Sommet de la Francophonie: the legacy (PDF version)

Yesterday and today, francophone women in Canada (PDF version)

A feasibility report on improving the measurement of fraud in Canada (HTML version)

Identity theft - watch your identity! (PDF version)

Report from the Roundtable on International Corruption (PDF version)

Free trade
The competitiveness of the beef sector in Argentina and Canada (PDF version)

Education and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA): policy option report (PDF version)

International trade policy : a primer (PDF version)

International trade : putting gender into the process: initiatives and lessons learned (PDF version)

North America's location of choice for confectionery manufacturers (PDF version)

Perspectives on North American free trade
1 Can small-country manufacturing survive trade liberalization? (PDF version)
5 Effects of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement on interprovincial Trade (PDF version)
6 The long and short of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (PDF version)

Perspectives on North American free trade
2 Modelling links between Canadian trade and foreign direct investment (PDF version)
4 The changing industry and skill mix of Canada's international trade (PDF version)

Report from the Calgary Roundtable: helping to develop a Canadian discussion on the Americas (PDF version)

A role of pride and influence in the world - commerce: Canada's international policy statement (PDF version)

Women and trade in Canada: an overview of key issues (PDF version)

Free trade agreements
NAFTA rules of origin: discussion paper (PDF version)

Temporary Entry to the United States: A Guide for Canadian Business Persons (PDF version)

French language
French on the Internet: key to the Canadian identity and the knowledge economy (PDF version)

French on the Internet - promotion through innovation: final report of the Government of Canada in response to the study by the commissioner of official languages: French on the internet: key to the Canadian identity and the knowledge economy (PDF version)

Fresh water
Freshwater: the role and contribution of Natural Resources Canada (PDF version)

Implementing indicators 2003: a technical report (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 (PDF version)

Sustainable development - a fresh look at freshwater (PDF version)

Water in Nunavut (PDF version)

Water in Nunavut (PDF version)

Freshwater fish
Annual report - Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation, 2004-2005: building marketing strength for Canada's freshwater fishers /Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we eat the fish?: fish tissue (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we eat the fish?: offshore water quality (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we eat the fish?: sediment quality (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes 2003 - can we eat the fish?: atmospheric deposition (PDF version)

State of the Great Lakes - What is the state of Great Lakes top predator fish? (PDF version)

Fruit crops
Eastern Canada cranberry IPM manual (PDF version)

Hygiene measures in fruit and vegetable storage warehouses (PDF version)

Strawberry leaf spot: control strategies (PDF version)

The Auto$mart guide: how to buy, drive and maintain your car and save money, energy and the environment (PDF version)

Canadian hydrogen and fuel cell sector profile 2005 (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

An economic analysis of a major bio-fuel program undertaken by OECD countries (PDF version)

Findings of the Canadian vehicle fuel pilot survey (HTML version)

Fuel consumption guide 2007 (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act: fiscal year 2000-2001 (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act: fiscal year 2001-2002 (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2003-04: annual report to parliament (PDF version)

Report on the application of the Alternative Fuels Act, fiscal year 2005-06: annual report to Parliament (PDF version)

Wood heating, a burning health issue! (PDF version)

You, your vehicle and fuel efficiency (PDF version)

A geographic profile of manure production in Canada (HTML version)

1997-1998 activity report (PDF version)

1998-1999 activity report (PDF version)

42nd annual report, 1998-1999 /Canada Council for the Arts (PDF version) (PDF version) (PDF version)

Audit of band and individual trust accounts (PDF version)

Audit of the capital projects and operating and maintenance funding management regimes (PDF version)

Audit of transfer payment management system (PDF version)

Audit of the Tribal Council Funding (PDF version)

Canada Small Business Financing Program: buy or lease - now the choice is yours (PDF version)

Canadian peacebuilding in the Middle East: case study of the Canada Fund in Israel/Palestine and Jordan (PDF version)

Control self-assessment of funding arrangements: summary of regional findings (PDF version)

Democratizing excellence: the experience of the Research Centres on Family Violence and Violence against Women (PDF version)

Environmental funding guide: a quick reference of available programs in the Atlantic region (PDF version)

Evaluation of the 1991/2 - 1996/7 Miawpukek Mi'kamawey Mawi'omi Band Funding Agreement (PDF version)

Evaluation of DIAND's Tribal Council policy (PDF version)

Evaluation summary report: CESO Aboriginal Services (CAS) (PDF version)

Farm Credit Corporation 1999-2000 annual report /Farm Credit Corporation (PDF version)

Farm income, financial conditions and government assistance: data book (PDF version)

Federal scientific activities, 1998-1999 (HTML version)

Finding funding: ten steps to meet your financial needs (PDF version)

Finishing the job - report on the Canadian Landmine Fund, 2003-2004 (PDF version)

FINTRAC annual report 2006: making the connections /Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (PDF version)

Funding to dance programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to inter-arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to media arts programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to theatre programs, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to theatre programs, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Funding to visual arts, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Funding to writing and publishing, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in the Atlantic Provinces (PDF version)

The green source: a quick reference to funding sources for environmental projects by non-profit organizations in Ontario (PDF version)

A Guide to federal programs for the film and video sector (PDF version)

Health Transition Fund Project NA108: First Nations and Inuit Home Care: final report (PDF version)

Interim evaluation of the experiences to date with financial transfer arrangements (PDF version)

The new SAR Initiatives Fund (NIF) final report 1999-2000 (PDF version)

The new SAR Initiatives Fund (NIF) program guide (PDF version)

Nisga'a Nation fiscal financing agreement (PDF version)

Northern Science and Technology in Canada: federal framework and research plan, April 1, 2000 -- March 31, 2002 (PDF version)

Opening doors, building futures (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in Alberta, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to artists and arts organizations in the City of Toronto, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in British Columbia, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to inter-arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Manitoba, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to media arts, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to New Brunswick, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding in the Northwest Territories, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Ontario, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to PEI, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Québec, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Quebec, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1998-99 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Saskatchewan, 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Profile of funding to Yukon Territory, 1997-98 (PDF version)

Profile of grants to Yukon Territory, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 (PDF version)

Progress report on the Action Plan for Strengthening Administration of Grants and Contributions, May 2000 (PDF version)

Publications Assistance Program (PAP) - 1998-1999 activity report (PDF version)

Reference Guide for Project Proponents on the Cost Recovery of Environmental Assessment Review Panels (PDF version)

Report on the focus group session to develop industry-supported requirements and modalities related to the provision of an SBLA-type guarantee for capital leasing (SBCL) (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - exporter SMEs (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - informally financed SMEs (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - visible minority entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Small business financing profiles - women entrepreneurs (PDF version)

Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing in Canada (PDF version)

Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology
Volume five, April 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume five (PDF version)
Volume four, September 2001 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume four (PDF version)
Volume one, March 2001 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume one (PDF version)
Volume three, January 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume three (PDF version)
Volume two, January 2002 The health of Canadians - the federal role. Volume two (PDF version)

Study on completion guarantees and financing tools in the audio-visual industry (PDF version)

Cercospora leaf blight of carrot: control strategies (PDF version)

Clubroot of crucifers: control strategies (PDF version)

Fungal contamination in public buildings: health effects and investigation methods (PDF version)

Moisture problems (PDF version)

Strawberry leaf spot: control strategies (PDF version)

Furniture industry
Furniture and fixtures industries, 1997: the incredible rise in the furniture and fixture industries (HTML version)

Furniture and fixtures industries, 1998: Expansion, free trade and size of establishments (HTML version)

Fee and service standards handbook pursuant to the Competition Act (PDF version)

Beyond the granting agency: the Medical Research Council in the 1990's (PDF version)

Looking to the new millennium: Transport Canada 2001-2004 business plan - an update (PDF version)

Beyond the granting agency: the Medical Research Council in the 1990's (PDF version)

A legacy of excellence 1960-2000 (PDF version)

Looking to the new millennium: Transport Canada 2001-2004 business plan - an update (PDF version)

Last updated: 2007-05-15 Important Notices